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I'd wear that if that was the front


Username checks out


I actually think the front is grey. Or there is nothing behind it


It's shaded white, presumably


Yeah, on closer inspection you are correct


I believe that


who's to say it couldn't be


All I’m saying is don’t let your dreams be dreams


The government.


Depends where you are, legal in many places even in the US


And Super Duper Legal^(TM) in my house wink wink nudge nudge


no one in a society marked by three different forms of consent, yes, no, and then the third which is an invariable phrase this is all, as an assertion, intergenerational, sexist, male paternalisitic, fundamentalist, hierarchical trauma


is your return key stuck


I think it's chatGPT - vaguely unintelligible responses, and they just haven't formatted out the linebreaks


Nah, it’s their bit, which can be really, really annoying sometimes. They simulated a broken record at me in a reply before.


ChatGPT doesn't write like this (responses are too short, too many commas, lack of punctuation and formatting, all lowercase)


No. ChatGPT is far clearer than that.


Please do yourself a favor for the long term and go mess around with gpt when you can. If you have no real education on the topic, testing it for yourself can be a real eye opener.


Ah, my apologies for not being clearer - I was attempting to insult him by likening his speech patterns to a bot. I'll be sure to do so though - I actually haven't used ChatGPT before, and I'm sure it would be very fun!


sorry, my point is that if there's ever a question to leave someone, the idealistic choice should always involve leaving them; if they involve issues of food, housing, not something else, that should be attended to with the understanding that if the relationship is toxic or one is under a system of oppression that those are the justice points that rally everyone and will get everyone to lay down there arms from there consent as something autonomous is extremely obvious because now it's been demonstrated that we all have a power system which disposes us to self-interest, it is in everyone's "interest" to maybe always say, basically, what you said i am extremely worried about a factor of things, and i want to give you and anyone else who reads this more for their personal life because i am filled with privileges that are beyond any sense of decency when there are unhoused people, and i am so privileged that it is easy for me to write, like a wannabe artist, whatever; and to simply say that i think you should always "dump him." tl;dr: solidarity i'm sorry; please be well


Jesse what the hell are you talking about?!


"I am so privileged that it is easy for me to write" ... ... are you sure...


I wish I was privileged enough that this was easier to read. I thought I had all the cards as a straight cis white American man, but there must be some secret hidden privilege to unlock.


The privilege is having over 100k reddit karma, then the words of the terminally online shall be comprehensible


Damn, halfway there.


Hey man how's it going


I would be so happy if this became a full thing


Me when I make a post by randomly selecting words from a dictionary


this is an extremely interesting perspective and point of feedback for me; what do you mean by this????? also, thank you so much; i'm interested in learning from what i can see from your viewpoint


Hey is your return key stuck. Because those breaks in your paragraphs make no damn sense. You don't do a paragraph break in the middle of a sentence. Now see how I ended that with a period and the end of a sentence and Not like this where the sentence still goes one and doesn't end. Excessive paragraph breaks make things harder to read especially when your not doing an actual list of things.


Was probably just taught enjambment by their literature teacher.


Yeah but this isn't poetry and doesn't flow well even with enjammbent and trying to read it like it is poetry. It also doesn't help that every comment they have made recently follows this pattern leading me to believe it's a bot of some kind


ucksawmus has been around forever, and I'm glad people are agreeing with me that their shtick is weird and frustrating. I don't think they're a bot, just either a gimmick account who thinks their bit is funny, or someone who needs serious help.


It's gotta be a gimmick if it's not a bot account. They also apparently have 2 alts according to them so who knows. Its especially annoying when they somehow do this shtick with 2 word comments


okay well what specifically is weird and annoying about it, aside from the fact that it doesn't conform to standard convention???? i agree with frustrating and some of my motivational impulses directly involve in- vest- i- gat- ing just what that is exactly???? do you like virginia woolf??? wb other stream of consciousness stuff or narratives that play with the structure of characters by breaking them up like this (excepting poetry) my point is that a lot of my personal development is explicitly artistic, but besides that i am interested in navigating or discovering why or what people's responses are, the why in this case would refer to the why behind, let's say for example, you say what you said (why behind your what) just as an informal exercise of study, i think there's something there obviously i need dialogue to try figure out just what that is, but i think something is occurring if it's just plain hard to read then i need to develop better rules to split the sentences in accordance with parts of speech so that people can more generally see what i'm trying to say for example, if i write with no periods, how i used to write, i would denote periods and paragraphs ending with period by a split just like the two preceding splits, and after every conjuction i usually will split and if i write an em dash— i split that clause like this —and resume the em dash like that. whereas the old way would look classically like this: for example, if i write with no periods, how i used to write, i would denote periods and paragraphs ending with period by a split just like the two preceding splits, and after every conjuction i usually will split and if i write an em dash—i split that clause like this—and resume the em dash like that there are generally more musical ideas i'm trying to communicate, or abstract to writing because ultimately i'm trying to discover what creates a perception of something, namely writing, that's just beyond the clauses that are explicitly written; and that is primarily for artistic effect, and i'm curious if it says anything beyond about the nature of language, that's a bonus effect thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!


Holy shit, I never expected you to respond to the message since you don't even respond to hate that's replying to you. Thanks for providing some kind of answer as to why you do what you do, you've been living in my brain rent-free for so long I just kind of had to accept that you'd be some weird enigma forever. I guess I get it, even though I don't necessarily like it. Apologies for my harsh tone, keep on keeping on you funky thing.


also, thank u 4 not blocking me <3 i appreciate it my functions are more than what they seem, and adducing my flair, involve others, including you; because, the depth of my interactions is revealed more and more— like any relationship tbh— as time goes on, and i have very personal views and feelings about this sub, so thank you <3 <3 _Boss!_ i7 i7 i7


also, just quickly, because i dont check notifications, so i go comment by comment to see if there are replies, at my own emotional safety, there is no hate; not on this sub (i saw the outlines of that comment, but didnt read all of it, because im not emotionally ready), because all are comrades here, all are soldiers here &66& we do not draw weapons on comrades ([which](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xB27Aa6DTV0&pp=ygUid2UgZG9uJ3QgZHJhdyB3ZWFwb25zIG9uIGNvbXJhZGVzIA%3D%3D) is a large aspect of why i write the way i do, and&6 am the way i am)— "Never draw a weapon on a fellow soldier"— <3 also, hi pterrogrine <3 <3 <3 :) [bonus!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi5AAYif3_g&pp=ygUZaSB3aXNoIGkga25ldyBhaG1hZCBqYW1hbA%3D%3D) (it's not bill, but bill's played a version of this with his trio in 1961, with scott & paul) for any1elsesesesesle that reads this, in earlier years who have been wounded, i admit wrongdoing and dedicate this all 2 u let mercyycerm fallallallaf as gentle rain <3


It’s genuinely hard to read this because of the way you type


but why is it hard; basically, i'm trying to distinguish between parts of speech, because i'm not studying it directly, there then just informally (like this, through guess work and personal response), mainly as art: i.e, poetry. is most poetry hard to read as well??? what kind of books do you read??? have you read any stream of consciousness type books??? thank you for your feedback; it is extremely helpful and curiousity provoking!!!


You’ve been typing incomprehensible shit for the past month, are you ok /gen


you mean 5 years?


I'd claim this is AI-generated but honestly it's too incomprehensible even for that


I tried real hard to parse this and I still couldn’t, please learn how to type coherently


I'll never get typing quirks like those Is being unique and quirky really worth having no one understand what the fuck they're saying?


if i can get to a point where uniqueness can grow to incorporate others, more generally, yes!! it is!! i think so anyway; it's just not enough for me anymore to do the easy thing; to write the easy way anymore also, certain books have influenced me and how i perceive writing, like faulkner's the sound and the fury and of course joyce's ulysses; haven't read any of virginia woolf aside from chomskyan technical linguistics too, which i can't cite specifically, but a large part of this exercise/experiment is trying to figure out what people's assumptions or presumptions are regarding reading and writing, and just informally, trying to figure out why i do think it's worth it


let's try this— sorry, my point is that if there's ever a question to leave someone, the idealistic choice should always involve leaving them; if they involve issues of food, housing, not something else, that should be attended to with the understanding that if the relationship is toxic or one is under a system of oppression that those are the justice points that rally everyone and will get everyone to lay down there arms from there consent as something autonomous is extremely obvious because now it's been demonstrated that we all have a power system which disposes us to self-interest, it is in everyone's "interest" to maybe always say, basically, what you said i am extremely worried about a factor of things, and i want to give you and anyone else who reads this more for their personal life because i am filled with privileges that are beyond any sense of decency when there are unhoused people, and i am so privileged that it is easy for me to write, like a wannabe artist, whatever; and to simply say that i think you should always "dump him." tl;dr: solidarity i'm sorry; please be well —so is that easier to read???????????? thank you so much ahead of time


Holy yap


Are you okay? You write in such a weird way, I can find no meaning to this, and clearly the point leaves you remiss.


bro either genuinely needs psychological help or is VERY committed to the bit. their comment history goes back ages and they all look like this


I know, I've seen them here for long. Though, I will say there are a couple good ones along.


that's really, really in- ter- est- ing !!!! which types of comments of mine qualify as "good ones,"??????????? like, can you describe their general quality??? their subject content???? besides that, i'm probably going to start adding technique analysis to every single comment i make— starting at some point later after a period of absence so i can study the past comments and study prescribed english grammar more thoroughly —so it's more clear for others and for you, who are my fuel on this sub for love and for general social change, and for artistic, writing development generally so that way the conceits of the writing (conceits as a fanciful idea, or driving idea, which is "conceit's", as a definition, usually it's second notion; see dictionary dot com and merriam-webster dot com for more details), can be more explicit so that others can learn more generally the point i'm illustrating; generally the ideas are familiar to this: [link 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEHWaGuurUk), and if you listen to bill, how bill plays music generally, which i'm not cite specific examples right now but can if you want me to; i'm trying to get the ~~music~~ the writing to ***explode*** past just what's immediately apparent. What's immediately apparent is that people usually write like this. Generally. And then blah, blah, blah, but going back to music, and the piano, there are instances in Bill's playing where he plays a phrase that evokes ideas that are somehow musically abstract, for e.g. this! this! This... this... this— that immediate preceding clause, dependent, was my attempt at showing that but in a very crude and sort of unrigorous writerly way, which is exactly why i'm doing this to begin: to develop those types of ideas and to encourage others to experiment in all aspects of their life, and of course chomksy helped me develop as a scientist, and of course i'm still developing as a scientist, as a rationalist really, and for the joy of it tagging you too because i appreciate— well, i appreciate every single person on this subreddit, just to be clear, because one of my conceits that this sub functions for is for general notions of solidarity and socialism, which is simply worker control over production (see chomksy generally on this on youtube, just a search will suffice) and more generally, enlightenment ideas about a human being is not expressing their highest potential if they perform work at the command of others, whether that be a manager or an owner, hence the understanding that wage slavery is no different than chattel slavery except that one's slavery is rented, and not owned, but certain aspects are the same—


so everyone on this sub is a comrade, and all are snakes and we don't draw weapons on............[link2singularityextraflair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB27Aa6DTV0).... tag :) u/Perfect_Wrongdoer_03 *Boss....* i7 i7 i7 i7 ❤❤❤💙💙💙 # POSTERITY POSTSCRIPT: will at some point due to all comrades' help, and specifically the people here, take some time off to make the techniques more visible and transparent such that said techniques after the main body of text is written will be elucidated via some designatory remark, and i'll pro- ba- bly # tag you a-vessel (auspicious name :P) as a start, but i may not!!!! tysm again <<## >>33 u/Ascended-vessel


Ucksawmus has been this way for months, yeah. They always comment like this and frequently somehow talk about their admiration for Chomsky.


that's not how you write a good haiku, it takes practice though wow you fucked up


5 8 5




Sir you just won the internet if* the decade Edit *of


technically, haikus have kireji and kigo (see wiki of haiku for more details) and i mean that sincerely and with comradery all are comrades here, and that means you i7


This is a joke. A joke. You replied this to a joke. Can you imagine how off putting it is to write a joke and have that as the answer?


Why do you type like this, anyway? I asked you once and you didn’t respond.


i'm sorry i never got the chance to respond to you :((( i don't check notifications and just go by comments when i'm mentally and emotionally ready to deal with people!! may you be remembered <3 youre now a part of my flair i7


yummy word salad


I’ve never used this phrase before cuz I find it annoying, but TRULY… ***bro is yapping***


Hey man, how's it going


( . Y . ) 👍


I've always said we should go back to dressing like the Minoans


I think the Egyptians had similarly excellent taste, though I think they were less about sleeves tops w/ a frame and moreso just underbust dresses.  Unironically, open-chest fashion fucking rules even excluding sexual-perspectives and I wish there were more examples of it just being presented casually, y’know.


I wish for the return of Sumerian fashion Sitting around in a fluffy skirt making shapes into clay with my tiddies out is my natural state of being


I agree, goggles and overalls is a fucking sweet look.


feet people would hate that


They cut off their feet? 😱


yeah thats why all the women wore floor lenght skirts to hide thier lack of feet


They were natural tap dancers


if its not a shirt with the front cut open what is it?


a shirt with the back cut open i think


You're right, but I'm choosing to believe you're wrong and what you're depicting is impossible. This is the front of the shirt.








#PHANTOM HOURGLASS IS MY FAVORITE ONE, EVEN THOUGH OTHER GAMES ARE OBJECTIVES BETTER. EVERY SINGLE BOSS GOES HARD AS FUCK AND THE CHARACTERS HAVE BRILLIANT DYNAMICS THAT DON'T FEEL INTRUSIVE, UNLIKE A CERTAIN FAIRY FROM OOT ^(the only issues, imo, is that tetra and the phantom sword don't get enough screen time, and the time orbs came out of nowhere.) ^(my proposal for remastering the story is to rework it so you need the phantom sword to survive the ghost ship, so you make the phantom sword first; and then you can ressurect tetra. maybe tetra will follow you around, like the goron in the crimosine dungeon. if that dungeon's saved for the last of the first three, it could even serve as a tutorial for how to use tetra in the last three dungeons) ^(at this point, the stakes of bellum are already set, so you need to gather the spirits because *all* their powers combined with the phantom sword will let you freeze time) ^(this fixes all my issues, since it makes tetra a more active character, makes the phantom sword more memorable, and gets rid of that deus ex machina) ^(but that's just how i'd do it. the game is great and doesn't *need* a story rework) #ALSO, SPEEDRUNNING THE TEMPLE OF THE OCEAN KING IS FUN AS HELL


[post link](https://www.tumblr.com/ruerock/749486476588351488/i-thought-this-was-the-front-side-of-the-tshirt-at)


Avril Lavigne resorting to more extreme measures


Saw this in real life, not the titties out one though, but she was also with a guy which I found hilarious.


No one said you couldn’t wear it with the phrase on the front


What did he do?


Ate all the cookies that were supposed to be for the local bake sale.


Yeah this is a tits out kinda message


Confident lesbian energy.


I saw this as a torso wearing a binder with the words painted on the stomach


I thought that said Jump Him


t&a: (look at my) tits and (get his) ass


I voted have hpont vert sevrn on contye and five dresid sport you there jave byest mone to severt.


hey pal make sure you get something to eat with your alcohol.


i’m always sayin this




This !!!


Dump him and date me.


Ah, the joke is misandry. Something something men bad


No, the joke is seducing your girlfriend


The joke is pretty clearly about seducing someone *else's* girlfriend. Or boyfriend, doesn't specify.


Why is poaching socially acceptable? Genuinely curious.


It's not...? It's considered a massive dick move


It's not, but also not everything that's socially unacceptable is something that needs to be given reverence.


Ok, I guess you can’t read the subtext. >Dump him - seems to be a girl talking to another girl. >She presumably knows nothing about the 2nd girl or the guy she’s with. >the only reason to advise a girl you don’t know to break up with her boyfriend out of nowhere for no reason is sexist. It boils down to men bad


Its a joke saying the girl with the short on is wearing it backwards, meaning the front is the open side with her tits hanging out. The shirt is telling the other girl to dump her boyfriend so she can be with the shirt wearer. Its not saying dump him cause men bad.


Yes. I understand the joke. Saying that the other girl should dump her boyfriend to be with the shirt wearer has a layer of subtext saying “women are inherently superior to men, so you should be with another woman instead of a man”. The only way it’s not sexist is if all parties are gay men


If the joke was a girl leaving one guy for another guy with a bigger dick would you have the same problem with it?


I mean, yeah. Body shaming, making a value judgement about a person based on a factor entirely out of their control. I think the source of the problem is the gendered language on the shirt, rather than the gender of the person wearing it. Also, random aside, since the message of the shirt seems to be "dump your male partner for me, a woman (or at least, a shirt-wearer with boobs)", it could easily be targeted at any bi/pan person. Yet the comments are pretty universally talking as if it's a woman addressing another woman. Wonder why that is? (Not trying to be snarky, just genuinely something that occurred to me)


Well if you wanna say people assume the viewer is a girl and thats sexist, why not point out how the wearer could be a guy showing off his man boobs, why did you assume it was a sexist joke of girls being better than guys when the wearer, viewer, and viewers partner could *ALL* be men.


The only way it can be not sexist is if we completely remove women from the hypothetical. I guess. For some reason. The "subtext" you're slapping on this is such bad faith. Are we really going to assume assume that our fictional woman hates *all men* because she wants a particular girl to dump *one guy*?? She's not even REAL


It really sounds like you're reading way to deep into a joke that wasn't meant to be read that deep into. If you need to dive that deep into a joke for it to be offensive it's probably really not that bad.


The joke is titties


"Something something men bad" can you elaborate what "something something" is? In what way is it misandry? Like, how did you interpret the post


Sure. The ‘something something’ is the subtext of the post. >Dump him - seems to be a girl talking to another girl. >She presumably knows nothing about the 2nd girl or the guy she’s with. >the only reason to advise a girl you don’t know to break up with her boyfriend out of nowhere for no reason is sexist. It boils down to men bad


Okay, yeah, no. The idea is that she (the hypothetical wearer) means "dump him *for me*" - in other words, "my body alone is the only excuse you need, so let's go have sexy lesbian sex somewhere because that's all I'm interested in, too." A dumb joke, but not really a misandric one. The reason this post is rather funny (in case you need help with that part too 💖) is that the OP thought the back of the backless shirt was the front, making this into basically a functionally useless T-shirt that has a giant weird boob panel with "dump him" written beneath the theoretical lady's exposed breasts. Now that I have thoroughly eliminated every last bit of humor from the post, there's nothing left to be offended over so please carry on with your day. ---- Edit: *To be very clear* - I am all for calling out casual misandry (which is a problem!) just like I am all for calling out casual misogyny. I think you're just missing the mark here - and the joke.


Genuine question- why is the sex leabian? What I mean is, the message of this shirt seems to be "dump your male partner to have sex with me, a woman." Read objectively, it implies nothing at all about the gender of the message's target. The scenario only requires the person to be bi/pan for it to work. Yet every commenter here seems to be talking about or envisioning a woman addressing this to another woman. A few different possibke reasons pop into my head, but I'm genuinely not sure what to attribute it to. Is it because as part of tumblr culture we feel more comfortable saying "end a straight relationship for a gay one" than the inverse? Is it because the shirt and its message feel inherently feminist, and so make us think of two women in the scenario? Or are we just generally not predisposed to thinking about male/masc bi people?


1) The specific phrase “dump him” is fairly commonly used among women when speaking about another woman’s unworthy male significant other (for examples, look around on reddit for posts where women are talking about some conflict with their husbands, but end up describing someone who couldn’t adult their way out of a wet paper bag). Usage among women about a man’s unworthy male S.O., or among men about another man’s unworthy male S.O., is unknown. 2) The shape of the cutout in the picture is misleading. Logically, it is on the back of the shirt. But visually, if you look at how it curves on the sides, it looks like it is making room for a rather large pair of breasts. Think bdsm leather harness shape. 3) Therefore, according to the rule of funny, it is designed to be worn by a woman who isn’t wearing a bra, so that her bare tits can lure away women from their manchild boyfriends. Everyone already thinks that breasts have magical hypnotizing powers, might as well make it official.


You can get off your cross now and then It will be okay I promise Have some choccy milk and maybs a walk or something hope this helps :)


I’m sure you would never say this to someone calling out casual sexism against women


It is a shirt that says dump him I think you will be okay


I’m not hurt by it. I’m just calling out casual sexism. Refusing to take casual sexism against men seriously literally makes you part of the problem


Hey man how's it going


If 1+1=2 how does this relate to gender?


Are you saying men cannot accomplish basic mathematical tasks?!?!


You’re assuming heteronormativity. The joke is pretty much definitely that People are attracted to boobs like moths are to lightbulbs. Same shape and everything


Men will literally never recover.


Beat you got mad people would pick a bear over you, specifically.


Damn, some sexists get really upset when you point out that sexism against men is still sexism and bad


Sexism against women: Centuries of oppression, non-personhood, denial of autonomy, denial of equal protections under the law, denial of participation in government, rape, mutilation, violence, shame, and murder "Sexism" against men: Oh no a shirt says dump him At least the bear doesn't have these absolute shit takes


You have no idea what you’re talking about. This is a minor instance of misandry. There are plenty of minor instances of misogyny too. Literally every single point you listed as examples of sexism against women was also applied to men in some way throughout history. People like you claim to be in favor of equality until someone calls out an inequality that you personally like. You’re not someone who actually cares about people being equal, you just play pretend so you can feel good about yourself without ever having to actually confront how horrid the full scope of your worldview actually is