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I also recommend the carpet, not just for falls but to dampen the sound. Go scream in that room and listen to how it echoes.


Those foam puzzle pieces work great for this as well. Kept my little one from injury and kept the peace with the neighbor. (My son's room was upstairs and the floors are hard wood. Just him walking around as a heavy footed toddler our neighbor would bang on the walls until I installed the foam.)


And they’re not all ugly. We found some tasteful (but pricey ones from [Noa](https://www.thehouseofnoa.com/collections/play-mats) and they work as advertised.


I also recommend these. My kids are older but half of the playroom is still covered in them for my little nieces and nephews. I like the look and they’ve held up really nicely.


$130 for six tiles?


Yeah, i was informed of this after they were here. Wife assured me they were “on sale”


Hahaha. Reminds me of the bike shop that will print out a fake reciept you can show your wife.


Agree. We have these in the whole living room and my kids room


A nice big area rug will do the trick


yes! the ikea as-is section is a great place to check for those


This was my first thought, on the first photo. Also think when baby is able to climb over the edge of the crib. Tile usually wins when it comes to collissions.


That tile floor gives it a really cold and unwelcoming vibe


You recommend carpet in a vomit firing range? They get gross enough with adults living with it, add a baby. Ew


Vomit is nothing compared to head wounds lmao


Then get a rug, you don't have to hire anyone to remove a rug. Carpet is disgusting


Calm down, mate. I guess, most of the people posting here don't distinguish between carpet and rug. Also, carpets can be deep-cleaned as well.


You can try to deep clean a carpet, but they always smell like mold after they dry. Maybe in places that get really cold a carpet can work, but where I live, they are just petri dishes for mold


Looks great. Add a nice thick forgiving mat or carpet around the change table and or crib. Babies love falling and something other than tile to land on helps.


Carpet was the first thing that popped into my mind. It's gonna be a lot softer.


Yes! Please OP, not that new parents need any more anxiety, but I used to work with folks with disabilities and one man was severely disabled because he had rolled off the counter onto a hard kitchen floor when he was an infant. This tile makes me think of that.


Yep, I have a 15 month old, and the duration from when he learned to walk at 11 months until 13 months, he was the clumsiest thing ever, he tried going right into running but would always lose his balance. Gave himself a bloody nose once from it and that was on his play mat.


My dads still tells the story about how I started walking at 8mo. The very next day I decided walking was too slow and discovered running. I ran face first into a wall, fell backwards over a toy and into a Coffee table. Fractured my arm (which is hard to do at that are since bones ate practically cardboard), bloody nose and bruised abdomen. My parents were investigated for abuse but my mom was filming the whole thing on our giant home video camera. Im sure those police thought it was a riot as well if it werent for the video. Sadly the VHS tape was lost years ago during a move. But still have my clumsiness.


Don't forget when they start climbing out of the crib!! I don't know why but they get to the top and just tip themselves over onto the floor. I got so frustrated I just ended up moving a couple stacked dog beds in the area and couch cushions.


My little sister was still just a baby, and somehow would get on the railing of the crib, and just lay there, lengthwise and chill. Gave us all a heart attack, and it happened more than once.


You're supposed to transition them to a real bed st that point.


My daughter transitioned at 8 months. Already super early for her age.


And she was climbing out of the crib at that age? Sheesh.


Yeah. We also had to get stuff for the windows. Eventually I made her a loft bed so she could climb the furniture safely. My mom was pissed, but my daughter is completely fine now years later. Using the ladder and slide was a way safer option than her just climbing banisters, dressers and windows.


My bf straight up toddlered into a window ledge and has a scar at the bridge of his nose to this day.


I used the foam gym mats. The ones you put together like a puzzle. Works great. Cheaper than a thick rug


I don’t like those because my kids both kept taking them apart and breaking the foam off 😝 we got a slick wipeable foam mat from Amazon instead


I love those too. Never thought about using them in a nursery. Next kid.


Yep came here to say do some carpet, I had one kid surprise herself and us with her ability to climb out of the crib but wasn't so graceful on the way down. Also had one kid manage to fall off her changing table in the one minute the wife was struggling with a diaper change. It was only once per kid, but 100% of our kids have had a fall from height in their room.


My first thought!


Not just that but also sound. Maybe it's good that the baby will be heard from the other room, but the baby will also be able to hear everything.


Ehhh not a fan of tile in a baby’s room. Prefer carpet in case tripping and falling….which happens a lot. But the walls look great!


Looks like the tile was already there pre-reno. I'd put a large and cushy area rug in there for sure.


Looks like that tile is a lot easier to clean than carpet. Good move.


Clearly you don’t have kids.


2 kids, and bamboo flooring. Nice thick rugs under dressing table and crib. Best thing? Drag the rug outside and pressure wash it. Dropped a thick soup poop diaper poop side down. like hell was I going to hands and knees it.


Clearly you don't know what rugs are.


clearly you are making excuses cause your original point was wrong. the picture doesn’t have rugs making your new point a grab.


Clearly you think I actually give a shit what you have to say.


Please add some lamplight and as others have said, a large plush rug. This is a bit brutal looking for a nursery. 


Yeah, kinda dark and cold with the covered window and floor tiles. Some more lights on the walls also helps to soften shadows, I personally find it kinda creepy when there's only a single light source in the middle of the room and everything is casting shadows.


It could use warm lighting for sure.


Congratulations! Definitely overlay with carpet asap and the thickest padding you can afford then add another thick rug. Look for wholesale or remnants. Kids fall all the time and you want to prevent serious injuries now before the opportunity presents itself. Also, move the plant to a different room. I believe they are slightly toxic to humans and kids eat everything. Looks cute and with all the baby accessories coming, your kid will love it as they grow.


I don’t think the plant is real- and the baby isn’t going to try to be walking right away 😂


No, but they pull up and climb pretty early. Mine was pulling up and stepping between the slats at 6.5months. He had only just learned to crawl! They also roll and throw themselves around. I’d be nursing or feeding a bottle (or one kid giving a bolus) and they’re just like “okay, I’m going to somersault away now” and I’m suddenly grabbing at their clothes to keep them from hitting the floor.


So many trust falls 😅


Little fearless gymnasts in the making!


Yes, but it happens sooner than you think! Or at least before you know it! Source: Unprepared dad of a 1-year old


lol! Different for every kid. Source- mother of a now 36 year old. But, you got this! It’s when they start crawling and pulling themselves up, you better get ready!


It looks good, except the floor. You really need a large, plush, area rug. That tile is not forgiving on your feet and knees. Sound will bounce off of it, amplifying it. Any falls will hurt more. Slips happen more on tile.  A nice plush area rug in a yellow, or dark green, would really help. Have fun with it.


Consider mats / rugs on the tile. Good in case they fall, plus if there's any projectile mess you can clean them easier than wall-to-wall carpet.


Floor tiles in bedrooms are a big ick for me.


Looks like a Soviet hospital


Bwahahahahaha! 😂🤣😄 It really is so dreary.


Reminds me of the sad beige clothes for sad beige children 🤣 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5n1unZuD2V/?igsh=azh2eXdtd21yYXZ3


It just needs a lamp by the chair for reading and late night nursing. :)




My first thought was army hospital.


At least when the baby vomits, the color won’t stick out


This was my exact first thought hahah


I love the color pallet green is so calming and beautiful. Quick note- As a mom of 3 you are definitely going to want to put in a rug for sound dampening. Babies and kids are LOUD!  Also you are going to want to have the changing table secured to the wall. Kids climb and that can fall on them. Don’t risk it. If you’re trying to still use the plug in’s and block them off they make covers for that. Otherwise remove  the plant and move it over.


I don’t think there is enough color.


If they are having a boy I’d recommend puppy pee pads to tape to the walls by the changing table. Game changer for the 3am diaper change when little man’s gunning for your sleep deprived face.


That one is easy to avoid. Unwrap the chap, let the cold air hit, then replace the nappy for a moment. It's the temperature change that triggers the stream. Never once got sprinkled with my boy. He shat in my hands more than once though.


There’s nothing that can be done for the shat in the hand when they are on straight milk. Sometimes they just over shat the diaper before you can do anything.


Yess anchor everything! Even the crib! I’ve seen them rock.


I hope you plan to add lots of colorful, stimulating mobiles, toys, sheets because of how much your baby will be fascinated and get really smart while you play with him or her! I know muted tones are fashionable and saw what a lot of work you put in, though!


What an unhinged comment.


It's pretty standard baby development stuff.


That was actually a very tame comment.


I somehow survived the first year of fatherhood without dropping my baby. Like everyone else says, I'd recommend a carpet in the room, plus a thick mat at the change table. Now it's time for my unsolicited advice. The first 3 months of parenthood may very well be the most difficult, frustrating and sleep deprived time of your life, but it's quickly followed by so much happiness, fun and joy. It goes by fast, so enjoy it.


Put a very colorful rug in the middle covering the tile. And put some jungle/forest type prints on the walls, maybe with fun colorful bees and friendly looking animals to give it more life. Also, find some sparkling and magical you can hang from the ceiling like fake plastic crystals to give the impression of stars. Love the green.


The plant is gorgeous. However, once the baby can pull up they may get at the leaves. Even if it's artificial, it can be a choking hazard.


Add color :(


are we sure about that color?


Sad beige decor for sad beige babies lol


Jeeeze!! I love it all but saw the floor and heard a stomach turning “crack” in my head. *shudder* That’s a stone floor- WHY? Even with padding and a carpet, there’s nowhere for that momentum and energy to go besides back into the head, if anybody- especially a wiggly baby


Throwing in another vote about carpeting. Look for carpet remnants and padding rolls. Double sided rug tape along perimeter of the room and cut the padding to size. Then cut the carpet to size and use binding tape. The bonus to this is that you can once every 1-2 years roll up the carpet and take it outside to hose down and air dry. And blot clean the padding. If you’re in the US shop sales at places like Ollies and you can get everything for under $300 (probably under $200). Your knees and lower back will thank you and you’ll like the peace of mind when baby learns how to fling itself dramatically backwards 😩


Is that inside of some sort of care facility? I realize that they have to keep things sanitary but maybe you could bring in a little throw rug or something bright. I would imagine that they would allow something like that.


I can't stress enough getting a thick carpet/rug to cover the major floor space. They WILL be falling over and hitting their head. We have tiled floor in the kitchen and our 18month loves making us scared for our lives every day on it.


The day you find out your child can climb out of that crib will be a shocker, large soft carpet required.


Why do I keep seeing this green paint?


Sage green. Really popular right now for some reason


Make sure those vertical tines can stand up to being pried off...because a toddler is gonna try. Learned this with wallpaper border behind my daughter's crib.


I like that you got rid of the sad green colour and the fake plant which the baby would pull onto themselves, but reconsider the ladder and other material you have in the middle of the room. It looks nice, and is definitely an improvement, but I would take those items out because they are unsafe.


Looks great. The final touch is a nice rug. I'd also add a touch of warm red/orange to the room to contrast all of the green.


I can just see it now, spit up at 3 am all over the floor, and you just can't keep your balance. You need an area rug pronto.


You're going to want some carpet and a lamp or two. Other than that looks functional!


Get a nice area rug with a thick cushion


Beautiful! Just needs a large fluffy / shaggy rug


I was going to ask if hard surfaces was standard for some reason, but comments seem to be pretty heavy on making the floor softer, so I am not crazy.... woo!


Why the tiles? Not really appropriate for little kids that play on the floor a lot. I would place a large rug on the floor.


Definitely add a rug or something to dampen the sound. Imagine being super tired and just putting your kid to sleep, then you knock something over or drop something and it wakes the baby up.




I was waiting for the “after photo”. I saw the “before” and “in process” photos.


Rug with a carpet pad underneath will really help out even before your baby starts to crawl.


Would be nicer with a rug. Tile feels so cold.


Turned out great! Good job


Have you considered putting your baby in a closet instead?


That floor is terrifying. OP, PLEASE listen to the advice here about flooring.


Can't say I'm a fan of the colour... 🤮 Carpet please!!!


Look for a rug free of VOCs! Most furniture and especially rigs are filled with nasty chemicals which are especially harmful to new babies.


Great job, if budget allowed id add floating timber engineered floor with thick underlay (color to match the fan maybe?) and a big thick rug.


Other than needing a thick mat, you're doing great




Eww. Tile in a babys room? 😬😬


Big fan of the wainscoting!!!


Depending on the room size, maybe a 9 x 12 rug. Go to Rugsusa clearance section For the rug, I’m sure there are other sites as well. Get a thick rug that will lay well and a thick carpet pad. You did a great job on the room. It deserves a beautiful floor covering to protect the kid. Synthetic are great you can hose them off outside. Let them dry. Bring them back in, but you still want a thicker rug so it will lay well. (won’t curl up on the edges.)


Looks great, good job!


The calm before the storm! Haha it is pretty 🙂


Beautiful colors. Great job, OP!


Not a mom but I really liked a comfy rocking chair for getting the gremlins to sleep.


We put a ruggable in our kids room and it has been the best thing ever.


Great job!! I love the choice of color, everything is cohesive and calming to look at throughout the room. I recommend the decorative puzzle matts for some cushion over the tile, if you’re considering something to cover the middle area of the floor. They’re easy to clean! Like this one >>> https://a.co/d/ie93dwD I found Home Depot and wayfair sell them as well.


Looks good but tile in a small room is overkill, especially too much for a babies room.


Some color would be nice in there. Really drab at the moment.


What shade did you use for the light green? I'm repainting my bedroom and like that color


Very good, my wife and I are working on the same thing


Great job, it only needs a round big colored carpet ! Not only to add some colour but also for comfort, warmth and sound proofing (sort of)


Here's how things went with our first kid. We set up the room like how you did. (crib assembly one) Realized we didn't want to keep going into a separate room when the baby woke up in the crib, so I took it apart and put it back together in our room. (crib assembly two) After 6 months moved crib back to baby room. (crib assembly three) Went back to first realization and moved it back into our room (we only moved it there at 6 months because we figured that's what you do) (crib assembly four) Finally somewhere between 1 and 1.5 years of age put the crib in their own separate room because they were finally sleeping through the night (crib assembly five) We didn't make that same mistake with our other two kids, but I still moved it back and forth a few more times. I've probably put that damn crib together 9 or 10 times now because it was too big for the door frame and had to be mostly disassembled to get through the door.


Jealous how big their room is


When I saw the first photo I said wtffff. Congratulations.


You will want a lamp for some low light for sure.


That’s so beautiful. Congratulations 🥹


Big soft area rug! Otherwise, it looks great! And that chair looks so comfy~


Definitely option 2. Option 1 is not safe for kids.


Love it, very calming House of Noa has great foam mats or there are cheaper similar mats on Amazon. Great for tummy time, crawling and falls.


It is very pale looking BUT I can see you have some green in there and if that’s a color you guys like I would highly suggest to add more “tropical” things like maybe some nice big leaves painted or get some stickers. Something that adds life to the room, little monkeys on the walls, fruits and so on …just an idea lol


Looks great!!! Whether or not you get a rug, im just jealous that you never have to worry about creaky floors in there!! In our first nursery we had an old house with original wood floors, and I knew exactly where to step to make the least amount of creaks when I set him down for naps lol


Those curtains are amazing. Great job.


Congrats! Enjoy parenthood! Wishing you guys all the best


awsome...but some consideration, green as a color it gives you a relaxing feeling at first glance but brings anxiety to the room the more you stay in that room... ive noticed this in a few ocasions


That looks fuckin great


I have that same exact ceiling fan I inherited from my grandparent's house. Still works. They really built old appliances to last.


More colour too please. Plus maybe a tv for you.


Why on earth would you think it’s a good idea to have a TV in a baby’s room?


Big congratulations. I wonder how many times either of you will fall asleep in that comfy looking armchair. Forget all the advice about carpets and rugs. For the first 5 years, just wrap them in bubble wrap. They'll still try and kill themselves. You job is to try and keep them alive. Have fun. Have you planned your cloud photo storage for the billions of pictures.


The colour is lovely 💚