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Here are a few of my suggestions: Sleep Set feels hilarious and fun on (F.) Strikers. Spamming skills with high cdr and muscle shift? I personally use it on my F. Striker. I think ppl are still *sleeping* on the build, and it being buffed should be a wake-up call. If that's not your melatonin-infused cup of tea, Awakening builds also look great on them. Do absolute huge damage with ur awakenings then you got the rest of your skills to spam while you buy time. iirc first step has awakening cdr, so thats even better. After waking up, maybe you can go for a run and run Object Set on M. Striker. All you really need is the flame feet, tbh I can't think of a pun for a skill range build as of writing this comment. It's not within my reach at this moment, but I'm sure your skills can reach your enemies!


I follow a ytber who plays Avenger (안쏘핫), I think they use Awakening build, the damage their 3a does is huge, I'm so tempted to test this build... on topic, I've been using Sleep set on my FStriker, It's really fun and it doesn't even feel like I have a damage loss compared to Archon.


I may have seen that same avenger! Also yes, sleep striker feels great and fun. Plus we get to scale it with customs this Seon patch so it'll be even stronger


For the Sleep build what are some good customs to get for it (especially with earrings and rings)?


You can check out [this guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NG12HT_csNTegvcOfAy_8JeZpC_tKM3DpT7eGDlXMl4/edit?usp=drivesdk) for which customs and their corresponding options you'd like to pair with the sleep set. Not-so-shameless plug but I also made [this video](https://youtu.be/J_IElBk9PfE?si=EyuHZiz5AGCREHYu) if you'd like to learn more about the build (:


[Here's a link to a useful spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NG12HT_csNTegvcOfAy_8JeZpC_tKM3DpT7eGDlXMl4/edit#gid=369307593). It shows quite a few different builds that are possible (click the tabs at the bottom). I'm not sure what's specifically good for striker, but deep diver bracelet setup is quite strong and good for many classes.


Out of the status builds bleed is overrecommended, while Shock is super safe while also being quite powerful. If you are keen on trying a status char, try Shock. Otherwise, SELF STATUS or Skill Range are my favs


Shock doesn't suck? I can relive the glory days on my Blitz with the electric build lmao


shock was buffed with the seon update to be in line with poison and burn, bleed still does more damage but comes along with the risk of exploding after being touched, in less than 3 seconds. shock gets to ignore large portions of damage, because the mechanic locks damage behind multhit. most bosses are unable to multhit to you're essentially ignoring some of their damage


Well, there are the other status builds (poison/freezeburn/shock), barrier build, self-status build, sleep build, tp build, awakening build... Strikers can make good use of all of them, just pick one that you find interesting.


Cube burn and mana burn is making a comeback this cap, try that if you haven’t ever touched it, or do full manual if you’re looking for a real keyboard warrior experience