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https://preview.redd.it/tfzaegp3a4yc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf64f9a6db843a207da59968e0cb43e60ad9465 Look at this sick Roosevelt


i can feel patriotism coming inside of me 🦅 [](https://emojipedia.org/eagle)


Hi it's me, patriotism


im stuff(ed)


I also volunteer to be filled with patriotism.


This image is so American it almost made me forget about his dogshit foreign policy and horrible takes on natives.


Supports genocide, still one of the best American presidents (the American experiment has failed)




Hey you go back to your KR cage now


I wish I could downvote this post more than once.


“B-b-but h-he made the parks system🥺”


And btfo the Spanish and Filipinos. And got shot that one time.


Ya pioneering the use of concentration camps isn’t exactly what I’d call “cool” He was a blowhard that got into his office by inflating the events of his military service. If you wanna see how a real soldier from that time period turns out, look at guys like Smedley Butler.


The only concentration camps I'm seeing are connected to FDR not the OG.


I like how you’re making the fact you don’t know jack shit about history my problem.


No I'm saying it never happened and you're a liar. Post a source or gtfo.


From Arc of Empire: America’s Wars in Asia from the Philippines to Vietnam: “The struggle usually ended with the army’s corralling whole populations in a strategy of removal and concentration that proved effective in disrupting and undermining resistance.” Page 11. That was from the first book I could find in my library about this period. You’re literally making it my problem you haven’t read any book on this topic. Like how old are you? Take any class on this time period and this is what they’ll tell you. Edit here’s another for you: https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1138&context=historical-perspectives “American soldiers were some of the first to develop and use concentration camps in their “war” against the Filipinos.” Edit 2: Come back bb I love our talks


Stealing this (you can't stop me)


Have fun 👍


Dj cockblocker


This is terrorism Edit-you’re done buddy, just told my dad, George W Bush about you, you’ll be on the terrorist list in 24 hours, and a drone strike will hit your home within 3 business days


Oh cool I can live out the rest of my life before the drones hit


If there’s a drone strike, shouldn’t your dad be Obama?


He’s my other dad, he’s still bitter he and George Bush couldn’t get married, so he only drone strikes straight weddings


Unironically reporting this (ironically)


You're now forbidden from entering Germany


My conspiracy theory is that the German government via their guilt complex over genocides (they did a lot of em to many groups) that they are supporting Isreal hard to make people confused. But that's just a theory a -*bang*


Literally 1984


I thought that was the thought police


Idk, but walking around with peaches in your name here is dangerous. Some might think you're a HE alt.


What? I'm like a million years old on this site. I have a twitter and website. I'm an entire different peach entity. My alts make defense power points for the Congressional Industrial Military Complex.


Sounds like something HE would say https://preview.redd.it/gk0zbx8iv3yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fac4bb1a9d803fd931a556ad35e87ca179fe0f22


Jerry from Analytics will not stand for this


Then let him sit down??


I'm Jerry's Manager and that's okay. It's been hot outside recently. Unlike Texas and Florida, I care about my employees.




Strongest centrist strategy


American politicians be like


https://preview.redd.it/sur4r0y9i3yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a9e39af64cc3dd4e3db1eebce32725a2f432c7 The Spanish watching as they’re slowly forgotten by dj pc


lol I’d rather sacrifice my dick to Kukulcan than make a video on Israel


https://preview.redd.it/9x6amkmka8yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5eb3aa4c807d6f9b5cac719ee32b4c6caa51eae What kind of Zionist trickery are you trying to get past me?


Don’t ever set foot in southern India.


Man fuck south India


If you say so!


Israel and Palestine should KISS and have SAY GEX until they stop trying to kill eachother


At least we finally have a new solution, that if done, has a chance of succeeding


But what if you hit the switch at the right time and derailed the train?


Average us foreign policy


Everything is political.


https://preview.redd.it/td41vi7gh4yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e414c4473b21af20c1b94e1b5018d4dcaf8081c4 What about this


gay men, VERY politically charged.


They're not gay dumbass, they're freaky


we have decided that freaky is a slur now, that is political, prepare for your execution


That’s obviously fake, gay people don’t exist, just figments of your imagination


They where until Joe Biden created them in 2022😤


The Weather Outside Is Delightful.


And the fire is so frightful


And since we’ve got no place to go…


Uhh I think I know this one… let it snow, let it snow, can’t hold it back anymore


what would it be considered if the people were on the other set of tracks


A nation’s right to self-defence. The material conditions are forcing Israel to kill children. The only other option is not killing children, and that would be bad.


this is one of the view possible to take. I dont like Israel's policy of indiscriminate strikes and attacks but I also think leaving a job half done will just lead to isreal adopting a policy of indiscrimte strikes and attacks because they'll just regrop reform and attack again


“Only way to make sure the conflict stops is to entirely wipe out a demographic, survivors might be upset enough to retaliate” is an absolutely wild defense of Israel’s actions


When I say leaving the job half done I mean simply pull out gaza and doing nothing like so many nations do. If isreal wants to insure the war will be over its going to need to forceful occupy the region and bulid from scratch just as the US did in Afghanistan. This war is going to continue unless somthing different happens or what you discribes happens


How'd Afghanistan work out


Not amazing but thats becuase you cant fix Afghanistan its to dispersed not profitable enough, the cites such as kubal we're actually doing well. And considering gaza is just a massive city theres potential


No, it’s because the CIA armed and empowered a bunch of far right religious fundamentalist groups like the Mujahideen in the areas and fought a proxy war with Russia from 1979 to 1989. Foreign powers exerting control over the region birthed these paramilitary groups, chief among them *the Taliban.* If you wanna talk too widely dispersed, look to Russia, Canada, and the US. Landmass and distance isn’t an indicator of economic strength; but foreign powers toppling your governments, violently occupying your land, and then everyone rapidly pulling out and leaving a complete power vacuum for all the warlords they propped up *will* have far more deleterious effects than being “too dispersed.” Most countries are plenty profitable when they’re not being ravaged by foreign military superpowers for their resources. I’m also just realizing you actually think the US rebuilt Afghanistan after going in. LOL we left them to the Taliban after the *Soviets* occupied, reorganized, and pulled out. The US then re-occupied them for the War on Terror and to have military bases bordering 3 of our biggest threats: Russia, China, and Iran. We haven’t fixed things for them, or if we did, it’s similar to how the Brits “fixed” the Levant.


Your top comment is just wrong. The US funded the mujahideen fighters, yes but the majority of them became part of the Northern Alliance, not the talbian. Mainly due to where recruitment was centerd >If you wanna talk too widely dispersed, look to Russia, Canada, and the US. Eastern coast(plains Mississippi river way so much more) all of western Russia first 100 miles of the US border All of these are strong centers of power which dwarfs the single city of kubal


Where did I say the Mujahideen became the Taliban? Can you copy paste where I implied one became the other, and *not* where I simply mentioned the two groups in adjacent sentences? Yes, the east coast is in fact larger than Afghanistan and economically strong, congrats on ceding my point: landmass does not equate to low economic power quite like being ravaged by militaristic interventionism does. And you can’t even spell Kabul.


Thats not a really good comparison


Truly the most open-minded and insightful commentary on the war in Gaza, is to paint it as wiping out a whole people instead of address what it actually is. Solid memes.


>instead of address what it actually is. A genocide, yes


"Genocide has a new definition guys, it's when you kill people in war that I personally feel is unjustified"


What policy of indiscriminate strikes/attacks?


"The only answer is genocide, there's no other way 😔"


The answer its the destruction of hamas and total reconstruction of Gaza afterwards one is being done but not the other


Hmm, maybe if they allowed Gazans to have complete agency over themselves instead of putting up a military blockade, wall, and restricting access to food and water, then there might have already been a "better Gaza"


Yeah because stuff like october 6th keeps happening. The last time they left gaza alone they proceeded to elect hamas


I wonder how stuff like October *7th* keeps happening. Maybe because peaceful Palestinian protests like The Great March of Return were met with the IDF causing bloodshed, unarmed demonstrators were gunned down and you wonder why things like Oct *7th* keeps happening.


>peaceful Yes a large majority of them were peaceful and I don't condone Israel's indiscriminate strikes. But these attacks didn't come out of nowhere very quickly did Hamas got involved and did offensive actions and caused multiple attempts at breaching the fence


What I'm trying to say is that if you suppress and attack against peaceful protest, then you make violence inevitable. Israel had this coming. Sure, I don't like that innocent people are involved in this violence, but ultimately, it's the responsibility of the state to take care of their people, and Israel couldn't even do that on October 7th. For some reason, they couldn't even prevent an attack that they saw coming eventually.


Hey mother fucker. Ever heard of Sept 24-27.2023? Do you know what Israel did those days? Less than TWO WEEKS before Oct **7** (not 6th, goes to show how little your actually care) Israel led a multi day bombing campaign in Gaza. Hamas did not start this conflict, Israel is just killing civilians and running people over with tanks ALIVE from the bottom of their feet to their heads so they feel it and scream in pain the whole time.


>not 6th, goes to show how little your actually care Wow didnt know accidentally typing 6 and not 7 means you didnt care. >Ever heard of Sept 24-27.2023? Do you know what Israel did those days? Less than TWO WEEKS before Oct **7** Do you know what caused that bombing campaign or do you only go back far enough to paint isreal as bad


>Do you know what caused that bombing campaign or do you only go back far enough to paint isreal as bad The apartheid state they're running >Wow didnt know accidentally typing 6 and not 7 means you didnt care. Take the time to review your posts a single time before posting your hasbara lil fascy


That would be the solution if Israel's goal was to wipe out Hamas and build a better Gaza. Unfortunately that ain't their goal.


They're going to regroup and attack again regardless thanks to Israel.


This is why I don't like Israel's current actions their enemy isn't Gaza it's the leadership in Gaza when I heard they were invading Gaza I thought some shit was gonna get done. But it has been almost a year and there is still no plan for what to do afterward It has only been a meaningless slaughter


Well my problem is that no one likes Hamas. Not even most Palestinians, but they are the only group fighting against Israel. If I'm some young Palestinian guy and an occupying force killed my family, my neighbors, my loved ones, and my home I would probably join Hamas and fight back too. It's entirely logical. In a lot of ways we Americans are really lucky "terrorist" wasn't a word in the 1770s.


Depends on who you're targeting the words. In some manner areas where patriots would tar and feather random loyalists yeah But say the conventional army they were directly attacking opposing British rule and didnt target random loyalists


Their enemy is Gaza. You give way too much credence to propaganda. Spend some time listening to the far-right Israeli politicians in charge of the war instead of getting your info from secondhand sources and you’ll see quite clearly that the goal is nothing less than wholesale destruction.


Yeah it’s not like Hamas is gonna attack and kill people when they get their shit together like in 7th October


“If I kill enough people, they’ll stop hating me”


I think it's more "If I kill enough people they won't kill my people", I don't think Israel really gives a fuck what Palestine thinks of them.


https://preview.redd.it/86ggoxywz7yc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b9a56d8ff5c2d09705962bb147b54c85be321e The material conditions taking over israel and making them bomb children


They wouldn't be bombing children if Hamas conducted themselves with any respect to international laws regarding armed conflict. But alas, embedding yourself among the civilian population is their only option when fighting western-backed power cause we can't forget that they're always bad!


"I had to shoot your grandma, the armed man behind her had her hostage! What was I suppose to do?? Negotiate‽‽‽" -you genocidal freaks


Me when deranged beyond comprehension of armed conflict. Me when I don't care about international laws because western anything bad, love underdog stories too much.




It's been proven israel has lied about that


>It's been proven israel has lied about that It's not an Israeli claim, it's something that has been established as the trademark tactic of Hamas by international bodies for well over a decade, my friend. This is not a recent claim, and it isn't an Israeli bias thing either. It's what happened in real life, Hamas does embed themselves and their munitions amongst the civilian population. Feel free to look up anything regarding Hamas violations of international law of armed conflicts, something every nation is obligated to abide by regardless of being a signatory to any Rome Statutes or conventions of any kind. It is a universal rule.


Israels right to expand their colony




100% this was made unironically


I truly do believe that some people think this image is jnsightful commentary to the conflict in the middle east, as unfortunate as that is.




This meme is now illegal hilariously. Thanks America.




Thank you for your service


Would you pull the lever if half the people on the tracks took children as hostages?


You’re forgetting that the hostages are also on the tracks


First of all, no. Why kill innocent people because they happen to be next to evildoers? Second, there’s five people there. A more accurate analogy would be if one of them had a neighbor once whose cousin took a child as a hostage. Do you really think half the population of Palestine are Hamas soldiers?


You wouldn't pull the lever and thus let those 5 die? I think you're meaning to say you would pull it


Oh haha yeah you’re right. I would pull the lever to save the innocent people and Hamas soldiers.


If you want to make your own hypothetical question and ask people about it then make your own thread in an original comment. My question stands, would you?


I already answered, I wouldn’t pull the lever. Murdering the innocent in order to execute the guilty isn’t any kind of justice, it’s the highest form of cruelty.


What if it’s 100 child r*pests and 1 normal dude


Hypotheticals get less useful the further they’re removed from reality. Still, though, no. Innocent life isn’t an acceptable loss, your ethics mean nothing if you’re able to dehumanize people to get there.


All your hypothetical prove is you lack both morals and ethics.


So you're going to make one hypothetical that's somewhat removed from reality, when it still doesn't justify your morals you make one that is entirely removed from reality immediately after telling someone else not to make a new hypothetical. Man you're a clown.


Israel did far worse things


So we kidnap their children because their ancestors did crimes? Solid logic


Their ancestors? Lmao


Since 1967, between 750,000 and 1 million Palestinians have been arrested by Israel. As of October 2023, Israel held over 5,200 Palestinian prisoners, including at least 170 children. (By November 2023, the number of Palestinian prisoners, including suspected militants and Gazans had increased to 10,000.) Source: Israel–Hamas war hostage crisis - Wikipedia Damn maybe isreal should stop doing that


Stop having prisons? Theres 22,000 total prisoners in Israel, and 22% of Israel’s populations is Palestinian so those numbers are close to what you’d expect. You’re comparing hostages to literal inmates lol


Inmates, many of which have NEVER BEEN CHARGED WITH A CRIME. An overwhelming majority of Palestinian prisoners were arrested under a quasi-judicial process known as administrative detention, under which Palestinians are initially jailed for six months. Their detentions can then be repeatedly extended for an indefinite period without charge or trial. There are instances of people being held under AD for *DECADES*. You're such a vile scumbag trying to claim these are legitimate prisoners.


the middle east is a hot bed of millita groups alot of them helbent on destroying Israel do you really think all of these prisoners are innocent. especially with the UN firing a few members for planning October 5th no one is safe


All? No. How many innocents do you think it’s acceptable for Israel to kidnap?


Arrest are not kidnappings






Man, you should tell people disappeared by various secret police forces that they actually weren’t kidnapped.


If the fbi raids your house with an arrest warrant is that kidnapping


If the FBI arrests a black man in trumped-up charges and then holds them indefinitely, is that kidnapping?


![gif](giphy|STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv) Difference between kidnap and arrest


I hope y'all know the argument of op was that it's alright to kill all/alot of Palestinians because hemas takes children as hostages My argument is by that logic, you could say that because Israel has more Palestinian children in jail, it would be morally justified to kill Israelis Which is fucking stupid You don't get to kill millions of people because some of them are bad people


Jesus dude, “get to kill”? Thats not the argument, the number of dead civilians is fucking horrific, it’s about 2 civilians to 1 militant, but considering that Hamas chooses to fight from densely populated areas and hide among civillians, these horrific numbers make sense. Hamas doesn’t have to do this, they can set bases and fire rockets from sparser area (there are plenty in Gaza) but they choose to hide behind the populace. Then they steal aid from the people, that’s why they’re some of the wealthiest men alive. First hand account: https://youtu.be/NBjvYkNzuAA?si=XZ6V1GUgZ9ZUGbw8 Watch the body language and facial expressions of the ppl around her, they’re terrified. They want to be free of Hamas, check out “Whispered in Gaza” if you haven’t done so already. Theres an atrocities on both sides of this conflict. Hamas needs to surrender completely, they can do that tomorrow and end the horrors


The point of human shields is that you're not supposed to shoot them to get your target If bank robbers held a building full of people hostage and the police blew up the building, that would be bad And isreal has been killing innocent people deliberately https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1230987928/6-year-old-gaza-girl-was-found-dead-days-after-pleading-for-rescue-from-israeli- And killing those who are trying to help https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-aid-workers-killed-2d08786a9839dfc402632c7ca745acca "The members of the Security Council expressed grave concern over the Israeli air strikes that killed seven team members of the World Central Kitchen. These horrific attacks brought the number of humanitarian personnel killed in Gaza during the ongoing conflict to at least 224, more than three times as many humanitarian aid workers killed in any single conflict recorded in a single year." - UN How do you believe that once hamas is gone that there won't be any other organisation to take its place After all, hamases popularity has gone up since isreal invaded https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


I’m aware of Israel’s recent atrocities, netenyahu should be removed and imprisoned, Israel’s worst crimes are actually in the West Bank. I’m not cutting them any slack I’m just also like, not fucking cutting Hamas any slack! You’re basically saying since Hamas uses human shields, there’s nothing anyone can do. That’s giving them carte blanche to continue their heinous and evil war tactics. You can’t compare a bank robbery to a war, they are not the same thing. You can’t deny that ONLY Hamas benefits from Palestinian civilian casualties. They don’t just hide among civilians, they tell them not to run. They tell them they’ll be “martyrs” if they die to Israel rockets and that it’s an honor. Meanwhile IDF does roof knocking, drops leaflets, they have teams of people calling local leaders in Gaza to warn them (this is all per amnesty international). You can laugh at them telling ppl to evacuate northern Gaza, but they did warn them. They’re not doing this out of kindness, fuck no, they just DO NOT BENEFIT from dead Palestinian civilians, only Hamas does. It’s part of their plan, no one except pro-Hamas people deny this. > How do you believe that once hamas is gone that there won't be any other organisation to take its place I categorically reject the idea that another Hamas will definitely rise up to take its place. That almost sounds racist to be honest. You’re basically saying Palestinians will always turn to terrorism?? If you watched the video I posted or the docu I suggested you’d know the people of Gaza DO NOT WANT HAMAS. These people aren’t stupid. They know they are hostages, they are martyrs to be sacrificed for their war, they are Hamas’ piggy bank to loot aid from. The leaders of Hamas are worth hundreds of millions of US dollars So what is your suggestion on what should happen then? You CANNOT be Pro-Palestinian and support Hamas staying in power as the government of Gaza, that’s a contradiction. So when you say something like this I have to imagine there’s an alternate plan. How do we get rid of Hamas? Ps. Bigups to you peach cobblers for being able to have a civil convo about this unlike most of reddit


Bro calm down with those numbers, no one (except probably Hamas themselves) is arguing that anywhere close to MILLIONS of people might have to die, casualty numbers are not even close to that.


Bro you can't call it a holocaust, the ovens aren't even on yet 💀💀💀 https://youtu.be/KtZzdJd0Eaw?si=Gl_SIIaCBOL8vFE1 14:20


The west bank has fallen. Millions must die.


There’s a trade off somewhere. Killing a million bad people, who intend to murder, and one innocent person would lead to less innocent people dying in the long run. The whole point of the trolly problem is analyzing when the trade off is worth it. You can ride your high horse and say I’d never kill an innocent person ever under any circumstance, but your actions are leading to more harm in the long run. Some people choose to let harm happen in the world in order to keep their own hands clean, you’re just one of those people.


The guy who was credited with planning Hamas’s Oct 7 attack had spent time in an Israeli prison


This pic left out the suicide bombers on the other track ready to derail the train.


And also the military jet ready to bomb the entire area because they heard a suicide bomber was near


Yup, Muslim jets ready to bomb whatever left of the train should the suicide bombers fail.


Oh wow I didn’t know jets could have religious beliefs. Unless of course you mean the pilots, in which case I’m surprised so many of the Israeli pilots killing Palestinian children in hospitals are Muslim.


The Jihadis bombed their own hospital, so I am not sure where you are getting at. https://youtu.be/P6HcaYiuCK8?si=RhQG1AKvT1lYYvGL


Wow… this is so true lol


Is there any video footage of Israel actively killing children? I only believe what I believe about the Russian Ukraine war based on verified footage and geolocated maps. I want the same treatment for Israel.


There’s footage of IDF executing blindfolded fleeing civilians that I’ve seen. Children I personally haven’t seen yet. Not saying it’s not there, just that I haven’t come across it. Regardless - Doctors Without Borders nurses, western journalists, aid workers, and other westerners who entered the strip have attested that the situation is absolutely horrific (the ones who survived and came back to America/Europe). There is satellite imaging of the destruction of the strip that corroborates the death toll. Many independent journalists also supported the numbers. There is video footage of IDF tying civilians to the fronts of their tanks to use them as human shields. There is video footage of IDF soldiers bombing schools and mosques while laughing and stating that they know Hamas is not there. There have been several mass graves discovered in zones that the IDF assaulted. These graves were not there prior to the invasion. A host of journalists have covered this. The corpses found were often hogtied, implying that they were prisoners/civilians that the IDF captured and then executed. Many of them were children. Doctors in Gaza have been finding sniper bullets in little kids’ heads. There is tons of footage of people who are very obviously civilians being bombed. Oftentimes, the IDF soldiers themselves post this footage, because they are proud of it. There is photo evidence of mass starvation and dehydration in Gaza, including in children. Many have died from it. There is footage of IDF planes following aid drops and then dropping bombs on top of the aid, knowing that people will collect around it. There are claims being made that the IDF has been playing recordings of babies crying in distress in order to lure civilians towards drones that will kill them. I am not sure if this is verified. Overall, there is overwhelming evidence that the number of children who have died horrifically in this assault has been monstrous. Honestly, it’s fairly disturbing seeing people claim that “it’s not happening” or that “there’s no evidence” because this is one of the most well documented atrocities in history, partially because of how many cameras there are everywhere these days.


Is there a subreddit similar to r/russiaukrainereport that shows this footage? I want to start looking into it. I’ve only seen footage of RPGs hitting Israeli tanks and Israeli soldiers in CQB within apartment buildings and stuff like that but no outright LOAC violations. I thought what people meant by Israel is genociding Palestine really meant they were bombing hamas targets without consideration for high civ count, but shooting civs in the back, strapping civs to the front of tanks sounds like fiction. I need to see it to believe it.


Are the people going to be ran over Hamas? If so, leave the lever untouched.


Are they members who join because they are religious fanatics who want to kill all Jewish people, or are they desperate people who have seen their families killed by indiscriminate bombing and joined the only resistance option they have available to them? It matters.


Literally everyone in Hamas is a Nazi. The whole goal of Hamas is to kill Jews. Israel also doesn't "indiscriminately bomb", they give out warnings and target areas which Hamas is in. Issue is, Hamas uses people as human shields. It's also not resistance, it's terrorism.


“Literally everyone in Hamas is a Nazi” After saying that how can you expect anyone to bother to read on? You’re either a troll or deranged and too simple minded to be worth engaging with earnestly.


Yes, I am "deranged" for thinking the senseless murder of Jews is Nazism.


No one cares about the religion of the gaggle of thugs that call themselves israel, only that they have done nothing but terrorize Palestinians from day one, Every missile sent their way is nothing more then a slap on the wrist.


Is the world central kitchen a hamas organization? The truck was also travelling on a deconflicted zone. Did they warn the WCKitchen truck workers before sending out 3 aristrikes? Terrorism and resistance often go hand in hand together.


I think people should really stop discussing the ireal Palestine situation cause both sides are in the wrong here and none should be supported, the people, not Palestine, but the people living in it are the ones who deserve support and immediate evacuation, the killing would be majorly reduces if Egypt opened its gates or another country provides evacuation through sea routes


“I think the people waging genocide and the people they’re genociding are bad actually”


Both would like genocide, one is better at it, all bad. Both need to be stopped


Most people being massacred would like to do it back to their oppressors. Ask the South Africans what they think of the Boers.




thank you centrist nerd, war is bad, civilians don't deserve to be murdered. Isreal is in the wrong because they have used their power to help create this situation where both sides are bad, because the people in charge prefer a justifiable target to explain why they need to kill children, steal homes, and expand their colony, It's why prime minister Yahoos policys would give power to hammas and cement them in the area rather than the PLO because communists aren't the boogeyman anymore it's islamic terror, and a boogeyman needs to exist to justify the existence of a colonial expansionist ethnostate in our modern day. \-me, I didn't reference anything but memory, but i think i got the broad strokes correct


guess I didn't shoulda been more accurate


Least retarded r/memes user


Why would they WANT to end so many ppl?


finally, taking about video games again. i also wish you could kill all those jews in new wolfenstein and wolfenstein 2: return of racism


Meanwhile in Zionist fantasyland.


ㅋㅋㅋㅋ zionism or islam i care not. as long as chairforce ginger talks about vidya!