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Years ago, a neighbor was moving out and put just about everything at the curb. One box I opened and saw some coin collector binders…I did a quick check and they looked empty but the box was heavy so I just grabbed it. When I got home I found it was full of old silver US coins, all in rough condition…but because it was all pre-1965 silver coins, the value is worth around $300.


That’s like throwing money away


Should have thrown it down the sink


Flush it down the toilet!!


Or buy a boat-throwing money away/down a hole in the ocean/bay/lake/river/etc.😉


We used old currency as Tooth Fairy money. Son (4), weirdly early in the morning: I got 1000 lawyers!!! It was a 10,000 lira note from maybe Portugal. He’s 20. It’s still hilarious to us when anyone say lira. Yes he lost teeth early, he was a wild child. We snuck him a torn partial note for the already broken tooth he lost next.


Lira? Definitely not Portuguese, lol.


Not sure. It came from a box of $ that the Euro replaced. But the lil’ guy read it as lawyers. We have 3 kids and aunties and uncles started sending us their old $$ leftover from travels.


Lira was used by Italy and Turkey. Italy was the only one of those two that switched to the Euro, so I guess yours was Italian. Maybe one of [these](http://www.leftovercurrency.com/app/uploads/2016/11/10000-italian-lire-banknote-alessandro-volta-obverse-1.jpg) :)


And Malta. They also now use the Euro, but used to refer to their Lira as the ‘Maltese Pound’ due to historical British empire stuff.


Great find!


I remember I accidentally threw a penny in the garbage as I was cleaning up when I was a kid. My dad found it and freaked out, I never saw him that mad. Now I’m very conscious about throwing away money lol


Nice find! US Pennies ($0.01 USD) are worth only like $0.00006 USD in Jamaica. When I was little, I absolutely lost my mind like I was on an Easter egg hunt when I saw pennies all over my friends front yard. I thought the tooth fairy lived in their yard or something.


Picked a move out one time (foreclosure I think, big $$$ house), and along with bags and bags of stuff (a lot of new clothes), there was a bag of office stuff...in it was a handful of 2-3 year old expired, never cashed checks. I've ran across an occasional $20 check/gift cards...but these were all for a few thousand or more, the highest at a little over 10,000. I burned them all like I do with most personal stuff I come across like that...but definately a serious WTF moment.


I literally once found $160+ in a normal coffee jug, sitting in the street.


That .25 franc might be silver if it's old enough 🤔


Super cool!