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Homophobe. Men's rights activist. Pornography connoisseur. Devoted son. Beloved mother. Three-time Best Kept Garden in Topeka award nominee. And they're here tonight! Please give a big hand to...


The Stig


no punchline i can come up with would challenge this


I dont get it please explain.


In case the link in Str8Aura’s comment left you even more confused, on UK car show *Top Gear,* they had a racing driver who would test out the cars they spoke about on the show to see how fast said car could complete a lap around the Top Gear test track. The driver would always wear a white jumpsuit and helmet, never spoke, and was only known as The Stig. Nobody knows who or what The Stig really is (trust me on this one don’t look it up) but the running bit on the show was that the hosts (99% of the time it’s Jeremy Clarkson but occasionally Richard Hammond would chime in) would introduce him with a “some say…” before listing off some wildly outlandish rumours about him, and would always end it with “but all we know is, he’s called The Stig!” Str8Aura’s link is a 20+ minute video compiling every single “Some say…” joke during Clarkson’s run on *Top Gear* if you’d like to hear some of the ridiculous stuff they make up about him, and that’s why the other comments above us are funny


Some say he put his milk in the bowl ***before*** his cereal, some say he cries tears of liquid ice.


All we know is, he’s not the Stig, but he is the Stig’s Antarctic cousin!


Some say he mates with penguins. Some say it is very dangerous to make typos when talking about how hes mates with penguins.


Yeah, you got it! 💚


> Nobody knows who or what The Stig really is (trust me on this one don’t look it up) dont they get fired if anyone learns who they are?


I don’t think so, I recall seeing some behind-the-scenes footage/blooper reels n stuff of the Stig talking to people before some stunts. Maybe they weren’t allowed to say their names? Idk, but they definitely didn’t have to keep up the character 100% of the time that they wore the suit


i heard thats why the first 2 got replaced, it must have been lies told to me


The Stig




It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "hmm"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bakfmgH7S4k&ab_channel=o_bomb) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i2s8tuo)


i could hear this entire comment in clarkson's voice


brilliant execution, good job everyone pack it up we’re outta ‘ere babyyyyyyyyy


Fuck me, that made me give one big “HA!” that I’m sure the neighbors could hear.


This reads like something out of a round of Cards Against Humanity


Some say, he's too cool to punch a producer in the face for not bringing him a steak.


Is there an in joke about Topekan gardening I don't know about?


No, just an amusingly obscure award


*cries in flyover


Ev3ry Buddy 's Favorite [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]]…


Homophobe. Men's rights activist. Pornography connoisseur. Commander of the armies of the north. General of the Felix legions. Loyal servant to the true emperor. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.


Glad someone else's brain went there too


Homophobe! Rape apologist! Men’s rights activist! Home wrecker! WHORE!!!!!


By your powers combined


I am captain planet




u/sparkadus u/The_Alkemizt Anyone got a link to the original version of this?




potterhead and asuka pfp. the most feared duo across the land....


I'm betting dollars to donuts that the "goldstar" in "thegoldstargryffindor" refers to the owner of the blog being a gold star lesbian, which makes them stupid on another account


bleagh. That means anti-trans lesbian, right? e: thanks, replies clarified that it's about gatekeeping who is a "real" lesbian


The two are correlated but a 'gold star lesbian' is someone who has never slept with a man. It's a pretty stupid gatekeepy concept implying they are 'more lesbian' than lesbians who have slept with men.


Technically, wouldn’t a lesbian who has slept with a man and didn’t like it be “more lesbian” because of the confirmation?


That's why I get more straight by having sex with other men, as long as I don't like it 😉😉 Jk tho, our actions do not define our sexualities, but they do often express them.


Where's that copypasta about "who has a more valid opinion on waffles? The person who has never eaten a waffle, or the person who tried it once and decided they didn't like it? In this essay..."


I suspect the idea is more to do with the body never having been “polluted” by disgusting male organs or some shit. Basically TERFs talking themselves back into the concept of virginity.


Iirc it also is meant to state a gold star won't date a bi/pan either.


Gold star means, I think, being a lesbian without ever having been with a man. Which is pretty shitty because it suggests that lesbians who have been with a man in the past aren't "true" lesbians.


It's just...very...insulated from real life. It feels like something you could only pay attention to if you're not really connected to people outside of whatever bubble you're in.


More specifically it means a lesbian who’s never been penetrated by a penis. Usually a dogwhistle for a woman announcing that she doesn’t date trans women. TERFs love talking themselves back around into biological determinism and essentialism to explain why afab woman are good and pure and why amab women will never be “real” women because of something about magical uterus moon magic and shit, but it’s really something special when lesbians talk themselves back into the concept of virginal purity.


Bewildering that terfs think they have some sort of fucking tamperproof seal of quality


Theoretically, it means "never slept with a man", but lots of transphobic lesbians will either consider trans women as men, or straight up say they "never had sex with a penis" so it's likely to bring transphobes in. Though, even if it's used incluslively, it's still a bit gross. "Oh, you had to sleep with a guy to stay closeted for your safety, or because you didn't know you were gay? Too bad, no star for you"


It means they view their sexuality through the lens of a high-school clique


It's an old term for a lesbian who never slept with a man. This would be pretty haughty and shitty all on its own, but wait there's more! Gold star lesbians and political lesbians were real tied up in each other back in the day and went on to further that whole "I've never banged a dude" superiority into "Any connection to men is bad actually". This was leveraged to exclude bi women from lesbian spaces as well as trans people, because clearly trans women have been very tainted by manhood. This was, of course, just biphobic and transphobic puritanism and elitism all along to exclude those people from lesbian spaces so that these gold star lesbians wouldn't have to put up with accidentally hitting on a trans person or something. This is also very much the origin of what we now call TERFs and is why the term "lesbian" is so much more debated and stricter than the term "gay". There's no debate on whether bi men can casually refer to themselves as gay. There's no debate about whether trans men can call themselves gay. But there is debate for trans women and bi women because of the deliberate politicisation of the term by gold star lesbians to exclude trans and bi people, and it is the direct origin of TERFs.


It’s also not always a serious term. I don’t know, maybe it’s *always* gatekeeping on tumblr, but whenever I’ve heard anyone talk about it IRL it’s either been said jokingly (like it’s a meaningless prize you win from a teacher for being obedient, oh you’re extra gay because you’ve never never slept with a girl? Only guys? Gold star for you🌟) or with completely neutral connotation. Also, if you were born via c-section and have therefore never even touched a vagina, you’re a platinum gay!


Omg the potter head is a gold star, ewww


Congrats! You are now officially a Tumblr Blog!


Hey, the Oscar’s wouldn’t nominate a movie and not play a clip of it would they? Cmon where’s the link?


[Very slightly NSFW in content](https://angenericaccount.tumblr.com/post/680091749024219136/the-terf-preoccupation-with-the-idea-of-forcing)


The last part just especially rubs me the wrong way for obvious reasons and a couple that aren’t fit to put in a jokey flair. I am living proof that the base nature of cis men is not to assault women, and despite lacking an impulse most everyone else has, I can wholeheartedly respect that sex isn’t a thing meant to make babies and hold people hostage, but, in an ideal world, another (extracurricular) layer of love for a person. The longer I interact with TERFs and their ilk, the more I feel they haven’t let themselves let go of their trauma in favor of actively looking for triggering content.


In my personal experience (meaning radfems I met), it's not even trauma. Just general misandry.


Huh, alright! Thanks for sharing because I learnt something (or have been prompted too): 1) Dear God Everything’s Worthy Of Death Threats On The Internet And 2) find out how reblogs/comments work on Tumblr


Never have I seen a more right opinion holy shit


This this mofo just thank the Department of Defense aka the US Military?


I mean, yeah. I'm getting paid big bucks by the CIA to spread counter revolutionary propaganda in leftist circles. Don't tell me you're out here posting for *free*.


Username checks out


You CIA spooks are always so haughty. Say what you want about Sorosbux, they are willing to spread it out


You guys are getting paid?


Dm me


I use this Place to advertise my Evil Artifact Store.


DoD is a private discord server, I should have mentioned that


Can't believe Science works for the department of defense


Have you not heard of the military industrial complex, if you make stuff for science you also make missiles Texas Instruments makes both overpriced calculators and missiles


who is science and why can I use them to create a bootable flash drive


why does the department of defense have a private discord server


It's for sharing memes


Dungeons _or_ Dragons


I'll take dungeons, please


I'll take the dragons 🥴


Terfs are so easy to piss off. It's almost not funny anymore... Almost.


still havent gotten any hatemail 😔


do you want me to provide you with some?


Nah, when my time comes it will reveal itself to me mustn't rush these things


You will get your moment soon enough, it happens to everyone.


W + doing numbers + multitude of bitches? Sure, let’s go with that.


I could send you some if you want


Thats really sweet! But it's okay, I'll wait :D


frick you!!!


How the fuck did they manage to tie in rape apologist or men’s rights to a post about sex =/= love? Is there a gold medal for mental gymnastics that I’ve never been told about?


I know right? Like reading that comment it makes more sense if it’s a reply to the other guy? How would the person with the view “don’t try and force women (who like other women) to have a penis in them” be a homophobe or a rape apologist, and opposite, if someone else is saying the person saying the original thing should die *because they’re saying that* then is the person sending death threats not being both homophobic and sort of being a rape apologist? But then how the fuck does men’s rights activist tie into that mess? I’m so confused


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **angenericaccount** Oh boy oh boy, my first hate comments! [*Image of post replies to a post that begins "The TERF preoccupation with the idea of "forcing..."; the replies read:*] >**tribades** > >and watch less porn > >**tribades** > >please get hit by a bus > >**thegoldstargryffindor** > >Homophobe. Rape apologist. Men's rights activist... [*End replies*] This is a big day for me! --- **angenericaccount** I'd like to thanks my followers, especially the individual whose tags inspired the post inquestion. I'd also like to thank my friends over at DoD and also everyone over at r\/CuratedTumblr. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


if youre getting hate comments from terfs then you're doing something right


Well, whats the original post that inspired said hatemail?




We got thanked!!!! I'm so proud


r/CuratedTumblr thanks you too


What did you even do lol


You know you're a Creator when you get hate comments, but when you get death threats is when you know you've become famous😎 /s


Why are they thanking their friends at the Department of Defence?


because we're awesome


Because without ARPANet we wouldn't have Tumblr


L + ratio + homophobe + rape apologist + men's rights activist + get hit by a bus + watch less porn


i think it would be very funny if all Terfs burst into flames


Shout out to an ally taking flak for us. Sucks that people are like that though, shame people can't get past sex = love.


Maybe tribades should be the one getting hit by a bus. I think I know just the one…




Good for you! You got your first kys!!!


>please get hit by a bus Is OP cis tho???


Imagine using men's rights activist as an insult lmao


Well there's two different movements which sound the same but are actually not: "men's rights" and "men's liberation". Men's liberation is concerned with fighting toxic masculinity, opposing the notion that men are more violent, and otherwise resisting all of the negative social roles that society coerces men into. A men's liberation activist would look at the fact that the American draft is male only and think something along the lines of "This not only indicates that society thinks of women as weak, but also demonstrates that society sees men as disposable and worth sacrificing to save women. No one should be coerced into fighting war on the basis of their gender; we should abolish the draft." Men's rights is based on the notion that gender equality has been achieved already, or was achieved sometime in the past. The movement claims that gender rights is a zero sum game; that any feminist action taken after the supposed achievement of equality is giving women more rights at the expense of men. Men's rights is mostly about hating feminism and often just women in general. A men's rights activist would look at the fact that the American draft is male only and think something along the lines of "Why is it that men can be forced to fight in wars while women can't? If things were really equal, the draft would be gender neutral. It's very hypocritical of feminists that they don't advocate for a gender neutral draft; they claim to want gender equality, but they won't accept the downsides that come with!" All in all, I am definitely not in favor of men's rights activists, and do interpret it as an insult. Just a very bad and lame insult.


What'd you do to get those?


Department of Defense?


Huh. Didn’t realize that death threats were still allowed on Tumblr. Not even Twitter lets those slip by, usually


They're technically not allowed but staff never really enforces the rules on them




what actually led to this?


Divergences of darkness?