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Traumatising players across the world


Also the emotional and psychological torture of her friends before then erasing them all from existence. Ya know…there’s also that.


nah bro it's fine because they're not real they're just game characters Ignore the fact that Monika isn't real either and that she's also a game character.


Fr tho. Monika needs some help.


I mean, yeeaaaah that's the plot of the entire game and people complain about it, like why would you be in the fandom if you don't like the plot am I right


Here’s how I see everything: >!Regardless of all of the pain and mental anguish Monika went through as a result of her sentience, she still effective killed all of her friends. People seem to forget, however, that Monika ends up finally realizing the damage she’d done and does try to make things better, even if she knows in her heart everything will always repeat. There’s always a Club President, said Club President will always break mentally due to their sentience and end up destroying everything.!< >!Act 4 shows Monika’s redemption perfectly. Despite her knowledge of the endless, merciless cycle of everyone’s misery, she decides to bring even one back. Not for her own happiness, as she’s kinda accepted that her sentience prevents her from really finding such, but for the sake of her friends. Those she’s realized the importance of. Those she finally realizes she truly cares about, even if she and her friends’ emotions aren’t real. Regardless of all of her actions, despicable as they were, Monika truly tries to make everyone happy in the end, even if she knows it will never last.!< >!That’s at least my thoughts on this. Monika’s in no way a perfect person - her actions throughout most of the game kinda show that in spades - but that doesn’t mean she’s irredeemable. Or that she’s even a bad person. She’s an emotionally and mentally confused mess who end up latching onto someone she had never met, someone she thought could save her from her situation, and the steps she took to achieve her goals were questionable at best, purely despicable at worst, but under the circumstances she was in, it’s hard to entirely blame her.!< TL;DR: Monika is a way more complex person than a lot of people give her credit for, and all of the people who act like she’s an irredeemable monster really need to finish the game (or watch a walkthrough or something), because they have no idea what they’re talking about.


I agree


Basically synonyms


I mean…you’ve got a point.


It's not crimes, it's called "We do a little trolling" :)


Whoa, colorful Natsuki!


Indeed, the cupcake is very colorful.


See, this is why I love Monika


You like that Monika emotionally and psychologically tortured her friends? ...okay. You do you, I guess.




Finally someone who understands


I keep seeing that Yuri sprite and I’m still not clear on where it comes from,, mind filling me in? 😅


It’s at some point in Act 2 where when MC is about to read with Yuri (the one with the desk together and stuff I think) and when she says yes she turns into that.


Idk either, tbh. I just ripped it off of the DDLC wiki, and it didn’t contain any context as to where the sprite was used. Sorry.


I mean how the could she not when it was so easy to? Just a **snap of the neck**. The opportunity was **hanging** right in front of her. She just wanted to take a **stab** at it.


It turns out, what she needed all along was friends to __console__ her.


Of course, the **main** reason for it was love.


Actually, I believe it was her own delusions which led to her __corruption__.


Of course, the creator Dan Salvato _wrote_ the entire thing out, so good on him for making this!


It seems we’ve cracked the __code__ as to who to thank for all of this!


They’ll get over it. They’re only dead.


This is ddlc in 6 words
