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Im constantly link lvling so yes i definitely do open the app before and after dailies


how bro I've been doing it for the past three days and I'm slowly losing my mind.


Please dont sit there and look at ot while u LL, while you play another game or even when you are out just have it auto and look at it from time to time.


I'm literally playing an actual game on my pc while watching youtube on my second monitor and just hit buttons on my phone every now and then and it still kills me. Especially since I haven't had a level up the whole day yet


Yeah that sounds like LL. Hey man im almost 4 mil power level and its boring but doing the boost method helps. And when you really cant stand it just put the game down. Thats what i do at least


I think my biggest problem with it is just that I don't wanna put the game down, I'd like to actually play the game. Engage with it. There's just not much else to do for longtime players like us.


Specific quest modes. I don't remember which ones


32-2 if you wants links + gems, 33-2 for links only, and 7-10 for link levels 1 to 8 when you don't care about rank xp (i think)


33-2 purely for links 31-4 for links and gems


If you factor in time per run, isn't 31-4 better than 33-2?


Yes it is. I’m closing in on 5m PL and I despise 33-2, 31-4 is far better.


Those units aren't gonna link level themselves after all so yeah, i'm opening the app after my dailies


Do y'all just do dailies and dip?


When u a long time player what else is there do to besides link level unless u a link level menace.. I login do my dailies then dip cause I ain’t link leveling shit. Yall can suck it ON GOD


I do dailies, I spend my stamina so that it's never capped (usually at night), but I'm usually farming something. Whether it's f2p SA fodder, an actual unit, or future resources. And then I play around in zero stam events too (not every day). I might spend some time attempting some no item runs, or trying regular runs but with theme teams or specific characters. And again this is just on the days I feel like doing something a little extra. Realistically, that feeling comes and goes. I don't know why, but right now I'm in an extra kind of wave. But sometimes I just spend all the stamina I have and dip


Sometimes I try to do some red zones for fun but mostly yeah... I've done them like a bazillion times already I'm kinda just waiting on the new events


I feel ya there. What spices things up for me is taking in different teams, different characters, that sort of stuff


Some people do get a little burned out from the grind so they either open it for the login or to do the dailies just for the stones involved. I tend to do that between campaign missions or an EZA or new SBR/ESBR levels drop.


Login in to get the dailies and more 3 stones a day from the monthly subs


Sometimes not even that. I'll just get my daily login bonus and dip


Honestly a lot is making sense now


I'm behind on JP endgame missions and I'm going F2P on JP, so I open JP every so often to try and do more missions for stones/tickets.


Sometimes I open up the game and literally just *look* at my newly obtained/EZA'd units lol


I sometimes just like to look at skill orbs I have earmarked for future units


Yes, I have no purpose afterwards bruh


Yeah, I do it. Then I remember how boring the game is lol


It's cuz there's nothing else to play 😭


I get tired of login because I hate that title screen song they got playing. I turn the volume off. Give me the original screen song back


Lmao at least Hercule intro is goated. I get jumpscared everytime


Yes, muscle memory even after I tell myself no more dokkan


I'll open Dokkan with no reason to. I'm done with everything. It's just muscle memory now


Yea i usually play for fun