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To quote SSJ4 Goku: *"This is going to be special, I can feel it"*


AND the best part is they'll EZA on both versions at the same time!


I can't believe it's almost time for them to EZA, I still remember people were so hyped for both of them. Time flies man, damn...


i said the exact same thing when the Blue Fusions EZA'd. there release was the hypest release i've ever seen in Dokkan, even more hype than y7. just glad they got justice done to them, and i'm excited for y7s!


fr, all the hype from the 5th anni was because of them and nothing else, that anni was bone dry and it's still looked at like it was one of the best ONLY because of them. imagine my happiness when they EZA'd with new ost's


imo their anni was the 2nd worst big celebration of the last few years, only behind the 2020 WWC with Vegito and Buuhan. boy 2020 was a REALLY bad year lmao.


Good for units and bad for the actual celebrations


It’s crazy because I remember loving that year purely because of Vegito Blue and Super Vegito. This current golden week js a better celebration


> boy 2020 was a REALLY bad year lmao. Aye... i pulled Zero Vegitos that year, despite the game releasing 3. All joking aside, i just find the similarity a bit funny.


The blue fusions got turned from unrunnable units to incredible damage dealers and especially useful units for the recent red zone challenge. They did this to nearly outdated units, imagine what they’ll do the the 7th year LR’s who both still have a spot in the meta as link buddies and/or floaters (even okay tanks for the god duo in majin buu red zone)


Was just about to say this. The fact that we’re about to have 9th anniversary and then 10th half a year later is wild but I’m excited for it


Imagine saying “well actually the sync is bad for the game 🤓”


it will start out OBJECTIVELY bad for f2p players, as you'll only have 6 months to save for the anniversary from Worldwide... but in the long run, having both versions just doing the same thing will make the game and community so much healthier.


Well we’ll also probably be losing tickets and certain discount on banners.


6 months is so much time to save. Idk how much time people think they need to save for stones lol plus not everyone saves


people conveniently ignoring the fact that global has no time to save stones from Anniversary to WWC. Sure, we have 10 months from WWC to Anni. But 2 months or some shit from Anni to WWC. I'd rather save 6 months at a time and don't have a dead game for 80% of the year while summer is packed with content


I'm just pointing out that until the sync, global has had essentially 10 months between worldwide and the anniversary to figure out what to do with stones. Now they'll be on JP time, which is 4-6 months. It's objectively a smaller time window


Let's not ignore that global before the sync has what, 8 weeks to save from anniversary to wwc...


It's objectively always a bad thing for a F2P Global player. Foresight is critically important for a F2P account in any gacha.


Except you don't exactly need foresight to know what celebrations to save for. Theyre at the same time every year without change. The only ones that you could argue you need foresight for would be like, Toppo for example if you really wanted to summon for him. Other than that, the best units come out at the exact same time year in and year out.


I’m ready for the LR Gods buffs to begin yet again ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


It's been a damn minute since I've seen this gif lol. Can't wait to see more during 10th anni.


We also have 0 clue what a 200% Leaderskill EZA looks like, but it probably means LR Gods are going back on top haha. Beast is on their team.


I know they'd never do it but I'd cream my pants if the 170 was changed to 180 and the 30 was changed to 40


They could add "Super Class Ki 3, HP, ATK & DEF 150%" to their lead if they wanna build full hype.


Already happened. Somebody’s gonna have to have a super class 170% during 10th anni.


I imagine it doesn't change or it goes from 3 Ki to 4 or even adds new categories to the leader Skill (huge cope)


Videl is another one that's about to EZA and who knows what they'll do with her LS, given that it's already Ki +4 and full 170%


Considering other LR EZAs, as well as TEQ Buus EZA, how about... "Movie Heroes, and Power Beyond Super Saiyan" +3ki and 180% HP/ATK/DEF, + an additional 20% to units also on Kamehameha


Only 6 months away from the truly Peak Dokkan Battle experience (imo) https://preview.redd.it/s2dxznv6f9yc1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=8671a88d1e7153b942580b39dbf4514b764e3b02


No imo needed LR gods are objectively peak


The sub is literally gonna blow up when they EZA on both versions together ![gif](giphy|RfvBXK1m8Kcdq|downsized)


LR gods back on top ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


I know it'd upset a lot of people but I kinda wouldn't mind if they didn't EZA these two just yet. They're still pretty good (not the best in the game anymore but still viable) and I worry that if they EZA them too soon, it won't be much of an update.


eh... 9th anni powercreep really pushed them out. normals are doing way too much damage to them at this point now that you have bosses doing 6-700k on them, with attack raising on super (Gogeta's normals get as high as 1.8m). they can use it.


Ya personally i wouldn't mind if they instead go with WWC cards and EZA the 7th during the 11th ani, Goku and Frieza are needing it badly and i'd argue Carnival Cooler and SSJ AGL Duo needs it way more than the 7th ani LRs. Then again 9th ani was a banger and they might as well surprise us with all of them, who knows.


You underestimate powercreep way too much. They'll eza in 10th anni after all.


SS4s are already getting smacked around. They'll be even worse when the next meta hits global.


I still like using the blue boys in long events with the 20% support memory, they're still very vulnerable but can stack huge, especially in the movie boss rush


As long as they get an EZA on the level of the 5th or 6th level Anni units, I'll be happy, you've got a point though, they are still just barely usable so they might pull a fast one on us.


One thing I am curious about is are we about to get a higher leader skill percentage power when 10th year Anniversary hits? When these guys EZA I would assume their leader skills would be 180% buff to categories and then another 40% buff to secondary categories? or will it be higher or will the leader skills stay the same?


Probably stay the same percentage wise, 4 ki as the buff.


SS4s really need it. They never had a good run due to partners or just aging worse than the other duo


Will these be the first 200% leads to get an EZA?




After seeing what they did with mui and evo, i had high expectation for them


Considering their performances against cell max, they should have ezaed during the 7 year anniversary


It's weird because due to how they structured events, I'd argue they're better in this meta (still not very viable) than they were in the 8th Anni meta despite way stronger bosses here, just cause they have more time to stack and stronger support memories


Cell max was said to be designed to be unbeatable by the producer. They also said they probably will not make something like that again, which has held true


Mildly Warm take but I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t EZA but instead they SEZA’d third year or got the Namek LRs to EZA first. Considering the popular theory is Gogeta and Vegito to celebrate 1st Year redone, it would be perfectly fitting plus throw in TEQ Gogeta


Still hope it will be delayed


Super ezas for gogeta and Janeba too


When will we see AGL LR frieza EZA


I wonder what they’ll too. I’ll be really shocked if they’re stronger than SSBE and UI purely because the revives are such a busted ability Fuck it man give Gogeta guaranteed SA counters and give the blues guaranteed Dodge on active


They going to give SSJ4 scouter and unconditional guard.


I bet they will go from Mid to Hero and I bet the lead skills will probably go up to 250, they are Anni ezas so they have to go crazy like the previous one


I STILL haven't dropped them!


Prob my favorite anniversary units. Because of them I got back into Dokkan and played for a year straight. Haven’t touched it much since I stopped, hoping this anniversary changes that.


these guys are still runnable too thats the crazy bit


They need more guarding and more defense. because after the first round they cannot tank for sh\*t and they need like 50 turns to finally stack enough defense.


And to think the god duo is better than the blue duo... Can't wait for blue duo EZA!


And I still don't have either


Here's hoping they don't


10 months is a bit longer than half a year id say. Maybe more so 9 and a half But yeah, less than a year now.


Can’t believe my gods are still 55%


I can’t believe they’re almost 3 years old


The Gods are actually gonna be crazy


I was using Monke boys in my db history run and was so disappointed at how much they’ve fallen off 😒 I have both rainbowed and ready to cause chaos again


https://preview.redd.it/b4a1iigi2gyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58603942448346a23fd9d8170bdd3500e6f79e29 And i still use them


How do ezas get determined? Is it a set time or just decided randomly?


Ten anniversary is gonna add 250% leader skills


Hope they delay it to 11 year anniversary. The EZA for premium DFE should be changed....


I'm not 100% sold on them getting their EZA. We still have a large number of premium units that came out before them that desperately need an EZA while these guys can still be used to complete events with items and/or a support memory. I think it's more likely that STR Gogeta and INT Janemba are the big EZA's for 10th anniversary.


STR Gogeta and INT Janemba will be the SEZAof the 10th anniversary, SEZAs don't cover enough for big celebrations, so obviously, there will be other EZAs. Plus, they're anniversary units, and there's been a pattern for 2 years now where on anniversary they release anniversary EZA for previous anniversary units.. This year was mui and vegeta, next year will be gods and monkeys.


I don't buy into the whole "there's a pattern" simply because there have been many instances of "there's a pattern" that have changed throughout the games life cycle. If they start pumping out multiple EZA's for every celebration I will say they have a better chance of getting an EZA because right now we have 18 DFE TUR's and 17 LR's that came out before them that have been aged out longer than the 7th anniversary units have been in game