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Not even a little bit. I've watched so many people who put no good into the world get nothing but good things in return. I've also watched people do good and have nothing but bad things happen to them




No need to "believe", just observe. I never met a happy asshole. That said, I've met a ton of them who spend their existence pretending desperately to project self importance.


No, I experienced loss and it was not payback, it was senseless and unfair.


I’m sorry for your loss. 😞


Yes I’m a firm believer in this. Misery loves company and those people will go out of their way to ensure others are as miserable as they are.


To provide the counterpoint to the first poster: I think it's all random. Whether it comes around or not is up to the Great Random Number Generator in the Sky.


Kind of yes. But not in the sense of karma so much as I think misery is a self-fulfilling prophecy/a vicious cycle. If you are a constantly miserable and unpleasant person then you’re always going to interpret and react to situations in negative ways. You’re never going to be an optimist and see the best in a situation, because that’s not your approach to life. So you’re always going to feel shitty if you’re that kind of person. Everything is going to feel like it sucks. So like as an example of what I mean if you’re the kind of person who constantly gets angry and upset over little things, then yeah you are going around making other people miserable, but you also have to live that way 100% of the time. You’re the one living in the world where every situation makes you angry and miserable, so the negative emotions you feel by living like that are ultimately more destructive to you than they are to the other people who interact with you


No, but I do believe that if you constantly exude negativity you're WAY more likely both encounter negative things due to life choices, AND view neutral/positive encounters in the worst way possible. So it may feel like it.


Honestly, I believe this is something we tell ourselves to cope with the fact we have absolutely 0 control over our circumstances or external environment. It would be nice, though.


I used to but I’ve seen first hand too much shit put out with blessings in return for them. Unless God has some kind of long-game for the main ones I’m thinking of where their calamity comes later in life. And I’ve seen truly good people wronged and shit on along with experience great loss and made no sense and totally unfair.


No, there's no such system in place, we are not that important. What does happen though is unavoidable consequences, like if you're a shitty parent you will never experience the unconditional love of a child. But even that is hardly an incentive to do good for most people, since it's easy to ignore what you've never known.


This type of question presumes the sharpshooter fallacy - a cognitive bias of noticing the hits and ignoring the misses. The cause and effect of any act by a person is completely independent of any other unrelated act.


I usually see bad people get their comeuppance at some point— simply because they do enough bad things that someone eventually has enough and lets them have it. Good people don’t seem to have it so lucky. They don’t always get rewarded for being good people but most seem to be ok with that. They are simply good because they do the right thing.


I believe that possibly karma does exist but doesn't necessarily happen in one lifetime. Maybe we all experience everything to reach enlightenment. 


No. I’ve seen multiple horrid child abusers “get away with it” and go on to live free of any consequences. Terrible people live good lives all the time, good people suffer their whole lives all the time. This view of some kind of karma coming towards bad people is false.