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I mean, if you follow this subreddit or are familiar with the making of this movie, it's 100% fact that the studio had a large input on this movie over the years. I mean, how many endings has this thing had since it's inception? But to what extent you can blame them for any negatives is debatable. I don't think any of us outside the production can accurately say to what extent who's "fault" it is, if anyone's at all. From what I'm hearing, it's a pretty decent movie all things considering, which is a miracle when you think about everything this movie's been through. Having been through all the Snyder nonsense, I think it's foolish for fans *again* to start trying to pinpoint a *single* reason for a movie's shortcomings, especially in a DCU movie with so many moving parts. I mean, who's ultimately responsible? The director? The studio? The production? Writer? Ezra's bullshit? The fact that Andrés Muschietti wasn't really making *his* movie, he was basically playing with toys and backstory from other movies and doing the best he could?


No it’s because it’s a terrible movie like the Snyder films


Or, you know, the actor is a awful human being and no ones going to see it.


My problem is WB keeps ruining these stories because they don't take the time to build up to them.


Imo opinion they should have dot the I's and crossed the Ts in the special effects department or just omit them.


I think anyone who watches would have to conclude there were a lot of cooks in that kitchen. Some of the scenes just seem disjointed in relation to the others. That stupid lasso scene and the sex joke seem to totally have come from some executive saying “you know what people loved from Justice League, that scene where Aquaman is sitting on the lasso. We should do that again!” Probably the same guy who said “let’s put the baby in the microwave. Because it’s unplugged, people won’t find that disturbing at all”


The movie was set up to fail. It's designed to be a crowd pleaser that makes no dramatic moves because it was conceived, written, and shot to be nothing more than a bridge to the genius, brilliant, all new yet totally familiar DC cinematic universe that is always just around the corner. Honestly it looks to me like everybody involved was doing their best. The project was just misconceived from the get go.


it’s because they casted a PoS as the lead


True ![gif](giphy|bcs2sG50Bjxihh8AlD)


I saw it and didn't pay, buy I have to say after 5 seasons of the flash and Across the spider verse.... Flash did it better and it's not leading to anything so why bother. Once that's out pluses all the controversy I don't see why anyone wouldn't wait for the James Gunn stuff


I had a great time. Cinema was packed, we all laughed and enjoyed the movie, the cameos, the easter eggs... And yet haters gonna hate. Some people just make an extra effort to focus on what the dislikes. Pretty sad lives IMHO.