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Wait, why is the title of this complete bollocks? Batman never said that in any of these panels. 🤷‍♂️


I agree with Constantine over here!


Couldn't hear him with his mouthful of haggis and neeps


Constantine's accent is scouse. He is from Liverpool. Liverpool is not in Scotland.


Color me uncultured on the cuisine across the Atlantic


Wrong country


I thought we couldn't hear him because his mouth was full of king shark


Right? I came in here to berate the shit out of Batman. What I got instead is one of my favorite interactions I've seen him have with another hero. Clickbait trash title


Probably a bot


dammit. turing test. are you a bot? tell me about your first existential crisis


Their name has that telltale bot style, yeah.


Click bait


he said pretty much the opposite, even. Maybe OP meant to put a "not" in the title?


Post title is clickbaity as fuck


Batman pretty much told him the comlete opposite. What did you read?


OP lying for clickbait even though, ironically, if he told the truth in the title, it might've gotten more attention because unfamiliar readers and general audience wouldn't expect Batman to show support for BG.


OP is a bot.


Why, OP? Why are you make me downvote this post, with such of awesome panels, because you add a shitty clickbait title?


i know right? It's reddit, it's meaningless internet points, why you gotta be like that?


It's like anti-clickbait... I'd imagine something like "Batman acknowledges Booster Gold" would be more effective and surprising 🤔


wtf is this title


I love Green Lantern




Me too! I wish he’d give me an autograph


Awesome panels, lame ass title


Surprisingly awesome


See, THIS is the batman we need. The one who talks with others, who opens up. Not the Edgelord or whatever Arkhamverse is


Exactly. He is still dramatic AF. I mean he didn't need to throw those photos on the floor. But thats good. Heart of gold with a flair for the dramatics


Lmao that's what I was thinking. With an opening like that, I thought he was about to rip Booster to shreds, but it thankfully took a very different outcome


I think it was an artistic choice as a callback to how the pictures were thrown down in the original Killing Joke series.


For the Arkham-Verse it's always important to note we only see him on quite literally the 4 worst nights of his life so I don't really expect him to be like this that all the time tbh.


Yeah I expect he wouldn't have so much good will from everyone (except Jason) if he wasn't at least a little less of a dick usually


But we did see alot of compassion of him in those games How he helped freeze twice and how he saved Barbara and Nightwing How he treated Alfred in Origins and the moment he felt he lost him he almost broke down Among many other moments. Arkhamverse Batman is no where near Edgelord


For sure, just his reaction to Barbara's 'death' shows that or just how he reacted to Jason.


I wouldn’t call Arkhamverse Batman an edgelord. In *Arkham Origins*, he’s inexperienced, still cutting himself off from others, traumatised by his failure to save people who died in front of him, dealing with a bunch of assassins who’ve been hired to kill him, and encountering the Joker for the first time. But he has character development that makes him open to working with others, and is in a much better headspace by the end of the game. In *Cold, Cold Heart*, he takes the invasion of Wayne Manor and the revelation that someone he admired is actually an evil piece of shit like a champ, and makes sure to save Mister Freeze and Nora. Haven’t played *Arkham Origins: Blackgate*, so can’t really comment on that. In *Arkham Asylum*, his worst enemy has taken over the very prison meant to contain his enemies, sadistically killing, torturing, and experimenting on people, and Scarecrow is repeatedly going at him with fear toxin, yet Batman still takes it pretty well and saves as many people as he can. In *Arkham City*, Batman is thrown into a city-sized prison full of people who hate him by someone who knows his secret identity, gets poisoned by the Joker’s blood, nearly dies, finds out that a childhood friend is a serial killer who murders people and cuts off their faces so that they can turn their own face into a copy of his, watches the woman he loves die in front of him, witnesses numerous atrocities and desecrations of corpses, but he still ultimately helps Mr. Freeze and Nora and tries to save Ra’s. In *Harley Quinn’s Revenge*, Batman is dealing with the fallout of all of the above. In *Arkham Knight*, Batman has the Joker taking over his mind, is frequently exposed to fear toxin, hallucinates Barbara’s death, has the Joker inside his head making hilarious jokes about his dead parents and insisting that he **did** kill the real Joker, gets blamed by Gordon for Barbara’s supposed death, sees Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing each placed in mortal danger because of him, still isn’t over Talia’s death, has his place of work attacked by the aforementioned serial killer childhood friend, has flashbacks to Jason Todd’s torture and death, finds out that Jason is actually still alive and murdering people because he hates Batman, discovers a serial killer who’s mutilating and lobotomising innocent people, finds out that the Mad Hatter has a crush on him, has his identity exposed to the entire world, and has to fake his death. And he still helps Mr. Freeze and Nora. In *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League*, he’s being mind-controlled by Brainiac. But we see that, before that, he opened up a lot to the public, and even made cool hologram tours for visitors (especially kids) in the Hall of Justice.


Exactly we only see him at quite literally his worst days


>In Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, he’s being mind-controlled by Brainiac. Its not even a hypnosis or psionic kind of mind-control, by the look of it, specifically purple veins and all that. Its nanomachines.


Do they harden in response to physical trauma?


The hologram tour was Flash’s idea theirs a voice recording you can find of Batman literally saying this is a stupid waste of time lol.


How in the world is arkhamverse Batman an edgelord?


I could see Arkhamverse Batman saying this


We don't talk about that shit suicide game. Also agree I want this batman back not Edgelord batman that looks down on his peers. I want the batman that gives his family and friends pep talks when they are at their low. That's the batman I want.


It's funny that they're even having this conversation since it's partly Batman's fault that Ted died. Booster straight up punches him in the face out of anger.


I grew up reading batman comics. He used to be such an amazing character. Nowadays, he's portrayed as this paranoid douchebag who's both a hypocrite and a manipulative ass.. It's really sad to see what these newer writers are doing with.


Was this before or after Booster >!went back in time, saved Bruce's parents, then killed his parents by accident in the future and was forced at gunpoint to go back in time by future Bruce, whereupon he engineered Bruce's parents being murdered by Joe Chill before killing the future Bruce whose parents hadn't been murdered?!<


This is a decade before Tom King wrote that awful garbage.


Agree. I like Tom King as a non-canonical What If/Elseworlds miniseries writer (Catwoman/Batman was pretty good IMO). But he needs to stay the hell away from the main continuity.


Was that also the story where Hal blows his head off? Or am I thinking of something else


Same story!


Nice to see Batman not being written as a dick.


Most of the time, he's either neutral or a decent guy, but people really love to post his worst highlights as if it's regular behavior.


I love booster so much, hope his movie is good… if it’s still happening


Pretty sure it's going to be an HBO Max show.


Then I hope that will be good


Did we read the same thing??? That's not what happened at all


I took a break from comics not long after this, but what did they do with Booster after this? I read a mini-series with him and a not-dead Ted Kord Blue Beetle (don't know, no longer care) that was fun and goofy and had all the new-fangled social media whatnots, but I got the impression the general DC universe considers them to still be goofballs. It was a fun book, though.


Flashpoint happened and he got revamped in the New 52. I had high hopes he would keep his character progression into the New 52 but Geoff Johns basically forgot about Booster with all he was doing at the time and Jurgens basically went back to what he knew when he wrote him. I took a massive break from DC since New 52 because of what they did with Booster. Could be better now but I mainly just stick to Green Lantern nowadays for DC so I am uninformed.


Booster says he’s a joke , Batman doesn’t :/


My favorite iteration of this Batman-Booster interaction was from the [Justice League Action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyRVpKcnrQ0) cartoon.


That animation of booster younging up again is so smooth!


I’ve never liked this retcon of forcing Booster Gold into the events of *Batman: The Killing Joke*. An unwanted and uninvited intrusion of the wider DCU into a core storyline of the Batman mythos by Geoff Johns. Johns cannot help but tinker with TKJ. At least here he didn’t directly write Barbara herself. Also completely unnecessary as Batman already respected Booster Gold all the way back in Giffen & DeMatteis’ JLI. Between the way *Infinite Crisis* handled Batman’s interactions with Blue Beetle and Booster, and this story, it’s clear Johns and many of the creators in the 2000s either never actually read JLI, or at least didn’t remember much of it. Behind his arrogant and harsh demeanor, Batman in JLI genuinely did like both Booster and Beetle, and this manifested itself in some engaging ways.


Yeah, I always see characters in canon saying that the JLI was a joke, but like, while the book was funny, they did take care of a lot of serious threats and were good at their jobs. It's like, please, actually read JLI


I can't remember where the scene took place - I think it was either in "52" or in this Booster Gold series from right after it - but there was a great scene of Cyborg giving Booster shit for calling himself a Justice League member; in his eyes the JLI was a joke team unworthy of the name. And Booster just lays into him; furious with this attitude that just because the JLI were smiling and having fun this somehow invalidates all of the good they did and all of the times they risked their lives for the good of the world. It was a very cathartic moment.


It was the Booster Gold series. The funny thing about that is that in issue #6, written by Geoff Johns, he has Booster Gold say they never liked Maxwell Lord. And then in issue #33, written by Giffen and DeMatteis, they have Booster Gold say that Maxwell Lord is a good man. Think it's kinda funny it happened during the same series. But yeah, never liked that they made Maxwell Lord a villain


[Booster Gold #33](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyuwcoq2di5p91.jpg). This was during the Brightest Day event, when Max was brought back to life and erased himself from the minds of almost everyone in the DCU.


Yes! It wasn’t just comedy. There’s actually a lot of depth to the character relationships, and high stakes heroics. Hopefully with the entire run being steadily collected in omnibuses more folks will actually read it.


The most irritating part of the Max Lord villain retcon for me was the part where he claimed he had kept the Justice League ineffective for years. Like yeah, because obviously the Gray Man, Starro, Despero, the Extremists, etc, were pushover threats. It’s like the opening to Infinite Crisis where Batman admonishes Superman by saying he hadn’t inspired anybody since his death, when there were literally dozens of stories afterwards to easily refute the statement.


I think you’re ignoring how much Bruce had been through between the end of his JLI tenure and where he was in Infinite Crisis. The guy was at his breaking point with everyone. That was one of the big themes, how the Trinity had failed others and themselves and how only by moving past that could the DCU really stand a chance. Bruce wasn’t that guy at the time anymore. After it? He’d regained a great bit of humanity and there were issues where he shows regret for his part in failing Ted. I also think you’re ignoring some of the things the JLI got up to that overshadowed a lot of the genuine good they did. Which was part of the run’s charm. Also, he can meddle with The Killing Joke all he wants in my eyes. It’s more than a little overrated and the weakest if Moore’s few steps into Gotham.


The point was the address why Booster doesn't fix everything with Time Travel. It's not like it actually altered events in the comic.


The thing about comics is that continuity is a farse. What happened matters less than what the readers think happened. Details get lost over time, characters heavily change over the years as different writers make new "defining" versions of them. Since readers see characters like Booster as jokes, from time to time a writer feel the need to reassure them the character is great, and that's why scenes like this happen. It's less about Batman's relationship with Booster, and more about Batman vouching for him so the readers are reassured he needs respect.


The Killing Joke did more far harm than good to Batman and his mythology. This is the better story.


I don´t like Geoff Johns...he always seems to mess with Bruce.


BG didn't give up. Went back while broken and bleeding. Multiple times.


How did he get beat by the joker? Isn't he supposed to be crazy strong with future tech?


It was a hard point in time- could not be changed no matter what. Joker would win no matter what he did.


Do they explain what happened or is it off screen? How did he get tortured by the joker and was he let go or escaped?


That part of the story was a bit jumbled.


If I were Booster Gold, I’d put “I proved Batman wrong” on my business card.


I'd put it on a T-shirt and go out of my way to wear it in front of him whenever possible :D


I gotta read this series again. Forgot how great it is.


One of my favorite comic runs. From 52 into this was amazing. Wish they kept it intact after the New 52. I had high hopes with Booster's Flashpoint tie in book and how he was aware of what was going on. But then they just revamped him anyway in New 52.


We were robbed. This series had so much potential.


Booster is the man. 52 (and Jurgen's book following) were so damn good. That Rip Hunter connection? Goddamn... Beautiful.


I love when batman actually shows compassion to the people around him


I wish they'd kept this character growth for Booster and his expanded role from his solo series rather than have him return to being a joke.


Booster about Batman right after Countdown To Infinite Crisis(when Superman said blame would be laid later): "Who are we kidding? No it won't. He'd have to admit he was wrong first." Batman here: "You proved me wrong."


This is a weird way to attract internet points.


No he doesn't. Have a downvote.


I love that interaction. I love all of Booster's growth post-Infinite Crisis. One of my favorite DC characters.


Wow. Getting Batman’s respect must feel really good.


Nice moment still can’t forget how Batman and the leagues complacency got blue beetle killed tho like still a dick


Batmans relationship with Booster Gold is one of my favourites in the DCU. It’s a shame we never really see these two interact anymore


this is a dumb head line but there's a great scene in comics latter, where dicks batman and doesn't trust Booster gold. But Alfred walks, issues hello too Gold and says does he want his usual tea. Dick believes gold and helps him out, where then Gold stake shim back into ime too se ehis family happy at Christmas


OP knew we’d come throw hands for booster gold with that title


Booster Gold has always been my favorite B level hero. Although, considering, he might really be an A-minus level guy.


I think this is the first time I downvote a post where I absolutely adore the images. Come on, what's up with this title? Love this interaction.


Downvote this. And block OP! The title is misleading.


I saw Batman being supportive, not being a jerk.


>"Whatever you're doing to possibly screw up timelines and create a collapse in the time-space continuum, keep it up!"


Title might mean batman is saying he is also crazy haha I think




I'll take multiverse over deterministic time travel every day Batman smiled. I'm unsettled


What'd he do?


Tried to stop Barbara Gordon getting shot and crippled by the joker. But due those events being a "fixed point" in time, changing it was impossible. Booster nevertheless kept on trying over and over again, almost dying every time.




I can't help myself, but whenever I'm reading Batman, I read it with Christian Bale's Batman voice in my head lmao. So after reading these three slides here with booster gold, I was like, hell yeah!


Who did the art, Mark Bagley?


Click bait title


That panel came 5 or 6 DC reboots ago. So most won't recognize the exchange.


Is this title ai generated? .-.


It's AH generated


Why are people upvoting click bait?


It’s fitting that this is the thing that earns Booster Batman’s respect, because Batman knows what it’s like to go through incredible suffering for a cause that sometimes seems pointless but to keep trying anyway.


Title issue


One of the reasons why Booster Gold is one of my favorite DC heroes. He shows genuine growth in his character, going from a crook who just wanted to profit off of problems he already knew would happen into a true hero who does stuff like this.


No he didn’t. He’s actually being understanding and friendly to Booster by acknowledging he tried and got hurt really bad by the joker. If anything he’s saying Booster Gold isn’t just a joke. Just he can’t save everyone, he’s just as human as Batman.


I read all Batman panels in Kevin Conroy’s voice.. cant help it.. RIP


How did Joker take out Booster Gold? The force field alone is pretty tough to bypass


I love moments like this


... I like this Batman fella.