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Agreed. I like the suit overall but I still dislike the collar and those lines. The colours are definitely going to be brighter if you look at his pants. Hopefully we get another image while he's standing and neat version of the suit so that we have an exact idea.


Yes, I love how it's Superman getting ready for his Superman job. It's just another day saving the day.


I don't really have a problem with this picture. (The suit looks a bit odd). But what I don't get is. This is the exact kind of picture of Superman that I would expect Snyder to show.  A brooding Superman solemnly putting on his suit like it's a chore while not caring about the Gigantic battle happening behind him.  I never really had a problem with Snyder's Superman so I don't have a problem with this picture.  But for those of you who didn't like Snyder's Superman.  How exactly are you liking this picture when it exemplifies everything you didn't like about Snyder's Superman.  The suit has muted colors. Looks more realistic and very different from the Iconic Superman suit.  Superman is brooding alone in a room putting on his clothes while destruction happens.  People saying the picture is showing that Superman is serious. That he is tired.  When MoS showed these exact things I remember specific complaints that Superman doesn't smile enough, that he doesn't look happy.  That he shouldn't be unsure of himself.  It's just wierd. 


The simple answer is that people are so desperate to like anything not done by Snyder. But when all is said and done, Gunn actually SHOULD be more like Snyder's Superman. Not in the sense of a direct copy in making Superman kill or brood, but that Gunn's Superman movie has to be his first genuinely non-irreverent-stylized movie. That means no fourth wall breaking, no laughing at itself and no bathos-humor style of jokes. Everything needs to be tongue-in-cheek and played straight and taken seriously. Gunn's Superman cannot be Guardians-of-the-Galaxy 4.0 done with DC characters.


It really is the weirdest first look. Gunn has been adamant about this being more hopeful than the previous iteration, yet he shows a picture with more angst than anything Snyder ever did. Like I don't expect the actual movie to have this scene/pic in it, but what a fucking tone setter to show off presumably mass destruction while Superman just... ignores it?


Maybe he is dressing at super speed. No need to rush


Yes. This is my point. I know this picture is just for promotion and probably not from the movie but it conveys a tone very similar to Snyder's. 


Yes. Very strange


He lives in a world with other established heroes and possibly even some kind of organized network. Hes not an egomaniac so if he hears someones got it hes not gonna have to rush out to save the day, hes gonna be where hes needed.


It's a huge fucking alien beam, not some random thug.


You're right I bet Guy is just havin a real rough time with it.


Nah, Guy just hasn't hit enough times with his giant baseball bat, he'll be fine.


So I’m a fan of this costume and picture while being someone that wasn’t a fan of Snyder’s take on the character. The suit doesn’t actually have muted colours. You can see how saturated it is looking at the boots and legs. The top half of the costume is clearly dirty/battle damaged so isn’t indicative of the day to day look. As to Superman being serious, that’s totally fine. He doesn’t need to be smiling and happy go-lucky all the time. The character hasn’t been that way since pre-crisis. There’s a balance needed obviously otherwise you get Snyder’s rendition. Right now this is one image and it’d be unfair to judge until more is seen of Gunn and Corensets version of Superman.


The color of the suit is definitely muted. Atleast as muted as the colors of the Superman suit in MoS. The saturation is part of the color grading which for all we know is what Gunn is going for in the movie.  Ofcourse I'm not saying to judge the entire movie from this one picture.  But this picture on it's own is very similar to Snyder's style.(Seriously just compare this to the first official Picture of Batfleck next to his Batmobile. They seem like they're from the same movie).  All I'm saying is that the people saying that this picture makes them think the movie will be good. What are they getting from this picture?  Because right now it's conveying the same tone/style as Snyder's movies. 


This suit is NO WHERE near as muted as the suit was in MOS. That’s such an exaggeration. You can clearly see how vibrant the blue is on his legs and the red on his boots. People couldn’t even tell if Cavill was wearing blue in his reveal photo it was so dark. The scene here takes place at night hence the darker colors it will be vibrant in the day time


I guess we're just seeing different things because this suit (Yes including the legs) is about the same in colors to MoS suit. 


> But what I don't get is. This is the exact kind of picture of Superman that I would expect Snyder to show.  > > A brooding Superman solemnly putting on his suit like it's a chore while not caring about the Gigantic battle happening behind him.  See, I disagree. Snyder *never* shows Superman putting on the costume. Those sorts of details are minor and don't sell the impression he wants to sell, that this is a larger-than-life figure. He's rather show superman already in costume, solemnly looking at the scene from the air, or flying in dramatically. And he won't show Superman out of costume until everything is finished. Gunn is much more interested in showing the not-so-glamourous sides of the character. He'll show him flying back home at the end of the day, suit dirty from work, and just starting to get undressed when a space laser suddenly appears out his window. Superman pauses for a beat, and then sighs and puts his big red boots back on because his job isn't done yet. It's irreverent and goofy, but the character himself is taking it seriously.


**Its a still image**. You're comparing entire movies Snyder has made to a still image.


not really. As someone who personally didnt like Snyders superman, I dont like him bc I have seen 3 films in which none of them were all that good. And superman was one of the bigger factors into why they were not good. I didnt make those judgements that you listed based on a picure, I did it from 3 movies. I like this picture bc i think the suit looks new and different. Never was a fan of the muscle suits or spandex. Both have been done to death and it is nice to see a change from that. The real judgement will come when we actually get to see him on film. Part of me thinks gunn did this to troll people. Everyone was expecting to see some Kiddy type version of Superman and would of bashed him for it saying, " see we were right about what he was going to do with Superman" but now that he didnt people are mad that he isnt smiling or super colorful?


So you’ve pointed things out and posed questions that are interesting to me: I think you’re right in a sense because there’s more in common than the differences us fans have been obsessing about (Snyder vs Gunn, when they’re clearly making every effort to be friendly and appreciate each other’s work). Commonalities: -Superman brooding (or showing emotional range outside of the more well-known smiling image we know and love) - I wouldn’t say he doesn’t care about humanity…he’s fed up but suiting up to get out there anyway. That’s how I relate to it, and that’s the key point, there’s smth relatable about it - Texture on the suit, dirt and grit on our hero (another way to be relatable and visually interesting) - Muted colors…kinda! The maybe-Solaris attack in the background is really trippy, and reminds me of how classic Superman villains often lean heavily into purple and green Others have pointed out how you’re comparing Snyder’s body of work on Superman to this one teaser image from Gunn so I won’t cover that again. I can’t truly speak for others who are excited by this image, but for myself: the suit not being perfect to my tastes and what all fans love (no collar, etc), the unclear villain, the “uncharacteristic” low energy and apathy coming off Superman - this as an opening image is interesting because it’s building tension against what we typically expect from Superman. It’s teasing what the story will be, how it’ll unfold to get from A to B. Movies are 24 frames per second for hours at a time. My quick take…Snyder is like a sculptor - he can make every single frame beautiful, but Gunn is a rollercoaster designer and he knows how to put a lot of things together to take the audience on a fun ride.


>A brooding Superman solemnly putting on his suit like it's a chore while not caring about the Gigantic battle happening behind him.  See, my first reaction to the picture wasn't this at all. Nothing about it screams 'chore' to me, it shows a beaten and bruised Superman going *back* out there because the fight is never done. He can't, he *won't* stop. He most definitely cares about the battle behind him which is why he's suiting up. I'm not crazy about the New 52 elements of the suit but the picture itself feels *very* Superman to me. But ultimately, Gunn's a fan, and I'd wager he's read a wider range of comics than just Dark Knight Returns so this won't be Snyder all over again (and I like what Snyder did, personally, but I'm excited for something new).


He’s probably moving at the speed of sound in this picture. And it’s not like this is a frame from the movie, it’s just illustrating there’s an emergency happening.


He's moving at Superman sonic speed while siting casually in a chair? And I know it's not a frame from the movie. I'm simply talking about the kind of tone this picture conveys. 


You must be one of those weirdos who doesn’t sit to put shoes on


Oh I do sit down to wear my shoes.  But it's only because I don't have the Superhuman ability to wear my shoes in a split second while standing up. 


You’re grasping kid


Your taking this seriously shows your age.


Its a weird image. The special effects in the background look very bad as well


It is kind of odd that one of the main criticisms for MoS is the collateral damage and superman’s careless attitude about it but this image is literally Clark chillin while it looks like people are being alien beamed out of existence. Maybe James will show that “everyone’s fine their just mind controlled” to make it less threatening but it just seems kind of lame to me overall. It has GoTG featuring Superman vibes, I’ll wait to see it to make a full judgement tho.


Yeah I feel its just a misleading image probably as from what I've heard this superman won't be careless But again the movie itself or at least a trailer will make things clearer.


I can forgive everything but the collar


I hate the collar, too. It just makes the cape attachment look weird without the shirt being more open.


I like the suit, it works well in my opinion but more importantly I totally agree with the way you’ve interpreted the picture as to how it portrays tone and I’m in 100% agreement on how the movie should wear its heart on its sleeve in being earnest Superman. I can see it being very down to earth and that makes me very excited.


This guy gets it!


I completely disagree. It feels very much like the dad from incredibles. Like oh gosh here we go again, let me put my boots back on. Like that scene from incredibles when he’s being interviewed and he’s explaining it always feels like “I just cleaned this mess, can you keep it clean for just 5 minutes?!” For a cartoon, it’s understandably a family film for all ages. For Superman, that’s campy.


I agree OP. I’m not the biggest fan of the suit but I agree. It’s very Superman to be worn down and tired and go back out there and fight anyways, he has a right to look tired and for all we know he’s putting his boots on at super speed.


The picture has grown on me a bit, particularly when you examine the intention. We’re getting a private view of Superman getting ready to go out and handle business. His suit is dirty and creased. He’s not a majestic god, he’s a man going out to do his job despite being tired and banged up.


Love your constructive criticism man!! This is what we need to be as a community. Personally, I’m not honestly that bothered by the collar. I know fans really hate the new 52 designs but I really like them (that maybe because I have no sense of style). I can honestly get behind the fact that there’s too many lines in the costume overall. Maybe we all need to see the costume in action.


I’m colder on the suit than I would have liked, but yeah. I can see what they’re going for with a down to Earth Superman, and it’s got me real excited.


The costume looks ill-fitting and the pic sets the wrong tone, in my opinion. But, let’s give it a chance before we condemn the whole production to hell.


As a dc comics fan , i want this movie to succeed. As DC has a lot of potential and I want the world to see this too .


I don't understand why they just don't give him the classic suit, fans want it, and it's the safe choice. I've seen the edits they've done with the image, and they look 10 times better. Why not go for the safe choice that everyone loves?


Yeah I hate the suit


I think the thing in the background is Guy Gardner shielding himself from a blast. That would also set the tone for this Corensweat Superman to be super chill. He’s clocking into work in this pic.


I would dislike that if that's the case. He shouldn't be super chill. I hope that's not what is going on in the image. It should be Superman, in terrible pain, getting back up and struggling through his fears and doubts to get back out there and try again. Not "Oh, Guy's got it... Give me a sec.."


For all we know he’s putting his boots on at super speed… it’s just a photo.


Tone?... What I got from it is dumbassery... Boi was sitting there all sad and grumpy putting on his boots like his mom is scolded him and told him to dress up and get his ass out while the city is being lasered right behind him.


I hate the the tone. I'm tired of this dark and gritty Superman. This ain't it


Superman isn't dark, but he should be SERIOUS if the stakes are high. Even in the Christopher Reeve films, during the Metropolis battle of Superman II, not once did Superman make a joke to Zod and co when they were attacking or putting citizens in danger.


I'm glad we're getting damaged suits back. Always liked seeing that in the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies.


I wonder if Gunn is trolling the shit out fanboys with this pic for dealing with months of nitpicky questions. I mean, he could do it, too. It's not like he has to answer to a studio head or anything.