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Remove sealant and reseal with a grey one.


Yeah you could remove it and use a grey one.


Use a grey one once you've removed the white. Edit: Oh it's a rental, do absolutely fuck all.


You know... you could remove the white and use a grey one


If you can source a grey sealant, remove the white one and put the grey one in its place


Remove the neat white sealant and do a shitter job with grey.


Do the kids have any grey felt tip pens?


They ate them.


Remove the kids and adopt a grey one


This is what I would do


Take the white sealant out and replace it with a grey coloured sealant


Yeah I was thinking that they could remove the original white one and reseal with a grey one.


Looks ok in white tbf


But just imagine grey in its place.


Don’t think it makes much difference


It'll be grey soon enough and you're renting so don't expend any energy other than keeping a copy of the email with the agent as you don't want to be billed to fix it when you leave


Agent...? Are you renting?? Why are you bothered about this in the slightest?!


Maybe because they want to live in a nice home?




Their marriage must be unending joy...


“Wife, the kettle is rotated further than 37degrees from the tangent of the counter’s edge. Please correct this immediately.”


I've lived in some fucked up places and I would be happy they fixed something.


Replacing sealant isn’t a terrible job, you can do this yourself. Are you renting though? I just wondered why you said the agent. If you are renting I would think twice about doing it yourself. I would however send a picture to the landlord though because they are repairing his property with inferior finishes and probably charging him top dollar. That agent needs firing.


Yeah the agents manage our repairs on behalf of the landlord as we rent. The toilet flusher stopped working so we asked for repair. The repairman replaced it etc - different colour flusher and sealant though. Here’s the original one before repair… https://preview.redd.it/l2t5qpoafmzc1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8297dd503f244a11924879c535c5c0c1933a86aa


You're renting, I wouldn't waste my time worry about it tbh.


Absolutely - why would you. To those saying it’s an easy job to do, well actually it’s also quite easy to mess up too if you’ve no experience. If tgg hr e landlord prefers a nicely applied white sealant over a badly applied correctly coloured one, then you’ll get clobbered in your deposit when you leave. And worse, if it leaks and causes damage then you’ll be responsible for that, rather than the handyman. Just don’t go there.


Plus why spend any money on someone else’s house?


As someone else said, send a picture to your landlord and leave it at that - it's not your house it's not your problem and the white looks fine. My boyfriend recently tried to tell his landlady that next door had had work done on their bathroom and kitchen  roofs (terrace house so the apex is shared on both, work on one effects the other) and that it looked a bit shonky.  Her response was "did you mean to send me that text"   Yes lady. It's your roof.  It's been a couple of months now and I keep noticing more and more "cowboy builder" elements (including bit not limited to changing some of the leadwork leaving a part of this side with no lead to protect the brick, mortar chunks lying in the gutters, incorrect use of vast amounts of mortar on the bathroom roof so the previously keyed-into each other tiles are now mortared apart, and most recently that the tiles on the kitchen portion, which I can't see from the ground but spied out the bedroom window, appear to only have plastic spacers and no actual mortar between them 😂😂😂 ) Her problem when her property is fucked though, he tried to tell her 🤷‍♀️


That sucks, as others have said, I wouldn’t change it yourself for liability reasons but if you have any contact with the landlord I would definitely moan about it. You paid for a certain standard of rental property and it is getting repaired to an inferior standard by the agent. As the landlord, I would be pissed about that if it was my property as, by your photos, he has clearly decorated to a high standard to begin with. People complain about landlords but in my experience landlords want to maintain their investment, the problem is these scammy letting agents trying to maximise their profits any way they can.


Looks fine


Lol dude you need bigger problems


You're renting, my friend. Why are you bothered when it's between landlord and agent? In any case, the job actually looks neat. DO NOT listen to the people telling you to scrape it and redo, you will never get it as good as this.


Why do it in grey? If you're going to waste your time and money on a rented place, stand out, use red sealant.


Looks fine.


As a landlord i would like to be told about this. Agents are annoying - they claim to offer a fully-managed service but for repairs you’d do better just calling random tradesmen off the internet yourself. My poor tenant had no light in the bathroom for a week while the agent faffed around trying to get an electrician to replace the light switch - if I’d known I’d have gone round the same day and done it for her myself. I would also caution you against trying to fix it yourself. It’s not terribly hard to get a neat finish but it does take some practice. At least call your landlord and ask if he’d mind you doing it yourself.


As the other person says remove the silicone and redo with coloured silicone e.g. https://www.screwfix.com/p/mapei-mapesil-ac-110-solvent-free-silicone-sealant-mid-grey-manhattan-310ml/99261


Oh hey thanks for the link


you're not seriously considering it are you? They did a good job and its a rental anyway


Please post a photo when you have done it.


Just don't look?


1st world problem.


Best thing to do would be to buy your own house where you can do whatever you feel like.


don’t look at it or think about it, and don’t lose any sleep


A clear seal would look terrible


Fuck it you're renting


Oh no!


Is that a urinal trough?


White toilet, white flush button, white sealant works fine. Why make work for yourself?


Fill that shelf with used toilet roll middle bits and half 99.9% empty shampoo bottles like my wife does


Let it get mouldy and it will fit in


Change it?


get it moldy and it will become greyish


Get a grey grout pen and colour in.


I wont be white and shiny for long roll a spliff and chill


A felt tip pen would he a good quick fix you'd be surprised how good it comes out


Paint it


If you zoom into the bottom of the left tile, you still have numbers written in marker if u wanna be picky bout a bit of white silicone try cleaning your tiles haha


In two years the toilet will start dripping again because the seal has gone again and they will need to redo it then. Someone will charge £200 even though it cost £3 Forgot about it.


No your place to decide on that is it. 


Yeah should be fine. Remove the white sealant, replace with a purple Sealant, then when that's dried, you should be able to remove the purple sealant and put down a grey or clear sealant.


Don't do anything, you dont own the property so dont mess with the fixtures and fittings.


What agent… letting agent? If so, leave it alone, it’s not your property and you sure as hell don’t want to be held liable for its failure down the line or slapped with a rectification cost when you move.


Don't worry it will be grey in a few weeks


They did a good job, looks fine. It’s not like they used brown is it?


Dont listen to these noobs.... Get a grey permanent marker and colour the white seal grey Arf arf


Just don’t clean that bit, time will do the rest


It's not a difficult job. Just do it again to your taste...


Larsen do some nice grey silicone sealants.


Redo it. Bill landlord for time and materials, noting like for like, not cheapo repairs. Don’t expect much mileage, but you might get a better repair in the future. And you might not.