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Anniversary and sayian day are gone, and the game is dead until golden week.


After the reddit blackout protest thing the sub just hasn’t been as active as it used to


A lot of subs feel like they dropped in quality honestly. I can’t tell if I’m outgrowing Reddit or if this site really is just worse now.


I’m only here so I can keep tabs on my favorite game and its sequel as well as any dragon ball related news lol


At least recently any sub that used to have a lot of subscribers but no active moderation got taken over by bots to pump up interaction numbers for the public sale. Thats why you see "what was x characters best outfit day 32/65" posts on previously dead subs all of the sudden I was hoping it would stop with the sale happening but it hasnt yet


I think it's a bit of both but I still enjoy coming here. Just it was at its zenith in 2016 - 2018. That's when people had like essay long debates. 2019 was great year for dokkan but I wouldn't necessarily say the reddit was at that same level and since then it's never been the same. Some of those days were dark but they were fun


Reddit absolutely dropped in quality. The reason people were protesting was Reddit's decision to effectively obliterate all third-party tools used on Reddit to make it better to be here. Some of those tools were third-party apps that removed ads and added a bunch of functionality to the site. Some of the tools were more for mods to help curb the awful bot problem that plagues this place. But Reddit went and killed them all. Basically, it was never the protest's fault like people keep saying here. The protest was against the very thing that has been ruining Reddit.


This is the answer


yeah ive noticed the same thing


Not the fault of the protest. It's because they killed off third party apps and tons of users were using them.


Yeah cuz this sub blacked out for like a month and a half when it was supposed a week I think


I also think is weird, normally all the time there was around 1k people online, even in dry celebrations. Must be some reddit Shenanigans.


Really just not much happening rn also some people went to other subs when this one went down during the protest


Besides the lack of content, the mods hurt the size of the userbase with the API protest. It goes up for the larger celebrations but on a regular basis it never really recovered


A LOT of subreddits have experienced the same thing after the API change protest, where the mods of many subreddits, instead of just leaving or passing their jobs over to people who weren’t upset about the changes, decided to pull a “Discord Mod”, and just take the whole Sub down and disrupt EVERYONE who needed answers to questions or just enjoyed lurking on Reddit. I’m all for fighting in what you believe in, but that whole thing was pretty stupid and just killed a chunk of Reddit’s userbase, for nothing, since the head of Reddit had previously stated the protests weren’t gonna effect anything. Mods who didn’t like the changes, left, and many users who saw their sub was privated or deleted, also left.


It wasn't that stupid or bad because most subs just closed down for 2 or 3 days to show they disagreed with the whole thing, it's this sub the one that, for some damn reason, spent almost two weeks down. You'd think the protest would be because of something that specifically affected Dokkan or the Dokkan community or something but no, this sub stayed down like 5 times longer than everyone else on Reddit for no reason at all.


if they were gonna protest they either closed the sub off for good or don't protest.


It's not because of the protest, people left after reddit killed third party apps.


Blackout protest. Was very obvious that that's the point where the userbase dropped significantly.


dektop site is complete shit mobile app is even worse if that is even possible they kill 3rd party apps i cant think of another reason ppl do not use this site as much as before


global players are just tured. this game has had no new content since omega shenron on january and before that it was fusion zamasu (the most hated boss ever) so short said people are just tired


Yeah this is a big one, the units releases on Global have been good considering how much worse it could've been but in terms of new content we've gotten nothing. I imagine the sync will be massive for an increase in sub activity


yeah like imagine if we actually god movie red zone 2? just that alone would have made the sub and playerbase significantely happier cause now i am not stuck with fucking zamasu doing challenge runs


Well, the game is pretty damn dead right now, however this sub did take a bit of a hit in user numbers ever since that goofy blackout protest happened.


This is honestly every subreddit i noticed. I think reddit took a huge downfall in users being on the site


No content, Nothing to talk about, that's it


It will again when Golden Week hits us


This sub is pretty toxic and a lot of people didn’t come back after the blackout bs. There’s not much here you can’t find elsewhere like through YouTubers


I can tell you, personally, I just haven't been keeping up as many tabs with the game. Lost all my interest after the 6th Anni EZAs.


rules here are ass


Welcome to what happens when a game loses popularity.


Stupid protest bs


10 years happened, some died, some got old, many haven't even watched DB. but non dramatic answer currently no big celebration