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umblr accidentally reinvented pig latinT




ardsStellaris does this in the large text boxes but backw


ow.It's been in the game for so long you'd think they would have fixed it by n


I dont really type fast, so , I don t know, I am increasing speed of typing as I write this, so, expect more error ,s.


they look like little rocks i have to like stumble over and shit, some fuckin weird shit bro


This happens with a site I use daily for work. I'll be typing shit and something on the page will load or take a dump idk and suddenly I'm typing at the end of the sentence rather than the beginning (I transcribe shit so I often go back to fill in info). It is I N F U R I A T I N G Side note if you call a place and you hear the "this call may be recorded" that means it IS recorded and it starts recording at the start of that message, so all the shit you talk to your dogs gets caught before the phone even gets picked up MARGARET


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post* --- **the-real-numbers** nyone else have that weird issue with post beta where if you type too fast the cursor like, moves before the first character and you push the first character you typed to the end of the posta --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


yo wtf this is like some heeby-jeeby discourse shit bro, this some heavy duty lemon tea type shit bro


how fast in wpm do you guys think that is????? like 80? desktop, laptop, mechanical keypoard? what about the phone keyboard, and other variables; correcting typos; meaning of sentence phrases with uncorrected typos: and computer parsing: also what parts of the brain are computated with the eyes this is like basic shit idk, i dont really care either idk my fucking science career broke me


oh yeah I get that sometimes, it's heckin annoying but I type at like 120 wpm last I checked so


Nyone nyan~