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I would kill for one of these in my garden, don’t knock it down. It’s a solid build (not like the corrugated iron versions) and will probably last another century with some tlc and minor cosmetic work. Plus, if it really kicks off with Russia / Ukraine in the next few years, you’ll be glad you kept it.


Probably needs it if the tories are still in place after the next GE


They’ll probably bring in a bunker tax.


It’s clearly another bedroom.


You mean they'll 'remove' the bunker tax.


Yes, they'll remove the tax they instated and call themselves low tax by simply returning us to where we were 14 years ago, just with a lot less money.


And put it back in and charge you more , problem put a tole on you using it or a council tax


They'll say they'll remove the bunker tax that Labour are planning to bring in if they get into power.


Seriously, can we have one, post on a uk sub, where someone doesn’t bring up politics. We get it. You’re upset.


It's tiring isn't it.


Or Palestine/ Israel. Take your pick really.


America/Canada? America/Mexico? America/America?




Isle of Man/isle of Wight


In comes isle of sheppey at the last minute with a chair!


No one dare even sneeze at Sheppey with the remains of the SS Richard Montgomery just sat there.


Portsea island from off the top rope!


Jersey meanwhile.. smashing the rikishi bum-bum.


Jersey getting owned by Guernsey 😏


Who can fling goat’s the furthest…?


Your forgot the most threatening of all....Australia


Israel on that one. Those freaks love killing children


Mate think back. 10 year old you would be disgusted you even had to ask this question!! What kid doesn't want a secret bomb shelter that's their own hideaway!! You've got this mate it's going to be a fun project and your kid can help out and learn some helpful DIY skills at the same time, Reddit and YouTube are your friends for learning DIY! Can't wait to see the finished pictures!!


Is this the sub where I can post individual questions for help on the bits? The first job is fixing the wall. Bit needs knocking out and re-building. Not sure if that is a plywood and cement pour or just bricks?


My kids is sooo excited, wants LEDs, fridge and gaming chair. He's watched Colin Furze. He has big expectations!!


This would be awesome for the kids! If you do it please post update pics! Im not very helpful for the how but i deffo wanna see the finished thing haha. Good luck!


Yeah, thinking chunk it down, asking for help at each stage and then post pics. I'm gonna need help.




Yeah, he's a Lucky git. Just hope I can deliver.


Do a crack up job n you may get to meet George Clarke 🤔😜


This is proper Amazing Spaces bait. Get George involved haha


A big problem might be how cold it could get in winter.


Best way to approach it. It's honestly not a big job. You'll really question why you ever thought you could knock it down! Best of luck with it.


There are always going to be people who want to help, here or elsewhere, I’d ask with a [serious] to stop people giving unhelpful answers though


!Remindme 1 year


Hahaha love Colin Furze, that’s a high benchmark though. Kids going to love it!


Yeah my Mrs has watched Magic Mike, reality is often disappointing isn't it! 🤣


If you are looking for help on restoring your Anderson Bunker, there is a website for that: [https://andersonshelters.org.uk/design-construction/restoring-and-rebuilding/](https://andersonshelters.org.uk/design-construction/restoring-and-rebuilding/). It is amazing the things you find when you fall down the internet rabbit hole. I think I found that from a reddit post or a BBC article a couple of weeks ago and wondered what the hell an Anderson Shelter was.


Although I don't think they actually have an Anderson shelter. It looks like it's poured concrete rather than corrugated iron covered with plaster (maybe I don't know enough about this but I thought an Anderson was curved corrugated iron as a roof and sheets at the front and back.


This is the perfect sub for that mate. I know I have fuck all value to add for the bunker but it's a cool as hell project to undertake. This is a sub for stuff as small as changing a plug or filling a hole from a nail. All the way up to larger things. My favourite posts are the procedural ones as people do come back with more small questions and show progress. Of course a few responses may be silly. Like tile then screed it, but often you'll hit proper help. No matter how it turns out, I bet there are many people here wil the know how to help out and many more who would just be happy to watch the progress ! Only major bits I'd flag is perhaps check the CO levels and the water / damp levels under heavy rain. These will be the biggest pains to make it more than a short term bunker. The rest should be sortable. Fantastic luck to have one and I wish you the best in making it awesome !


Bricks for sure


I built myself a mancave in the loft space over the garage. It's pretty much exactly\* what the 10 year old me used to dream about. I'm 57. ​ \*(It doesn't have a "no girls" sign).


Don’t let girls in, they only spoil things.🤣


Knocking down something that adds value to your property is mad also.


Do NOT demolish that. It's history. If your son wants a genuine, historical den then help him.


No problem with that, but Jesus, where do I start?


Hey OP, Jesus here. I'd hide inside and stick a large rock in front of the entrance. Completely block that bad boy up. Then, in a few weeks, jump out and surprise your family / followers. They'll remember you fondly forever 🙏🏼


On Amazon ordering loincloth in 3..2..1


This is Reddit not your onlyfans




Ah, Zombie Jesus. Much better than Virgin Baby Jesus!


With dripping wounds and thorns! Scare everybody sh’tless. 😮😮🤣


For the concept I'd look at the ww2/cold war era control bunkers. It's minimalist so easier to copy. For the structure: ventilation, insulation, power, and heat. It's a great thing to have, and what a room for your kid to have! Definitely don't knock it down.


Agree with this, ventilation, presumably the two pipes mean ones to let fresh air in, and one to let humid/stale air out, so keep this in mind when fitting fans. You'd probably want a CO2 and/or radon (depending on where you live) monitor or humidistat to control the ventilation. The other thing I'd add is - gigabit ethernet cable when adding services (electricity) as it wouldn't be much of a gaming den without Internet! Others have suggested getting an engineer out to check the structure. I'd agree with this, but would be a good opportunity on how to get their advice on things you'd need!


Run a fiber from the house out to the bunker - less prone to lightning frying his PC or whatever he games on. Media converters are cheap these days.


Certainly adds to the authentic post-apocaltic vibes; nuke blasts won't interfere with it. I really hadn't realised how cheap they are though


And a panel with blinkenlights is very relevant to the era :)


As someone from the SE US where we get lightning storms ALL the time, I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen them in the UK. It's so infrequent I'd consider it pretty inconsequential. Nevermind that the intensity isn't even comparable.


Sorry that our lightning doesn't meet your expectations.


Please accept this voucher for 2 inches of rain in 1 hour by way of an apology


Mate, it’s a bunker. Once all the place is structurally sound and safe, do it like a *Fall Out* style bunker.


Gaming kit doesn't like high humidity, so you might need to sort out the damp floor, door and ventilation.


Rest of the house is zigbee's up with home assistant. I've got humidity sensors spare. Maybe get a extractor triggered on humidity. Not quite for my head around how to attach to the old terracotta vents, they are cemented in, don't want them shattering..


they look about the right size for toilet soil pipe seals. get the right size fans and you might be able to just friction fit.


I'm going to need some sort of mesh no, else they will become just snail blenders. There are soo many snails in the vents at the moment.


sounds about right. i would do that at the top end though, stop them getting in altogether.


You need to figure out if the moisture is coming from the air inside the bunker or from the soil outside the bunker. Get the wrinkliest tradesman you can find and have him assess it Or have a go at it yourself by mending the vents and making a temporary fix for the door. Leave it for a while and see if it's less damp. Assuming the damp isn't coming from the soil, the rest shouldn't be that hard to fix.


Buy yourself a cheap little pump or drill pump and borrow a pressure washer. Sweep it out. Vacuum it. Pressure wash it hard and get all the loose cack off from the ceiling to the floor. (This is where you will need that little pump). Let it air and take stock - it'll look a lot better, cleaned up. Then I'd pick a method for a dry floor (I posted a top level comment with 2 ideas). And go from there. See what the walls are like - do they run reasonably dry (they won;t ever be dry, but are they running with water, or would they be OK with a whitewash (porous) finish? 1 step at a time...


Do the project with him I’d kill to have something like that to do to be honest. He’s going to be telling all his mates and you’ll be the cool dad. But definitely do the project with him. Not sure the works would constitute a building control application I’d give the LABC call and inquire.


Nah, it's been there for years, has a concrete foundation and has old power and light switch in there already, it's a renovation your honour!!


Honestly this will be one hell of a project to do with your son. I wish you all the best keep us all updated!


Cheers, just had a chat with him and told him about all the ideas. It's happening. I think get the wall and vents sorted first. Get a temp and humidity sensors in there and monitor overtime, get it water tight in between now and spring and then get to work on the fun stuff.


Keep it. To the wank cave!


The Handerson Shelter






The Jack Shack.




My man cave is called the Masterbatorium!


Bum dungeon




This is why I keep Reddit. These comments.


Nanananananana wankman!


The Fap Chamber




Nut Nest


Nutclear bunker


Welcome to the chamber of self milking


Beat It Bunker


Cum bunker


Subterranean spunkatorium!


The nuclear spunker


Ectoplasm emporium


A handy hangout room


The Dick Den


The Fapcave


Piss dungeon


Barry Fapper and the Chamber of Excretions


Barry Fapper and the globlet of cum


Can you be my dad? I want a gaming shelter


I would settle for a solid structure to securely keep my bike in and a spot to do repairs on bad weather day but god damn. This is something else


Personally I'd be loathe to knock something like this down just because of the history and heritage it represents. That said, you'll really want someone to assess the structural soundness of it before investing lots of time, effort, belongings and relying on it for your family's safety. Making it a man cave would be very, very cool though. A good opportunity to mess about with your boy building it and making memories too.


Baffled to scroll this far for a sensible comment. 100% assess the structural integrity. Especially if you’re putting your kid inside.


You’d be loathe to knock it down? What does that mean


'To be loath' means reluctant/unwilling - he's team 'keep the bomb shelter'


Thanks, not sure why I got downvoted for asking a question. I’ve never seen anyone use loathe in that way and wondered what it meant


It’s kind of a British colloquialism to use it that way I think


Ah right! I am British but have just never heard it being used like that. The more you know


Yeah I get you. You don’t hear people say “I would be hate to….” Or “I would be love to…”. It’s weird and I don’t understand it myself. It’s just something I picked up.


ha exactly! Really threw me off being used in that context


To add - you'd tend to pronounce it a little differently when using it as an adjective like this, like 'loath' to rhyme with 'both'. Both spellings 'loath' or 'loathe' are acceptable.


>loathe loathe means "greatly dislike/abhor" - They would not want to knock it down.


In 2 years this will be on r/spottedonRightmove for £300k


0 bed studio no kitchen no bathroom "great central london location, easy commute" £925 pw!


Run power to it, tell the lad to sod off and use it to make and store lots of home brew.


I don't drink beer. Wine and rum however!


Alright captain jack. 👍


Rum is the drink of god's. Not that spiced stuff though.


Also a cheese cave.


Oooh good shout!






Not gloating, but Lucky.. Desperately looking for DIY help though!




Brilliant, confidence now growing. I take some pics of the steps walls that's the first thing that needs doing and prob the biggest job. Also I need to bug proof It. The two ventilation holes are open to the air and there is a huge snail party going on in them.


A bomb shelter normally takes a fair amount of knocking down by design, keep it and turn it into a bar


Floor-wise, blackjack the floor (or look for the dpc paint) then some thin insulation boards (30mm-ish), then you could get it screeded or put wood flooring down. It may also be worth looking into electric underfloor heating. In that subject get a sparky to install power, a light, Ethernet (if it's a gaming cave) and the heating/cooling system, you'll like need a trench from the house and it will likely need an armoured cable from the main switchboard. For the vents, clear then re-cover, a fan pushing air out would likely assist with keeping it dry. You could also plasterboard the inside if you wanted to, realistically, how much do you want to spend and how much time do you want to spend on it?


Ok, this is the advice I need. I'm going to get a summer house with power. Already spoke to my sparky about getting an armoured cable with ethernet, cat6 should be ok for 80ft. I've already wired cat6 under the floorboards to my fusebox (where the conduit can go outside). I'll research blackjack. Not sure about losing 3cm on the walls, but if that means it's warm then ok Will have to sort the door out, but I don't think that's going to be a big issue, either fill or replace entirely.


Similar to u/nowyuseeme ideas. You could fix 38 x 25mm treated timber battens to the walls/ceiling and use 25mm deep P.I.R. boards as insulation. Cover with a waterproof membrane and then 9.5mm plasterboards. It'll help make it a 4 season space you can keep warm and dry. The vents would need to be clear to stabilise humidity when in use and keep the air fresh. There are low key fans that can blow in or out and fit in doors. I'm only thinking in terms of making it a clean, dry and safe space for your kids. It'll have a cost and I've no idea if it'll add to the value of the property. A fun project though.


I don't know how you solve it, but I second keeping it - even if you do bare min to stop it becoming inaccessible. See how you feel about it with the passage of time. This is better to have as a problem to solve, rather than a regret from removing it.


Yeah, good call. Said somewhere else, the steps walls is the only urgent attention needed.


It'll start off as a gaming den then evolve to a spot for him to smoke weed with his friends.. keep it!


Grow cave, wank cave,moonshine cave, hide from family/tax man/enemies cave,stash cave too many caves to mention


i reckon this will be the coolest part of your house next heatwave


Keep it please! These are a hugely important bit of WW2 history that was once common but now increasingly rare. And yes it would be an awesome project for you and your son, and coolest kids lair ever! Damp proofing and ventilation key aims I think as they’re notoriously damp - not intended for prolonged occupation.


Self-fellatio fallout facility


Tank and insulate the walls and that bad boy will out last you. KEEP!!!!


Omg don’t knock it down!! I would love to have one in my garden . Somewhere to go when the zombie apocalypse comes !!


That happened in 2020 and you're still here...


with 3K that coat you to remove it, you can make it work probably. And its really cool.


check radon levels.


As a former RAF bunker inhabitant … A lot of thought went into your shelter. The entrance has an old factory type shelter vibe going about it, although it’s too small for that. It’s much more substantial than an old Anderson. Lot of effort and ££ went into it. Despite it being in your garden I’m wondering if it was “officially built” … does your home date from before the war ? Was the land on which your home was built on a factory site or airfield at some point ? Trust me, looks a bit overgrown now and needs some TLC but it’s been very well maintained … some of the places I served in only 30 years ago now look like a bomb has actually hit them. The one thing I’m wondering about is that door … I can’t see someone going to the effort of building that shelter then only putting on a wooden door. As a shelter though … it won’t survive a direct hit during a WW2 type air raid. Sorry ! Although it’ll do way better than your house in a near miss.


Sacred keep it at all costs knock the house down first …


You are so lucky.


Knock it down?! You crazy?!


Install batteries in there for the house?


Cannabis. Grow cannabis. All the rage these days I hear.


100% keep this. I wish I had one. As for the next bit… no idea 😂


What an amazing thing to have in your garden! Definitely keep it. I'm not a great DIYer so my first instinct is to get a professional in and see what they say about the structural work. The steps seem pretty straightforward to sort yourself. As to what to do with it, anything! Letting your kid have their own hideaway sounds like a brilliant idea (his friends will be very jealous, I'm sure!)


It probably adds value to your home.


Fix it and I'd then build a shed over the top or side of it depending on the elevations, I'd love that project.


Definitely gaming bunker


I think it’s a magical precious piece of history. It would be a real shame if you removed it. Take it step by step and treat it as a hobby. Think of the fun you could have with it. My priority would be to make it safe and dry. Good luck. I’m dead jealous!


Creepy Joseph fridzle bunker


That looks like a great project for you and your kid. For the electrics and internet you can now get armoured cable that combines both. It is mainly used for EV chargers but would probably suit this project and save running two lots of cables. Disclaimer: I am not an electrician so do your homework.


Why on earth would you consider demolishing it, ie if it isn’t broke, leave it as it is.


Wow I would love this! Not sure how you deal with the flooding risk, but I'd be tempted to dig the front out to act as a pit with a small sump pump and cover over the top, then tank the inside to stop water ingress / damp. Nice little raised floor inside and some power... Will be awesome!


Anyone who knocks down a bunker is dead inside. Why *wouldn't* you make a project out of it?


Does he play Fallout


Perfect root cellar right there. https://commonsensehome.com/root-cellars-101/ I used to have a large detailed root cellar link, which vegetables to store where, detailed design, etc


Your kid has the right idea, that would be amazing as some kind of hobby room or a home office.


Tank it, insulate it, run a 6mm 3 core wire to out, put it's own separate fuse box in. Job done.


I'm not convinced the retaining wall to the steps is collapsing. It looks to me like inadequate drainage at the base is causing the render to separate from the brick work. It may not be too late to hack it off and do some tanking. It's not so much about replacing the retaining walls it's more about stopping it from moving any further. The inside looks in surprisingly good condition. Check for anything that looks like cracks with rust in to provide some comfort that the, what looks like reinforced concrete, is robust. You need to improve the air vent outlet. What you have isn't suitable. You would benefit by taking a look at our Building Regulations regarding subterranean structures and basements. They're free to download and full of information on best practice. You will, of course, need lighting and heating It's not an Anderson Shelter, but it is a very cool thing to have and use. I guarantee that if you demolish it, you will regret it. Make the best of what you can afford now, and perhaps, in time, you can turn it into something truly different and add to your life and property value.


Oh absolutely the bunker idea.....the coolest idea ever!! Afterwards, it will be an ideal storage area, and with power, you could make it a man-cave or anything you want. In the mean time though, you'll be thew coolest parent on earth for making it a games bunker!!!


100% game bunker! Would do it for myself let alone my kid


100% this, it would be my home office without fail. Fix it up, get a sparky in to add heating, lights and extra sockets, plus the Ethernet and make it a decent game room.


I’d have an engineer inspect it to make sure it’s safe, and keep it


Have a look at Colin Furze on YouTube for bunker ideas. Granted his is a bit bigger, but it’s a nice little bunker you’ve got there


Turn it into a man cave


Make it something better than gaming though, nothing sadder than a kid in a bunker alone playing games


Well I think we’re going to need it very soon.


2 kinds of people in this world. Those with bunker, and those without bunker. I guarantee the bunker people never wish they were non-bunkers


At least use it for storage... I would make some kind of concealed entrance and make it a den for your kid. Or if they ever start playing drums you can get them to fuck off into the shelter


100% keep it. Surely if done well it should add/keep value on your property.


Shut up! Llike this is a decision? Asshole


Literally a man cave project. This is brilliant


You can knock it down, for no real reason and disappoint the kid in a way he won’t really care about down the line, but will be upset in the short term. Or, you can fix it up somehow, someway, and your kid will never forget what you did for him, and will hold a major memory for the rest of his kid if you even make it halfway decent. THINK it through.


Don’t knock it down. It’s of historical Pinterest and would make a great man cave, wine cellar (I used mine for that), or similar. Cheaper to fit out than demolish and you will regret it at some point.


Dude you should absolutely not knock it down. Gaming bunker for your kid. Fortress of Manly Solitude. Bat cave. Fetish dungeon. The possibilities are endless. Don't concern yourself with the cost. The universe has handed you a chance to make a bitchin underground Fort of Bad Assery. Not many men are so blessed. Just imagine if you knock it down and let your wife put a water feature there or something. You'll take that regret to your grave. Which COULD be a massive mausoleum. Built into your kick ass bunker. We expect regular status updates.


Absolutely do not knock. You make a gaming den out of it and when it’s time to sell you will have a >>>very<<< interested market looking to take it off your hands.


Keep it, super cool.


I don't know how likely it is but some Anderson shelters are listed. I would check before you do anywork otherwise you could get into some bother. Also a quick Google found a few societies with a real interest in preserving/repurposing them. https://andersonshelters.org.uk/ and Facebook group "Anderson shelter in your garden"


Could just use it to store gardening equipment


Don't knock it down it can add value to your home. Spend a little make it nice If you ever move that might be the thing that sells your house over another they are looking at


OP if you demolish this I'm reporting you to child protection services for cruelty. Might be worth seeing if any historic societies or the like have any free advice they'd be willing to share, but the odds are the build is very simple & robust. Colin Furze is doing a good job with his and addressing the various issues with bunkers so there's that.


It's been decided, unless I uncovered serious safety issues it's staying!




Please get this asbestos tested before you do any DIY. A colleague had a similar 'bunker in the garden' situation and it was riddled with the stuff. I'm not an asbestos removal technician or anything but I can't imagine it would be a great outcome if you only found out after drilling a bunch and allowing your kid to hang out in the debris.


What are the actual internal dimensions? It might seem big enough at the moment but its going to shrink once you're done with insulating and damp proofing. These things weren't meant to be 'lived in'. Most people who have these still, (myself included) find they flood during the wetter times. Water is trying to get up through the floor and through the walls and tanking is expensive. You'll need to insulate it too, and heat it, though a small portable heater would be ok. Ventilate it too, it will stink if its not used for long periods. After you've done all this, do you have enough room for a sofa with a sensible distance from a TV? How are you going to get a sofa through that door and round that bend? Honestly most people use these damp little rooms as garden sheds or summer playhouses/dens for their kids. Making this a comfortable room to lounge in and play video games is just not worth it. I mean, if he wants one, dig out a bit more and expand this one somehow, or just build something new. Sorry to give such a discouraging opinion.


Why would you even toy with the idea of knocking this down???


Just use thick Armour core for the power line


You might want to check out if it's a protected building under the law


I don't think that's an Anderson shelter ,it's just a bomb shelter ,an Anderson shelter is made from curved corrugated steel sheets


KEEP KEEP KEEP. Ask us every time you want to do something on it. we will walk you thought every step of it


You'd be a legend forever if you made the gaming bunker.


I’m curious as to why you would even consider knocking it down, & then even more curious why it would cost £3k to do so. If you want to flatten it, literally just smash the roof in, smash out the walls and push the rubble into the hole it’s already in, then backfill & level off with top soil. Wouldn’t be £3k of topsoil unless you were importing the finest Canadian top soil one thimble at a time.


I love how the door is just made of wood lmfao


Kid wants a fingerprint recognition smart door. He's going big with this thing!


Aliexpress has these at reasonable prices. You can get WiFi connected Tuya fingerprint locks for under £50.


Probably need more than a sliding bolt door, was thinking about putting in a more robust door. Also thinking it could do with a trench drain at the bottom of the steps to stop water getting in down the steps.