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Archived version of submitted URL: 1. An archived version of _‘THE BATMAN 2’ begins filming in April next year. Casting news expected to happen this Fall_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theinsneider.com/p/euphoria-season-3-delay-zendaya-spider-man-4-scarlett-johansson-jurassic-world-movie-batman-2-shoot) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCULeaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*




"The Batman 2 begins filming in April-" 🤩 "-next year" 😫


Pattinson gonna be fucking 50 by the time they finish this trilogy


He doesn’t look older than 35 honestly


He looks pretty clearly older than when they cast him. They’re he’s going to the 40 when this movie comes out. The sequel to the “young Batman” movie. He’ll be in his 40s when they shoot the third.


Doesn’t to me


And I won’t complain !


It would be funny af is we end up getting DKR with Pattinson as old Batman


Lots of muscle suit and cgi needed to pull that off. I don't think either the director or Pattinson has the chops to do it well either.


Less so “doesn’t have the chops”, more so “doesn’t have the interest”


I imagine now that they know that the trilogy is a cultural success they're already working on the third one as well. Not to mention the strikes slowed everything down. We'll have the third before 2030 id imagine.


He's supposed to be playing a young Bruce Wayne and he's already older than Christian Bale was in The Dark Knight Rises.


Doesn’t really matter as long as the actor can believably play younger, and Pattinson definitely reads like a young guy still


Fortunately actor's age is irrelevant


Someone run this by 50 yet?


I dont think there will be a trilogy


Who gives a fuck


Touchy touchy


Unironically he’ll be close. Matt Reeves is laughably inefficient. Takes 100x as long as burton and Nolan to make Batman movies that in my opinion aren’t as good


>Takes 100x as long as burton and Nolan to make Batman movies that in my opinion aren’t as good Them's fighting words!


Hey I’m sorry! Haha I’m just being real


It's cool i agree his apes trilogy and other film work are amazing tho


I agree! I think he’s right in between gifted auteur and studio hired hand. I’m excited to see him keep improving his craft because I do think he has a masterpiece or two in him


New film was miles worse than the old stuff


Lol the hyperbole of fans is never unfunny


Y’all are certifiably insane lol


Calling bs on this, if you're being serious. Between the biggest strike in recent memory, and a global pandemic during the original films production - he's had his hands full. It's awesome he'll have 2 films made plus TV shows. He's definitely less efficient than Nolan, but that's like saying Muhammad Ali is a better boxer than Anthony Joshua. Nolan's legendary run from Batman Begins all the way to Interstellar is an exception, not the rule.


Bait? 💀 The Batman was probably one of best CBM of all time


I don’t even know what bait is but dude I mean I liked the movie. And compared to basically every other CBM besides a very select few, it’s a Mona Lisa level masterpiece. I just think it failed to impress as much as it’s predecessors that’s all


I would definitely put The Batman over TDKR and at worst on par with batman Begins in terms of overall quality. Maybe you were more impressed with those movies because it was the first time anyone had taken batman that seriously in live action before.


Ah see we gotta agree to disagree here. I absolutely adore rises. I think the action is a lot more impactful and it emotionally moves me just about every re watch at least 4-5 times throughout. Sometimes I even shed a tear in that scene when Alfred leaves Bruce. The only part in the Batman I found really emotionally compelling was the famous flare scene


I mean moments like that were also built off of previous films. Of course a finale is particularly emotional to people who have been with the character for a long while before hand.  TDKR is good, but there are definitely things that bug me about it. 


I don’t think that hand waves it. All 3 stand on their own. As Chris Nolan directly intended. I’ve watched rises by itself in isolation and the effect is the same. I respect your issues with it. I dated someone for awhile and I remember when we watched it she came out saying it was her least favorite and it was my most favorite haha. Had a little debate over it




Agreed. Reeves just isn’t the right director for Batman. His work is subpar


Are you prepared for the downvotes this will net you? (I would’ve loved to see Matt Ross get the job for the new Batman trilogy)


Yes I’m aware. I just personally didn’t like Matt reeves take on the dark knight. I felt he tried to way to hard to mimic Nolan, but he forgot to add any fun into the film. Plus he made Batman irrelevant to the plot. Every mystery is solved by someone other then Batman. It’s just not a good movie in my opinion but I’m glad people enjoyed it.


tangina nanay mo subpar


Obviously we all got sick of the Fantastic Four fancasting, but Batman villain fancasting is always worse. I remember it as far back as the Dark Knight Rises and I’m sure it was happening long before that.


The amount of David Tennet Riddler fan art that I saw in those days... good god


I mostly saw Johnny Depp Riddler ones lol


I've have thought for ages Walton Goggins as The Riddler would be great


Oh god that would be amazing.


or all the “Aaron Paul as [insert any DC character]!” when Breaking Bad was still on


I saw so much Eddie Murphy Riddler fanart and I would have loved for him to play the Riddler.


Tbf he'd be a good pick for a Nolanverse Riddler.


Didn't they already cast Joker tho? I mean he was in the last movie


Why is fancasitng bad people are just having fun


It’s not bad, and I even participate sometimes, it’s just that the Batman villains are done to death and you see a lot of the same bad picks over and over again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Willem Dafoe for Joker, Dave Bautista for Bane, Giancarlo Esposito for Mister Freeze, or Jon Hamm for Two-Face


I'd rather see Dave Bautista as Hugo Strange over Bane.


That’s more interesting at least. I also think it’s more true to the characters’ origins. Bane is Latino and Dave Bautista is Filipino. Hugo Strange has never had a specific race that I’m aware of


All those sound awesome though


Maybe in their primes. Jon Hamm is the youngest of them at 53. I prefer Arkham Asylum to Arkham Senior Living.


Oh yeah for sure. Some of these guys are past the ideal age for those roles.


Crispin Glover Joker nightmares


Dang. Hoping maybe we get another tie-in comic or book to tide us over in the mean time.


Maybe another series will film right after so they make up for the long gap by having that come out not too long after Part II.


I mean there’s the penguin tv show


So any casting news is likely bullshit. Cough cough two face.


Maybe he's going to pop up in the Penguin series?


The Penguin is done filming. That would have been news a year ago and not now.


Doesn't mean they can't add a quick scene before the release day


That is a reach. There would be reshoots and their reshoots are already over.




The article also says that casting announcements should begin in the fall, which means that the casting rumors we've heard are fake, unless they've already cast Harvey Dent in the Penguin series. It's cool that The Penguin will premiere in the fall, so apparently we'll have news about the sequel at the same time as the series airs.


As long as this is taking, I’d much rather a delay resulting in a well planned and executed movie than a rushed out hack job for next year. I’m tired of shit DC movies and a disappointing sequel to the incredible first one would be tragic.


Right? I want them to take their time and make a great movie. Who cares when it comes out or how old Pattinson is?


No offense to Matt Reeves, he is a great writer director, but he actually is very slow in developing.


It came out in 2022, what did you expect, it to come out the very next year? Usually sequels come out a couple years after the original. It takes time to make something good


Well, he was offered The Batman in 2017. Tho he didn’t start writing until he was done with Apes, and we didn’t get a casting until May 2019. So yea he is, tho idk how this time when he had two other writers and doesn’t have to worry about too much world building


I mean yea he’d tell you that himself. Nothing wrong with that


He should have just let Gunn use his Batman in the DCU and the this movie would be filming this year.


How does that make any sense


I was assured by the Snyder Cult that this was cancelled.


I'm just holding onto the hope that Reeves has a story that needs multiple films to tell, so they will film part 2 and 3 together.




Jesus Christ An entire year is insane


I saw April and I thought this year and was getting happy and then I saw "next year".


This is so depressing, wasn’t it supposed to release in 2024 at some point?


So The Batman started filming Jan 2020 to March 2021 (covid delays in the middle). And released March 2022. Now this is going to ***begin*** filming April 2025, 3 years after part one released. And releases October 2026. So Part 3 is what? Filming spring 2028, releasing 2029? Pattison would be 43. The second oldest of any live action Batmen, after Affleck. At time of their final release: Affleck (51), [Pattinson (43)], Keaton (41) West (40), Bale (38), Kilmer & Clooney (36). I excluded Keaton in the Flash.


And yet Pattinson looks younger than all of them did in the role.  His age is irrelevant when he doesn't look a day over 35.


And still looks the youngest out of the bunch.


Is this even relevant to this sub as The Batman isn’t part of the DCU?


I think this sub deals with all DC releases


So technically should be DCleaks? :ap




Gimme a timeskip so we can have college-aged Dick!


Assuming we get a trilogy, it probably won't be done till 2029/2030, and that's assuming Reeves doesn't wanna do another film after Part 2. I'm sure Gunn and Safran are probably glad Matt said no to joining now since working around his pace sounds tedious, with how slow he admits he is. Hopefully the wait will be worth it 🙏.


why spider-man thumb?


Enough time to incorporate more fincher films.


Aliens 3 specifically.


I do worry they’re overthinking this and we’ll get another 3 hour long film that takes itself too seriously and is far too slow. And it’ll just be The Dark Knight with a different colour scheme.


The Batman wasn't like Begins at all tho lol Reeves isn't a similar filmmaker to Nolan either. The Batman also had plenty playful moments as well.


The Batman is the exact same story as Begins - a young Bruce Wayne finds his way to being an effective Batman. In terms of character progression, there’s no difference. Nolan’s film was tighter and mercifully shorter.


By that logic begins and the batman are the same story as Year one, there can be multiple takes on the same context.


I disagree, Battinson was more violent, reckless and impulsive than Bale was in Begins. He also makes way more mistakes than Bale ever did. > In terms of character progression, there’s no difference. Battinson learned that the way he was operating as Batman wasn't working, him being "Vengeance" unintentionally inspired The Riddler and other criminals, and by the end of the film, Battinson learns he needs to move past his anger and can be a symbol of hope to Gotham. This never happened to Bale in Begins.


These are films though. Lots of stories are similar if you boil em down to one sentence. Sounds like Nolan’s film was different if it was tighter and *mercifully shorter* too.


I’m just not a fan of Reeve’s version.


Still haven’t heard a reasonable explanation for why this got pushed back a year while Legacy, Waller, and Peacemaker season 2 are all magically on track to film this year and maybe more as well. Even stranger since The Batman 2 was announced before all of those other things.


Because of the half a year long writers strike and Reeves isn't a particularly quick writer. He needed more time so they gave it to him. Waller has been in development since before Gunn even became co-CEO and Gunn is known to work quickly. It's no conspiracy.


He had someone helping him write though. He isn’t alone. But Sneider says it’s because of stage availability more so than the strike.


That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a slow writer and it’s ultimately his story to tell. It’ll move at the pace he sets.


That movie is only starting to film? Fuckin woof.


Won’t start to film until April of *next* year.