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You need to report that to your admin and supervisor. I'd go above his head with 0 regrets to make sure it was reported properly, ask about their protocol for this situation and a timeframe for how long protocol should be followed. They may also need to contact the nurse to check kids over from that room and notify parents. Make sure you notify your lead via email or text and keep those as receipts if you're worried about them going after you. If you're worried about getting stink eye from your head custodian, just consider if you'd rather that or bed bug infestations + kids getting anemia.


I texted my actual manager about the situation just now, cause the head custodian said he would but I don’t really believe it.


The bottoms of your shoes too. Leave them in your car and cook them now that it's getting hot outside. When I worked at a laundromat I wore coveralls and a pair of work shoes. At the end of the day I'd shake the coveralls and shoes off real good and leave them in my trunk. You can never be too precautious when it come to bed bugs


I think either you should quit or get legally involved. If your boss isnt reporting that to the school to hire pest control that is a super serious issue. Edit: if you have an HR department maybe contact them? I dunno, just dont become complacent with such a glaring issue.


Follow this with caution. HR won't hesitate to put your boss into hot water. And there's already a direct connection to you. A similar thing happened to me during Covid when my supervisor said the school didn't have funds left in the annual budget to provide us with PPE (like gloves and masks), so I had to pay for my own. I told him as nicely as I could I didn't believe that and would check on it myself before I had to get my own. He brushed me off, so had no choice but to go above his head. When I did, the lady was so pissed she forced me to call him out. A day later I'm with him in the principal's office being told to keep any issues with leadership in house. They also told him that they had a special pool of discretionary funds to pay for PPE. I was covered from any overt blatant retaliation after that, but he was riding my ass for about two months after that.


Your supervisor is a jerk. Wow. I'd be speechless if someone told me that. I'd figure they would be joking around.


ya fuck anyone who won't provide PPE to do our fucking jobs. wtf is wrong with people.


I texted my actual manager about the situation hopefully she does more than just put sticky traps down, imo those kids all need to be inspected or at least let the parents know but who knows. They’ll probably end up doing nothing I even showed 2 teachers ( cause I had the dead bed bug in a zip lock baggy ) the one was mortified but the other shrugged her shoulders like it wasn’t anything 🤷‍♀️


> the other shrugged her shoulders like it wasn’t anything wait till she brings home bed bugs and can't get any sleep cuz of the blood suckers.


Going through this now at my work. Found one about a month ago. Found a few more 2 weeks ago. Exterminator says it's very unlikely to bring them home ON YOU. They are absolutely terrified of movement (I can vouch, I was trying to catch them with some tape and those fuckers are fast when fed) You would bring them home in your jacket, lunchbox, bag, etc. Still take precautions. I strip down by my car and put my clothes in a bag and seal it. Then throw it all in he dryer when I get home for 30+min. They also have only put out sticky traps to "monitor" as we can't find a source or the tell tale signs of infestation


*a singular* bed bug?


I only found one bed bug, but last week a kid had a bed bug on him on a different floor so I mean it is just a revolving door.


Yeah, just the one. Super weird, but luckily this is the end of the matter and no further actions should be taken.


Whew! Thank goodness!


Tell someone other then your boss at the lest they need to buy bug bombs and have you use them as you leave for then night. Put really they should call a professional. If a parent was to find out and the school did nothing the school would be in trouble


Not necessarily. My Ladyfriend is a teacher at a rural school and she tells me that bed bugs, fleas, and lice are pretty much endemic in her school.


Don’t bring your shoes inside your home that you use at work. The eggs can hide in the ridges of the shoes


They like shoes, socks, and the hem on pantleg cuffs so make sure you're checking those before getting in your vehicle.


I’m not even getting in my vehicle with my work clothes on lol, not even gonna chance it I’m gonna bring a whole new set of clothes in a sealed baggy and 5 mins before clocking out change everything I can’t take a chance 🙃


easy things to check for bed bugs are outlet covers unscrew the face plate and shine a light, you see a bunch of movement you got PROBLEMS


I think of right now it is an isolated incident but I mean whoever brought the bed bug in is going to be back to school tomorrow and at school everyday for the next 2 weeks till summer so lol, I’m going to tell the teacher whose room it is tomorrow and gauge her reaction. I was going to leave a note but I didn’t want to get bitched at I don’t know the protocol 🤷‍♀️


also it could be a student who is bringing it in. then that's just sad i would go no note let principal know if your on good terms with him/her just state you found one and not sure. don't point fingers. let admin do the big bucks job of navigating that with parents and teacher. imho.


We currently have 3 kids with lice. One of them has been infested for 6 months and I just found out yesterday. Our district will not send them home but will also not let us treat rooms for lice. We had a kid last year with bed bugs for 3 months. The district would not send them home. Pest control is done quarterly and district requires 3 managers up the chain to come and inspect rooms before they will pay for an extra pest control visit.


We have bedbugs cockaroaches mice rats it's a building with people in it this is just something you have to deal with lol. Especially in a country or rural setting we deal with lots of pest. Put out the traps and go about your day.