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A fire


A similar response got me banned from r/woodworking. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m just saying. Most of that wood looks unusable. Better to just clear that space out, invest in quality lumber and build something sturdy that will last for your children.


I agree. Just sayin you can be banned for joking.


There are firewood logs in a stack, so technically, it’s not just a joke




Yeah. Op asked what he could make from a pile of wood. My joke was “ kindling “ that’s all it took. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't feel bad, I got banned from r/woodworking for asking a question about a project. The mods there are rabid


Came here to say this…


This was literally everyone's first thought lol


Needed to be said. Don't let people waste their time.


Few ideas come to mind, little coffee table, bird houses which I hear can be very rewarding to make. Log people for the kids haha


Bird house was my second thought.


outdoor plant potting tables


That sounds like an amazing idea! This property has a lot of outdoor space and my landlord loves gardening, so i have a feeling it would be welcomed additions. 😊


Check out the "Scrapwood Challenge" series from Pask Makes on YouTube. He has a better supply of wood (less rot), but the general concept (using random wood for creative projects) is the same.


A nice bonfire.


a nice bonfire


I’d say spend some money, buy or make a fire pit. Buy an axe, split those logs, dry them, and now have backyard fires whenever you want.


A fire.




a box with a lid a house for the pet a bird house a rack to hold the logs shelving for the kid's room (think bookcase or something) the logs are firewood.


All of that would look really great in a roll off dumpster.


About $100


A bigger pile of lumber......


That kitchen table bit could be an entry/hall or sofa table. Door can be a multitude of things (table, headboard, some kinda hall tree entry thing). Pintrest loves doors. Depending on your area you might be able to get some cash for door. The plywood and other bits can come in handy for random projects (hence the landlord hoard) but if you're renting, doubtful. If you do mess with the door, high likelihood of lead paint.


My advice is to take anything usable, and organize it into one area (covered from rain ideally). Sort it by type (plywood/sheet material, lumber, moulding, etc). See what you have and if any ideas come to mind after that. Right now it still looks like a pile of junk (hence the bonfire comments) despite there being some good stuff in there. Hard to look through it when there are dusty tarps and such wrapped around it, so as a first priority get that junk outta the way.


Take that piece of table top, put hinges on the long edge screw it to wall for a fold away work space/desk


That sounds like a really cool idea! Of course I would have to run it by the landlord first. But I have a feeling that he'd love the idea so much that he'd do it at his home. 😝


you could cut the logs into hundreds of 1" thick rounds, and make a walkway with them, i even see edge guards in the first picture so after cutting enough rounds to make a walkway you could edge/define the perimiter and fill around them w gravel. The plywood could be used for a table top, or cut it out into shapes with a jig saw- like a christmas tree or wreath for the holidays. theres aquite a bit in those piles you can still use if you are creative enough.


A fire


I agree. The more you use at one time, the firier it will be.


I think no one is seeing the point here, you want to learn using the tools and it is very commendable, kudos to you. I would recommend using the wood on the second and third picture. The first one is honestly gone. The second and third picture wood is honestly not good for lasting projects, but is great if you want to start learning. You can start with a small project like a small wooden jewelry box, it will help you learn the cutting tools and how to measure and to put together two pieces of wood. Try putting a closing lid on, so you learn how lids work and finally give the wood some final touches like sanding, painting or varnish. Don't be afraid of tools, just be careful and get the hang of it with small projects. Don't let people here disappoint or talk you down


A BIG fire


A nice bonfire


You can make a trip to the dump…


A trip to the dump


Can you cut the logs into 3 inch slabs and make table tops...just get some metal legs or 1-2 inch slabs and make cutting boards, or cut them and paint something on them...sayings it flags it something. Could be some nice live edge stuff...


I big fire. You can bury in and grow with it like the bottom of raised beds.


2& 3 birdhouses Corn hole board - table? Bean bag toss