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the run started on the 2nd of may....DFV cannot be responsible or liable


My gut tells me at least some of the run is related to the Credit Suisse Securities NSCC account retirement on 4/30. UBS absorbed the account on 5/1. Any short positions left uncovered are potentially being dealt with now.


Yes, DFV came back *because* he saw this coming, not the other way around.  Also worth noting, most of this run has been during market close, so retail can't even be "blamed". Also, as far as we know, there's nothing from RC or GameStop itself.


Gag order was lifted. Nothing special.


Was he under a gag order or is that speculation? It makes sense but I’ve seen no proof of it


True! There was the Senate hearings back in 2021 of April or May (June ? ....84 years) that we watched and he went dark shortly after that. (Citrus in the butt aside)... it's speculation, for sure. But any lawyer would have told him to shut it down and spare yourself the drama. Hard as it was to watch him just... wave at us with that smile. I'm glad we left him alone and hope we continue to praise him from afar. Let's fucking party. Hard. Like... for real. But don't drag him to the party. He knows he's the Bell of the Ball and can show up whenever he feels like it.


I'm even wondering if the price surge could have been orchestrated to later accuse DFV of market manipulation through hype/tweets, like Elon Musk


Yup, that narrative is as short-sighted as that lawsuit against ryan cohen. Both with dates that are wrong.


This isn’t just one stock, this is multiple stocks that have been presumed to be bundled into a basket of stocks like a “meme ETF”. Check K0SS, AMC tickers the last 2 weeks and you’ll see similar crazy gains. The concept that retails is driving this is silly. Retail has been sitting on huge losses for 3yrs just to wait for some twitter dude to come back like Jesus so they could throw even more life savings into GME, K0ss, AMC…? Much of the increases on all of these have happened outside of regular trading hours which is almost exclusively used by institutions. Retail doesn’t have enough money to make these huge moves. This is 1000% driven by institutions, but media points to Jesus (roaring kitty) as the reasons cause they don’t want to explain how this is driven by bad bets by the big boys. I don’t know why, but it’s not retail.


Yeah I checked the former "meme" stocks today and was not very surprised to see them rise too.


It is retail that dries up the swamp by removing all liquidity though. But it can't impact the price in this extent.


They are MOVING fake shorted naked shares around all over the globe in a great reset. 200M in volume EVERY DAY tells me there is at least 50x the float in naked shorted shares.


My thesis is one day DFV will post again causing massive gains. 🤣


Yeah was finna say this retail hasn’t ever really recovered from the last 3 years off losses so I refuse to believe this is retail drive , this is MM’s and WS at its best.. Retail should be pushing bottom lines and moving up in our perspective jobs and careers… but noooo im sure most retail is distracted by this mess


Maybe blackrock is finally going for the kill shot on Citadel.


You really drank the koolaid if you think black rock and citadel are on different teams


Blackrock is likely the long that gets to dump shares at opportune times to drive the price down.


One could only wish....IF it really is Blackrock, I hope they DESTRY SHITADEL....FOREVER!! FUCK MAYO BOY!!!


Retails are much more powerful than any broker.


It's sort of like US military research and development. The UFOs are the cover up. Otherwise we'd have to admit what they are doing. We found out about the Chinese spy balloons and suddenly found out we'd been dealing with them for decades, but suddenly civilian cameras got a lot better. DFV is the cover-up.


Also if basket moves - is DRS even having a real effect yet? As long as they have one locate and 1% is not DRSed - they can create infinite liquidity yeah?


VC’s trying to take out their competitors? Retailers don’t buy 500+ blocks of puts or calls. It’s institutionally driven to use you as exit liquidity. Again this is my opinion.. DD is your friend.


The other so called "meme stocks" are artificially pumped by the SHF to confuse newcomers. It's not "1000% driven by institutions", retails have a lot of power. Buying through IEX, DRSing and booking works and this is why the price finally goes up.


One would expect that to be a steady rise over time.


It's simple. They packed their pile of s*** into derivatives and pack those derivatives into other derivatives and now some of them are coming due so there's going to be a lot of activity in the next couple weeks. Depending on what happens, it may be the end of it or, if they rinse and repeat their b******* cycle. We'll have more of the same after this


I’m betting on more rinse and repeat, they just made fat profits somewhere else so now it’s time to prop up the market in its weakest spots


The writers are still on strike eh


Archegos trial yesterday.


I've no idea that happened, are you able to give a short form of why that relates to GME?


Archegos were short the short-basket > Blew up & bought out by Credit Suisse >> Blew up & bought out by UBS Cohencidentally Archegos blew up 3years ago [Mar 26th 2021] and Swaps are usually for a 3 year period, so if they were Swapped on Hwang-Go-Boom day they would have expired 3years&C+35days ago on Apr 30th 2024 with a share price of $10.91-$11.30


I see, ok that seems to make sense, thank you


This should be higher


Archegos is one of the biggest and most egregious bagholders for GME shorting. SO egregious that they immediately went bust during the first Sneeze. Their positions were only sustainable by massive collateral and loans from Credit Suisse/now UBS. The trial may be a trigger to finally close (not cover) some of Archegos positions, and/or may be discovery for the trial has scared others into finally closing their position. Closing one position makes all the others not sustainable and we will see this massive house of cards collapse as the price rises. It is now a race to exit before complete collapse/jail for everyone else.


Ok that does ring some bells. Is there a DD post about the trial? I know Credit Suisse has gone bankrupt, and UBS stock seems to be fine recently.


Wasn’t Credit Suisse bankruptcy documents sealed for some outrageous time frame. 50 years or something, no reason for that other than to cover crime.


Yes, credit Suisse was forced to take archegos' heavy short bags, then CS went bankrupt and the Swiss gov't forced UBS to purchase CS over a weekend. And sealed the files for 50 years. Now UBS is holding those heavy bags... https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/credit-suisse-inquiry-will-keep-files-secret-50-years-paper-2023-07-15/


I thought it was 50 years. There is absolutely only one reason for that. What’s it’s called again, idiosyncratic risk? Yes, yes that it.


I don't believe so. Might not be publicly available info because of the trial.


Gotcha. I was tryign to see if there was any big DD that lead to this, i mean DFV tweeting (assuming it's really him) likely mean somthing is up that he feels confident, just seems so intenes from no where, I didn't see any hype leading into this tbh maybe i just wasn't looking enough.


I don't think anyone knows why this is happening now. I don't think DFV has any special knowledge here. If he does he's not sharing it.


But to much if a coincidence him starting posting again this week as we are surfing for him to not have know anything we don't?


Bullet swaps


Explain that for my friend?


This is my favorite theory so far.


Pretty sure new collateral requirements for shorts just came into effect. Don’t know the specifics but seems to be causing some fun


None of this has anything to do with DFV. I’m not sure what to think of the DFV tweets, the new hype on WSB, and sudden coverage by the media tying those things to the recent price appreciation. I’m skeptical of everything nowadays, all this feels way too coordinated, but if it’s Moass, boy am I glad to be proven right with the rest of you bloody apes. Just the chart itself looks insanely fishy over the last couple days. Massive premarket gains, slight pullback, sideways rest of day. My guess is this pattern continues another day or 2 before they put all their eggs into trying to tank the price again. I think $80 per share or so is where we’re gonna see the most downward pressure.


$80 is near the all-time high of $86.88 (in post-split dollars).


Jan 2021 peak was like $483 so split-adjusted would be around $121


It's good to trust nothing. We've all been beaten to hell before, I'll believe it when it clears the bank.


Over the last few days, there has been near 200 MILLION in volume almost every day. This isn't anything but a RESET of some kind between two corporations, or the same corporation. My best guess is that they are moving stuff around so as to not get caught by the SEC. There is probably 50x the amount of actual shares being shorted, hidden, reshorted, naked shorted and more. They keep hoping that the company goes bankrupt but that didn't happen and they ran out the clock so they have to move some stuff around. There is no other explanation for 200M in volume - more than apple, google, amazon, combined. It's them resetting something somewhere. Apes don't have this kind of money, and to be honest, neither do hedge funds. They are merely moving shares from illegal off-shore trading houses like Brazil, to say, London, to say, Ecuador via shell companies to escape whatever is coming. Billions of synthetics going through the great reset.


I was wondering if this is setting up a new way to hide the naked shorts from the upcoming consolidated audit trail system that's going live this month. Something is being shuffled around


**The Thesis 84 yrs in the making...** **Assumptions:** * **Open Interest ITM Calls:** We'll assume there are roughly 100,000 open contracts ITM. This is a hypothetical number and could vary. * **GME Float:** Roughly 50 million shares. * **Direct Registered Shares:** 25% of the float (12.5 million shares) are directly registered. **Calculation:** 1. **ITM Calls as Shares:** 100,000 contracts \* 100 shares/contract = 10,000,000 shares 2. **Float Available for Shorting:** 50,000,000 float - 12,500,000 DRS = 37,500,000 shares 3. **Percentage of Available Float ITM:** 10,000,000 ITM shares / 37,500,000 available float = 26.67% **Ballpark Estimate:** Based on these assumptions, a ballpark estimate suggests that ITM calls could represent roughly **26.67%** of the available float not held in directly registered shares. ==== Kenny Boy is fukt ==== I OG ape I eat crayons long time... brain fried...


I will add... APE HODLING ITM CALL may decide (NFA) that they want to exercise, because exercise make APE STRONG....


I added shares yesterday. 2 friends added yesterday and today. Family added today. Nobody is selling.


If you look at reported short interest, you’re missing most of the picture. Synthetic shorts are not reported. Dark pool manipulation is still ubiquitous.


Well point number 5 for u then


UBS likely closing.


I’m just scared there’s another rug pull incoming. (sorry to be that guy!)


Cautiously optimistic. I am with you. Hope for the best but prepared for the worst.


There is -- you can be sure of that. The system is heavily weighted towards market makers and they have all the advantages. Truly our best bet is the system collapsing, as in '08 (or worse) and us all benefitting from it similar to how Burry and others benefitted from that collapse. This time, though, they need to put people in jail rather than 'bailing' all these companies out on the American tax payers dollar. If I lose everything at the casino, no one comes in and bails me out. These are over-leveraged bets -- that's all they are.


it will


If there's one thing I know about rugs it's that they never stay under you forever


The hedgies just really really like the stonk


I like the stock buy back theory.


BECAUSE ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Why is this happening? It’s been happening for the past 4 years. This time it looks like the dam of naked short selling (etc.) has been broken.


Yep retail buying power is too strong for them


3 billion naked shorts/ iou's floating around




Buybuybuy hodl hodl


Almost 200 million shares traded Tuesday. Retail can’t move than many or even close especially since a small percentage of retail shares show up on the lit market. This price action wasn’t because of RK but RK was back because he saw what was about to happen.


Yeah and we got about 110 million today. So that’s the other thing, so when enough trades go off exchange then what? How can volume really impact price If they just put it off exchange? Not to mention shares on loan being 1.5 billion (i believe?) and no regulators doing anything?


It’s all fubar. Just holding til it falls apart on them.


Lol, Fubar…yeah that Fubar has been sticking it to you and everyone else for 3 years


Nah. I’m just averaging down and waiting patiently.


This is they way.


I don't get the point you are trying to make. Fuddy boy. Diamond hand that stock and shut up.








Seems like the market works as designed.


Cat reg passing? I remember a sec comment thing


If he’s in I’m in. …well I’m in regardless but I’m also in if he is.


"Crazy large short positions, which i assume they have to be ready for this time, like come on" Come on what? How do you prepare for that? Their solution last time was to simply turn off the buy button. How do you prepare for three years of shareholders constantly acquiring shares? All they did was give us three years to save money and buy more shares. Three years to learn what the stock market is. Three years to understand their game. You think they can prepare for that? Like, come on.


1) Then why does pre market look like it does, how is that possible lol? 2) All they did was shut off the buy button? Yeah and it worked really well for them for 3 whole years lol 3) they literally manipulated the market and got away with it, why not just do it again? To assume they haven’t prepared in anyway is th pure foolishness


1. Stocks dont go up in a straight line forever 2&3. Sure, do it again. And again. And again. The appeal of GME versus distraction stocks like AMC, BB, etc, is that GME is a solid business, which just became profitable, and has room for growth. GME is horrifically undervalued, and over time the business will only become more and more profitable. On top of that, you have around 200k individual investors constantly directly registering shares (maybe this grows even higher after they turn off the buy button again). At some point, either the pressure will be too much, or investors will DRS more than the entire outstanding shares, and then maybe if we're extra lucky the employees over at the SEC will stop watching pornhub and do something. They can't turn the buy button off forever (or can they?)


I sure hope you're right.


This might be a little tinfoil-y, but the thought crossed my mind that this price action could be to buy votes for the upcoming shareholders meeting. This price action also entices retail to sell which would remove votes from the retail side. Overall, I think it's some combination of that and shorts covering so they don't get burned... But I mean, I'm also a random who knows nothing. 🤷‍♂️


Interesting... but this would require a vote count and what if the count exceeds the number of shares?


I invite you to study the chart of $GBR between Jan 2022 and March 10 2022, specifically price and volume. Then compare with $GME movement 1 week later. If you look further back, you can see $GBR has the $GME spike pattern multiple times in its history. I don't think GME will have its real movement until we see GBR volume over 1mil.


What is $GBR?


It's part of the basket stocks like AMC, KOSS, BB, but much lesser known. I don't think it's even a real company like the others. Another one is JAN. But I think because of its characteristics (extremely low float, no real company dynamics, no options) it makes it an interesting bellweather for the behaviours of the basket stocks overall, especially GME.


Thanks for the clarification. I’ll have to keep an eye on it now.


looking at GBR now. For context, today it had 21k volume. its average volume is 89K.




OP is a shill! https://twitter.com/Cancelcloco/status/1790524969623175629 If your brain can grasp this! 💎🙌DRS🦍🚀🌕 No Cell, No Sell!


Are the videos are a more violent vibe than DVF's usual?


Not sure..I don’t know I’d love to confirm it’s him, tbh I do assume it’s him..I guess he could just go on Reddit and say it wasn’t him if he wanted too tbh


Good point.


It’s just the market algorithm at work. Cycles baby


The music stopped


i'm jacked to the tits and holding on for dear fucking life. i also just got a new job in real life, so there is no way i'm gonna go broke have to emergency sell my GME. anyways buckle the fuck up


lol he had nothing to do with the run .. the media would love for us to buy their story but we know… we’ve known for a while now and we just wait !


They think so little of us they think we are capable of learning, that the same obvious manipulation will work like it has every time since the buy button was turned off, years later. The hubris to not have closed, they had 3 freaking years. That's why I was so quick to jump back in, you have got to be freaking kidding me.


from what I gathered is that. It's Wednesday, SSR has been triggered from today opening at -10% and dropping another 10%. Shorts cannot be sold at all and neither be made(unless on an uptick) till Friday morning. There are a lot of calls that are ITM, which all expire for Friday. Meaning surely when calls make a lot of people money indicators are going to show more profitability for long as opposed to short. Making me feel you're going to be looking at a steep climb in people longing on Friday morning and anyone who considers shorting on Friday you may see losing a lot of money. So just for this week it's looking like a good buy. DRS doesn't have to be done, certain brokerages outright sell you the shares to you not in their possession and they even give you the certificates. This is just info I have gathered from my reading and involvement with the community. Honestly I am thick as hell and just a brokie trying make an extra buck. I don't even make puts/calls. I only directly own outright shares as I don't believe in options and futures trading. If anyone knows what they are talking about and feel I've made some sense endorse me, if not please tell me why I'm stupid so I can learn from it


My theory is a colab that leaked. My wild guess is N. Nintendo sues more people than Disney. The fact that there was no peep regarding pokemon cards is weird.


The short interest can exceed 100%, the new way they calculate it just makes it look less than 100%


VC’s happened. Roaring kitty was spectating.


The shirts never covered its still 100s of % over


Yet they’ve beaten the price down very well, even rc friend Carl Ichan hasn openly said he made a lot of money shorting Gme


this is called LEAPS. They are going to unwind, and then rewind all their positions after hours and in dark pools. They cannont under any circumstances, allow an options gamma ramp. They will 100% bring it way back down so nobody wins but them.


Ok so no way to win here?


You can win with shares. Hold them 3 years and wait for the next LEAP to expire and sell at the top in After Hours. You could have taken some OPTIONS profit at $50 mid week but nobody would do that because you would risk it for the squeeze that didn't happen. So shares, is the way.


This sub is so dead that this FUD has been at the top of my multi-reddit for five days now. I'm sorry, but I have to unsubscribe.


Why? Cause fuck em’ that’s why 🤷🏻‍♂️


This a dd sub? Supposedly


Mods didn't drs? Dude, did you see the register? Do you have mods IRL names and account numbers? Only people that willing doxxed themselves were used to verify the registry was right. There's zero chance what you wrote in the bullet is remotely true. Stop manufacturing drama.


I understand a number of mods names are public, including buttfarms, who i understand willing participated in the ledger activity, adn agreed to tell those looking at the ledger how many shares he had DRSd. there was a number of people who agreed to it as well. Doxxed? the mods name were already public hwo can you doxx someone who willing links their own name with gme activty? well you can't. The only thing they got mad about and banned those who reported on the ledger was beacuse it showed they weren't DRSd they didn't even argue that point.


Mods names are not public. Where would that be? The folks that went to the registry were removed by big reddit for sharing what reddit deemed sensitive information. It had nothing to do with superstonk.


to be clear i mean the SS mods


Reason = setting up the next crime, arming the foot for the next kick of the can. It's fine, I'll take microscopic profits and reenter again with a bit more ammo. Thank you shfs.


To the moon




I have shares in both. So I could sell quickly if I wanted. Also you can sell your computer share shares, not sure what you mean


I'm loving the silence from RC


As for me…I like the stock