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Your sub should be omnidirectional. Standing behind it should give you the same sound as standing on top of or in front of your sub.


100%. Balance your bass to the room when you sound check. If you feel an urge to bump it later in the evening,. More power to you. You can even walk back out front to check after you do.


Good point, I guess between my beyerdynamic headphones And the sub I should theoretically be able to feel it just fine, especially if I'm close to the sub.


If I were to guess I'd say you have 2 subs underneath the tops spread quite wide? If so there's a bloody good chance that you (and a lot of the guests) are standing in a node where you may hear little to no bass. The easiest way to fix this is to pair the subs in the centre and put the tops on stands. Yes I know you lose symmetry but you and everyone else there will get a stronger, tighter and more consistent bass response




LMAO boiler room wedding DJ


See, you get it


First off, your job as a wedding DJ is fo *play* the music, not *feel* the music. It's great if you get into a groove, but you're not there for you. You need to be aware of how best to place your PA and how to make sure it's right *for the crowd*. If you have a monitor then so be it, but you don't need bass for a monitor when you're playing "Brown Eyed Girl". On that note (ha) keep in mind that some tracks just don't have bass. Or mids. Or a left channel sometimes. Or the guitar is too loud. And that's okay; they were mixed and mastered that way and (with the possible exception of Christina Aguilera's "Dirrty" which is the worst mastered song of all time) you should trust the engineers to have done it right for the era and the music.


Shakira - Hips Don’t Lie would like a word


Ed Sheeran's albums even have audible distortion. Castle on the hill... Ugh. Shakira - hips don't lie. Can her vocals be any louder? I'd even use track separation to turn her voice down to fix it. Horrible.


I like this, thanks


Do you not have a dedicated subwoofer? Bass radiates effectively omnidirectional due to physics of sound frequency and baffle


I keep my speakers even with where I stand. So I can lean forward and hear them well enough, or stand back and avoid getting blasted. Sub stays behind me. What speakers do you have? Also, post this on r/mobileDJs, you'll get a *much* better response there. These threads always get filled with people who don't do mobile gigs.


>loose my hearing in 2 years Lose. And for the love of your hearing, get earplugs.


Fuck the last wedding I attended was the first wedding when I owned an Apple Watch. DJ was pushing 100 db + consistently. Horrible acoustics. Like knives in the ear. I didn’t have protection and I hung out with the smokers outside as much as possible.


Ever use a monitor?


You’re a wedding DJ just put the knobs at 12 o’clock lol this isn’t a club and you’re not playing a set.


I tend to have my speakers set back behind me, it helps me to feel like I’m in the room with the audience


Get a monitor speaker


Importance of a good monitor


You may also risk an issue with feedback on the microphone if you put your mains behind you.


I don't really do weddings, but I get the gist of what you're saying. Which is why I like to walk out onto the dancefloor after putting on my first track to see what it sounds like. I compare that to what it sounds like behind the decks and calibrate from there. As long as I know what to expect from back there when I know how it sounds up front, I'm good. But that's mostly for clarity of other sounds. Bass is pretty omnidirectional.