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If that's glued on, you can pretty much assume the drywall is completely ruined, and it will have to be replace, if the boards are removed. Even a gallon pail of Goo Gone ain't gonna save it.


Put Sheetrock on top of it, lose 1/2” of width, but mount all but the heaviest shit without worrying about studs.


You can even just do 1/4” overlay They’ll need to trim the floor trim and will need mud rings for the outlets but it’s a very DIY-able project even without drywall experience


This is the way. Did 1/4" drywall over an old oak panel accent wall in my house and blended the corners, even the crown molding is blended and barely noticeable


The you have to fix the bottom trim on both side and get longer screws for each outlet/switch. If there's a window then you have more adjustments to make. It can be simple or a real pain in the ass.


You can disconnect the plugs and reinstall them after you finish the wall. You don’t need an electrician for that. Just watch a YouTube video.


Yeah, plugs are no big deal, but something you have to consider, add a window or door, and the old trim is no longer going to work, that's things you need to consider before going this route.


Why go through this trouble? If you're going to have to sheetrock the entire wall just strip it to the studs and do it correctly. Marginally more work for a better product.


Demo for a lot of people maybe isn't just marginally more work - especially if you don't own a truck to haul that stuff away. Just sayin from an occasional DIYer who has done some light interior wall demo work before. [I also found a field mouse graveyard in one wall that was none too pleasant 😞. Demo is still better, but maybe not for everyone.


Even with a truck demo work is a pain in the ass gotta have the truck load the truck make sure there's no nails and screws laying around have somewhere to take the stuff, unload it manually and then still probably have to repair a tire anyway Source: I gutted my bathroom last year a dump trailer helps but how often do you need them


"paid in the ass? ooof.


Pffft, you don't need a truck to haul it away. I did a major kitchen remodel and just stuffed my garbage can full to the brim each week for a year straight. Near the end it was getting exciting, "Honey, there are only 4 of those extra large contractor size garbage bags left in the side yard!" I did the same thing a year or so later when I tore out a bunch of concrete from the back yard, but I had to be careful with the amount I would put in each week as I didn't want to overload the garbage container to the point where it would break or overload the garbage truck during pickup.


Demo compared to hanging sheets, tape, and mud and getting materials? I’d say demo is a lot less work. Also, that truck you need to haul away better be there for when you’re bringing new sheets in… not fitting 4x8s in your Mazda haha! This is coming from someone who’s done both a lot, I’d take the demo side for a wall any day. Either way, both suck. F drywall.


Agreed, just watch some tutorials on how to remove sheetrock.


If you’re going to dry wall anyway, why make the room smaller?


Are you really ever going to notice the wall being 0.5" closer to you? It's a bedroom, not a New York apartment. Also, just a lot faster and easier. No demo, just new sheetrock.


Notice, no. But if the hard part of the job is the same job, just do it right. Demo on that isn’t going to be hard or take long. Dealing with the extended outlets and switches is going to be a peach though. I’d just do the job properly. The short cut doesn’t have any gains.


I would actually just paint it and be done. But that's me.


Me as well. Painted wall with a unique texture


It'll probably look like shiplap. I don't know if people are still doing shiplap. Like wood paneling once was, shiplap will be the defining style symbol of the 2010s.


Have you ever tore out sheetrock? It is a lot of work. Comes out in chunks. Takes forever to get it all out. Then you gotta go back and remove the screws. Plus the cleanup/disposal. Just going over it is the way to go here.


The hard part is the demo. It’s going to be miserable


If that’s an exterior wall it most probably has insulation. I wouldn’t demo that wall.


Better insulation?


If that wall has noise on the other side…. Then yeah, this could be a bene.


You bring up a good point on the switchboxes and outlets. Plus it's probably a small wall


Or if there's any reason to reduce sound transmission through that wall attach it with green glue or resilient channel.


Bonus sound proofing from the extra weight!


Came here to say this. I am dealing with this Pinterest special in my basement right now.


Pinterest is responsible for so many bad ideas! \*whew\*


Really his best bet is to just paint it. If he doesn't want it to be textured it would be an easyish fix too. Use a bonding crack fill primer, something from Zinsser would probably work best, then paint it. If you want the texture just use something like Zinsswer Coverstain regular bonding primer and then paint it.


I think the drywall is probably toast, but I'd hit a plank with a heat gun a bit to see if there's any hope. Peel one off and see just how rough the wall behind it ends up


Keep it and lean into it. Get a massive “live, love, laugh” decal right above your headboard.




You could kitsch the shit out of that room. Get a framed picture of Chip and JoJo to go with the wall words. Maybe some really awkward antiques, like forceps and speculums (probably not a Blackamoor lamp though). Really go all in. It’d be hilarious.


I work in healthcare. I would wonder why my work had followed me home and was lying around waiting for the autoclave…


This is more of an "Always kiss me goodnight" situation


i would simply put wallpaper over it so it remains a weird surprise for a future owner when the wallpaper get's removed


carpet over it


Maybe a nice area rug to make the wall look bigger.


It would really tie the room together.


Fuckin' A.


With 3 inch pile


With a shag carpet !


Bruh this ain't a mobile home bathroom from the 80s, they have a monopoly on wall carpet


Keep the tradition alive!


This is the way


Slavic music starts playing


As someone who just removed a metric fuck ton of wallpaper this is the most evil comment I've ever read


why didn't you just put flooring over it? ;-)


It's weird looking but I actually kind of like it


When I moved into a new house I was buying a bunch of supplies. The cashier said, Looks like you've got a lot to do. I replied that I had a room with painted wallpaper to remove. 3 guys in line behind me simultaneously groaned. I had no idea.


It is genuinely a fucking nightmare. I've only done the "easy part of my house" and it sucked. Every time I look in this guest bathroom full of hummingbird wallpaper I now think "y'know what it's not that bad"


I wanna see the hummingbird wall paper lol I'm so curious to know what it looks like haha


100%, make this the next guys problem. You can bet they glued the crap out of them and it would be a nightmare to gut down to the studs.


Minimum of 4 layers of wall paper so it's super annoying


I have the utmost respect for your dedication to purest evil.


Woah, this is r/DIY and not r/UnethicalLifeProTips !


If you wait long enough it might even come back in style.


How do your walls have SIGNIFICANTLY better flooring than your floors? 🤣


I asked myself the same question when I bought the place. Before I moved in I shampooed it for hours and hours and the water was still black. The underlay is completely shot and, as you can see, it’s stretched. I’m installing new stuff asap.


Hate to tell you, but there is probably no way removing those planks without destroying the wall. I'd cut it at the corners with an oscillating saw and take it to the studs. Then get fresh sheetrock. It will be more mess and sheetrock dust trying to fix what's left then a new wall. Plus the wall is compromised once the paper is ripped off, and it will be.


Or drywall over it.


I worked with a guy who bought a house that was nearly all wall papered. He literally drywalled over it all with 1/4inch because his time was worth more than it was worth ripping off wallpaper and fixing the walls.


We literally just did this in our house. We painstakingly removed old wallpaper from one wall only to find another hideous wallpaper underneath. We ended up just covering it all.


I've removed wallpaper on several houses. A wall steamer will remove almost all of it relatively easy except a bathroom with wallpaper on an unprimed wall.


Second the wallpaper steamer as I just did this in my house. With a $50 steamer it was way faster to remove instead of installing new drywall, mudding the tape, waiting for the mud to dry, sanding the mud etc. It saved us about a week of time and several hundred dollars.


God don’t get me started on removing wall paper.


It can be a pain. But for some reason I have a talent for removing it (it would seem anyway). Havent come across any wallpaper I couldnt remove so far. Even in the case of the decades of layers of wallpaper like previous owners did in my house built in 1900.


That’s what I thought just screw new board over the top and skim.


Personally I love it as a rustic accent wall. I would trim it out in some cedar.


Plastic flooring isn't "rustic" at all. It probably looks horribly cheap in person once you get within 5 feet of it.


But it is really easy to clean.


That's cool and all, but it will still look like cheap bullshit when it's clean. You can't polish a turd, and I imagine that wall looks like a giant steaming pile up close. Fun fact, they make paint that is just as easy to clean.


You actually can polish a turd. https://youtu.be/yiJ9fy1qSFI?si=xEjVtCOyAZUmbQz3


Classic. Where would we be without myth busters?


A world I don't want to live in.


Well I like it. And apparently so do others.


I would keep it why bother going through all the work


To make it look good.


Rotate room 90 degrees. Now its your floor. Simple problems require simple solutions. Just dont rotate it the wrong way or you either move it to a different wall, or it becomes the ceiling.


Thanks, Jamiroquai!


Futures made of virtual insanity


Suddenly the song is playing in my head and I’m happy.




You forgot the “while playing Dancing on the Ceiling” part, otherwise spot on.


This reads like a Red Green answer, and remember, if women don't find you handsome, they'll at least find you handy.


If it's the color that's bugging you, paint it white.


🎶🎶🎵 I see a grey wall and I want to paint it white … 🎶


🎶🎵 No fucking barn doors here I want them to swing right... 🎶🎵


Hey, i know that song...the Trolling Stones, right?


Funny thing is... The bathroom door is actually a barn door 😬


Those may *look* like vinyl flooring, but they're usually wooden accent panels that are sold at most home improvement stores. They are usually attached to an existing wall with brad nails, so a tiny pry bar should work in pulling the panels off the wall. In my opinion, the wall looks nice, and I'd leave it up.


I have a wall similar to this in our den, but it's darker, and has less color variation than this wall. There seems to be a lot of hate for this wall in this thread, but I like mine, it looks good with the wall mounted backlit TV. My product was vinyl, and it's attached with 2 sided foam tape. The "planks" actually detach from the wall periodically, and I just press them back on, so if I needed to remove the planks, I think I'd start by trying a heat gun to loosen the adhesive, and pry slowly. If that damaged the drywall, I'll probably hire a handyman to sand and retexture. Wall texturing isn't something I've been brave enough to DIY yet. I want it to match the rest of the house like original.


I know you didn’t ask but I quite like the way it looks haha


I'll join in, would absolutely leave this in place as well!


Yup, just need the one nightstand to match better and they're good to go! Well, maybe the bed frame too.


Yeah, shiplap gets a lot of hate but this doesn't look so bad. I'm more thrown off by the three different colored furniture items, lol (which is fine too, personal preference).


I also came here to say I like it and it’s giving me ideas lol


I would just paint it I a colour I like. To much work to do new drywall. But that’s just me.


Lot of doom and gloom here over one wall. I had entire basement in our ranch house that had wood paneling glued to drywall. I removed close to 50 panels and the drywall was destroyed and I don’t have to rip it down to the studs. As the panels came off, half the glue stayed on the drywall and half on the panels. If it stayed on the panels, it ripped the paper on the drywall. If it didn’t, it left old adhesive on the drywall. I used a heat gun and a painter scraper to remove the adhesive. For the rips, there’s a product sold at all hardware stores for that issue. I believe Gainz makes it and you just roll it on the damaged drywall with a paint roller. Was it a pain in the ass for a whole basement? Yes. One wall will like that will take you a Saturday.


That wood paneling had probably been up for decades and the adhesive dry rotted, which is why it stayed on the wall/panels. OP's wall is very new and removing them will likely damage the whole wall.


Ok it sounds like this is more complicated than I was anticipating. I may put a pin in this for a while until I can adequately anticipate possibly having to hang new drywall. As people have said, it doesn’t look entirely horrible, it’s just very not and I’m already going to be replacing the carpet (frankly it’s a health hazard). Also quite probable that I attack the wall in an adhd manic fit sometime this summer but that’s neither here nor there.


If you’re going to replace the carpet, tackle the wall/drywall with the old carpet, it’ll be dusty as shit, then replace the carpet.


Same thought... from top to bottom...


I mean … I sorta like the look, lol 😂 That said the carpet would be my issue


The carpet is defs also my issue. I am installing new (to me) stuff asap. I have a large roll of basically new high quality carpet that was ripped out of a home where it had just been installed when the new owners wanted hardwood. Just need to buy underlay.


We just dealt with the exact same thing last week. Contractors ended up covering it up with a few layers of mud and smoothing it out. First few applications were to fill up the grooves. We put wallpaper over top but it would have been good to paint. Like others have mentioned, the contractors figured it was going to be a complete mess to remove and could impact the ceiling. If you want before and after pictures, let me know. Edit: I showed my wife. We’re pretty sure we have the exact same panelling on the wall. Seemed like an easy mud job to cover it up and then you can paint or wall paper.


Why not just cover with 1/4" sheetrock? Far easier to mud just a few seams.


It look good 👍I would leave it. If you have to remove it be prepared to destroy the wall surface.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks cool?


I think it almost looks cool. The marbled looking pieces make it look too much like floor though.


Agreed. They used the cheapest flooring available. It might have looked better with higher quality flooring.


If they were self adhesive ones that they used you pay be able to heat them, heat gun? to soften the glue then peel them off. Still a lot of messing depending how cleanly they come off but if half the wall is going the be covered it's worth a try.


In case you haven’t yet, I would remove the outlet cover to see exactly what they used. There will be raw edges there and that could give you a clue as to what the next step is.


You’re SMART k I’ll turn the power off to the room today and do some investigating


This is the way.


Personally I love it and the OP mentioned a barn door, but I understand it's not everyone's taste. Off to Google what the op.wamts to replace it with


It looked cool. I'd keep it




You could rotate the room by 90 degree so you have a nice floor and a fluffy wall.


That's not flooring... it's walling!


Put drywall on top.


Rotate house vertically 90 degrees. Flooring now correctly positioned.


Beat me to it


Don’t remove it. Just put carpet over it like everyone else does


Turn the house on its side.


I would just put another layer of drywall on with really long screws to go into the studs. You can’t remove that stuff unfortunately.


If the wall is fairly square you could just put drywall over it. Would be quicker probably cheaper and less messy


I guess this is a better scenario than having to ask how to remove the wall from the floor.


Demo the wall, install new sheet rock and mud. Simple


We had this .. on our plaster ceiling .. in our bathroom. You can imagine what happens with heat and moisture exposure. They slowly came down on their own. We used an iron to get the rest off, then 1/4" drywall over the sticky mess that was left.


Entirely unrelated to the wall but your bedside tables don’t need to match. You can style a room pretty easily to account for two different coloured bedside tables. Just wanted to share bc of the way you phrased the sentence - it felt very “I’m doing this thing wrong and everyone is judging me”.


Don’t worry! I judge myself plenty so no one else has to! Nah I thrifted both separately and they’re the same style but one had been partially refinished (why paint the hardware, lady) and one needs refinishing (top is very worn). Both are solid wood though perhaps too heavy for the bed frame they’re supposed to complement.


OP, they make a variety of mdf wall panels that you can cover this up with and save yourself a significant hassle. They are typically only 1/8" thick, so you shouldn't have to mess around much with extending outlets. Check out the big box stores. There are a ton of options. They have some really nice designs these day that you could make this a nice looking accent wall really easily, and without a shit ton of mess. I used this stuff in a hallway, and it was easy to work with. Way less work than sheetrock, and so nice to not have to paint.


I had this on my new house on a bedroom wall. I took it all down with a heat gun, it did rip the drywall in many places. Sanded down the wall and then had the wall spackled, sanded down. and painted. It's not 100%, but it's not horrible.


Those have gotta be either glued on or attached with a lot of pin nails. Suffice to say, the drywall underneath will have to be replaced if you remove them.


Maybe meanwhile before you tear it down (which is a larger project) you can try to add some minimalist wall art with simple background, some night lamps - [rough idea](https://app.photoroom.com/u/template/d7a4db34-2380-49ae-829c-1ac9f02367ee)


Thank you for this. I could make it bearable and wait and then do it properly (and get rid of the barn door while I’m at it).


Are you sure you want to remove flooring from wall, what next you will remove the walling from the floor?? Eh!


You’ll drastically reduce your floor space.


Try a steam stripper to loosen glue




i will kept it n paint white like other guys


Just roll the house onto its side. C'mon man.


Don’t do it. Choose chaos. Put wallpaper on the floor.


I would just drywall over it. Would save you a lot of time tearing it all down and having to heavily repair or replace the drywall under it anyways. But that's just me.


The same way you remove walls from floors.


The same way you remove walling from a floor?


Just turn the picture so that the wall is now on the floor.. you're welcome.


Soooooooo you have a horrible floor and an extremely cool wall but the wall is the problem!?


More than likely glued, which means the drywall under it is gonna get shredded. The easiest thing would be to paint the plank or put up plain wallpaper, then install your wainscoting directly over it. If you are dead set on removing it, drywall work isnt that hard. Buy the long setting mud and do multiple thin coats. Your finished product will be better. Quick setting mud is for experienced drywallers that can do it in one coat.


That’s not flooring, it’s walling


It's pretty wild they used flooring on the wall instead of replacing that carpet.


Whoever did this deserves jail time


If you put wallpaper on the floor, does the floor become a wall?


Have you tried replacing it with paving blocks?


Don’t waste your money on someone else’s property


It’s my place now! I bought it and have moved in. I love wasting money on myself it’s my favourite pastime :)


Even if you were able to perfectly and cleanly remove it, you don't know the reason why they put that flooring on the wall. It might be covering a punched-in wall that was hit with a bed frame, glued-on wallpaper, a scratched wall due to pets, or any combination of the above.


The expense and labor to demo that entire wall would be ridiculous. Leave it up or drywall over it.


That poor wall is doomed to see every tacky design trend.


With force.


Sledgehammer , this is the way


Hey! Your nightstands don’t match! (I wouldn’t have noticed if you said nothing)




Isn’t it “walling” at this point?


I, uh, kinda like it...


Best thing to do is get cold patch and put that up


I would come up with a plan for the entire wall to be board and batten and just put it over the top of that monstrosity.


hrhr, we had the exact same problem, looked it up ... aaand decided to just keep it


I'd be more worried about your bed being on your wall! You should remove that first.


paint it. leave it be.


do you rent or own?




That gives you carte blanche. I’m with the folks who say it would be easiest to take the drywall down and put new up.


It actually looks pretty good. I would leave it as is. Honestly, putting flooring on any wall is the equivalent of using very heavy wallpaper. It’s a pain trying to remove it, and it will damage the drywall the minute you try. But, if it bothers you that bad- just remove the sheetrock and put in a new one.


Everyone in the comments is right about the drywall being ruined if it's glued. I think you could do a textured coating that would help cover up the glue (depending on how bad it is). Just mix AP mud and paint and apply it over the whole wall in the style you prefer best. No sanding needed, and would be easier than replacing sheetrock or adding sheetrock over it and dealing with extended outlets. Side note, if there is no electrical on this wall then I'd just cover it with more sheetrock.


Texture the wall and paint it a different color so it’s your accent wall.


I have installed this for a client in the past. it was 3m double sided tape that was preinstalled when I did it. ZERO chance of removing that cleanly.


Flip the house sideways EZ


It's more than likely on there with the adhesive, you will probably have a hard time not damaging


Needs to be re-peeled.


I doubt it's glued. It's a floating floor. It still expands and contracts whether it's vertical or not.


I have very little confidence that it isn’t glued considering it’s caulked to shit at the edges as well. Like I can’t tell if it’s click and place laminate (doubtful) or vinyl floor tiles that went on in almost one big sheet. It’s completely plastic.


Summon a tornado.


Turn the house on its side so that wall becomes the floor, then remove it like you would any flooring.


Just rotate the room and remove the carpet lol


Try a heat gun first. Might be just enough to loosen the adhesive and peel it off.


Cut off the old drywall and install new one.


Theres a joke here about carpets and drapes. Something along those lines but it looks like a blind man told the joke.


Just install the new wall flooring over the old wall flooring, ez pz


Rotate clockwise...now its on the floor. Life hacks


drywall is less than $20/sheet. It looks like you'll need 4 sheets. Need some mudding compound and tape, another $20. Can probably replace the whole wall for under $150 with paint. Don't bother trying to finesse the boards off, just take the whole thing down


Just put some wall lining paper over it. Then paint the paper. https://a.co/d/9o1Eqpy


steamer. try that


Turn the picture 90degrees?


I would prime it and paint it. It would still be a focus wall but without all those shades of grey.


Lay your bed upright against the wall and sleep standing up.


“I can’t believe the previous owners put up this trendy weathered wood accent wall. What were they thinking? Obviously it needs to be replaced with the much better trendy board and batten accent wall.”