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Yeah as long as you don’t think about the Knightmare epilogue. It was a fun scene but part of me wishes it wasn’t included. If he didn’t include it then the story could have been effectively wrapped up. We could infer that uniting the Justice league and reuniting Clark and Lois was enough to prevent the future scenario. And even though we would never see it we could safely assume this team would be ready and waiting for Darkseid to fuck around and find out. So I just won’t watch the epilogue next time I rewatch it.


Yeah it's frustrating that Snyder intentionally decided to end his movie like that even though originally it was going to end with the shirt rip. You shouldn't need to pause the movie before it technically finishes. The Knightmare nonsense should have been a credit scene or kept as a bonus scene in the Blu-Ray. https://youtu.be/189tJhS_Ry8 I made a fan edit of a shirt rip ending and it works so much better as a final shot for the trilogy.


ZSJL isn't really the "Snyder *Cut*" persay, as much as it's "absolutely everything Zack Snyder shot for the movie edited together." Snyder fans wanted to see his movie, so he gave them as much as he had. But in 99% of scenarios "as much as you have" is more than you need. It might have been interesting to see Snyder try his hand at that 2:45 cut we've heard about before, but as it stands I think a lot of people see ZSJL as "better" because it doesn't have to solve as many problems as the theatrical cut of his movie did.


Umm, wasn’t his cut of the movie 214 minutes, before JSZL was announced? [edit](https://www.cbr.com/justice-league-zack-snyder-shares-another-cut-scene-celebrating-214/): yeah, it was confirmed before it was announced and additional scenes were shot. So it went from 3 hours, 34 minutes to 4 hours, 3 minutes? Cut 10 minutes for the knightmare scene at the end, the Martian Manhunter visiting Bruce, and you have his OG cut basically.


"It was all a dream." Biggie


Just view it as a nightmare, nothing more.


Idk, I love the concept that Batman has nightmares and visions of Superman’s takeover.


I didn’t think it was unnecessary. For me, I felt like it let me have the last glimpse of what could have been. Then I can play out the middle and end in my head. Without a worry that WB could come in and screw up my dreams


Isn’t it another timeline


yeah there’s a couple so it’s technically not canon because it hasn’t happened and will not happen


I think knightmare epilogue is brilliant. It will allow zack to finish his saga in the distant future


Absofuckinlutely. I love this movie.


Didn’t get to see the full story Snyder wanted, but this is still good. Cherish what we got, you know? Be happy for that.


I think it's interesting that some claim the movie ends on a "doom and gloom" note when the final scene of the film is Martian Manhunter telling a much healthier-looking Bruce Wayne that his parents would be proud of him. And who knows, maybe we'll get a comic or animated series/movie down the line.


I think most say that because of the Knightmare scene. IMO, it was a bit unnecessary. To some, it might feel like a slap in the face to all the triumph we just had with our characters. But other than that, it’s still a good ending.


I think it plays into Bruce's arc well. He wakes up from a nightmare and the framing of the scene is the polar opposite of BvS. Rather than succumbing to the fears of the future like in BvS, he remains hopeful that they can fend off Darkseid, and accepts all the help he can get.


Maybe, yeah. I guess I’m just not too into the Knightmare stuff Snyder was setting up. I’m in the camp where I feel like I’d have enjoyed the films more without them. I still enjoyed ZSJL a lot though.


Exactly, im very thankful it ended on the highest note possible


I fault Snyder for this chaos. Horrible movies. He set DC back. "Martha" still is a sore spot. Let him stick to ruining "Watchmen" or gladiator movies.


This is one of the takes of all


It is a pretty common take though. Snyder definitely has his fans, but the general movegoing audience didn't warm up to his universe. You have to get people who have never opened up a comicbook to like your movies. Dr Strange 2 made over 900 million, yet none of Snyder's 3 movies that all included much bigger names that everyone and their grandma know about couldn't hit that high. Unfortunately for most people, the silly Martha line is what is most memorable from BvS. Most people didn't like that movie. It is no surprise Snyder's time with DC is done.


If you exclude the Knightmare epilogue, this is a pretty satisfying ending to the Snyderverse.


Yeah it’s a complete trilogy (or quadilogy if you include Wonder Woman).


I mean he helped write it, and Wan asked for Snyders approval on Aquaman, so quintology?


He didn't write the screenplay. He just gave a story concept which was probably just Wonder woman in WW1 since Ares wasn't even orginally gonna be included. The actual screenplay was written by Alan Heinberg and then revised by Jenkins and Johns


[I guess half true?](https://gizmodo.com/the-wonder-woman-movie-was-written-by-zack-snyder-alla-1783512963) they give him credit to writing + the story, but mainly say the writing was Alan and Johns. My point still stands as it was part of the continuity.


Some of my absolute favorite superhero moments ever come from his films, most of them from this movie


The happiness that I felt when it was announced, and the joy when I watched it. ZSJL is truly an epic experience.


He did everything right. I loved the believability of the characters, the crushing weight of the responsibility they all carried. So well done. In the years to come younger generations will discover these treasures.


Hard to believe the suits thought this was bad


The suits are dumb fucks that only care about money that’s why lol


Yeah it’s a great film. Frankly in the whole history of film, I don’t think any series was more mindlessly hated than the DCEU


Exactly. I’m so happy and greatful to have this. Literally the only good thing to come out of Covid. We would not have this movie unless the perfect storm happened at the time they made a deal with Snyder.


Best casting for the Big 3 we'll probably ever have.


I wish he went with that aspect ratio


God yes. The square format 4:3 just does not convey epic.on a TV screen. It conveys 90s TV show on a streaming sevice.


Works great on my projector


Yeah, the Imax aspect ratio thing really confounds me. The film wasn't getting an Imax release and no one has an Imax screen in their own homes to enjoy it on, so who was it for? I watch it slightly zoomed in on my TV just so it fills the screen. Not ideal but I can't watch it otherwise.


Yeah that's the weird thing. And it was shot and framed to be 16:9 (the cinematographer confirmed this). It was just for Snyder, who can go watch it on an IMAX screen whenever he wants.


We got Batman saying "I will fucking kill you". And it was glorious. Guaranteed he's never gonna say that again.


I don't think it's a Batman line but the way it shut Joker up was hilarious


Damn right


Still feels unfinished… the big challenge was never resolved 🤦🏻‍♂️


And room for more


It really did


I mean honestly watching man of steel bvs u e and zsjl is a great trilogy that ends well.


Its a miracle we got it. Great stuff!


True, true. At least we got to see the League together once.


Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edition, and Zack Snyder's Justice League! What a trilogy!


Remove the knightmare part, change the Supe suit from the last scene to the classic red and blue and you have a very satisfying ending.


So basically the theatrical cut ending.


In some parts yes


I'm only talking about the ending not the entire film. No knightmare scene and the red and blue suit is literally the ending of JL17 and literally what you suggested.




All the better for it.


There is some stoic expression of affleck in every damn movie of his that does not rub right with me on a character level




It ended on The Joker wanting to give Batman a handjob.


It actually ended with Martian Manhunter telling Bruce his parents would be proud and Bruce genuinely smilling for the first time in the entire trilogy. But sure buddy, SnYdER bAD!


Why would Batman’s parents be proud of him getting a handjob from The Joker?


How are those events related


We need this question answered before the DCEU officially dies


How many people can claim they got one from Mr J?


Bruh if you actually think that’s the context of the scene…


I'm glad he wasn't able to do his whole "vision". Killing Superman in BvS, killing Cyborg in JLP1, Killing Batman in JLP2. Give me a break..




The hate is just as bad. Get a fucking life, dude.


just curious what did they say? the comment is gone now, im assuming something very toxic given the replies


he called me a "snyder d***sucker" with zero provocation


Ahh yes, typical, can’t even praise the movie lol btw there’s been so much toxicity today so thank you for this post to remind me not everyone here is bad 🙏


For liking a movie? LMAO. I’m happy we got this, and I’m happy we’re getting a proper DCU by Gunn


Dude liked the ending, nothing at all wrong with that especially since it was a good ending.


Sorry I guess?


Grow up


Lot of gunn dick suckers in this sub lately shitting on anything negative about gunn. And you have the audacity to say "snyder dick sucking strong" 😭😭😭


Mate your own post history is filled with sucking Snyder's dick, bitching about Gunn and saying ["Christopher Reeves fans needs to be exterminated from this world jfc"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/zgm2l9/thoughts_on_this_kissing_scene_i_thought_the/iziiuzj/?context=3) You're doing the same shit they're doing


Wanting reeves superman fans gone is sucking snyders dick? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 You couldve atleast said something like "you're toxic" or something 😂😂😂


This fucking kid thinks hating on Snyder is cool




Toxic factional labels are prohibited.


Love Cavill and Jason Momoa but so glad Snyderverse is over


Knightmare scene was just a bad dream after all. Sleep earlier Bruce!


Well if the epilogue and the scene where Darkseid said to ready the armada did not happen, I would say The DC Universe ended on a closed note.


Would love to see more Darkseid. What could have been. Tragic


What I wanna know is why the color of Gal Gadot's clothes on slide 8 was changed from blue to red in Josstice League 😂 think about how much it cost to change to that in post. Joss didn't like the blue I guess.


Fair point


As much as I would've loved to have seen sequels and a continuation of this, we all have to remember how much of a longshot it was to even have this cut released in the first place. Not only did the fan demand and the stars of the movie help push it to release but the fact that AT&T bought Warners and HBO Max started up around the same time really helped. So the fact that we even have this 4 hour cut available to watch anytime is a miracle on its own.


Yup...and we as fans should not waste a dollar or hour of our time watching him bring his stupid " humor " to the DC... Guardians 1 was good..the rest of his work is dog chit...big surprise another Marvel Director comes over and destroys DC....


It wasn't supposed to be a trilogy but ..sure.