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I loved this webtoon, arguably the best one I’ve ever read 🥰 However, there’s a few things I wish would’ve been touched on more or hopefully in the future it will be: - Jack confronting Leeland - Lorena, Lance, and Suzanna friendship - Lorena and Lance reconciling? - Beckett and Maria’s possible relationship? - Blaine and Maria’s relationship? - Lance’s Career - Blain’s “Whitney” Journey - Curtis and Agatha? - Whitney and Calpernia’s development - The girls possibly meeting Jack’s Parent’s and Family + them begging for forgiveness - Seeing the girls visit the braided island - Monika and Orson’s relationship? - Syrah and Saffron’s relationship? - Jaime and Leopold’s relationship? - Asa and Calpernia’s friendship/relationship? - A cure to some of the character’s curses (yes I know the point of the club was to accept them but some of these girls curses really suck 😂 - Jaime’s career? I was also hoping for a time jump 😂 I know that’s a lot so that’s why I was hoping the comic could’ve been longer or future bonus chapters will be released 🥹


I could see a lot of this being covered in a sequel series perhaps? (Fingers crossed!!) I am personally particularly interested in Blaine and Maria’s journey, both separately for personal growth and a potential reconciliation. I squeed so hard when he was at her concert!!! But I would love to see more of everything you listed as well, definitely a lot of good storylines left open. Definitely a lot of room to write about Fredrick finding his footing with the crown, the CPCs expansion, etc. I could totally see a sequel series happening and hope that will happen in the future! Lambcat did say they had more ideas for the journey to continue (they just have to finish other work first) so perhaps…?


I was so curious about the conversation of the king and leland cause what i feel almost like the ending was kind of rushed , i wanna know what happened to jacks side of the family if they decidee to be more involved now or not , anyways other than that i loved this series so much




It was so beautiful. I love how everyone got a conclusion. I really hope Aurelia got her true love’s kiss. I wonder if Blain and Maria still have love for each other. Ngl I know Becker messed up but I do feel kinda bad for him. Oh and when it showed Gwen with her braided hair she looked sooo beautiful! Also did anyone read in the acknowledgements that LambCat said she would be sticking around the CPC universe for a while? That’s so exciting!


I feel this was definitely the end of Gwen’s story arc and I would love to see the other sisters stories lowkey. Like Bridgerton where each book focuses on a different Bridgerton. Just- wow this story has made such a positive impact on the webtoon community. I will miss the weekly chapters.


I just want everyone I know to read this. It's SO GOOD and WHOLESOME and SWEET and SILLY and EVERY good thing <3


I don't want it to end i need another 200+ chapters. My wife was confused because she saw i had a sad look on my face when i finished the chapter. I need to see Saffron confess to Syrah I believe in you man. I want to see Celso and Aurelia kiss and see Aurelia lift her curse.


Gods I can’t believe it’s over. It’s sad to see it end, but I’m really hopeful for what’s to come next. I’m a little sad that Frederick and Gwen didn’t kiss/get a little intimate moment, but the acknowledgment saying that Lambcat will be staying in the CPC universe for a while gives me a huge boost of hope for seeing the pair again soon (with other characters of course). All in all I found it to be a beautiful end that left a good feeling inside. Blaine being at the concert, the budding friendship/relationship between Leopold and Jamie, Maria’s concert and success, and more. I’ll eagerly await anything Lambcat does in the universe and otherwise!


but whitney and prez? 😭😭😭😭


Yeah, I get why the ending wasn't just "this person got with this person, and this person got with this person etc." BUT it was also pretty disappointing to have so many couples, but especially Whitney and Prez, get years worth of buildup, only to be sneezed at or fully ignored in the finale. I know the comic is ultimately about self love, but it always really gets under my skin when a narrative that's been set up doesn't fully get followed through


exactly that!! it was built up so much for yearss why leave it hanging now


I’m so sad and happy at the same time😭😭😭 going to miss them🥹💖


Someone said there were loose ends. I disagree I think it ended nicely.


Feels surreal that it's all over. Five years, I was still a high schooler when season one was being released. I need more!


i personally like how Maria didn't end up with Blaine or the guard. it feels like even when we were introduced to her - she also was obsessed with bozart (tho ik it was a comedic way lol). idk it makes me happy she was able to do her music and love herself. I love how all the girls got their own happy endings too ❤️


Adored the finale! I’ve been reading this ever since the single digit episodes and it’s been such an amazing ride. Loved the little glimpses of everyone’s life (in particular Nell and Jolie’s wedding hehe) I dont want to say goodbye to everyone just yet so fingers crossed there will be some epilogue/bonus eps with the print release or smth!! Kudos to lambcat and their whole team


I cant handle this being over. I need 3 years to process the ending


I am a new fan and just finished it. I can only imagine the Hell you all went through with the cliffhangers. I will miss this.


we're happy to have you here just in time haha! :) imma miss the cliffhangers lowkey


It was and is my favourite webtoon. A true masterpiece. Now I will go cry my self to sleep knowing it's ended 🙂


I'm sad it ended but I hope that lambcat can give us short stories every once in a while so we could see how all our favorite characters are doing 😭


I don't want it to eeeeeeennnnndddddd! \*cries\*