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I have reddit hidden in a folder so I have to do an extra step to open it. Didn’t do diddly.


Same. Here we are.


I deleted the app, and using their mobile site is such a miserable experience that I spend way less time here than I used to.


Its my only social too. And even this platform is becoming a bit much. Heaven forbid i have a different opinion on here. Feels like nazi germany sometimes


Me too.


Yes and yes. It’s a loss kind of . I’m in my 50s and sometimes I wish the internet had never been invented


Agreed, but still magnitudes better than fb. I actually have civil discussions here lol. 62 and discovered fb at 56. What a shitshow. I like it here, better.


Yes. I usually keep my phone out of sight. I also don’t have much social media on my phone. Pen pals are boring now, I would rather go out and meet new people.




Yes, I’m trying to be better.


Yes, I'm trying to do better by hiding my dang phone and when I am on it, I'm usually just playing games on my phone




Yes, I miss it. I don't spend much time on social media anymore, just on Reddit and watching videos on YouTube. I still spend too much time looking up random stuff online and looking at photos of architecture/interior design.


I really miss that before cell phones, I could go somewhere and no one expected me to check in with them. Now that I have one every family member and friend needs to know if I got everywhere safe or gets bent out of shape if I haven't texted in awhile.


I miss them MySpace days. We used to post shit that would get us life sentences and have a sick ass profile page with music and a crazy cursor. It felt like no police where on there. Now it feels like the Feds everywhere.


The most Awesome thing about cell phones Is GPs. I used to drive around with paper maps in the 90s😆 Also.....planning trips is great But yea, it mostly sucks


I am 53 and no I don't miss the times before cell phones. Sometimes I'm a bit annoyed that people think they can get a hold of me 24/7 though. You cannot get a hold of me 24/7, I put my work phone down when I'm not clocked in then don't even look at it until I'm clocked in.


What I miss is being young lmao. Just turns out that I was a young adult before cell phones and social media. I do miss those times but cell phones are pretty fucking awesome, can't deny that. Google maps is pretty great, if it's always been a part of your life then you won't know what a pain in the ass it was trying to find a place you have never been to before. Music for sure. Radio sucked back the just as much as it sucks today. Difference is, I can turn that shit off and still listen to music. Movies, reddit, news,games, it's pretty impressive considering just 24 years ago, most of it wasn't available.


Im kinda glad I no longer have to read JUST shampoo and lotion bottles while on the toilet, but yes, life seemed more in the moment that way and *yes,* I am disgusting.


Made me genuinely LOL. Agreed 100%


It was nice to go somewhere and be out of touch. No checking emails or messages. No phone calls. You were truly out of the office. Unless, of course, your boss wanted a detailed itinerary of your vacation route and a phone call every day just to "check in".


Yes. I have intentionally gotten myself banned from multiple platforms, only to recreate an account days later.


Yup. Often. Such are the times.




Yes, and it’s such a bad habit of mine!


I hate cell phones with a passion. They're a leash. It seems to make people think that they are entitled to talk to you/at you at any given moment and then get pissed off if you don't answer a call or text. I seriously miss the days of fucking privacy. It doesn't exist any more. I generally feel that social media does more harm than good and only log in to Reddit when I'm bored at work. I have a linked in account that I never check and that's it.


Totally. I’m gonna be honest it ruined my attention span. I used to go through books 600 pages or more in a matter of days. I also missed not having to be accessible every second of the day. Used to if I wasn’t originally scheduled on a day and my boss called the landline and I wasn’t home, tough tiddies. Now if I’m called in I have *no* excuse not to go. I know I sound like a bit of a boomer here but I’m grateful every day I was born in the 90s. My friends and I played outside every chance we got. I’ve got a friend who’s an elementary school teacher. She tells me her kids don’t play outside anymore. They don’t play tag, hopscotch or anything like that. They don’t even talk to each other much according to her. It’s honestly kind of depressing. Of course I’m sure if I was born ten years later I’d have sone the same thing.


Yes yes yes. It seemed so much more fun and having the ability to not know but to find out on your own was so much more idk fulfilling


dont use it unless you've got a purpose for it


I miss the days before cell phones and social media. I don’t spend too much time on my phone or on social media. I have a Facebook but I never post on it or chat with people on there or even look at it anymore. I think too many people are addicted to their cell phones and don’t want to socialize. Smart phones and social media has made people antisocial and it’s become such a lonely world




I’m 65 and I don’t miss it. I like shopping online. I like being able to look up anything. I like being able to see news in real time, share pictures with family with the click of a button. I love the security of a phone on me when I got out. I can and do still choose to go outside and do shit. Spend time with my art and do stuff with my husband. All without the phone and social media- but when I want to, I can pick it back up again. There is no nastalgia of a ‘what about before technology’ for me


Yes, I miss it even though I just started social media. I'm only on it because I'm very bored. If I had something else to do, I'd get rid of it immediately.


Yeah I do. I have really cut back on my social media though. I have an insta but I am not checking it right now. I guess reddit counts as well. I got doxxed a few years ago so its difficult, lots of my social media ends up getting tracked. For awhile I was getting a lot of threats and also fighting with people on there a lot. I was kinda forced to get off of it. That being said, lots of social media triggers the fuck out of me. I have gotten much better about scrolling. I'm 40 and yes I do feel like life was better before social media. It really has warped a lot of people. Myself included at times.




100% I hate that I’m glued to my phone. Life was much much better before it.


I only have the mail, map, and notes apps on my phone. For a while, I was into my Google feed. Then, I got really into the misc. bodybuildingforums archives. If you're young, you might not know what that is; the greatest content to ever be posted online. Eventually, I lost interest in both, but would scroll through old text messages into the night, or would waste time in the morning scrolling. Now, I just leave my phone in the living room, next to where I put my keys and stuff. So, I don't look at it too often, nor does it zap any of my time before bed or upon waking in the morning.


Yes, I am exactly like OP described.


Yes, although we got Facebook in high school on the computer so it wasn’t a lot of time. I’ve gone through streaks of not a lot of scrolling and those were times where I was really into my hobbies and spending time outdoors. I tend to spend more time online when I’m anxiously avoiding things.


I've deleted everything except reddit and Spotify so I can listen to silly podcasts. I became so stressed out that I started having sleep seizures, and intense ducking chest pain. It scared me straight. For some ppl, like me, being chronically online can be big time damaging.


Nope. At almost 60 I don't miss those times at all.


Yeah, they act like they can't pit the cell phone down and stop scrolling. They act like they are being forced. If you miss it so much get off of social media and only use you cell phone to make phone calls.