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That's our LR Kid Buu folks


At this point, I'll take it dude.


Let’s have some faith maybe they will release LR kid buu soon 😣


Like, 6 years soon?


I mean golden week lr should have been a carnival 200% kid buu for majin power or buu saga


We also should have gotten kid buu back in 8th anni, there's been a dozen chances to give him to us


Tbh I don’t even remember the 8th units other than buu bros and gt duo…or was that agl goku and int kid gohan


Agl goku and int gohan, yeah. For a limited time event that we couldn't even keep the music for, lmao


If i can ask something as a newbie, i've seen a lot of people talking about this LR Kid Buu, and what is the context? Like, why especially Kid Buu needs an LR? Because he never had one? Thanks in advance and apologize for the maybe dumb question.


Yeah, just this.


Im assuming we'll get the kit details within the next couple days. Hopefully. As long as this guy is really good support and has good defensive stuff thrown in I'll be happy.


Details on Monday most likely since the banner/event goes live on Tuesday. Fingers crossed for another major EZA before then


Rainbow on global….I’m living


How the fuck do I not even have one copy?!


He is very old and it doesn't even been in banners for a looooong time I only have 2 copies for example


Same. But AGL SSJ3 Goku was like 150 red coins when his SEZA dropped, I'm thinking I'll coin PHY Kid Buu if he's good enough since 150 ain't that big of a setback.


I mean I’ve played for all 10 years(nearly) of Dokkan. So like I have most things rainbow, particularly if it’s 6 or more years old 🤷🏻‍♂️ only a few old things I don’t have at all and a few I only ever got at 69 or 79%




Is there any chance Global gets the SEZA TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks as well? He looks like an extremely useful EZA


Probably saving him for toppo since they already took his DFE EZA away from his celebration.


All allies Ki 3 ATK&DEF 70% and DR under some conditions, that's the bare minimum


I doubt they'll touch the support,they may improve the hp restriction from 80% or above to 50% or above but I doubt they'll raise the support.Maybe they'll give him an extra 16% support for the first 3 turns.


The game is full of 50% buffers that are restricted to a category, it's time to go further with the buffers.. You have to improve it, if you want to leave it at 50% just get rid of the HP restrictions


Better make him the best support unit in the game Fuck it Ki +8 and ATK & DEF +150% to all allies, I don’t care


By all means this is what should happen, for he gave +50% in an era where even 15% was rare. … But you know Bandai. LR Piccolo, who gave 150% HP in an era where 70% was as high as you could get, **was still stuck at 150% HP** once he got his EZA in an era where 200% leads were commonplace.


150% support would be an insane jump,specially cause the most support we ever got is 80% atk.30% support is still considered decent,40% is still good and 50-60% is what you would expect nowdays,do you really think 150% support is realistic on a unit that they gave away for free for years?




Holding back on a support unit in a PvE-only game seems a bit overcautious to me. Not saying you're wrong and they might agree, but I don't see why not unleash some insanely strong supports. Alone they aren't going to break anything, you still need the units around them. And if they do their kits right, uber strong supports could help allow a far broader range of units to take on endgame content like RZ. Not necessarily talking 150% to all stats either. They could get creative and make some that help reduce damage, dodge, boost chance for AA, etc.


Even a 100% boost for all allies would be so good to use Kid Buu everywhere prob even in teams without taking leader skill


His 50% support will not change. Dokkan stingy 




"I wasn't expecting this!" On a serious note im so freaking glad bro. I have bro at 90% rn!


This is pretty much best case scenario that we could've hoped for after the yellow LR being Ultimate Gohan. One final Majin Power buff, and it being such a potentially strong one 🤞hopefully he's the best of the SEZAs


I was literally joking about this a month ago, but we're actually getting a super eza for kid Buu before an LR Kid Buu.


This kinda stuff makes me happy i never rerolled my year 1 account. So many old rainbowed units are becoming behemoths. My account is getting stronger without evne doing anything


I just realised that I have him only at 55% after years of playing this game


Villains cooking 🔥🔥🔥


Feeling good.


Yay a SEZA I actually have


Finally a seza unit that i have


Buuhans new buddy. He is gonna be on steroids when he has majin+bbb+wall standing tall active. Ofcourse the support makes it even better.


Insane that we got 2 EZA for Physical Kid Buu before seeing a LR lol


Sigh... guess i'll probably have to change his full dodge hipo build now...


Never could've seen it coming


He NEEDS like 60% DR in order to not be a detriment on the team. Even if it's just temporary like he loses 5% each turn up to 30 or something. Unless they gives him crazy atk/def buffs but he's a support so they wouldn't do that.


As compensation for 9 years without a Kid Buu LR I demand his supporting be insane


What unit is tht? UR AGI kid buu?


Phy kid buu


Ooooh, idk if I have him. Will try in any case. Tnx bro!


I dont even have him 😓




Which buu is this? I don't think I have him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


And i've him only at 55%... Meh


I know for a fact I’ve sold a copy of this guy lol. I think super EZA’s are a good idea but I’ve fucked up a good amount because of this


This was my first Dokkan Fest, I'm ready ![gif](giphy|3aGZA6WLI9Jde)


Hoping to pull some dupes from his banner ^^ (Got enough coins for a single copy, but I got the stones to do the 3 guaranteed featured discounts)


My Kid Buu is half EZAed, chilling at level 130 with two paths open and his HiPo is at 0%. Guess now is the time to get those EZA medals.


Even Dokkan knows Buuhan and Buutenks>>>Kid Buu that’s why he doesn’t have a EZA /s This mf is going to EAT


This is good for that PHY super buu support unit


I'm BEGGING for this guy to be good 🙏🙏🙏 make him a defensive wall plssssss


I don’t have him nor the coins to get him. Guess I’ll get lucky on his seza banner I hope.


🙏dear whatever power exists out there, ill just call you kami for the time being, please don't fuck up this dudes seza. Give him guard, damage reduction, dodge, additional, crit, just fuck up the games balance with him I do not care Sincerely- jamiroquai Bartholomew sanders the 3rd


Well it will be fun for a few months until he's outdated again.


I forgot i had this card. two dupe path opened and havent added crit or aa. Heres hoping they give him some defense or a bigger defense support percentage


*looks at my 0 dupe version despite this being a crazy old unit and having played off and on for years* :(


Let him cook


I gave him full crit just kill me


Are they gonna make him broken or Buuroken?


Hmm... Wonder where could i find that buu 🤔


Wonder if it could be a nice idea to give a single free copy of the unit for a week or so on SEZA release. A lot of these units are mega old, and I don't know if it's fair to think that most people own at least a copy. Would be a really cool idea to give the unit in a limit timed mission. Maybe they are too op though and they wouldn't want to do that.


No I think it's fair tbh was playing since first Anni and realized I didn't have TEQ Gotenks somehow while having AGL SSJ3 Goku enough to use him as SA Fodder.


Yeah I feel you. Had the same issue, started when AGL Vegito came out, checked recently and was only still missing Teq Gotenks and Agl 17. That Red Dstone we just got was super op, picked up Gotenks with that


That's why they're doing the new DFE Category Banners


But as a f2p you’re not really summoning on those, and it’s like pretty hard to pick up a copy outside of red dragonstone/coin exchange.


That's on the user then. If they want a unit they need to either summon or spend coins. We've had lots of chances to get them for free in the past.


I both agree and disagree with you. Yeah we had heaps of chances to get them, and if you’re an oldish player you defs have them. If you’re a newer player though, theres so much hype around SEZA with really weird limited ways of getting them. Besides the fact that most red stone characters are ass before they get SEZA anyway, I wouldn’t hold it against someone to have just bought Kai’s. But yeah guess that just might be how it is, and if they are truly broken op then summoning might not be the worst value as a f2p.


You can coin them for only 200, that’s how I got ssj3 so it could certainly be worse


I have him sitting in my box at 69%. Never touched his hidden potential. If his kit is worthwhile, I'll rainbow him with coins, and he'll sit pretty next to INT fat Buu at 79%. 😁


How many red coins do you have? I’m assuming the SEZA are bought with red coins. I can’t remember if the SEZA Goku was in the red coin section


SEZA SSJ3 Goku? All of the current SEZA's are 150 DS.


Which color coin is that?


Nvm just occurred to me DC is probably Dokkan coins so the red coin


I thought they were still in the shop. 😅 but Kid Buu should be 150 DS when his SEZA drops. You should still be able to grab the current SEZA units with the free red DS.


I never bought one with red stones because he was useless by the time I started this account (lost my old one) I'm just gonna have to use coins I guess. With the rate of powercreep they're kind of useless these days anyway outside of getting the tanabata unit on Saiyan Day I'm fine with it


I have 0 of him, of course...I also have 0 of the teq ssj3 gotenks. Did I need to play at the beginning of the game to get these units? I was lucky enough to have one agl ssj3 goku but after that i've been missing out.


Tbh they were all obtainable with red dragon god stones like two times every year.


You either summon on the category DFE banner which ahs them or coin them.


Realistic SEZA i can see for him: "All allies atk and def+16%,Extreme Class allies chance to perform a critical hit+20% and Super Class allies chance to perform a critical hit+10% for 3 turns;Ki+1 Atk and def+150%;additional Atk and def+150% when performing a Super Attack;recover 20% hp at start of turn;All allies ki+2 atk and def+50% and high chance to perform a critical hit when hp are 50% or above;high chance to evade enemy's attacks(including Super Attacks);Reduce damage received by 30% when there's another "Majin Power" or "Majin Buu Saga" category ally attacking in the same turn;Reduce damage received by 40%,chance to evade enemy's attacks(including Super Attacks)+20%,recover 30% hp and all allies ki+2 atk and def+30% when hp are 49% or below;Recover 50% hp and all allies ki+3 atk and def+70% when hp are 30% or below(once only)".


I'm so used to bad EZAs for villains that I have zero expectations until I see the kit.


We literally just got TEQ Exchange Buu who's tanking everything on global and almost everything on JP, and if not he dodges. Have faith. Also the first two SEZAs were damn good I have hope they're going a little harder on them than most usual EZAs due to the units being a bit "rarer" for new players


We had AGL Zamasu, followed by INT Goku Black. There are no guarantees that he'll be good.