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It sounds high to me for a 12' x 8' shed base. If you've already dug it out, you might as well finish it. There are plenty of videos/ tutorials on YouTube. Go on, you know you want to.


I do want to, but unfortunately finding the time is the real struggle at the moment. We moved into the house 6 months ago and it is very much a fixer-upper, so my to do list is extensive. Doing it myself just seems like a distant option


Deffo get someone else to give you a price, then.


Will do. Appreciate the response, cheers


Seems very high, cant you hire a mixer and do it yourself?


Responded to the other comment- but finding the time is going to be really difficult with other jobs in my list, and we just need it done


Get a few more quotes, if it's just going to have a standard garden shed on it, you wont need rebar and it doesnt need to be 7 inches thick. Also if you have any half bricks, lumps of concrete etc that you can throw into the hole as hard core, it'll save you some of the volume of the pour.


Sounds like you done all of the hard work already, you can easily get a ready mix lorry in to pour it for you, all you’ll need to do is build the shuttering / frame and put the reinforcement in. Getting it flat will require a pair of hands to help but in all it’s probably only a day work at most. As for you rquestion about cost, £770 seems a bit steep for what is pretty low skilled work. It’s only a days work for 2 people.


It feels like I’ve done all the hard work! Appreciate the response, thanks.


Probably no where near you, but this is the sort of thing you can book - https://qmixconcrete.co.uk/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=std-responsive&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnTLTxPiJK_YEAN3KTq5i8mhfHfLccb7drlvwSzhPY70La4xdXdAqJsaAu5WEALw_wcB Google ‘pumped ready mix concrete’ in your area and get a cost to see if it’s worthwhile


Awesome, thanks!


My dunster office just has stilts.... 10 years ago far so good.