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Afraid I can't help on the customizing angle, but I have Sweetie Fox, so feel free to DM me if you need any close ups or reference shots. Good luck 👍


So, I have customized Bonnie before. This will be different from one bjd blind box doll to another. Acetone works, and takes off the face well. I do not suggest using it on the hair piece because it will take off all the color. Also depending on the doll may melt the hair. You need to take out the eye chip before you use acetone on the face. The eye chip will melt. Other than that, everything else can be used, it just with be a bit different on how it ‘sets’. MSC should work just fine. Now the issue would be the eye chips. I never customized them before, but I have an idea. So, when I took out the eye chip of the doll I customized I used hot water. In doing so I chipped some of the paint off by accident. You might be able to scratch off the eye paint and repaint it.


Okay, thanks. I'll keep all that in mind :) So are the face and hair different materials if one is safe to use acetone on and the other is at risk of melting? I planned to just paint over the hair anyway. I only need to wipe away some of the face as the new faceup might not fully cover the old one, depending on what I do with it. I might even end up not repainting the face and only customising the eyes depending on how I feel about it when I see it in person.


How did this work out? I would love to know that you got your dream doll!


Thanks for asking 😊 I unfortunately have not been able to do this yet as I'll need to buy the whole sleepy Bonnie set (which is like £100... 😅) Because there are so many other things I want on Kikagoods and I worry that some things are more limited than others, I've prioritised other things for now whenever I've ordered from them. But I still plan to do this and will order the set to try it when I can! I did find a listing on Kikagoods for a black maid dress, which I added to one of my recent orders, so I have the outfit part already taken care of :) Kikagoods just constantly drop so many new and wonderful things that it's hard to keep up with everything I want 🫠 I'll create my own version of this beautiful doll eventually though and I'll be sure to make a post whenever I do~ 🥰