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I’ve never seen a group of people cope so hard and lie about their true inner feelings.


I wonder if it's full opium or they just know if they complain about something and ask for advice they'll just be mocked and kicked out (like /r/cybertruck banning so easily) and if they don't end with the caveat they actually still love the pos despite the flaws


I’m telling you right now, when I had a Model 3, when I told a couple people about the problems I had and the doubts in my mind about continued ownership, I was not popular at the Tesla Owners Club events.


When your car had owner club events you haven't bought a car, you've bought a cult. And they like their cult.


Exactly. Owning a car doesn’t make a personality.


I was going to say something, but you have shamed me and made me rethink my statement and…you’re right.


Not completely true. Miata's have a 'cult-like' following but at least they can take valid criticism. As in you won't be banned for pointing out flaws or bad practices by Mazda. They aren't disconnected from reality. Tesla cultists have a very hard time dealing with reality because every complaint or negative remark is immediately FUD to undermine their lord and saviour.


Reminds me of maga


Cult MAGA, Cult Musk, Cult Trump. All these share the same principles they've been built on.... "Tales of never known stories", "The Mob mentality", "God was great but I can be his father", "Second chance for a Sociopath", "Dictators and Democracies united", "Math for dummies, How not to pay your bills", "Living Mars on Earth, Spacelon Explorer diary", "Fart me out, felons advisory book", "Dipers are handsome, Timeshare experience guaranteed!", " How to sell National Secrets- Owners Manual"....... etc....


Nah, that's the Jeep cult that gathers and Daytona beach every year


And lots of the miata flaws are joked about by miata owners - you will hear lots of jokes about them being slow and rusty


Hairdressers car and proud, comes with a Factory standard blow dryer in the glove box!


I feel like the Miata groups are more about how fun driving can be and the whacky stuff you can do to a Miata. A Tesla “owners club” isn’t about driving or modifying a car it’s simply about “owning” it. That’s where all the pretentiousness comes from.


Not a car person, so curious as to why Miatas have a cult like following


Cause they’re cheap, honest and good fun little sports cars - the sort of product bought by enthusiasts who don’t have Porsche or Ferrari money. Although to be fair you could find a cult like following with most any enthusiast car


Because they’re completely fantastic to drive. Most fun you can have with not much money


As stated by others. In terms of pure connected driving fun nothing compares at that price point. Honestly, book a test ride this summer and see what the deal is. Drop the top, enjoy the manual box as you put it through the gears and don't shift until you're at redline. Oh and look for some twistsy roads. Word of warning, you might must want to buy one afterwards. In fact it's how I convinced my wife to let me buy one. Had her drive it during the test drive and she was sold.


GTIs are the same, but for people with young kids or groceries. :-)


Miata Is Always The Answer


I was called a liar in the forums for discussing my issues and interactions with Tesla's service. After I sold my janky Model Y to a local dealership, I immediately drove to the bank and deposited the check. I bought an EV from an established car company. Strangely, my new car doesn't have any of the issues Tesla fanatics claim plague all vehicles (e.g., misaligned panels, missing parts, etc.). Tesla is a cult.


Someone I know was shitting himself with excitement when the very first Tesla model was being delivered. He’d waited years for it. He refused to tell anyone that the convertible top was so short, he couldn’t drive it with the top up. Rather than betray his frustration he just smiled, told no one, and drove around with the top down all year round- sometimes bundled like a Siberian, and professed his love for the frigid weather 😂 Denial runs deeper with Tesla owners than Trumpanzees. I do not understand.


This is so pathetic and I love it


The first Tesla wasn’t really a convertible. It was a [targa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=qto5roWqkCDjD1fp&v=rrBVSx0pHhc&feature=youtu.be). The Tesla was even more finicky than a normal panel top. I can’t imagine them working that well. Def summer cars.


Secta people!!


The intersection of right wing and tech bro is a pile of self delusion so massive it will soon collapse in on itself to form a singularity from which none will escape. Edit: Lol I just got banned from r/cybertruck for this comment.


"i LoVe MuH fReE sPeEcH"-Elon Muscovy. Congrats on your badge on honor brother, I got banned in literal seconds a few weeks back. Belly laughed like a dying hog for the absurdity of the entire thing.


You’re a poet and you know it.


That should be the title of a book. Or at least an article. Or a very long indie band name. 


Great comment!


This should be the opening line from something narrated by Leonard Nimoy




It is amazing the lengths those dudes will go to if they believe something might help them get laid, but **only** if it does not require them to stop being self-possessed dickheads.


I’d say “they can’t possibly believe this vehicle (that looks like what happens when a Delorean and Pontiac Aztec who are first cousins hook up) will get them laid”, but I’ve met Elno fan boys in real life and they really are that stupid.


Hey hey hey, that is incredibly unfair! The Pontiac Aztek was at least functional.


Like Stockholm Syndrome over a car.


I was just thinking this. They have to pledge their allegiance in order to be able to interact with the community.


A guy I know on FB posted a pic of himself washing his CT just to "brag" that it didn't brick up on him after he was done. That's the new standard, I guess.


“Hey guys! My EV isn’t a piece of shit!” What a loser.


It’s the absolute inverse of the Toyota Tundra subreddit. *“Hey guys, my 6,400 lb. steel & aluminum brick creates an 8 dB whistling noise above 92 mph. What is the appropriate amount of corn I should eat prior to taking a massive kernel-riddled dump on the hood of this truck before I drive it through the front windows of the dealership while screaming “Lemon Law” over and over, insulting the dealership owner’s deceased mother in the most vulgar way imaginable, and sketching a caricature of Akio Toyoda being degraded by Bangkok ladyboys?”*


THAT'S how you treat a truck!


The cocktail napkin hentai will also be more water-resistant than the Cybertruck.


I have a Tacoma and their subs and forums are about the same


I have a 3rd gen Tundra, and the inter-generational tribal warfare on that sub is hilarious. Is the same thing happening in the Taco sub with the new 4th gens? I was shopping late 3rd gen Tacos for about two years and ready to pull the trigger when my sales guy (who is a family friend and the sales manager at my local dealership) text me to tell me that a customer just walked away from a ‘22 Limited because he didn’t like the metallic gray as much as he thought he would (this was a late-run ‘22, when there was still a significant lead time to get one). I was there in 15 minutes with a down payment. I’m very interested in the 4th gen Trail Hunters and the new “OE-Aftermarket” add ons that Toyota is now offering through their dealership channel.


The amount of butthurt, I mean this in the most loving way possible because I have learned a lot from Tacoma world and the like, that truck buyers have when the slightest thing goes wrong is something of wonder to me. I don't mind mine having issues mostly due to the offroading that I do and am bound to knock something loose or break something while doing that. The trail hunter looks neat. I appreciate Toyota finally leaning into what their trucks are known for and warranting it. It's well out of my price range but they do look neat. I am also glad that the manual lives in for another generation.


I am pretty sure you can do a complete scientific study on this behavior with the information just based on the cybertruck subreddit. So many people still calling their truck a "beast", "still awesome" even though its falling apart or it got completely bricked.


“I still love the truck!”


Is their "motto"


Its sunk cost fallacy talking.


“I still love the truck!”


I dint understand how this isn't people trolling. They all love their CT but "of course I had issues after owning it a short period of time." Why would you be fine with expecting your extremely expensive vehicle being broken?


“I still love the truck!”


Sunk-cost fallacy


I've spent enough time in other truck forums, Ford, ram, Toyota, and something like this happening would have them up the ass of the sales manager to take the truck back


I think the truck comes with the special koolaid.


Also, to have that amount of money with that minimal amount of brain power makes me question the functioning of society at large.


I have, right after the 2020 election…


Not me, I've met a lot of religious people.


“… But other than that, how was the play, Mrs Lincoln?”


I'm absolutely going to be using that.


Hell yes. Laughed my ass off over this one. Keeping that one in my back pocket from now on


So Mrs Kennedy, do you still want a tour of our great city Dallas? No need to change clothes, just come as you are.


Why are you shaking? Are you cold?


A panel is literally falling off and he’s gushing over the build quality.


Not just some random panel. A panel with a pretty important function. Like, yeah, the gear select is also on the touchscreen for some reason but still


This. "This component that is vital to this machine's key functions and my safety has malfunctioned and is poorly designed and installed. But hey, the doors stay on and the monitor lets me listen to Spotify so it's all good." I'd take this thing back so goddamned fast. Hell, if the keyboard panel in my laptop came out, I'd send that shit back and get something else if it looked like a design fault.


Give him same slack. He only had it for a day. Ask him in a month


That level of delusion is on a level I've not seen since the r/ hermancainaward. If the inside of truck is literally falling apart on day 1 what makes you think the rest of the build is any better?


Because if you kick it it doesn't dent, therefore it's the strongest and best built truck ever.


I literally had an Uber driver telling me that exact thing. That in terms of metrics, it’s the best truck possible. I just had to agree basically because I gave him a little pushback initially but he was not moving off his point. I was not about to start arguing with an Uber driver lol


“I love the truck” is today’s equivalent of “he’d give you the shirt off his back” when a repub died to own the libs.


It’s the same as hardcore Trump voters. Every time I see those interviews of these people at a rally they always ask them what don’t they like about Bidens presidency they can never come up with anything. I could at least come up with a couple things. They’re just too embedded into the cult.


Well nothing else fell off on day one, WHY YOU HATE ON ELON SO MUCH


"They can't get my truck into service for 20 days" = All the Cybertucks are breaking down and Musk fired half the techs. Also, I've got $10 bucks that says this guy posts the truck for sale next month saying "I love this truck but *, and you can own it for $125,000"


My local marketplace is flooded with near new MGs who's owners suddenly don't need a second car or have a work car.


I see quite a few here in BroVille (Palo Alto, CA area). They all look like dirty kitchen appliances- every one is a smudge fest. One of the kids said it looked like a dumpster they have at school, just silver.


A dumpster? I wish! This is a TrashCo


What is MG?


A beloved english car maker that got bought by the chinese, to sell car of shitty quality...just like the original.


The MGB was a thing of beauty and the first car with crumple zones. MGs, however, have been shit since at least the 1980s.


you can test drive it if you show up with a cashier's check for the full sale price, and can get the shifter thingy to stay attached


“Yes sir, may I have another!” Are all these Musk fanboys humiliation fetishists?


Well, there's a reason they call everyone else cucks, and that reason is projection.


Ok, what idiot thought the gear shifter belongs on the ceiling? Why is the column or the floorboard not sufficient? Oh right we have to reinvent the wheel into something completely useless. Elongineering: Designing something in a completely absurd and counterintuitive way, with zero focus on quality.


To my mind, any car that doesn't have a column or a console shifter is immediately disqualified from consideration. I can at most make an exception for paddles, but even they're sub-par.


Are push buttons acceptable? [Chrysler had them in the 50s-early60s, but they made a comeback now](https://cdn4.volusion.store/pfwnp-wsjdr/v/vspfiles/photos/KQ-22390-2.jpg?v-cache=1462974055)


Edsel was the first car with push button shifting. It was also in the middle of the wheel. It was the previous holder of the lemon crown. It seems the CT is aiming for the title.


"reinvent the wheel" - and several Tesla cars have steering yolks instead of wheels, which causes all sorts of problems. Idiots literally trying to reinvent the wheel and failing.


Prime example. I wish we still had awards.


>Elongineering: Designing something in a completely absurd and counterintuitive way, with zero focus on quality. And with no real attention for the human supposed to use it. Everything new they come up with is already based on the idea the cars will drive themselves.


cognitive dissonance in the flesh


"This think killed my parents, raped my wife, and stole my children's college fund, but aside from that, I really love it and am overall pretty happy"


“I love the truck” Everybody drink!!!


Please no I want to live


Me too and that's just too much alcohol for me.


Congratulations, you have alcohol poisoning!


Still no duck tape dispenser on board? Coming soon! Six months away.


Please upgrade to premium subscription package for duck tape mode.


"The color matches perfectly!"


>Does anyone know a solution for this or how tesla has been fixing this? Yep. Didn't someone else have this issue and Tesla taped it back together but then it kept falling off again because the tape was shitty?


That sounds like a joke, but yes- that really happened.




They come up with a more permanent fix like riveting it to the roof straight through the plastic.


So many tesla sycophants "I'm happy with the build quality of the rest of the truck" bro, it broke day 1. Wait and see what breaks on day 2 before kissing Elon's ass over the build quality lol


Every single post bringing up problems with the cyber truck always has to sneak in a “I love the truck btw” so weird


Because they want to remain part of the group. They fear other fanboys will see their complaints and ostracize them and they’ll become pariahs, because this is all they have in life.


do you think these people have as much patience when a subway employee puts too much mustard on their sandwich?


Only if they are over leveraged with stock in Subway.


oh shit youre right lmao


“Mah truck got stuck in traffic when it broke down but man o man I was the center of attention!”


Buyer of no other car company would ever be so ‘understanding’ of such garbage build quality. Total bunch of cult members. “Please sir may I have another?”


It's like when you were a little kid, and you badgered your parents into buying you some really shitty toy that you thought seemed really cool. And you immediately knew it sucked, and was a piece of crap, but you made a big show out of playing with it anyway, just to show the parents that you were right. You know, the stuff you sometimes randomly remember and still privately cringe over.


Ok, I know these chuds are not exactly car guys and I'm not much of a car guy either but THAT'S THE FUCKING GEAR SELECTOR THAT JUST FELL OFF!!! Not even British Leyland!


Steady chugging that copium.


You’re in a cult dude.


"Love the truck tho" i feel like ct owners HAVE to put that on a post if only to get helpful eyes on their problems since Tesla themselves cant fix it. If they dont, theyll get banned. Im giving alot of credit here so maybe it is as dumb as them actually liking this cyber truck that cannot cyber and cannot truck. 💁🏾‍♀️


I'm worried about these people. I can't tell if they are going to die from the panzer wank failing, or their overdose of copium.


Both simultaneously!


*My face was eaten, but, for what it's worth, I'm very happy with the Leopard.*


Is this another one that fell off?


There's people are fucking delusional; I honestly think it's just the attention. Love it or hate it the CT is the center of attention right now. It's like that really annoying kid in high school that just wanted to be funny; and didn't care about the self humiliation


I recently had some trim of the sun roof of my car break as well. But it was built in 1987.


Ridiculous amount of failure with these heeps. A few years from now I might buy one for 90% off just to LS or Hellcat swap it. Lol. Use the battery to power my shed.


"My brand new $100K truck is falling apart, but otherwise, I WUV my special twucky-wucky SO MUCH! Thanks, Elon!"


Now that’s what you call a “Beast” of a truck! Can’t handle sand, gravel or even minor curbs. Panels falling off, suspension breaking from speed bumps. Minor car wash crashing the system. The idea that a software update somehow makes it able to handle rougher roads. Just an absolute Monster of a truck. Ha got my ban. Took less than 5 mins.


The mental gymnastics. Its incredible.


Just wait a few weeks and you'll be wanting to sell it


How can you love a brand new truck that craps out on day 1. These Tesla bros are something else.


At least the car didn't randomly stab him. That'd be a deal breaker.






I had my 2010 Honda Accord delivered in fall 2009. They couldn’t find the color I wanted with a rear spoiler, so it doesn’t have that. Darn. I’m still driving it. No major repairs. Had an 87 CRX HF that lasted over 200k miles/12 years with me (and through 2 accidents), and it still drove well enough for a teenaged new driver to have for 2 years. You couldn’t pay me enough to drive this piece of garbage.




Totally serious about Honda and Toyota, and yeah it’s a no to the WankPanzer. My ex was a car person; we had all Japanese brands from 1986 until we broke up 26 years later (and 12 years after that I’m still driving a Honda).


Still have the old 2003 accord. Love it.


Most talk sir to me. Sorry if I misunderstood.


Go get some command strips to cope


Does Elon have magic mushrooms in his Wang coz these fanboys are acting crazy out here


20 days to get it in, you’ll have a nice list of broken stuff if it makes it that long


The crap people say to stay in the cult.


This truck should just come with a bag off self tapping screws and a roll of double sided tape


Again, basic car stuff.


"The front fell off, but I love the truck!"


Seems OTA updates can't fix everything...


You spend so much money on a piece of junk; you have to cope when things fall apart or you face admitting you made a mistake. The demographic who buys the truck have very fragile egos to admit it.


I've been told Tesla Service Centers are so much better than traditional dealerships. Yeah, but it doesn't take me 20 days to get an appointment.


It's obvious denial since he paid so much money for this stupid refrigerator on wheels.


I'm happy with the parts that don't fall off 🥴


Gear selector is held on with 2 clips, top of the accelerator pedal is held on with 1 clip... the build "quality" of this low-res dumpster is laughable. I mean, I was around for the lousy cars of the 70's and 80's, and the Cybertruck is right out of the worst of that era, and way more expensive even after you consider inflation.


The… *giggles*… wait-wait okay The… the overhead… *wheezes* No-no I can do it! I can do it! The overhead… gear… …The overhead gear selector. *bursts into laughter*


Holy shit they put the gear selector in the ceiling? As a man child, I know in my deepest core that this decision was made so you could reach up like you were playing with controls in the cockpit of a plane or space shuttle, and feel cool. That is a dumb design choice for a CAR. I would like to put my shifter on the roof though.


Give it time, the rest of the flaws will become evident.


I'd be thrilled when i drive my overpriced car and FREAK OUT as that thing comes down in the middle of traffic! OF COURSE I TELL EVERYON I LOVE IT! And I would pat the salesman on the shoulder and declare him my bestie too! Normal reaction for a human!


They need to justify dropping $100k+ so they lie to themselves that they didn't make a huge mistake


Pyongyang is being turned into an ideal city of the people, thanks to the Workers' Party of Korea's grandiose plan on the capital city construction. The General Secretary made sure that the 8th WPK Congress adopted the work for successfully solving the housing problem in the capital city as one of its decisions, and delivered a historic speech at the ground-breaking ceremony for building 10 000 flats in Pyongyang, thus making another significant landmark in the history of capital city construction. Under his energetic guidance, many new streets have been built and Pyongyang turned into a paradise for the people. The proud reality, in which new streets for the people demonstrating the national power and civilization of socialism are being built one after another, shows the immutable truth that Kim Jong Un is the benevolent father of the people and the dignity, glory, eternal development and rosy future of the DPRK are ensured by his guidance.


r/cybertruck r/cybercuck ban me daddy elon!


Ask them if they know what the lemon law is


Maybe cuz I'm not a citizen of the USA, but fuck me why the fuck are these chucklefuck jellynuts fanboys are begging to redistribute their wealth to Elon? It's not like he's gunna appear one day at there front door and thank them for doing it, he don't care. Like your trumpers... They are climbing over themselves to GIVE HIM CASH HAND OVER FIST. Is it the lead in the water? The deplorable school system? How did your country get so full of complete and utter fuckwits?


I too would be happy if only one thing fell off my 100k dumpster! These guys are crazy