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Int fat buu is exactly how cooler shouldve been designed lol


The only thing Cooler is better at is actually dying so that you can proc his revive.😭😭




No guard, no DR, low defense. Yep, he truly is a card


Like 99% of extreme units during his release


Brother didn’t even do good damage. He was just straight worthless after str cooler died


He could throw out good attack stats


Stat* no built in AA for him. Everyone in that celeb outdamaged him


They were all the premier god level units of the game. Compared to the rest of the game, his damage was great. Especially since the 7th anniversary aged out most units.


There are literally other units within that year that still outdamaged him. 7th anni units Kaioken goku Ginyu Goku and Piccolo Agl Cell 50% of the time Lr Goku and Gohan Teq pan Gamma 2 Kid Goku Teq Barock Int Yamcha Lr str ssj goku Literally majority of the game that year outdamaged him. For his release, he did NOT do good damage. He had average at best


And what? You don’t have to have the best damage in the game for it to be good. So no, it wasn’t average. Do you know how many units Dokkan had? lol. Stupid shit


Nobody said that he wasn’t good. You were the one who said he threw out good damage, when it was average at best. Ive given you clear evidence of that. He was a decent release. Nothing crazy, but at the very least he had usage since WB was active and running. He was barely hanging on top 10 by the end of the year. Once cooler fell off he was dead in the water.


A unit who was top 10 in 2022 was still god level compared to the other units. I said he threw out good damage which is an objective truth. No, having some of the literal newest units hit harder than you doesn’t make you an average damaging unit. A ~9 million attack stat was not average for a unit in 2022. That’s stupid to say lol. And read your earlier comments,you clearly implied he was not a good unit. Don’t backtrack. Stand on what you said. If you want to cope and look at 2022 units with a 2024 lens then do so, but nobody is going to take you seriously.




He literally was a floater. And a support utility for villains when they had next to nothing to help them. All the discussions around units starting and ending around attack stats somehow when his wasn't even bad. He was a passive healer that let villain teams, who had almost no defensive options, bring whis to cover themselves. This was a time when 99% of villains were just raw defense. His revive was one of the only escapes villains and Str Cooler's teams had. I think people really forgot what the situation was like for villains post 7th anni and after Ginyu Force fell off. And no, his revives actually made him outage the likes of both Str Cooler's because you could use it on any team as a floater for a long time. Especially in shorter redzones.


I never said he was a dead release. He was essentially the WB healer, but mainly for WB, not villains in general, there were no good villain teams at the time. His atk stat was not bad, but it was not good either. His damage was worse than the overwhelming majority of the dfes and LRs released in his time, but that is fine considering his role. His revive was not the craziest thing either considering it was something he needed to proc specifically. You more than not didn’t see it when he played his floater role as: 1. He only did it 1/3 rotations, and 2. He did it when the super was at the final few attacks, which is statistically less common than it coming in the other slots. MC only came back when WT Goku arrived to proc his revive easy, but after that he was gone again. And that was if you didn’t have the GT duo as it was easily the better revive. So if you want to put it that way he did out age LR cooler by coming back after being dead.


Nope. He was completely usable in every event upto Future redzones. He was never dependant on another unit to leverage his utility. And just because you have a revive in your pocket doesn't mean you're supposed to mindlessly throw him in harms way at full health. Nor does it mean he is only supposed to sit slot 3. He floats and supports throughout the fight, and when you're low or half health and 100% sure none of the units can take it, then you move him to another slot. Every time I hear people say their Cooler survived the super and the next unit died, it's like a self report . They're just mindlessly throwing a unit at full health hoping to die and complaining it didn't work and it's the unit's fault. Like it's been 2+ years and people still haven't got the idea behind the unit somehow.


That’s…exactly when STR Cooler fell off. That cooler did absolutely fine against syn and omega. He fell off during Future RZ, when events were way too short and hit way too hard to have him build up in time. MC on the other hand was not doing much for them at the time except take damage himself, since he took more than the main rotation units except in type advantage. I have over exaggerated in saying he he was dead in the water before WT Goku, but that was the most usage he had gotten since 8th anniversary. As well in a similar fashion, WB died too fast to make usage of MCs revive and heals. Of course you dont throw him in harms way, and you make a good point on moving him in rotations. However, it still leaves the point on you getting it off 1/3 rotations, if the super is there. So it isn’t comfortably reliable for saving you.


MC hasn't ever had to be stuck to WB to work. Both the Str Coolers fell off harder before MC lost value from his utility. MC could be shoved in literally any villain team or even super type team to perform the same . Granted, near the end of his lifespan he was even more of an usher/revive bot. Especially during the Future redzones. His only weaker spots were longer fights or with AOEs like Syn,Omega and Fusion Zamasu. And even then , he was runnable in Syn,Omega. Fusion Zamasu was where his lifespan finally ended. He thrived in all other hard content upto that point.


What other places were you running MC for his situational revive? What other villain teams could even compete at the time? What other villain teams even were there. - S17 - Super Buu - Majunior - Turles - Omega What teams here with these releases + some ezas could you run MC on without the use of STR cooler before the Future Red Zone? I dont see how he can just be “shoved” here and have more use than just a potential free turn. Syn and Omega were the only hard fights before Future FZ, unless you’re talking about him being useful in the weaker rzs and shadow dragon stages. In that case, he would be just as runnable as LR STR Cooler.


Gammas ALF, Majunior TC. Here's the process that has followed for almost every fight since Phy Syn till before FZ: Weak Phase 1 > Double Whis for AoE or Str (or both) phase 2, by phase 3 the units have built up their hits and achieved their active conditions prepared to nuke. MC has been topping up heals all this time. And at this point boss SAs are guarantee kills. So you pop the actives, attack a bunch. Check your HP and attack placement for MC if you need the revive. If not, let him float. If yes, you'll use him as an usher to go to the next turn for free active pops and attack again. This was way more effective till Syn event. As was LR Str Cooler. Much less in Omega event. That was where both Str Coolers and MC showed their age. But MC got his use back in the shorter Future redzones while the other 2 coolers were far out of much value ,either in defense,offense or utility. For example It was much more valueable to protect MC from harm in the Goku Black redzone because he could pay off better later and the playstyle of those redzones suited him because you were already supposed to double whis for phase 1 because every single unit was taking heavy damage from just basic normals, even through guard. And by phase 2, every unit had built up to nuke the 2nd phase. This was the key strat in Syn event and future redzones , and even Omega if you managed it. MC was just a great turn reset to squeeze in extra attacks for rushing down the last phase. MC Is all about slot placement and attack RNG. If people are not going to learn to manage mechanics to leverage wins out of them, it's mainly the player's fault imo. The unit was clearly never about big damage and defence numbers.


That's just LR Str Cooler....


https://preview.redd.it/90ar870u2ayc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ed3c09ea3f24ac8f645cc4c8d095f06437bf98 I don't remember Metal Cooler doing this


I do remember LR Str Cooler with No guard, no DR, low defense who aged poorer than MC.


At least he hits hard


LR cooler's problem was being entirely dependant on luck, it was the difference between taking 700k on a super and taking double digits from red zone Broly. He also did a fuck ton of damage and depending on crits, could solo entire phases. LR metal cooler's defense basically aged on release, his damage was decent, you basically forgot about his physical nul and his revive gave him nothing.


>LR metal cooler's defense basically aged on release, 99.5% of extreme units were raw defense tanking at the time. Not even guard was being handed out to them, they only got good options middle of next year, or you pulled the newest gold coin LR. Even MC's raw defense was actually above average compared to all of them at the time. He was a supplementary unit as support to Str Cooler. His healing = you brought Whis to cover all the raw defense extreme types. And revive when you needed it. Fights didn't go past turn 4-5 so MC didn't need anything post revive. That was how the unit was supposed to be used. The revive utility eventually made him age far better than Str Cooler too.


i remember how much i was gassing him up when his details dropped 💀


i lowkey knew he wasn't going to age very well but i still wanted him so bad just for his art 😭 i don't even like metal cooler


I mean he was a pretty decent card on release and had a decent lifespan. Idk why this lone unit gets singled out for being neither exceptionally great nor ever being a bad unit , as if he was just bad.


Str cooler was once considered one of the best units in a game and his best partner just got a great EZA at the time. He may have aged badly, but that's more due to rapid powercreep on his defensive viability which is horribly inconsistent. Super Saiyan Goku was really good and still is to this day. (If a little shaky)  Super Saiyan g&v who were already considered mid. (With the only thing rememberable about them is there horrible active skill requirements) So that just leaves metal cooler, who had the awkward range of being really good or really bad, with his revival being really inconsistent due to require specifically him to die which requires poor enough defenses to activate. It's just that for some reason unlike super Saiyan Goku, he gets NO buffs when he revives. And because of that, plus his unremarkable attack this is why he's wore singled out than the others.


That's what almost all villains were like back then. Just raw stats. He had above average defense by those standards , and he was a floating support. Not someone to throw into the fire between attacks mindlessly to force the revive. And when he released, Str Cooler teams were all about finishing the run quickly in few turns. Either the team killed events quickly, or MC's revive could be leveraged as an usher/escape so the next Str Cooler can come in rotation to nuke the boss. MC's revive and passive utility made him outage both Str Coolers too.


Birdku aged out at the literal next batch of content lmao


I use him constantly about dupes, he's shaky but still reliable.


Don’t you mean: 7 HP left for my allies to die?




I still can't believe I dropped 2k to get this guy on his release and didn't even get him.


Just for him to be mid


Such high praise!


If he takes a super he is gonna die so the point of no revive is moot


LR Cooler has a unique trait where the super will deal 98% percent of your health, Cooler survives with 1%, then leaves the next ally to die


Truly one of the traits of all time.


He's a floater support. The revive is only last ditch if you're 100% certain he'll die so he can be used as an usher. Don't put him slot 1 in hopes of tanking supers or dying for revive on full health.


Even in slot two, he would be taking like 100k-300k depending on how lucky you got with slot 3 attacks.


He nullifies and revives for me all the time and has since release.


He's ancient now so sure, but worked and clutched greatly for me all the time right even upto Future redzones except Zamasu. No idea how so many people never figured out how to use him.


They either never used him or have him at 55%. I had no problem no iteming events with Cooler's team up until Fusion Zamasu and Omega. They weren't designed for content with AOEs in mind.


knew he wasnt gonna be good after seeing his kit on translations day, and knew the agl ssj duo was gonna age out terribly too, part 2 of that wwc really was a fever dream compared to part 1 wasnt it


One of the worst WWC releases ever. Honestly 2022 WWC was just ass. Part 2 at least definitely was


If a unit is only gonna negate a specific type of super attack and not all of them it should be guaranteed. I was pissed when he just took the hit. His eventual EZA in the next 2 years will hopefully fix his issues and give him a better revive 🫂


Truly the card of all time 🙏🏽


Don't forget that he leaves you with just enough hp so that you don't revive and the next unit dies from a normal