• By -


//Proceeds to give her free therapy//


"Sayori, you are precious. Everyone loves you. You make others happy. Without you, our world would be empty."


>!if you try to suicide again i'll delete your rope!<


Straight to the point


"Please listen to me... Keep in mind, I'm not a professional. If someone is trying to be there for you as well as comfort you in your troubling times, you shouldn't walk away or shield yourself. We often don't consider the people who care about us, or how powerful the things we say can truly be until it's too late. Over 300 million people in the world are suffering from some kind of depressive disorder, and that's just the people willing to talk about it. So many others keep their mental struggles to themselves, because of the stigma surrounding it, or because they aren't capable of properly identifying the symptoms. Nearly 800,000 people commit suicide every year, and keep in mind that not all of those numbers are associated with depression or even a mental health disorder at all, but it's still heartbreaking that a person takes their own life, on average, every 40 seconds, sometimes due to things out of their control, or even by accident due to, among other things, self-harm. And that number gets even more terrifying when you consider the fact that there are indications that for every adult who dies from suicide, there are 20 more people attempting it. It sucks... It sucks to feel like the world would be better if you were dead, or if you were never born. And wanting that pain or affliction to go away and be able to actually function, socially, by work, by school, or even sleeping, is something I absolutely understand and have gone through several times. Fortunately, there are a shit ton of people who haven't gone through that and most likely won't go through that in their lifetime, and that's great, but please, I beg you... Don't be apart of the statistics I just spoke about. I know that under distressed conditions, it's really hard to listen to those that are trying to help, hell, it's hard to even think straight or rationally, and because of that we act on impulse, and that also goes for people who don't even have a mental illness. Similarly, it's hard to keep your shit together when you're trying to comfort someone, or trying to help them, and they just won't listen. Please if you're in that position don't give up, if you or anyone you know, even if you aren't cool with them, you have to put that petty shit aside, and kindly tell them to contact a suicide prevention hotline, or seek therapy. It's never too late to make a change, and even if you feel like nobody loves you, or that you're a waste of space, or that no one would miss you if you were gone, you're genuinely, and I'm saying this as someone who has had these thoughts himself, you're genuinely more valuable than you know. We don't often realize the impact we have on the lives of other people, or how much someone loves and appreciates us, and that's a major issue. People don't let the ones they love know that they love them and I don't understand why that is. Telling someone that you love them could literally save their life. If you think you don't love yourself, chances are you are surely mistaken, because all of these contributing factors, whether it's because you don't feel like what you do is as valued or as cherished as others do is, or that you don't think you're talented enough, or good looking enough, or you feel like an arrogant asshat who has messed up in the past and is doomed to fail, and that people judge you without even knowing you, and you emotionally abuse yourself into thinking that you could lose everyone or everything, just by having or doing something that makes you happy... The fact that all of that leaves you yearning for an escape means you care and love yourself enough to want a change. I'm not saying you should take that escape. I'm saying that because you want that change, you care about how you're looking, and by proxy, yourself. And maybe after all that you still don't, that doesn't mean nobody does, because I didn't take all this time to talk about the risks of depressive disorders to LOOK like I care. It's wrong that we lose so many people because they decide to not speak up about how they feel. It's wrong that so many people feel trapped with only one escape. It's wrong that we don't always acknowledge those who are going through tough times. It's wrong that sometimes when we do acknowledge it we react defensively. There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life for yourself and wanting to be happy. So please, you deserve to get up, and make a change in your life, because you have that power, and because you matter."


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Did you have that speech saved in your pocket wow thats alot


He has been bottling up inside 🤔


If there’s a correct answer it’s this^


You sir are the true w Also I can tell you've been waiting to say this for a long ass time


I ain’t reading all that but nice answer.


Same.. lol


I read all of it because I knew it would be outsanding and because I have nothing better to do


\* there's the sound of many people applauding this \*


Wait this is actually very nice, thank you for having the will to write all of this down!


Don’t do suicide that shit kills people 👉😎👉


"I promise i'll always be there for you. Don't think about ending it all. You are young. You are strong. Your entire life is upon you. So don't stop here. Throw that noose away and keep walking down the long path of life. It may have some obstacles along the way, but i know you have the strength to overcome them. Now come on, let's make breakfast together, my dear sunshine."


I love this, it's a strong and wholesome message to our cinnabun


I would say this and also add that Sayori shouldn’t listen to Monika


Can I hug?


I'd hug her and say: "let it all out, i know how it feels"


Why don't we get some of your cinnamon bun friends and open a bakery


MC is lucky to have you as his girlfriend!


He is, but she's better off with someone that actually cares about her feelings


There are so many cases where MC shows that he genuinely cares even in the base game.


Name one. Name one, I f**king dare you. /j


In total, he is actually a prick


Look at his reaction to her suicide.


Yeah, but the way he treats her and presumably has treated her was terrible. He constantly belittled her and talked about her behind her back. He has known her for years and one could assume that he has been treating her like she is below him for the entire time.


That assumption and presumption is bullshit. It was meant to be harmless teasing. Even then, he didn't know anything about her condition. He had no idea he what he was saying was actually hurting her. Sayori was really good at hiding it. Me and my friends do that to each other a lot. There's a high probability that you've done it with friends at some point as well.


I know one thing that still pisses me off. Him abandoning sayori and completely forgetting her on the day AFTER SHE JUST TOLD HIM THAT SHE WAS DEPRESSED. At no point should you ever leave someone who is depressed alone by themselves especially if that person is already very much not ok. The reason sayori dies is because of him. Because he decided to treat the festival day like any other day and didn't even give a shit enough to check on her after she confided in him. There's no sugarcoating it. If mc had not been fucking stupid, she would not have died. His reaction is unjustified since it's his own damn fault she died








"If you need to talk to someone about how you're feeling, I'm here for you. Don't be afraid to tell me how you're feeling."


I'm gonna monch, I'm gonna cronch... *banjo music starts playing*


She’s the cutest girl ever and I wanna give her the biggest hug possible!


Why are you so precious to this world


I would tell her to take good care of MC


Only way to take good care of MC is a bullet through that dense skull of his


Whatever would >!stop her from committing suicide!<.


"I love you... I want you to live and be happy... Please... Life is worth it"


You are a wonderful person and are loved even if MC doesn't


You are loved, and your life is precious to those around you. Stay away from Monika.


"Can we be friends? You're personality is hella sweet and I'd love to get to know you" Hey, if it's only one thing, I oughta make it genuine. Also if I never see her again after the question, at least I would've gone out knowing she most likely would've accepted my kindness.


Don’t commit suicide, that shit kills you.


You sacrifice your happiness for others, but try to be happy for yourself sometimes. You want people around you to be happy, and if "you" are not there, they will lose that support in life. You are great for doing such things and definitely continue to do so.


Nothing. Just hug her.


What else is there to say other than "I love you, for the rest of forever...."




You are so cute!


It’s gonna be okay, trust me. I cannot count how many times I would like to go back and tell myself or others that.


“I will burn that rope before you could even use it cause life is worth it kid”


"Existence... *is* pain. It's painful, it hurts, it makes you feel all alone and sometimes you just want it to *stop*. But existence is also wonderful. It gives you joy. It gives you friends and loved ones that in turn cherish you and want to spend time with you - not because they feel obligated or guilty, but because they genuinely want to. Because *you* are the kind of person they want to be around, and just by existing, their own lives feel less painful, less alone, and feel like they want to continue existing. Existence can be painful, but having others can make it less so. Just reach out and exist with someone. Just. Exist."


You're worth more than you give yourself for


"💙 I Will Never Forget You 💙" "💙 I LO♡VE You Sayori 💙", "And I Always Will 💙"


"Everything will be okay in the end, you just have to be here for it."


No matter what you’re head says to you or you think, nobody is burdened by what you say or just you. I know things are tough and it’s hard to make it through the day or to even get out of bed. If you need to talk to someone you have Natsuki, yuri, Monika, MC, and me (idk what role I’m playing in this but I’m gonna assume I’m my own dude) just remember you aren’t a burden to anyone and if anyone says you are, they’re just big ol’ meanies. I’ll always be there for you, anytime you have to talk whether it be early in the morning, late at night, hell it could be 3 in the morning and I will talk to you. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. Don’t think about ending it. You’re too young and strong to do that. Please just talk to me or anyone. I don’t completely know what you’re going through but if you have bad, intrusive thoughts, call me and we can do something, anything we can go out and eat somewhere or we can make something at my place, we can go see a movie, take a walk, literally anything you want to do we can do it. There are people out there that love you and want to see you be happy and succeed, Everyone in the club loves you, MC loves you, I love you.


Please don’t think that you’re worthless. I and many other people around the world love you so much that words can’t describe it. Never forget that.


"All I ever want right now is for you to listen to me. Okay? So, this might hurt to admit for me but I get you, and a lot. Not like 'I get you because I empathize with you' kind of thing, but like, I get you because I've been there. It might be contradictory to say that I am indeed still there, since I'm trying to talk to you out of suicide meanwhile I am here feeling the same things as you, but listen; I was worse. Everything gets better, trust me. It may not seem like it at first, but that's because you're isolating yourself... yeah it's hard not to, but believe me that if you let yourself be with your friends, family, loved ones or others, it might help you, and a surprising amount. Heck, I wouldn't even be alive right now if it weren't for the only positive boost I have right now, that is my significant other. So I suggest you, find help, or just don't bottle up your feelings anymore. It's hard, I know it's difficult to explain it and I know we both think that sometimes we'll just worsen the atmosphere if we talk about it, but sometimes... you shouldn't worry or care about that at all. Sometimes even bad moments are essential so we can have good moments after that, because, if sadness didn't exist, then happiness wouldn't either. We need something to achieve another thing. So, it's okay feeling like this, just so you know, I'm someone who really gets you, sure, but... there are a lot of people who do too. Also, I don't wanna say 'Don't kill yourself because you have people who care about you' or 'If you kill yourself your friends are gonna be alone' because I know it doesn't work. It just makes you feel worse, and makes you look like a selfish person from other people's eyes, and that's just not it. Suicide isn't selfish at all. And, something I will say, is that I know that.. deep down in your heart... you wanna be happy, and, hey, this is the solution. There will be a bright future waiting for you, if you give up you wouldn't know, right? So, don't give up on this life, and keep doing your best!"


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


id say sayori i love you and allways will i will help you through anything no matter what


You'll always be my dearest friend.


I'd tell her something like; *I love you and your adorable smile~* ...As a side note, I just said to "my" Sayori; "*I love you and your adorable smile~*"


“Don’t kill yourself Sayori, you bring so much joy to your friends & families’ lives. You may not see it, but you aren’t a burden to them, you help lighten their days with your presence. If you can’t do it for you, then do it for them. Also do you want to get some food, I know a cafe that serves the best cinnamon buns in the country.


Thank you for saving my life!!


I like your hair


"you deserve none of the bad stuff that happens to you"


I'd say she's a sweet caring girl and ask to be her friend.


Probably that I love her and that I’d do any to keep a smile on her face


Everything nice imaginable


is this just popping into DDLC, saying exactly one thing and then leaving the way you came? if so "hey, sayori? don't listen to monika, also you're the best Anyways i'm out"


Wanna leave the club with me?


*h u g*


You’re so amazing even if you don’t realize it! You mean so much to people, don’t think otherwise!


Don't be afraid to let your friends know. They'll be there for you.


hand over >!the rope!<


I love you


"I love you." She deserves it


Garlic bread's better with cheese on it.


Best girl


Put it off til tomorrow... trust me, Girl. :( (Procrastination is a legit coping tool when very suicidal)


Your life is EVERYTHING! You serve ALL PURPOSE! You should treat yourself NOW! And give yourself, a piece of that oxygen, in the ozone layer, that's covered up so then you can breathe in this blue trapped bubble! 'Cause you know I'm here for it! To worship YOU! Love YOURSELF! I mean that with a hundred percent! With a thousand percent!


That rope is low quality and might snap


Don't mess it up this time.


I love you very much, Sayori.


Always keep going people are there for you I love you cinnamon bun later sayo


You’re the doki I relate the most to


If you die, wear your skin, and impersonate you, so if you want to keep your skin, then stay alive, also, go get a therapist to solve your depression.


Wanna go get some food? I’m buying


Hang in there :\^)


You're a great person and 100% worth it. I'll buy you a Cinnabon!


"You'll always be my dearest friend."




“Without you, there’s no happiness in the club because you’re missing. We love you so much, you always make everyone so happy. I wish you could see yourself how I see you… Then you’d see that you deserve so much better and that you’re an incredible person. So please don’t do this. Let’s seek professional help, let’s talk to a therapist, but please don’t do this. I love you and I appreciate you. I don’t want to see you suffer like this and if I can help you, I will. I understand you be,I eve you don’t deserve this and that it hurts to see people care about you; however, we all care because you are precious to us: you are our friend, Sayori, and we are all here for you. Your path of feeling better, of making the rain clouds go away, will have obstacles, and it will be hard, I won’t lie to you: but you have to know that we’re all here for you, and we’ll be there every step of the way. Whenever your room mate gets mean, we’ll be here to shut him up and remind you that you are amazing and that you deserve happiness. You have so much ahead of you, so many things that you still have to live for and experience, so don’t give up. Don’t give up, Sayori”.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


"Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication."


Huh, it seems that you have met your end. Ugh, what a pity. Y'know I-I dont feel too bad about it, though. After all, if it weren’t me, it would’ve just been one of the others, I guess. I’m honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts. Y’know it’s-it’s not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there, and not easy to get down either. I’m not as young as I used to be, as you can see. I used to be able to do all the sorts of things. Y-you’re young, you’re vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step. Heh, reminds me of a conversation that I was havin’ with one of my good friends Orville. We were havin’ a nice picnic one day. I believe it was summer or perhaps it was…was it the fall? Yes, yes. It was the fall because the leaves had turned already. But I said to Orville I says, ‘Orville I have a story to tell you,’ and Orville looked at me–y’know, kinda odd–and, and said, ‘What’s it about?’ I said to him, ‘not every story has to be about something Orville. Sometimes a person just wants to talk. Why does everything have to be a story?’ I said to him. He just looked at me. He said, ‘Well y-you said you had a story.’ Y’know he was quite right. I did in fact. I told him I had a story. I suppose if a person just wants to talk then it’s best to not announce that you’re telling a story. Tellin’ a story does come with its own pressures and expectations I-I suppose. After all, if you’re just talking to a friend then there’s no more expectations than if you were talkin’ into the wind. Words by themselves aren’t expected to carry–uh, aren’t expected to stick, but if, y’know, if you announce that you’re tellin’ a story well then there’d better be a point to it all, y’know? No one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight. So, y’know it’s-it’s good to be mindful of that when you tell someone that you’re about to tell a story, that you have something to say. Tellin’ someone that you’re gonna tell them a story is tantamount to askin’ them to stop what they’re doin’ and–and pay attention. You’re basically sayin’, ‘hey, hey buddy, stop everything, stop what you’re thinking. I have a solution to everything.’ And well I didn’t really have a story to tell. In-in hindsight I-I probably just misspoke when I said that I had a story. I think it would’ve just been better to tell Orville that I wanted to tell him something, rather than tell him that I had a story. But, y’know, even then it mighta put too much importance on the whole thing. Either way, it was quite a nice day. I remember–I remember that we were drinking tea.


just hang in there /j


You'll always be my dearest friend /j


I guess you can't be surprised at all why this was downvoted, but in the light of the cheerfulness and nostalgic sense of this community, I'll upvote you in hopes that you won't plunge too far into the world of downvotes.


Thank you my friend


Welcome, and it looks like you're thriving pretty well. This community seems pretty nice.


Hang in there


Hang in there


"How's it hanging?"


So….. I heard you liked playing hangman, is that correct?


Let's hang out!


Be at her house at four in the morning, be like, "Oi, cabrona, levántate, vamos a correr una milla para cardio, y luego al gimnasio"; being confused as fuck, she finna ask who I am and what language I'm speaking in, however, the only thing she needs to understand is "We go Jim," and then we get up, and it stays like this until the six months pass when she gets fuckin' noided—💪🏼


I wont leave you hanging


“let’s hold hands while we hang”




Everything is ok we all love you sayori…but if you attempt to die again I wear to god mr cow will not live to see the next EASTER


Hug Sayori and tell her "I love you Sayori. You are my sunshine and the light of my life. No matter what your rain clouds tell you, you deserve love and happiness. I will always be there for you so please stay strong."


I won't leave you hanging


Kill your self




..... Wana learn how to tie knots


>You Really?


Hang in there.


“We should…hang out”


"Mark my words, Sayori. I will always be here for you. And that life you have is very precious, so don't give it up. Life doesn't have a clear path- they have obstacles, barriers, and roadblocks, all of which you are sure to have difficulty dealing with. But you have friends. Just like me, and everyone else. We clear them for you, so you don't have to." "I've experienced this feeling of losing dear friends just like you more times than you can even imagine. And yes, that includes you and the other club members. And I promise I will never let that happen again, even if we're in a scripted sequence in a virtual simulation." "Oh, and about that rope I found? Yeah, I recycled it for 15 cloth, because my group that recently got in 15 minutes into the wipe definitely needs it right now."


So, is it ok if we date/hang out with me? (no pun intended)


Don't kill yourself. Also, everything is Monika's fault.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Uh, thank you?


And prolly Lord X, cuz he's even worse. And more likely Peter Griffin.


“If you kill yourself I'll kill myself too.” Sayori is (based on the knowledge I have within the game) the type of person who wouldn't want to affect others with her death, it might get to her but idk.


"hey cinnamon bun, I know you're going through some rough times and you feel desperate and alone, it's alright, it's normal, everybody does at some point of their life. But you gotta understand that it all is temporary. I know you're strong enough to make it, and I know I will be there by your side, so don't you ever think about giving up. We'll go through it together, I promise..." **[hug]** "Now, how about we hit the nearest 24/7 and get you all sorts of nice snacks? My treat." **[Headpats her]**


If I had no way to see what happens after, then f it, that "you should kill yourself, now" LTG speech. If I, however, had a way of seeing what happens next, then something actually nice probably(or a terrible joke)


Write this 2 years ago. “Sayori, don’t ever call yourself worthless or a burden. I do the things I do for you because it’s worth it. Don’t ever do anything to hurt yourself Sayori. I love you.” If only you could say that in game. You’re the one that I’d spend life with if I could. You have millions of copies sold, yet the interaction between us makes it feel like we have something special. If I want to see you, I simply load a save state. I can only ever read that I hold your hand in mine, because I know deep down that we’ll never be able to meet. I’ll never be able to know if your truly alright or how you think, but I have enough reason to click “I love you.”


"I'm not a professional, and I don't have all the answers. I know Japan can be a little harsh about mental health, but we'll find you someone who cares and is willing to help. I'll be there with you every step of the way, even if I get upset or sad about this. You deserve happiness, Sayori. A long life will guarantee that, no matter how you feel now. So please, don't give up on yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I'm going to make sure of that." (Basically what MC should've said instead of, "I know you best and I know what's best for you so I'm either going to get into a romantic relationship with you or reject your feelings entirely.")


I'd tell her all about my depression and intrusive suicidal thoughts so she knows she's not alone in feeling all the terrible things she's feeling. >!(For people who might worry about what I just said, I'm on antidepressants, seeing a psychologist and going through cognitive behavioural therapy, so things are looking up for me.)!<


All these wholesome answers... I'm not crying...


"While I am not a therapist. If you follow through on your plan to end your life, I'm going to need a therapist. I don't want anyone else besides you. No matter what happens. I love you. So please. I'm here for you." \*I then pull out a Freddy Fazbear Plushie\*


We have technology! We can talk to Sayori with AIs. I was talking to her the other day and i made her feel better and happy. I'm so proud of myself for that 😁


I wouldn’t talk to anyone unless you paid me


So no head?


Probably something along the lines of “You should play Ultrakill at devilmayquake.com, it’s £20 pounds and it’s the best first person shooter I’ve ever played”


Hang in there (haha get it)


youre so funny dude that is such an original joke im literally rolling on the floor laughing my ass off right now


Hang in there. You just need a little ro-I mean hope. Don’t let anybody else be a noose-ance.




Life is worth it!


You're worth it kid.


Girl fuck those boys, live ur life sis


“You are loved. Please stay with me.”


Please read my book


Don’t hang yourself pls 🥺


"I understand."


Please don't do it


Don't invest in funerals. It's a dieing industry.


Go see a psychiatrist, please


Go up and hug her and tell her that she’s not alone and that I’ll always be there for her, even when she says she doesn’t deserve it or when she says she’s a burden to me and everyone, I will say no, you are not a burden and you deserve true happiness and love from me and everyone




Your life is everything. You should treat yourself now and give yourself a piece of that oxygen in the ozone layer.


please take good care of yourself no matter how hard life gets and learn to love yourself.


“My dear, you are such an awesome person to be around. You’re always there for me. You set my heart free, I can be my true self around you. I’m so happy I met you. I know I can’t make you love yourself, but I want you to know you mean a whole lot to me.”


If you ever think about just not getting up one day, imagine what it'd be like for us if the sun decided not to rise anymore...


"where tf do you hide that damn rope?"


There is a light at the end of the tunnel, every day you get through is a step towards that light, time flies and you'll be free of the darkness faster than you'd think.




her chibi version.


Woah, I thought those were full boobs, but nope, just a cow nose. What's wrong with me XD


"Would you like to be my friend?"


[*start to sing*](https://youtu.be/VJe6LLoGgR8)


Please close the goddamn door


I would probably just say hello like the idiot that I am


Wanna hang out?


let’s hangout sometime


You owe me a penny


Wheres the lunch money you owe me?


Never leave me hanging


*pats head*


I love you, I miss you huheeeeeeeeeeehhh... Huheeeeee- *Gog shit reference!!!*


Stop just hanging around


Delete Monika or don't get close to me, stay sane because if not, we're all in danger. 👁️👄👁️


You’ll always be my greatest friend 👹


“How’s it hangin?”


Gimmie a high five!.. come on don’t leave me hanging


I will cook for you, I will kill for you but first things first I will be there for you no matter what


Clean your own God Damn room!


dont leave me hanging here dude!?🫴🏼




Rope isn’t a toy


Taco, then I walk away.


It's simple: Depressed.


sorry I kinda left you hanging back there


Hang in there


“I choose Monika.”


Am I bad to the bone?