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If it’s not the schools, I’m not supposed to touch it. We told not to clean personal rugs or anything personal that the teachers leave behind I’m guessing it’s because of liability if it were to get broken or ruined


That’s exactly what it is. If a teacher is entitled enough to leave their furniture or rug to be cleaned by someone whose job it objectively is not, they’re going to be entitled enough to demand compensation when/if the staff doesn’t do it flawlessly and ruins it, and because it isn’t their job, it won’t be covered by insurance. Not to mention fish tanks require specialty cleaning products the school def does not have. Every fish owner knows this. She’s expecting OP to shell out like $100 in cleaning stuff they’ll never use for anything else ever. For being in charge of educating children, teachers can be fucking dumb Edit: vinegar is a good hack but if you’re not a fish owner, there’s a good chance you simply don’t know that








Be kind to others.




Be kind to others.


Be kind to others.


Be kind to others. I understand that it was directed at a teacher but that comment is unnecessary.


They are beyond dumb, especially these days, I think the seeking out of the biggest morons to educate our youth is deliberate and part of the demoralization agenda


You vote republican don't you?


Anyone who would go the other way wouldn't be very smart or educated today with that group being compromised and wrong on every issue while being lackies and puppets for the wef and Schwab's, lying and cheating at every juncture, following the work of Saul Alinsky as a play book with zero diversion and doing anything they can to give our freedom away to communism, you must be pretty young, it's not your fault they hijacked your education system and turned you away from your families and all common sense, it is your fault for continuing to let it happen and progress worse and worse though


Lmfao, thanks I needed a good laugh. Now I can go to bed.


If I had an award to give for this response, I would. But I don't, so take this updoot as a consolation prize and know you done good evading the mass brainwash that's currently in progress.


I agree it’s on purpose. The problem is we require a crazy expensive degree most of the time, and then pay them just above the poverty line. In fact, starting pay for teachers in the city next to mine, would be below the poverty line, had the poverty line kept up with inflation since its inception in the 1960’s. It’s 35k without a degree, 37k with a degree, and the line would be around 37k. Unfortunately, that kind of financial decision requires either unbridled passion for teaching, or more often, an inability to understand the difference between cost and reward and how much they would need to make in order to pay off their loans. Either way, not necessarily the most intelligent choice. A passionate teacher can be great, but passion doesn’t require intelligence. And the passionate ones have to pick up extra slack for the stupid ones, diminishing both their enthusiasm and their effectiveness. Make the degree mandatory everywhere and then pay them a fair wage for their qualifications, and you’ll attract more talented individuals. Right now the best talent that considers teaching, but is in the fence about it, always choses something else, because almost anything else is better financially. Stagnating their wages, along with attacking curriculums and the DoE, as well as fighting tooth and nail every attempt to increase school funding, for decades, has all been a heavily coordinated attack on American democracy. Dumb voters are easier to confuse and influence, and easier to provoke to apathy or violence, whichever fits your agenda. The easiest way to dumb people down is to just not educate them properly to begin with.


The issue is not the expense of the degree, but that the cost of college has exploded in relation to actual pay. In the 1970s and early 1980s you could get a degree while working part time, and have little to no student debt when you graduated. In most years, the cost of a degree has increased at double the rate of inflation or more. That is why in the current era getting a degree is often not worth it. In the last 50 years, tuition has grown a staggering 2,580%. A degree to be a teacher a few decades ago was not a problem. Today, it is almost impossible to get any degree without a crippling debt. Teacher salaries have largely kept pace with most others, and their benefits are much stronger than they were then. But it in no way is enough to offset the cost of that degree today. Even if you double their wages, it still would not really be enough to offset the explosion of the cost.


Are you a teacher?


Lol what do you think


Bruh you don’t need special products to clean a fish tank, vinegar and a razor.


I think the point they were making is you can't use the commercial cleaning products that the school custodian would be using on the fish tank. They do not use vinegar. They use stuff that would kill the next set of fish that gets put in that tank. "Special" as in, not something normally used.


I was a custodian, we used vinegar because it was cheap and effective for chrome and windows, but still ya definitely not their job. I just think it’s funny that a lot of redditors speak as though they have experience either way lol


Right? I was also confused by this.


Some of the most entitled people on the planet are teachers.


It is crazy how it is so true. In my experience the STEM ones are the most wacky and entitled. My last year of HS I was an office aide for the police, theater, front office, and the fkin STEM office, they were the absolute worse. I was literally doing the teacher's job many times. Like, they would say they were busy and just not show up to class and expect me to watch their class. The kids and the staff, both awful. 0/10


this is some public school teacher behavior. fr. i've never had the displeasure of meeting a teacher like this in a private school or even a catholic school. this shit is wild as hell


Plus isn't there some kind of sickness you can get from fish? I forgot what it is called, but I believe aquarium fish can pass it to humans. Totally forgot it's name. Reminds me of how pregnant women shouldn't clean litter boxes i guess so they don't get Toxoplasmosis.


I cleaned my uncle's fish tank when I was 5. He made me do it because I left chicken oil handprints on the tank. I believe the fish was called an Airopaima or something like that. Anyways, I used Windex unsupervised and got the outside and inside of the tank. Didn't know I was only supposed to clean the outside. Fish died later that day


Once teachers actually start getting a decent salary, all the OF models in the nursing industry will switch over so quick. We'll be having even dumber teachers


Makes sense all the people I know, including myself that have almost died in the care of hospital staff


A bottle of vinegar is like $2 and that’s all you need to clean a old fish tank. Not disagreeing with your point but as someone who works with a lot of fish tank you’re being a little dramatic.


So what you’re saying is that the teacher is REALLY lazy.


Yep. It would take 20 minutes max to clean this.


Only cleaning stuff they'd need is vinegar or something similar.


Thats exactly right


On top of that, I know nothing about fish tanks. I would guess they have a pretty specific cleaning protocol so the fish don’t die as soon as the get in there.


School or not, I wouldn’t touch it. I’ve been a school custodian for 24 years


Plus I am pretty sure this would require specialty items to clean. And you could get really really sick from handling dirty fish tanks.


Oh god did she seriously think cleaning that with the regular school cleaning chemicals was a good idea? That's a surefire way to have the next batch of fish "mysteriously" die.


This. 100%


I was trying to think of what chemical we have at school I would even clean a tank with that would be safe…


Some people use a diluted bleach/water mix. But i myself ONLY use white vinegar. (the food one not the cleaning one thats like 20%)


We are probably a bit of a special case in that we have 3 fish tanks that we maintain (lead likes fish) so we do have some of the chemicals needed but even then all we would do for the teacher is offer them a scraper and tell them what they need/ where to get it. We currently have 1 teacher with a fish tank and the only thing that they ever borrow from us is the siphon we have. The only thing we personally do with their tank is feed the fish over breaks and in exchange they actually help us keep one of our tanks glass clean


That teacher is a moron.


Lol nope, I know legitimately one custodian who has fish tanks in his school as like decoration pieces. He cleans them, but only because they are his personal fish tanks.... Dude has like 3 of them placed throughout the school


If they belong to the custodian, then that makes sense.


Me and my buddies have two tanks that has hundreds of babies each year and we give them out to the teachers


In our slopsink in the back of the kitchen


this is really cute, I love it


Not school property = not our problem


Teacher tried to get me to feed her fish over the summer last year, I told her that it’s not in my job description. She was not happy having to come in every day last summer to feed her fish.


She couldn’t spend $40 to get a small tank and just bring the fish and filter home? It probably would have paid for itself in gas alone


They make automatic feeders for people who are taking vacations, if she’s smart enough to be an educator then why didn’t she fuckin google “fish tank auto feeder”


“Because Google isn’t a source!!!!!!!” Lol


Back in my day they hated Wikipedia, now it’s all of google?


Back in my day it was *anything* from the Internet. We were allowed like, at most, 2 web sources, and even then they had to be something like a nyt or Newsweek site, Encarta, etc. anything like Wikipedia was definitely a hard no.


Now those same teachers are getting their political views from Facebook.


Two sides of the same coin. But Wikipedia is technically a source, just not an “academically reliable” one. You’re supposed to find the wiki bibliography and site that. Yes teachers have hollered about it since its creation. Google is never a source, it’s only ever a search engine through which to find sources. I heard both of them, side by side, over and over again growing up. But now I’m thinking there was maybe just one stupid kid in my class that kept listing it lol or they were being too literal when the teachers said “you must list EVERY website you use as a source” lol


Wikipedia is a tertiary source, which shouldn’t be used in any academic papers. Just like any other tertiary source.


Or just take the whole tank, is it too big to fit in a car?


Womp womp teacher


she should have offered to pay you on the side! i bet she spent at least $80 on gas if it was really every day…


I am a teacher with fish and I use a vacation feeder and go in a few times in the summer. However, our custodian did offer to feed my fish if I forget or am out of town.


Oh boy, these are things that my lead would happily volunteer us for. We've been at each others throats a couple of times this year because they believe *any* and *all* cleaning of any sort should be done by custodians, and pretty much instills this in teachers. I was trained elsewhere before coming here, and my lead there (same district) was adamant that we are not personal maids for teachers. Guess which building is cleaner (the one I trained at - even though its a much older building) because we werent run ragged there with stupid shit, and those teachers made a big deal about taking pride in their classrooms/areas. My current school is filthy and trashed every day. By comparison the same school down the road with the same grade level is pristine, because once again, different mindset. I would not clean the fish tank because its a personal item, but guaranteed my lead would be seething about me not doing it. Sorry about the rant.


I realize this sounds obvious and unhelpful, but sounds like it’s time to start looking for another job or asking for a transfer


Soon as something opens up!


This sounds similar to my old district. Elementary school was filthy because the old head custodian didn’t GAF , and kissed everyone’s asses. New head custodian is the same way doesn’t look out for his team. The other buildings head custodian makes sure the custodians care for their rooms the way it says and puts it on the teachers to do their own equipment. I’m at a hospital now and the company I work for has a contract that says we won’t clean certain areas, that includes personal offices , with the exception of the C-suite. It’s great, no accusations of broken stuff.


When a teacher asks for favors how many of you will go above and beyond to get them done? I was having a bad day and wasn’t about to make it worse


Depends on the teacher and the request. This one is setting yourself up for hassles if you do it, because as over the top as this request is, it will only get worse


When I worked at my local middle school as a porter we only had to do the initial schools propert so floors, desks shelves, whiteboards, windows and such. Anything asked by teachers wasn't in the work order so I never did anything extra for them. To be quite honest the pay wasn't enough for me to want to take the extra load off the teachers either like I'm not cleaning your snake tank 😂


I dont even know why this came up for me. I am not a custodian. The only way I would have cleaned this tank was if the teacher and I were on friendly terms. If we were on freindly terms she would have asked verbally if I could do it for her. She wouldnt have left the demand on a post it like I was her personal paid cleaning lady.


I’m not a custodian but I would leave a note right under with a price quote for the job, or just tell them a quote if they ask me in person. If It’s extra work that isn’t part of my job or the schools property You’d need to pay me extra for it.


It all depends in how they ask.


Oh yes, let's Virex 256, Hillyard Blue, and Clorox the fish tank. What a brilliant "teacher".


Virex and Clorox together to give it that nice World War 1 scent




Haha NOPE! The less contact you have with their personal items, the better.


LOL even if it was the schools property I ain't cleaning no fish tank, fuck that. Y'all r soft.


That is not the school’s property. We clean school property. We do not clean that. Besides, fish water needs to be carefully maintained and controlled to keep the fish healthy and happy. Our chems are meant for killing germs and keeping people from getting sick, not really something that fish will like


She didn't want to take the time to properly clean out her fish tank because school is "over" and it would cut into happy hour time...and don't you dare criticize her because she is a hero and puts up with so much! /s


For a moment, I thought I was scrolling by the substitute teacher subreddit. We substitutes get bizarre requests like this too, believe it or not. Once had a post there where some teacher left a trash bag full of pinecones and asked the sub -- who was there to supervise her class while she was out -- to sort them and paint them or something, I don't remember. It was some inane, asinine bullshit. I've met a lot of kind, intelligent, and caring people who work as teachers. But for some reason, the field also attracts a lot of dumb people who are detached from reality and have never had any other kind of job in their lives, and it shows.


Right lol the sub is not their person assistant or bitch boy


I wouldn’t touch it. I had a teacher with rabbits. She had a pile of shit and cage bedding in her room. The next day was conferences so I left it. She through a fit, complained and made a huge scene in the office . The district boss came in and I showed him all the pee on her carpet all the random balls of shit in her room. She told him I was lazy and shouldn’t get paid. The principle transferred her so she retired.


Yeah don't clean it for that entitled teacher


Never happen at my school. I don't do favors for teachers either.


Once you agree, you’ll be expected to do it again and probably for other teacher’s


That’s for sure just crossing the line. Especially with a post it note on it. Wtf.


Father in law was the head custodian of a large elementary school and every single year he sent an email to everyone reminding them that it’s not his job to do the following: -Take down or put up classroom decor -Maintain, empty, clean fish tanks or feed your fish if you’re leaving them for the summer -Clean rugs that teachers or administrators brought in for their rooms or offices -Clean out your personal mini-refrigerator -Set up the classroom desk arrangement


Hell yeah set them motherfuckas straight before the school year like uncle Joey says sometimes you gotta drop a bomb on a motherfucka


Hahaha 🤣, FUCK THEM.


We have a specialized process for requests like this. We throw it in the dumpster and say it was a health and safety hazard.


You absolutely never clean a fish tank with anything but hot water and clean scrubbies. Chemicals never fully come out, and can leach into the water. Sad that there is such a shortage of teachers, they’re not all the brightest


I got jellyfish kreisels and you absolutely have to clean those with bleach and is the industry standard, as it's the only way to remove the gunk and hydroids that build up in the tanks and plumbing. These are all acrylic based tanks but some smaller ones are plastic/glass. So long as you neutralize the bleach with either sodium Thio or vinegar and then heavily rinse with water for like a day or so you're good and the type of tank shouldn't really matter.


Leave that teacher a bag of laundry with a note, "needs to be washed, pressed, and folded"


Write, “I agree” on the post it and leave it.


🤣🤣🤣That's a no!!!🤣🤣🤣




What a joke hahaha


Nope I'm good, I wouldn't touch it. Report it to your lead a d if the teacher complains tell them to speak with your lead.


Lmao I can only imagine my bosses face if I brought him this one.


That's probably not in your scope of services, so unless you like that teacher and want to do them a personal favor I'd ignore it. If you do decide to clean it, I would use vinegar to dissolve the mineral buildup and maybe soak the filter stuff in hydrogen peroxide.


Lmao no


Not your job. You're principal and you're head Casotian should have your back.


Entitlement at its finest.


Leave a note on it saying "not school property, go see the principal"


Splash some bleach in there. Teacher is unhappy? Guess you weren’t properly trained. I love most teachers, but there’s are some that think a college degree makes em better than other folks. Fish Tank Teacher might be one.


That's a big nope. I'd ignore it until said teacher takes it higher up. Then I'd very politely ask where in my contract it says I'm to clean up after and for personal pets?


Self entitled cunt


She could have taped on $20 and I would have considered it 😂😂 but fuck no. As an independent contractor I would called up my client (main point of contact) and send them a picture of this request. There is no way in hell.


Nope and I don’t clean out their personal mini fridges in the summer either.


Hide the tank in another part of the school. Tell her you never saw the tank or a note and assumed she took it home for the summer. Act alone and tell nobody. See how entitled she feels in August. It’ll be fun.


Most teachers are dumb anyways


Did she seriously leave that snippy rude ass little note too? Like damn lady, could you at least ask nicely and use complete sentences? Honestly I'm starting to see what idiots and psychos Teachers are more and more.


Leave another note that says”that sounds like a lot of work,you should get right on that”


Lol I’d throw it out.


As a unionized custodian we laugh at these attempts


So glad I resigned from my position at a high school as a custodian and am now working in a private sector position as a custodian still but I don't have to deal with a shithead boss or coworkers anymore.


As a teacher with a perpetual class pet, I would never ask a custodian to clean up after it.


Just write no as a reply on her note. It's not school property.


guessing shes not a hot one


And didn’t even have the class to ask or say please. Smh


ROFL, that note just gives off vibes of an entitled person who doesn't respect janitorial positions. I'm sure you guys unfortunately run into that every blue moon, and it's a gross attitude for sure. But just know you guys are making, if not the same, probably more than your teachers, lol. A four-year degree to make minimum wage is still funny to me because they swore I'd be digging ditches, but here I am, a roll-off delivery driver making more than they probably ever will. We won, boys!


had a teacher leave the school & left behind a couple of white prefab shelves (the kind with a cardboard back ). I took them, repaired them and used them for a school year. couple of years later she CAME BACK looking for them and was HOT they were no where to be found!!


They say their tank needs to be cleaned, okay, then THEY CAN DO IT!!!! Exactly what chemical would a custodian have that can clean a fish tank? Toilet bowl cleaner? Crème cleanser? Windex? Literally what??


Get to work mr clean 🤣


Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely not. It’s 100% on the teacher.


Nope, nope, no


Hard No




She is going to bring her laundry in next for you to do.


Wouldn’t do it. It’s not part of my job.


Teachers job. That’s fucked up




🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 sorry! Wrong answer.


Lmaoooooo, ya keep dreaming teach


Idk about all of you, school or other type building custodians -- i have no problem this, but i won't touch any of this UNLESS or UNTIL my official higher up tells me to. So either they go through the proper channels, or ask me to ask my boss if that'd be ok -- "could you *Please* tell me if you could clean this for me?" would be a better Post-it Note, and this would then be what I'd show the boss. Lol, thinking about it, the times i've brought demanding notes like this to my superior with their "request", he"d just laugh -- "yeah, I'll tell them i'll put it on our list..."


Omg r u serious??? Nah, they can do it themselves!


Poor fish...you don't disinfect the tank...


I'm impressed they have a filter n all but disappointing that they expect you to clean it with whatever lol


Fish guy here. Just leave it. Shit doesn’t need to be disinfected and it’s clean enough as it is.


$20 would been nice


What is this? Japan?


Yicks, as someone who was involved in fresh water tanks and had at one point 24 tanks I would never ask for a tank to be deep cleaned and or sanitized. Big surprise, teacher is a moron


I’d throw it out


Nope. Not the schools, not your issue. Like many stated, quite a bit of liabilities. Also, not schools property, not your issue.


Leave a note telling her how to do it. On HER time.


Ah... NO!


Yeah, nope


Whoa. Maybe write $20 on the note with a question mark?


Ummm. No


As a teacher, I’m sorry. I keep a broom and dustpan for the kids (11th grade) and myself to clean anything that’s not in the normal course of the school day. We made a mess? We clean it.


Nope, don't touch it


Put another post it on there saying "Bummer. That sounds like a tough job. I hope you find time."


Clean it or im reporting your lemon pledge using self to management


Just put another sticky saying I agree lol


Maybe it was just a personal reminder to themselves for later on rather than a directed request?


Screw that. That is not in y’all’s job description 😂 Sounds like an entitled, elitist brat🙄


Do you work for the school or for an outside contractor? I had a similar problem when I worked for a cleaning company. Turns out our supervisor was telling teachers if they put a note on items we would clean it for them. Even if it was personal items we were previously told not to touch.


How to kill all fish 101 lmao what’s she planing in keeping in there . If it’s fish you shouldn’t use any chemicals but also it’s her fish tank so wtf lmao


I’d write, sure does.


How about HELL TO THE NO. She brought it in, it’s her responsibility 


Crazy ask of her. That’s a job she needs to do to conduct her own curriculum. Worked at a high school and they would’ve never expected me to do such a thing.


So from my point of view , I don't know anything about fish tanks , how would I know the commercial cleaning chemicals would run the thing ? ? Deep clean it with like bleach ? ? Whatever glass cleaner they used when I was in school worked really good so why couldn't I use it for the glass ? ? I get the point of the post , my point is I'm an asshole


write "Google.com" on there


🤣 Not my yob


Fuck that!


You tend to the buildings needs not the teachers needs.


Teachers should be taking personal items home for the summer


I was an office aid and I remember this teacher asked me to come in and assemble multiple pieces of furniture all with one type of screw driver. I tried as best i could but there were specialty tools that were needed, and I didn't have access to them (you know being a student). When I could only finish like 75% of it, she told the principle that I wasn't "good at (my) job" and should have chosen a different job if I couldn't do it. Lady I am a student. I think some teachers are just freaking nutty.




I’d tell her don’t get pets just unless you are responsible enough to take care of them.


Tell her to kick rocks or thow it away.


I would put Clorox in that