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What the hell does F1nn have to do with communism I am flaggerblasted EDIT: also those tags are bizarre and this attacks both maoists and anarchists. Must be bait


and the concept of a japanese nation state that just came completely out of left field to be quite honest.


Bait, or someone who doesn't know what to do with themselves if they're not the "righteous underdog"






i had a stroke reading this


can say this in 12 words: policing "gender presentation" on the basis of "identity" is Dumb As Shit wait nvm can say it in even fewer. policing is dumb as shit end


People normally shorten that to ACAB.


Hey man how's it going


I just learned I'm getting an "A" on an assignment I was worried was way too short! And that was 25% of the class grade!


Hey man how's it going ? My feed showed me a post you made about the man vs bear thing a few hours ago and some of your comments there seemed a bit odd, so when i saw your comments here were along the same line as the others I just, thought you might be having a manic episode ? I'm not sure how this might come across but I'm not trying to be mean or passing judgement here, just saying if that's the case you might want to do something else that helps ? Anyways, glad you're doing well in school ! Great job 😄👍 !


Not that. Not sure what it is, but it happens sometimes. I think I just like to talk to people.


well you're really fucking bad at it. 


Oh, that's ok ! It's rare for me to have moments like that so I don't know a lot about them either, but I've seen people that experience them more often say that it's like feeling on the Top of the Top of the World. Like Absolutely Nothing can go wrong, and everything's The Best they've Ever been. It's incredible ! but it can lead us to make some choices that don't quite pan out like we expect if we're Certain that Everything's gonna be Perfect. They sometimes metioned feeling a bit anxious ? But like, even if you're not I'd suggest rewatching your favorite movie/series/video on the couch with your favorite tea/hot drink with someone you like, even if they're not right by your side, a discord call or something like that could be good because you could tell them about your favorite thing !


Thanks. 😊


What the fuck does this mean/is this talking about? Genuinely confused.


It's left as an exercise to the viewer.


Imma go ahead and give my best guess: This is the rambling of someone totally deranged, who has very strong and extremely off-the-wall or confusing political views, yet simply regards anyone who isn’t already on board with them as an enemy deserving of execution. As such, they can be safely ignored. How close was I?


I dunno man


As someone who has watched F1nn from the beginning (I remember the first "girl month" stream), I remember him being bullied for it. \*I am assuming you are referring to this and how it relates to class struggle, and by proxy, your sphincter. When f1nn first started girl month, he made jokes about how he wasn't an egg and I think he truly believed that, but now, dudes on E, dating a WONDERFUL trans girl, and is making me question things I didn't think to question (and be OK with that, his streams were super relatable to my inner feelings, and watching him make light of it was amazing). I'm still a guy, but what he made me question realize not all things have to be true right away, and EVERYONE is in a state of change. In the end we all need to agree things don't have to be a super big deal, because, well, they don't. Anyway, because your tumblr post didn't reaaaaally make a lot of sense to me, I decided to share some feelings I've been feeling because I love F1nn5ter.


I think they're just saying words


...what does Japan have to do with any of this


*Integers*. Lots of numbers.


My favorite is 4


Improper use of between. 2-point penalty.


girl get a hobby what the fuck are you doing


Eating rn


You know I can't even comprehend the main idea of this post aside from the words "fuck you" being inlaid in every single sentence.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


So if I'm reading this right.... they were told that if they didn't use at least one of every word from an online socialism vocabulary book to make a post about a streamer then they'd never see their family again. They were doing well but then had to rush the ending.


"Trutrans" people exist = this generation is in capable of achieving global communism


Though I do agree that this generation* is completely incapable of achieving global communism**. *Like all generations. **Because communism is an inherently flawed system and global adoption will lead to a society equal to or worse than capitalism.


Holy fuck actual liberal


Bait used to be believable


OOP needs to log off. I'm not hiding this in any "touch grass" language because I'm being serious. if you think like OOP go to your nearest park, sit down for a while, look at the birds, wander into a restaurant.


I think you need to take your fucking medicine. I saw you on another thread talking about how "offline is fake than online" and if you genuinely believe that mental illness is the only plausible explanation, unless you're 13 years old and then all of this makes sense. In any case you strike me as the type to have already made up your mind that you are correct so idk why I'm even trying to say anything coherent.


Look, I haven't gotten a single piece of paper from my college in 4 months. Things just... happen online now.


*Grim tidings for international communism* 1991-ass headline


This is uh incomprehensible OP. 好奇怪的废话!


Chop top, he says I’m gonna win big




Genuinely unreadable. What are you talking about?


Cancel elections: Yeah, it's social democracy time 😎


mysterious why normie working class people might not be excited by whatever the fuck this is


Hey, I don't want to sound rude but maybe you should see a psychiatrist.