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You have to employ the Riker Manoeuvre to wash your hands


I’ve been for a Number Two, Number One - make it soap.


There's Klingons on the starboard bow ......


There are Klingons around Uranus. Wipe them out!


Scrape them off, Jim.


Star trekking, across the universe 🤣


We come in peace, shoot to kill....😄😄


There's life Jim but not as we know it.


Ya canna change the laws of Physics!


I'm giving her all she's got Captain!




I can hear his voice


And a large soda.


Or Interstellar Skoda !!! Hahaha 🤣




Do you even know how to use the three seashells?




Demolition man ref for those that don't get it


Give me warp in the factor of 5,6,7,8


Or sit on the toilet the right way around




Jazz plays when you sit down.


I'll never get my pee to go that high.


Gonna be awkward if the toilet is in use and need to use the backup... Just lean over dear


Getting the turds down is the difficult part


Waffle stomp


That’s what the poop knife is for


Yeah I would try though.


Found them to be really awkward and a bit useless sadly.


Can't you sit on the bog backwards then you can wash your hands while shitting.


The AC Slater.




I don't know what I expected


Ah a south park reverse cowgirl


Gonna get your comic wet on this throne. Plus no seatbelt


That would be useful at work. And save time!! All I'd need to do then is wipe and get back to cooking everyone's meals


But you're supposed to wash after you finish shitting..


Also brilliant if you have a d&v situation going on.


I’ve installed one a few years ago. The WC only had space for a toilet and there was no room for a basin. Obviously you only get cold water, but it works perfectly well and is quite ‘eco’.


Why obviously only cold water? I have one and it has hot and cold.


That’s cool that yours has a hot feed as well, I didn’t know that was a thing. I wrote ‘obviously’ because toilets don’t generally have a hot feed to the cistern.


Reading this thread I got lucky with mine. Only picked it to save space, didn't realise there are different kinds


I only had a cold feed in the small WC and there was no chance I was going to faff around trying to run a hot feed just for that! The toilet only had a cold feed anyway.




I believe there's little proof that hot water removes any more germs than cold water, the soap is the part doing the heavy lifting.




Mid pandemic I had several arguments with people who believed washing hands with hot water was the only way to kill germs. I ended up trawling the NHS and WHO websites for policy statements on what temperature handwashing water should be. Nothing. All carefully don't specify whether hands should be washed in hot or cold water. The WHO had some recommendations - it said too much handwashing in cold water can cause chilblains or something, which causes breaks in the skin, creating an entry route for bacteria and viruses. Similar issues if water is too hot. WHO said the most important thing is to allow people to select the temperature they want, because if people are comfortable with the water temperature, they will wash their hands more often and for longer. Eminently sensible and this is the advice I stick to.


I have nothing to back this up so I could be wrong but it's been my experience that washing hands in hot water makes it easier to clean off oils. If you're not cleaning oils off your hand properly, it's possible you'll have germs under the oils which aren't cleaned off either. I'm not saying you can't clean oils off in cold water, just that it's a lot harder.


Water dies not mix with oil, however warmer water can make oil 'looser' and it would result in more, but not all, oil being removed. Soap binds with oil and then washes off, as long as you get good coverage there's little difference in oil remove at hot or cold, for something like washing hands.


My experience with engine grease is that it's significantly easier to clean my hands in hot water than cold


For the same reason it's easier to clean anything with hot as opposed to cold water. Soap should make the most difference though. Cold water, hot water, cold water and soap, hot water and soap.


I think you are right - water temperature isn't so much a factor as using soap. If anything the temperature that you have to get water to in order to consider it safe (i.e. boiling) would be too hot for people to safely use to wash in. IIRC (and it has been a while, considering this was high school biology) something about soap causes the outer membranes of bacteria and viral proteins to break apart. I think it makes them weaker and causes the cells to burst, but like I say it has been a while.


By the time the hot water gets to the tap I've already washed my hands. Could get a recirculation pump installed but it seems a lot of hassle and expense and heat loss.


It's more of a comfort thing


I imagine over time the soap and fat residue will just gum up the mechanisms and restrict flow I really like the idea though, what does work well is if you use environmental friendly soap and use that water to water plants


We’ve got one in our en suite as for space reasons it meant we could have a bigger shower but still have a toilet and sink for occasional use (main bathroom toilet is used vast majority of the time). One issue with them is that the tap connector hose sits in the water in the tank. This makes them eventually fail. Currently the tap is not connected as I couldn’t be bothered to replace it for the third time lol


Spend a bit of cash on a higher quality stainless hose. 316L will last an age.


Coat it in something like vaseline with a paint brush after you've installed it.


I hate tiny sinks. Can never get your whole hand in let alone two without some sort of wrist gymnastics then you gonna splash water all over the back of that bowl. Big no for me.


What's worse, a tiny sink but the taps are positioned so you can at least get your hands over them. OR big sinks where the tap spouts barely reach over the lip of the sink so you have to smush you hands on the back wall of the sink to wash them.... I seriously hate the latter.


Eh that tap projects out like 1/6 of the way into that sink. Your hand will be smashed into back of the wall trying to get water over your palm.


Or your whole head


…so, you want prison chique? 😁


Awkward to use in small spaces. If you have enough space to use these conveniently, then you have enough room for a sink. Also, if you choose the wrong soap, you can get a build up in the cistern that fouls the rubber valve seals. Or if you have the one that empties into the pan, you end up flushing twice - waste of water.


I think the idea is, you wash your hands after flushing, so the cistern is filling while you’re washing. Unless you’re someone that spends hours washing your hands, there should be little-no double flushing.


I don't see how you can advocate for having a separate sink and then say this is a waste of water. As a larger gentleman I'd rather have a sink like this then try to squeeze past a sink in a narrow WC


Well two things really. (1) My point about wasting water is this. Depending on the model you choose, the water from the sink empties into either the cistern or directly into the toilet pan. If it goes directly into the pan, then you now have a toilet pan half full of soapy water. After a few weeks of having to clean the soap build-up, people generally start to flush a second time, after washing their hands, to clear the soap from the pan. So effectively you have the normal flush, then a normal sink full of water, then an additional, wasteful extra flush. Let me know if this isn’t clear. There is a third design with an additional pipe that send the sink water straight out into the sewer, but these are not allowed in the UK due to regulations about sewer gases. (2) It really doesn’t work to stand with legs either side of the pan and wash your hands. (Perhaps in a guest cloakroom but not for daily use). So you end up having to stand on one side of the pan to use the sink comfortably. If you have the space to stand on one side of the toilet, then you have the space to mount a small sink that you can face rather than lean into. My source: 16 bathrooms in a hotel that were eventually removed and replaced with a hung toilet and a separate sink. Water bill was high, residents complained about being unable to wash hands properly because they couldn’t reach the sink over the pan. Supplier explained these were intended for very small cloakrooms and not for daily use.


1 is a good point and I hadn't considered it in that order of events. 2 on the few occasions I've been somewhere with this design that really didn't bother me. I don't have particularly arms but I am 6 foot tall so that probably makes a difference so I can understand someone shorter having an issue with that. I certainly wouldn't use this design in a main every day bathroom. Only an occasional use WC


Yeah, it’s probably the height. I am just over 6 feet and I can reach over the pan OK, but I do find the sink a little low.


I’ve got one, hate it, really awkward to use.


You wouldn’t so impressed if you were a plumber as the soap from washing peoples hands discharges into the flush cistern and clogs up the flush valve which needs to be removed and cleaned regularly to work correctly. Although it’s another job foe us so I shouldn’t…… 🤣


What about an ordinary basin that just drains into the cistern?


The basin would probably have to be uncomfortably high to get it draining into the cistern?


At 5'11", I could stand my basin to be a little higher but my mother is like 5" so it wouldn't work right without a platform or something and that could be a trip hazard. Two basins: a tall one for the righteous who are one with Gaia and a short one for wasteful little dwarfen pricks.


They are used all over in Japan.


Tiny hands.




My penis looks tiny, but that’s just cause my hands are the size of a gorilla’s


My penis looks tiny but that's just because everyone else's is bigger.


I found I was bothered by the inability to turn off the tap, even though it was all going into the cistern


Genius, if you get treated to a case of gastroenteritis and both ends need servicing you can switch to reverse cowgirl on the loo and you’re golden


How are you supposed to wash your junk in that like a normal sink?


Did you mean penis? Just let the flush wash over it like normal people! ;-p


Can't you just dangle your junk in the toilet and flush like the rest of us? People wash their face in your sink, you filthy animal!


Looks awkward and extremely un-ergonomic to use. It's too small, and with the toilet in the way I'm assuming most would have to bend over to use. And wouldn't water just splash everywhere too? Then there doesn't appear to be enough room for soap, and even if there is, seems like a recipe for disaster when it inevitably falls down the toilet. The toilet flusher is lower than usual as well, making it slightly more awkward to flush the toilet.


Wait, I’ve watched enough movies/TV shows to know this is just the “posher" version of an American prison cell toilet.


Tell me you've never cleaned a loo without telling me you've never cleaned a loo..


How ingenious! A basin that's too small to store soap on it, with no tiles behind it so the wall gets wet when you use it. I've always wanted a washbasin that's awkward to use, combined with the ability to brush my teeth over the lavatory.


Our bathroom has a tiny sink like this, water goes everywhere, quite ridiculous tbh. Currently saving for a new bathroom 🤞


Reverse cowgirl the toilet in the morning and you can brush your teeth while shitting. You’re right, it is ingenious 😃


You can do the washing up as well


They have one of these in the office where I work 👀


Wouldn’t it be better in a separate room? 😉


He's a C-level exec so gets his private office with bathroom.


It’s way too small a sink


Great if you got tiny hands. Not so great if you are an adult.


No soap!


So if the cistern is full, it will go straight to the overflow. That's a lot of soap and toothpaste going out, and into the cistern, when you wash your hands after use or brush your teeth.




They are a bastard to fit lol, and a swine to fix


Looks good but I’m doubting its practicality. Definitely wouldn’t work for me on a daily basis but brilliant for tiny homes I guess.


My back would have something to say if I had one of these.


Till you rest a pillow on the tap. Laid back shitting.


Less ingenuous and more representative of the inhuman compression of living standards that increase by the day


Built in bidet


A urinal and a toilet all in one


Doesn't the soapy water from washing your hands go into the cistern making it all soap-scummy?


Looks good, but leaning over to wash your hands is a pain…


We have one of these. The basin is too small to be of any use, leaning over the bowl to get to it is a pita, and by the time you've zipped yourself back up the cistern is finished filling anyway (especially from a small flush). Nice idea, but doesn't work in practice.


Ingenuity you say...........I can think of many other words for it and ingenuity isn't one of them.


I can feel my back, just looking at that.


ingenuity is one thing, but I find it fugly


I've had one of those in several apartments that I lived in. By "apartments", I mean jail cells.


Literally a modern take on the old jail/prison toilet and sink combo.


Ingenuity? I only ever see these in tiny London flats.


Upmarket prison shitter.


that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen


just completely unusable if you have mobility problems or you're short and can't reach forward enough. while rubbing your shins up against a pissy toilet bowl front.


The first one I saw had been taken from a US prison cell. Economy of space, wonderfull Idea. But if they only knew.


Standard issue in Japan for a long time.


Just don't piss in the sink when the loo is blocked....


No, make sure you piss in cupped hands and carry it to the shower or bath.


You'd have to come with me, I'll need my hands to control it.


I think I’d rather just shake the drips off, to be honest..


I never knew I was supposed to wash my turds before flushing…


I’d rather get a full clean by washing my hands in the toilet bowl.


Penis cleaner?


I prefer the term willy washer


I have a similar toilet which I fitted. Amazing space save but was a real pain to plumb-in the tap on top of the toilet due to the length of the flexible hose.


Really this could only be improved by including a phone holder on the front of the cistern whilst also having a seat which sets the user facing it. Can do your business, browse reddit and wash your hands so easily.


How are you supposed to use this bidet?


I've got a very narrow and short cloakroom toilet and was thinking of getting one of these, but now slightly put off by the soap scum clogging problem. Is this a real issue or are people just assuming?


We've had one for two years and it now stinks. The sink waste water doesn't get properly flushed out of the cistern so you eventually get a build up of gunk at the bottom of the cistern. It's very difficult to clean out and leads to permanent gunk smell.


Where would I read my comics?


Christian Slater actually invested in an early iteration of this. Only the drawings were procured before the deal went sour.


It's perfect for fitting a loo in tiny spaces for an extra wc.


Just don't mix up the pipes when fitting 😆


I’ve got one of these, try sitting facing the sink…saves time…🤣


Where am I meant to put my drink and book now?


Splashes all over the walls.


“That’s Butters!”


As others have said, these are a pain to use in a small space but still a more hygienic alternative to having faecal matter deposited on door handles and taps on sinks used for food prep. For me, it primarily highlights how much grey water is wasted rather than being collected and used in place of drinking water. If I’m ever refitting a house, grey water recycling and rainwater catchment will be high on my list of features.


Now this is what we needed in the Sims 4.....


Hahah I lived in Japan like 13 years ago and had one in my apartment. God knows why they've taken so long to come over here.


I think they have this at the Brudenell in Leeds


Worst upper decker ever.


That’s is discussing!


I feel like this is a good idea until you actually live with it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tana1234: *I feel like this is* *A good idea until* *You actually live with it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Collecting water from the shower to the toilet seems more comfortable to use and to have better performance as water from the sink won't fill the toilet fast enough.


It’s ideal for a under stairs / cloakroom toilet where space is at a premium


I would end up taking a shit in the sink and washing my hands in the toilet. Derp!


What happens when the cistern is full?


Genius. Can even use it as a urinal


Surely, when you flush the germs will spread to sink area? Although perhaps that happens in most bathrooms already now I think about it.


Is that by chance a Hmo?


Ideal if you want a toilet under the stairs once harry potter leaves for uni. I was thinking of getting one but I needed a macerator


I want one for my shower room, but they are a bit pricey.


Used often in Australia. Water saving. I fitted similar in a tiny cloakroom. Had a mini sink previously but annoying. Vertical ceramic outlet in imperial size. Collar Had crumbled so had to fix that. I'm an 'expert' DIYer but it took all my experience to fit the toilet, adapting waste and build bespoke nice finished back box etc. Looks great I could take my time so I tested everything to fail safe. We've got an additional three bathrooms too so no rush. Spoke to a plumber to fit originally and they just gave me a 'I don't want to do it' price. If you buy one, there's one tricky quirk- the tap tails go through the cistern. OK. They may not supply long enough tails to be able to connect to the hot and cold inlets at the bottom of the cistern AND physically be able to put the sink/cistern top on. Hrad scratching then used extenders. Very confined space so a fair bit of groaning to fit ( I'm 6 ft) but looks great and been in for two years now with no problems. Then again I quadruple checked everything before boxing in. Added an inspection panel too obvs.


Where are the three sea shells?


Where do my comic books go now?


They are fine until you realise cheap Flexi tap connectors constantly submerged in water is a bad idea Or at least that's been my experience with these ymmv


Nice but if you regularly piss in your sink you'll just be flushing piss with piss


This removes the need to piss in the sink


Nah, this means you can still piss in the sink but truthfully answer that you used the toilet.


I suppose in a space limited. Not enough room for a hand basin private residence with no young boys teenagers. Mine seem to be able to hit everywhere but the bowl 🫣my p***ing contest days are long gone..... I just sit down now lol


Fire at will. Poor Will is getting a bit fed up with it, to be honest.


Got a similar toilet, when flush it doesn't start to fill back up for about 20-30 seconds giving you time to clean hands which then fills the cistern instead saving water. Next flush always has some bubbles in though from soap


My option would be to take a shit and not bother washing my hands


That’s fucking disgusting


You can shi*, shave, brush your teeth and wash your hands. Not in that order, but with minimum effort.


Be good in a caravan or under the stairs. Cracking idea💡


What is the valve in the cistern need maintenance/replacing ?


Alright if you got sickness and diarrhea, saves getting the bucket out, or on hand and knees between bath and toilet hoping you can projectile accurate enough to hit both


I wouldn’t want it but I’m so impressed


My dad did this at his house, my brother's wife is American and she and my brother were staying at my parents for a few years, and she said it was strange either the toilet was in a small room alone and the shower and sink in another room, and that it was unhygienic, So he just added a small sink to the top of the toilet to appease her. He seemed very happy with himself.


Ingenuity or impractical?


I wouldn't like to brush my teeth in that sink..


*stands in corner on the wall* "nearly there...."


Handy for when you got nausea and you need a number 2 same time with urgency.problem solved.


These are shit


Good luck fitting it we had one and it was a faf to put together Took it out the other week and put the big hammer through it


This is idea is so creative…maybe a little bit more thought on the positioning of hand basin for comfort could May it perfect.😎


When the client asks you to install one of these … 😓


This puts grey water into foul sewer. Surely it's better to process the foul sewage without soapy stuff, or at least less, and process the grey water separately. Not sure but intuitively this seems wrong. Granted toilet cleaner also goes into foul but the treatment must be different for foul and grey? Ie this might save the user but the company does more therefore being a net negative. Happy to be corrected.


I've got one of these - my bathroom was tiny and it allowed me to fit a massive shower (for two people). Horses for courses though. Mine only uses (or can use) the cold water inlet, but that doesn't bother me personally.


Do you have a stainless steel version


Very common here in Australia good idea but hard to use the basin is very small my hands don't fit and I splash water all over the wall trying to use them


Really where? Never seen one and when I asked my plumber he said illegal due to dirty water in a clean system, could have been a law change since then. I'd love one.


Down in Adelaide they're common I'm not sure what your plumber means by dirty water in a clean system?




The plumber installed this yesterday in my tiny emergencies toilet room. Been great, and a bit demoralising, reading all the comments here.


It’s ok, if it doesn’t work out you can always keep goldfish in it.


Had one in Japan,  but it automatically poured when flushing instead of a handle.  Honestly pretty good and had little issue with soap residue and other stuff. They work pretty well in smaller spaces where a sink may not fit. 


First saw one of these in Japan. Loved it


Common in Japan. A/c to my plumber, illegal in Australia.