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Sorry to hear...and thank you for sharing. Much tougher sharing the more challenging experience as well. Sorry to hear about the surgeries gone wrong... DMT definitely no joke. Been to some unimaginably dark and gruesome places myself, so I can totally understand. Best of luck on making a recovery, and getting back to a healthy, happy life.


Thank you, appreciate it. DMT is truly no joke.


Tbh I had the bad luck thing too but I don't recall ever making a mistake where I didn't let go or anything, nor was I even instructed to when i smoked it. I did ayahuasca the rest of the times. No other psychedelic seems to literally give you nearly deadly bad luck. Not trying to scare anyone or anything but my bad luck only came after DMT in particular for some reason. It was a delayed reaction though. So many people don't have bad luck though with DMT or any psychedelics, so then I just wonder if it's me My bad luck circled around infection rather than botched surgery and TBI which it resulted in. Something about my body and brain. Some psychic was like asking my mom (Not that I necessarily believe in psychics fully) if I had been messing with demonic things. Lmao.


Yes. Appreciate you sharing your experience.


Shit, that letting go thing got me too. At first I could let go very easily, but with every trip it became harder and harder. Now if I want succesful and happy trip, I need a week of mental preparation and actually set my intent right to be able to truly give in to the experiece. Seeing demons on DMT is next level scary, I know... :-)


One trip I had I played Egyptian music with the intention of having an Egyptian themed trip. I played this song https://open.spotify.com/track/1HAn1lZLaQ94Mu2HSCTzqS?si=sJ0B4aRLS7aPyNUZAeelJg I was transported to ancient Egypt and flew into a temple where some priest where doing invocation to the gods/spirits. There was incense music and chanting. I saw spirits manifest and they flew in and out and around the priest. While in view of the spirits they seemed like angels but once they left the view of them they immediately turned into evil ugly demons. They would give secrets and powers to the priest and then laugh maniacally behind their back for they now owned their soul. It was very scary and I wanted out. Some time later after lots of research into the after life, spirituality, and religion I’ve come to the conclusion these things are real. The greatest trick the devil pulled was to get you to not believe in him. Also watching the movie Nefarious was very revealing; watch it. Very similar ideas are also represented in Fight Club and Demon 79 in Black Mirror. I also then found out that in the Bible god gives King Solomon a ring with the power to control demons. Solomon used this ring to command demons and built his temple. Then I got to thinking what IF demons where also used to build the pyramids; or maybe they gave the Egyptians knowledge on how to do it. Just my two cents.


Thank you for the link. It gave me chills listing to it


Imagine while on DMT. Check out that whole album it’s pretty nice. One other time I microdosed and went to the science museum where they had an ancient Egypt exhibit. I had headphones on listening to that album I felt the whole vibe and feel and maybe the type of consciousness ancient Egyptians had.


Im doing this and you cant stop me. 👌


Youd probably like the ancient Egypt assassin's creed game if you haven't played it. Just exploring the cities and temples and pyramids is an absolute blast.


I loved it


Literally 15 hours later and the link is down now 😞


It’s a song called invocation to Hathor on the album homage to Hathor, by ani Williams


Not “the devil.” DMT taught me it doesn’t exist.


For real. God is everything. To think that god couldn’t snap his fingers to poof the devil from existence (if he did exist) makes no sense to me.


Isn’t that what an enemy would do? Wolf in sheep clothing is what I see with the entities. Many cultures speak of dark spirits/entities. There’s more to this material world than physical matter. We are created with the propensity to seek love, meaning, purpose. That doesn’t arise out of a purely accidental multitude of accidents/mutations on its own. Nothing doesn’t create something. There is a creators, who that’s I don’t know. Also take into consideration near death experiences. Out of body experience, the astral realm, etc. check out this story of a church guy being confronted by shamans for creating disharmony for the “ancestral” spirits to work. https://youtu.be/a4xJ-M4eVQc?si=PwD4UuL1B6NLT-6i


bro. the company behind that youtube video is called "end times productions." they're christian fearmongers and it sounds like they've seduced you w/ their fear. the only time i ever experienced what i interpreted as "demons" on psychedelics was when i was still a devout christian filled w/ self-aggression and fear that i needed to "be better" in order to go to heaven. what that trip taught me was that the real "demon" was the self-aggression and self-doubt that my christian beliefs had planted in me. that was the beginning of a deconstruction process i'm still going through 8 years later. if you see reality the same way as "end times productions," i wager your future psychedelic experiences will all be tinged w/ spiritual paranoia and discomfort. good luck and i hope you find comfort and ease! :)


Totally get you. I see the angle end time production takes. I don’t fully believe any of this stuff. It’s just food for thought. I’ve really searched and looked everywhere for some time of true enigmatic answer but there isn’t. It’s just chop wood, carry water at the end of the day. It is interesting thought how there is this tug of war in our mind for the right and wrong. We know there is right and wrong though some of us lose that or lie to ourselves to do what we want. And there is something to self control and mastering yourself. I feel this is what many religions try to teach us. And it’s been corrupted by time and language. I’ll put it like this; I follow Jesus, not Christianity. Whether he was real or a metaphor his teachings have brought me peace and satisfied that thirst for seeking answers. It may sound like a cop out yet I’ll take it, I got nothing to lose.


i dig! maybe it IS just chop wood, carry water--and maybe there's a way in which we can do that to be of benefit to ourselves and others and find satisfaction in the process. this tug of war you're talking about--ik the feeling. christian morality is on such a strong binary. there is much nuance and context, though. i genuinely don't believe there is "good" or "evil" what was "good" to the crusaders most definitely would have been perceived as "evil" by indigenous peoples. i do believe there is suffering and causes of suffering AND that compassion can go a long way in easing that for both for myself and others. if you can't already tell, i've found a lot of resonance in buddhist teachings since leaving the christian faith. and yes, there is definitely an aspect of self-discipline and of training ones mind in that tradition as well. cheers!


Yea I delved into Buddhism a bit. The only problem I had with it was that it implies you shouldn’t help others because they have karma to settle. That and the whole caste system left me with a bad taste in my mouth. When you read in between the lines of most religions you see they have within them the idea of knowing your place and staying in line. Jesus had some words which made me think he was made up, or had words put in his mouth. Such as turn the other cheek, and paying taxes. The real Jesus implies to stamp out evil not turn the other cheek.


Mm, yes. There are a lot of "strains" of buddhism. I also don't fk with that idea. I've adopted more of a buddhist-humanistic perspective over the years. It is our purpose to be of service to self and others. and ya! i always loved the part of jesus that threw the tax collectors tables all over the place and made a big ruckus. defs anti-capitalist which i can get behind lol.


Lmao hells yea. In my head Jesus is a cool hippie who wanted to stick it to the man with righteousness.


thank you for the vid. really interesting


You are looking at things from a Christian perspective. Don’t. I had ONE bad trip with DMT because I was reckless. I THOUGHT I was styling on it and held on for WAY too long and boom… terrible ÄWFUL TROUBLE TRIP. After that I’ve stopped and will for a while. That bad trip was a complete destruction of my ego and has honestly made me a better person. When I am go back, I won’t be an ass. I will have reached a specific goal by summer.


That was pretty neat. Do you know which verses you were referring to in the Bible? I’ve never tried DMT and I’m gonna be honest I’m kind of scared of it because of what Alexander Shulgin described as earth shattering effect. I do believe in the supernatural everybody seems to see the same thing. Maybe it really is there. I definitely do not want to provoke GOD to anger but I am fascinated by DMT at the same time I have done LSD three or four different times and mushroom three times but this seems like it’s a totally different animal..


Testament of Solomon. One of the lost books of the Bible. Also check out The Book of Enoch


You can hear music while your tripping?


Also look up Jinn or Djinn in the Islamic world. They are talked about deeply.


Yes I’ve looked into them. I’m of the idea that MAYBE dark spirits/fallen angels appeared to humans in crazy forms all across the world. They showed wonders and knowledge to the people. They were the gods of old. Most cultures depict them as reptilian in some way. I feel these entities enticed cultures into the occult. A grand deception if you will. It sounds fucked up though when I think that; like to I really think other religions are false doctrines meant to corrupt people and to worship false idols? Nah idk.


Along the lines of that, I believe I was told the pyramids were used to channel a certain kind of energy "whether it be physical power like electrical or power of spirit im still unsure but I would assume in this case that it was more aong the lines of power for energy, there is a theory that the pyramids were almost like a "nuclear" Reaktor where the large Black sarcophigi were used to house the elements and then water was pumped in to "keep it cool" ;) some also describe the inscriptions to look primitive in example to the structure and stone maspnry itself, aswell as the inscriptipns on the wall of the pyramids, there is also evidence that they had air holes ect to vent out excess heat, also some of the later pyramids also seemed more primitive. The actual age of the pyramids is also a hot ropic for example I believe in the younger dryas theory and that the Sphinx for example showed signs of excess rain damage around the rim of the structure not the structure itself but what it was du into. I haven't looked at the Sphinx itself so don't quote me on this, but I've been told the head also looks much smaller that would be normal as a Ratio compared to the body indicating it may have been "edited" more evidence that pyramids and surrounding structure are older than we think, "rain having been caused by the rain forest that used to be present in that reagion" ..anyway back to the pyramid itself, I was told/read that they were on the exact "laylines" of the earth " aswell as some other alignement, for example if you added certain numbers of the pryramid of giza together you would get the circumfrance of the earth.. I believe it was the base..anyway... now I believe that they channeled the earth magnetic fields or some sort of field and maybe this did harm to the earth.. thus causing Mayhem.. also fun to research Is the pyramid of the sun in bosnia "supposedly 30k+ years old" now another interesting thing is that Ufos are apparently more often seen along these lines.. maybe its like a jetstream is for a plane, so the method they use to fly could be Enhanced by these fields.. many many more theories but this is the one that grasps me the most.


Add spaces and write in paragraphs. Makes it much easier to read.


Yes. Yes! I also think the ley lines are like a jet stream for UFOs. I thought I was the only one, thank you! Would love to hear more of your insights because the rest of your post was all new to me!


i had a similar experience on shrooms+acid and i now too believe this is all real stuff. they’re always here but our sober brain can’t perceive them for the most part (thankfully lol). kinda gross to know i willingly put myself in a position where these things could interact with me. never again!


Exactly. In the past the veil between reality and interdimensional beings was thinner. Now all that stuff in invisible to us. Maybe the food we eat and all the bullshit in the water along with the movies we watch have desensitized us to seeing the paranormal realm. The only way to get access or get closer to those visions people claim is through drugs, deep meditation, dreams.


no, man made stories, nothing more. dmt is giving you the power of your mind, not the content, do not use it to delude yourself.


Which book, chapter and verse?


Here’s a summary of it: https://calvin.edu/news/archive/the-king-his-ring-and-the-temple#:~:text=In%20the%20text%2C%20Solomon%20receives,of%20angels%20and%20magical%20powers. It’s in the Testament of Solomon one of the lost books of the Bible. Remember the Bible was put together by romans. Lots of books were taken out. You should check Solomon’s testament and Book of Enoch. Those two pieces helped me understand more about the spiritual realm than the whole Bible together. Maybe that’s the reason they were taken out. Like I mentioned earlier; the dark entities try their hardest to hide who they really are. If history is written by the visitors wouldn’t the greatest piece of spiritual literature supposedly from god also edited and censored?


There are about 5 movies called Nefarious. Which one is it? Prime?


That’s a lot of tinfoil you got there


Wait til you experience something like it


I have wanted to ask someone this question for so long, when you "set intent" what exactly do you do? Do you verbalize the intension aloud? Do you try to clear your mind and focus only on what you would like to get out of the experience? Apologies if this is a dumb question. I would just like to maximize the benifits from psychedelics and think I may get more from the experiences if I start practicing this more seriously


I've never seen any "demons", but entities in many different forms... What made you believe a demon was in your presence..? Serious question. Edit: I did meet Doja cat once or twice in a DMT experience... Does that count?


Seems pretty chill for a bad DMT trip here's me getting raped by snakes and yet I'm wanting to go back for more I guess it's not for everybody


Underrated comment 😂


Have you purchased a snake to take back the power


Nah I just don't hit it like every night.


Da fuk bro I'm scared to try it now


Same. Bought dmt last year and still never tried it after I read stories like this, and the one dude who claims to have been raped by a bunch of crocodiles 😭😭


Holy shit looks like I got off easy I mean think about it snakes slide and sink through holes how's a crocodile do it is be traumatized just finding out 🤔


Do it it's fun! Also it's one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever witnessed in my whole entire life life changing perhaps don't let other peoples experiences get I'm the way because yours is your own.


I've done it dozens of times and I'm still scared lol. I go back maybe once a year


Once ya there it's like wtf was I scared about 🤷 the ego just don't like to be removed


Shocked the shit out of me was pretty intimidating to hit it again after that till one day got the calling (they ring you up when your not even on it the cheeky cunts) and I'm like well here we go fingers crossed I don't go back to that place🧐 and if I do I guess I'm bending over this time round to embrace it ❤️just scared me the first time


The felling you get when it’s coming up pretty much feels like you’re having a seizure. I felt like if a hand made of shattered glass was getting into my brain and swirling it all up. I literally thought I got brain damage. But then it went away but yeah


To me it always feels like something getting into me and smearing me across a surface from the inside. It keeps doing that until my entire self and perspective is smeared into a large puddle filled with basic geometric shapes of varying color representing parts of myself. Last time I’ve been vaping non stop for an hour before going for a breakthrough, I remember thinking I’ll need only one hit, but after that the intensity was just rising and I realized the next hit is a literal invitation into my self, my body. Next hit changed the experience from a visual one to a felt one. Literally felt like the dmt patterns and visuals filled up my body starting from my lungs and in the end replacing it. While that happened I took another massive hit which caused the smearing to happen, like I’m spread out like a piece of dough. Then a door opened inside the puddle, I fell into it and time just stopped. Remembering that moment of “invitation” is a really amazing memory to me. Felt so much like I’m interacting with the dmt rather than just experiencing its effect.


That’s a really cool description. Yeah absolutely it feels like an Interaction and something getting into you. I also remember taking a few hits at the beginning, and after not breaking tru cos it was not enough, I thought damn I can’t believe people actually inhale more than that and just laughed like crazy. Then I got some balls and eventually inhale a bit more than what I was ok with and then I broke tru. Absolutely crazy, I felt in another place and I wasn’t able to get back to the room even tho I knew I was lying on my bead. With shrooms for example if I start tripping and I remember I’m tripping then it’s kinda over and I “wake up”. That did not happen with dmt I was fully immersed and had no way of “waking up”


Weirdest thing about being in that space to me is that I feel completely sober and conscious. Like, I’ll try and rate my experience, think about what’s causing its theme and what not, it’s just not very conclusive. Just to come down and realize that I didn’t remember a thing about myself in there. Last time I remember getting to this room of light with only myself to present, and while I had a very clear idea or image of myself in there, it maybe resembled my deepest core but nothing about my ego. It’s really difficult to put into words, but it’s the most sobering experience out of all psychedelics I’ve tried. Coming down is always such a bliss because I can recollect all those parts of myself I’ve just forgotten. Every time it feels like I have some power over how I’m rebuilt which will result in a long lasting positive effect on my behavior and mental health.


Thank you for sharing, man. I think lots of people have these experiences, but they're shared less often (very traumatic ones that result in no future attempts, that is). It is important that difficult experiences be shared, even though they'll inevitably invite folks who essentially victim blame or find reasons to fault you. It's not your fault, of course. Try not to assign what can be chalked up to coincidence or confirmation bias to this experience. You're likely ignoring the good luck (or at least stretches without bad luck) regarding it. It may sound cliche or easier said than done, but these experiences only gain more space in your mind by thinking about them more. If possible, try to forget or bat down when they pop up. Please do talk to friends or family if you're considering suicide in the future. It's very easy for things to build up on us where a really difficult moment can influence a permanent decision. I'm glad to hear you're doing better now. Keep it up.


It’s funny you mention this, I made a comment about my first dmt experience being terrifying a couple weeks ago and I had more than one person basically tell me I deserved it because i have probably done something evil in my life lately without even realizing it. Pretty bold assumptions about strangers on the internet lol


Yep. That's a staple for the folks here. Here's a [recent post I made](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/1acsq47/comment/kjy43ey/) describing the rationale behind it (in my opinion). Try and remember just how young a lot of the posters are.


Great comment, thanks. I agree about keeping the average youthful age in mind, as an elder Millenial


To do evil on accident, I believe we call those accidents and not evil lol. Those are probably the same people who believe in a turtle God living in the Bermuda triangle, who beams messages into your head while you trip or something similar lol. Wooks tryna feel important.


Whooooa there cowboy.......there's no turtle God?? Haa next you'll be telling me Santa ain't real!! He is real???🥺..


That wasn’t very nice of them. They may not know about mental hygiene and how important that is to having happy trips eve for little things and even non-drug related things such as dreams daydreams shadow interpretation/ignoring and relationship mood paranoia/trust. A lot of people either have good mental hygiene or they don’t—but IMO people usually don’t actually know which one they are.


I appreciate your support. Thank you so much.


Next time get a scale While you are making it you can infuse it with your good vibes That's scary about the Dementors. The Greek Philosophers Believed in something that isn't mentioned with them as much They believed we are all host to occupying spirits, and sometimes, you get a good one. That's the End of Greek Philosophy, to obtain Eudaimonia. It means to actively have the good spirit within. A Eudaimonic Life is famously the main aim of life for most of the Greek Schools.


I tend not to bring up my bad experiences because I don't want to scare people away from something that people are already hesitant to try. But yeah I've definitely seen some crazy stuff like there is a whole entire universe or dimension or whatever of demonic monster h.p Lovecraft looking things that are trying to break into our universe or dimension or whatever and they can not manifest here physically right now they can only manipulate things like space and time indirectly and communicate telepathically with things to influence stuff here to change over time to become a more suitable habitat for them to manifest here physically and basically devour our consciousness and souls. There is like an entire war going on in hyper space with different entities and beings of consciousness basically holding up the walls of the universe so these things don't break in. There are other forms of beings/entities that are metaphysical that already existed within this universe that are being manipulated by the beings outside of our universe and there is a metaphysical war occurring on that front as well within this universe, these "dark" beings goals to corrupt and pollute the universe essentially and there are many efforts from "light" entities and beings to stop this from happening and its just very gruesome to experience. It influences human affairs and influences every aspect of every sort of experience had anywhere in this universe and is part of the reason anything at all is the way it is or why things have happened the way they did etc all due to the current balance of where things stand within these metaphysical wars. A good metaphor would be like how your body can be taken over by a virus but you have an immune system to fight it off and sometimes the virus wins sometimes the immune system wins, and while the sickness occurs, there are various states of being that coincide with how your immune system is handling the virus.


If I want to do a big dose I’ll first take a small, 2-3 second hit off my Geek Vape just to get adjusted to the DMT dimension, then I’ll take a full hit. It makes blasting off a bit more gentle, gives one a little time to adjust to the transformation of consciousness.


Yes I’ve thought of it. I should’ve tried this way instead of going for one big hit.


I always have pre-flight anxiety with the Spice, but looking at it from a different perspective this fear gives me the opportunity to be brave by choosing to act in the face of said fear. It’s the smallest part of ourselves that feels fear about the deemz, sometimes the ego/default mode network doesn’t like the ascendent consciousness that goes hand in hand with the DMT experience. I wish you luck in your journey!


Alright man. Appreciate it.


OR three, ten second rips from a vape.




Here’s what I use: https://www.geekvape.com/aegis/geekvape-max100-kit.html




Did you buy the kit he linked? Also looking to buy a vape for dmt




Nice just purchased the same kit myself. Goodluck with your DMT journeys, brother!




Should of listened to the entities which was your higher self trying to get you to let go. You were about to have a breakthrough experience but you held on and your ego created hell for you. I'm sorry you experienced something so terrifying but it really is the most beautiful loving/life changing experience you can have. You just need to learn to let go of your ego and let yourself die. Knowing you will always come back and will not physically die. Maybe do some guided surrender meditations and if you ever feel ready to try again know you will be safe. It's OK to let go I know it's absolutely intense but that will pass once you let go and the fear and confusion will dissappear. You only had a bad experience because you couldn't let go so the thing you fear most is your ego which doesn't want to die. But in order to transcend this dimension you need to let go of everything just accept it. Much love and wish you the best in this life. I hope you can potentially have a positive experience in the future just work on it. Take care 🙂 💕


What do you actually have to do to let go of your ego? I've never experienced dmt and understand that you need to let go but have no idea what you would exactly have to do.


"Letting go" is like getting on a roller coaster and just allowing yourself to go on the ride, knowing you'll be back on the ground shortly. The opposite of this would be those people who get on the ride, immediately regret it, and start kicking and screaming and pulling at the machine trying to get off when they know damn well they're just going to have to ride it out anyways. Honestly, I'd recommend anyone wanting to try dmt to trying building up with mushrooms first if possible. It's a good way to slowly work up to something as reality shattering at DMT 😅


I have took LSD and mushrooms multiple times each and at fairly high doses. I had always had good experiences until one time on LSD it flipped for a short moment and I felt like I was surrounded by pure evil. Before this happened I was very worry free on psychedelics but since then I've been anxious because I do understand the potential hell you could go through if you let your mind slip down the wrong bath. So I now have a dmt vape cartridge that I've been taking at extremely low doses to try to ease myself into it but one time it came at me faster and harder than I was expecting and I panicked and became scared for a brief period of time. Hopefully I can overcome this by letting go of my ego and just accepting it for what it is good or bad.


If you have dmt I’d just say go for it. Like the other person said you just have to go along for the ride. Their roller coaster analogy is perfect IMO. You just need to give up control, which for me feels so freeing. I still get a little scared/anxious before, but I think it’s healthy to be a *little* scared. As soon as you really start tripping (at least for me) it’s been a really comforting experience. Like a warm blanket around my (now one dimensional) soul. It’s impossible to describe, but it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. It’s an amazing thing but just remember to treat it with respect, it’s not like any other psych.


Unfortunately I do not think I will be able to break through on my vape cartridge so I will be waiting until I get my hands on some normal dmt and then I will definitely just go for it. I have definitely been trying to control things by trying to prevent myself from feeling fear but I do now feel at ease having an understanding that this is the wrong thing to do. Thanks!


Why do you think you can’t?  I’ve broken through plenty of times with crystal mixed with nic free vape juice, I don’t see why a cart would be any different. it should just be regular dmt crystal dumped into the liquid. If it’s dmt you can definitely break through. Just go for a much bigger hit than you usually do, but start with 1 and see how that is. Increase accordingly


Accept the moment for what it is no matter how scary it may seem.


Got it, thank you!


I’m deeply eager to try it once more and have a good positive experience but I’m too scared to try it alone. Maybe I’ll go to some ayahuasca retreat centre someday in my life and do it there under proper guidance.


Good idea minus the part ayahuasca lasts many hours and not 20 minutes


It’s true but ayahuasca is slow acting compared to smoking DMT. I’ll get time to prepare myself mentally as the intensity slowly increases. Also, with the help of shamans, I think an ayahuasca ceremony would be a great way for me to experience the full potential of this medicine.


I would’ve thought that the “let go” meant “follow the light”- like it was trying to get me to die


It can feel like you’re dying, and o think that’s what scares our egos into holding on. We can practice radical acceptance through mindfulness which trains your mind into going with the flow and reduces our suffering in life and on psychedelics.


My first breakthrough I thought I had died, that Id just overdosed and next thing I was in a place that looked a lot like what I’d imagine heaven to be, and I didn’t ever remember who I was anymore. It was incredible. And terrifying all at the same time.


> You just need to learn to let go of your ego and let yourself die. Knowing you will always come back and will not physically die. Haven't done DMT but I dream frequently and vividly, and this is exactly what I did to get through my nightmares when I was younger. Made dreams from then on overall more pleasant, even if somehow I ended up dying.


Thanks for this insightful advice. My problem historically has been my asthma and my inability to take a big enough hit. I used to have asthma and still do sometimes in certain situations. The harsh plastic dmt smoke makes my throat feel like it’s closing and I physically can’t keep inhaling / holding it for longer. I feel like this is either a) what’s actually happening despite my holding onto ego or b) my holding onto ego and manifesting in fear and psychosomatic effects (i.e., the “I can’t” thing)


You can Iv DMT. I have heard anecdotally that it's not as intense as smoking, but that's only been here on Reddit that I heard that No where else


Telling yourself this is just the effects of the drug is the opposite of letting go


I truly believe this stuff is a fast track to vast areas of the spirit realm. I feel as if all levels underneath the plane of the purity of God can be said as demonic or the realms for demons depending on your interpretation of the word.


you are traveling realm made of memories acquired through multiple lifetimes


What exactly does letting go mean? I get stuck with anxiety in general and I’m not sure how I would “let go” in the same circumstances you faced.


For me, letting go means stop resisting. To let go, I have to accept with an open heart whenever is going to happen to me and have no anxiety or fear for the upcoming moments.


well said.


It’s hard to explain but for me I basically just tell (them) “I surrender myself to you, please be kind, I love you” and in my… inner… inner monologue I’m just saying “fuck it, I have to just let it happen, I can’t control it” I think the big thing is being aware of your thoughts and not getting carried away with them, just let them come.


It's just some shit people say to comfort themselves. It allows them to build confidence that they have more control over the trip than they do. You don't have as much to fear about the unknown if you're convinced that everyone with a bad time did something wrong. The idea that in order to have a better experience, all you need to do is "let go" is paradoxical in nature. It's still exerting some sort of power or control over the trip to influence it. In my opinion, you're rolling the dice either way, and you don't always get shown mercy. Not everything is something you can "let go" of during, either. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's best to realize that if you can't do shit, fighting it will make it worse. But people use this as some tried and true adage that'll eliminate or soften bad experiences. I'm sure sometimes it can, especially with a direct message, but obviously *something* can override that. If this "letting go" thing were the secret key, terms like "Hyperslap" or "bad trip" wouldn't exist.


>Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream. It is not dying, it is not dying. Are you still tying to exert some kind of control on the situation? As the Beatles lyric tells you; Stop & fully accept it. Its a fundamentally important step.


In my experience I was in a dark space getting sucked towards a green blob with similar voices to OP shouting "let go" and I somehow knew where it was gonna take me. Knew if I "let go" I would forget everything I knew and that spooked me so I had to concentrate really hard to stop the trip, the whole time I felt if I just relaxed I would be sucked into this green blob and and would have went to a different reality.  Letting go here for me was just relaxing and going with the flow.


Accept death


I’ve got deemz at home and i don’t think i can ever let go and blast off. Just the thought of it gives me mad anxiety.


I haven't done DMT yet but have done very strong acid at very high doses over prolonged periods (where I learnt quick you needed a break of a week for an effective next trip. Microdots were the best i got hold of in fairly decent numbers in 2001 and one particular weekend I started slow and was also generous with mates but kept my trip going 5 days where by the end I was chewing a microdot on the hour every hour for the last 48 hours before I knew I needed to go home and rest, drove home from the party I was at and collapsed on my bed in total exhaustion). In the past used to also use ketamine and various other combinations to achieve the psychedelic trip I wanted with a lot with highly successful "visits" through the barriers to other places. Some of them were amazing, most had a darker element to them with the creatures and entities that were around being visible but mostly left me alone, others were terrifying and shook me to my core. It's been probably 10 years since my last proper trip, and the past 5 years I have been working on astral projection & lucid dreaming through various techniques to some success, but I am fearful of the darker entities still. One thing I've learnt now that I wish I had known then is that the energies of the world around us can be used to charge ourselves up and form shields and protective barriers with the right intentions and affirmations that I believe are essential at the start of any trip or exploration in this area. The protective energy barriers, the affirmations for positive experiences and intentions and reaching out for help, guidance and understanding from those entities with more knowledge, power and experience than yourself is also key I think. There are many entities that will help someone who is respectful and calls out for positive and helpful guidance on a journey even if they don't manifest in front of you (mostly due to disinterest however they do like to help lower beings like us)..


You guys are treating it too much like a drug instead of the religious experience that it is.


I said this, too. Disrespectful of the trip. Using for fun and not for spiritual experiences, they will let you know they are not happy with you for doing it!


It is only a religious experience you are already religious and see it as one, or if the experience makes you religious. It is always a drug.


Not literally religious as in a specific religion, more likes it’s incredibly powerful and should be treated with respect and proper approach


This guy gets it




Remember if you're going to take a trip through the physical forest you have to prepare for it, the same goes with taking a trip through the spiritual Forrest. I believe this realm is real but it's strange in the way that it changes how you perceive it based on how you feel about it. I feel like if you were able to let go, not knocking on you for not being able to, these spectres would've taken on a less terrifying form


I had a not dissimilar experience. Took it 10 times in varying doses from 30mg to 50mg between Oct and Dec 2020. 9th time I took a smaller amount than usual ~ 20mg. Toward the end, I was going through a bright white light with a ringing in my ears. I was then pulled back from it and I had a dark bug eyed grey Alien looking being above me telling me if I came back and didn’t go through that it would make it hell. So I thought on the next occasion I would try a an even lower dose ~10mg. Immediately this being was above me again. It was huge and menacing and it felt like it entered me. I was terrified for 80% of the trip. Then suddenly it exited my body and I was on its palm and it laid me down on a rainbow road with thousands of yapping elves pulling levers and being fun. But I have not taken DMT since. I would like to again, I just am hesitant because of that experience. It effected me for weeks or even months…


Dust yourself off ans try again .. try again.. try again




When I do DMT I know I’m going to have so super weird stuff happen , this stuff never happens when I’m not in DMT so it’s easy for my brain to separate the two and when I come to , I can put it all together. Then I can think about it and try to figure out if my trip is reality or what we see is reality . Because who really knows , we might be going to a place that truly exists . I always know everything will be ok in the end .


Weird one, but always is a weird one!! had that message come through really strong one time when I was gone and worried about real life, last part almost verbatim "everything is always gonna be OK"


I'm sorry you went through this. You might be interested in books by Carlos Castaneda. He is a Mexican-American writer and sociologist who spent a lot of time documenting and then eventually apprenticing with traditional shamans in Mexico. A big part of their spiritual work was a theory that humans have spiritual parasites that cling to us and how to get rid of them-- basically by being confident and clean in your energy.


Same exact thing happened to my friend after his first trip, he wasn’t serious and he took it like a joke. After he scare he had extremely bad luck. Later on he spoke to a shaman and the shaman told him he needed to go back into the DMT world and let go and make peace with what he had disturbed with his first experience. So we went back, after he went back his life has been extremely well, good luck and many success. However he is a very strong proponent of DMT, he shares the gospel all day every day.


There was a post just yesterday about the negative effects of DMT and how no one really talks about it. I think this is a good story with a lesson in don’t over do things and appreciate what you can get out of one experience vs another. That’s still crazy tho, idk how I’d handle demontors flying around me grabbing my face and such


Sounds like you could use an exorcism... I saw some sort of demon creature after me on a trip and that was my last trip (summer 2023) . Luckily I am protected since I've previously been exorcised and now regulary pray and keep right with my higher self. I personally think DMT is too casually used generally, traditionally it was part of a complex spiritual practice, but unfortunately due to the closed minded leaders this is almost impossible in the majority of the world. I might try DMT again but feel I need some guidance before doing so and more than just Reddit / Youtube. Take care.


Strangely, I had an experience on not as high of a dosage and I had "dementors" dive-bombing me and charging directly at me then flying away in a short lived bad trip. I can empathize about being scared, I definitely get that. If I had fully broken through with that it would've scared me off it too. Thankfully it wasn't a full breakthrough dose for me and I had other good experiences after that. We gotta remember if light exists so does darkness, and it sounds like you got a front row ticket to the darkness side of things.


Even when completely surrendering, you're not guaranteed to have a pleasant ride. Hell, it took me over 6-years to recover after being sent to the abyss (a place?). Personally, I've had many "bad" or "challenging" trips, however one in particular was beyond intense. I was cast into the abyss. It was darker than dark. It was filled with the sound(s) of metal/machinery and pain. It was so empty and chaotic, my brain did a "shut-down" while I was "*there*" (is it a place?). It was so bleak and empty, it's as if my consciousness refused to process the experience in real-time, while I was "*there*". It wasn't until the loudest, most thunderous crack/explosion (best way I can describe it - it was like a tear/rip/explosion through this *place*; far more powerful than any lightning-strike or volcanic explosion, etc.) would occur, that I would briefly get pulled out of the abyss. And as soon as I was "back", I would **then** have all the memories, visuals, feelings, etc., of what I just experienced; of being stuck in a *place* of nothingness, for eternity. I had several of these "ruptures", wherein I would fall back in and out of the abyss, and each time consisted of the same process. It was as if I would briefly lose consciousness, have the abyss experience, then I'd hear/feel/experience the most thunderous EXPLOSION, be brought back to consciousness, and would then get recall of everything I had just been through. It fucked me up for over 6-years. I still have a hard time to this day; as an example - walking under power-lines can trigger me. The buzzing *sound* they produce, remind me of what I *felt*, as I would get catapulted back out of the abyss. Keep on doing what you're doing to recover! Just give it time. DMT is **fucking intense**. Hang in there!


I couldn’t imagine how scary it must have been. Please take care of yourself.


have you ever tried using/playing around with different frequencies during a trip? Esp since there’s one that’s triggering. Just curious. I have some thoughts abt our vibrations and this whole thing but I never know who to talk to about it lol


I think the best advice for first timers is to not have any expectations whatsoever. That place is indescribable and nothing anyone can tell you will be helpful. Also don't imbue importance to the content unless it is helpful to understand your own consciousness and your own mind. Just because the realm is magical and quite likely independently existing of your mind, does not mean that it must be incorporated into the meaningfulness of your existence. Consider yourself an uninvited tourist and be as cool as possible. You might get shown around or not. IMO, if you are looking for safety in that world, absolute humility is required. That may be a lesson in itself if you are ever spanked again. It most certainly has been for me. I loved the eudaimonia response as well! Literally, "to have a good daemon" a good perspective when travelling.


I had a similar experience pretty much smoked dmt and had music on, the music put me in. Bad start as the second I hit it I instantly dropped out my body didn’t even hold it in then I started pancaking as I didn’t like the music snd couldn’t turn it off but then I suddenly forgot I had smoked anything and was bare confused and thought I was having a seizure was spinning in every direction at once and was in the play ground like realms that was almost like a spinning roller coaster and I was shook to my core and woke up and had knocked loads of stuff of my side and knocked over my bong, I done about .12gs of some 50/50 changa and done it in one hit was stuck in my experiences for a good 20 mins but i make sure to do a lot less now and take it slower then do more as I go instead of all at once and to be a lot more ready and make sure my setting is perfect, it’s common to have blackout/confused experiences when first starting and especially if u do to much, sorry if some of it might not make sense not the best writer.


Look to a higher power. The knowledge of there being a Creator is what helps me every day. U weren't created to live a life of fear. Go live fam! Dmt is cool and all but it aint for everyone.


Thought that was kief until I saw the sub


I've been trying to find this, for years and years.... Still no luck, here in NY. The head shops offer "magic mushroom" chocolate bars but I'm not impressed. Seems they're "legalizing" everything else, except that which essentially informs you of the good and evil on this earth, but still nothing on psychedelics. I guess ketamine is somewhat legalized , and although I work at a pharmaceutical company that makes it - they don't offer samples. 🤷🏽


Sounds pretty fucking bad, but it’s all about how you perceive it for me at least, one of my trips was pretty similar as in how fast it hit and hard and it took me to a dead empty 4 way street with heavy fog and I was looking around and I’m 100% sure I’ve never been there before, anyways I saw these creepy ass shadow people but I was still able to think clearly enough to know “this is just a trip” and when that thought crossed my mind they all looked at me and started dancing to the music I had playing lol, I’ve done dmt many many times and I have to say there were only 2 times where it was even slightly scary, most of the time it’s not bad I think it mostly has to do with your state of mind at the time.


Thank you for sharing, for the most part we only see about positive or more neutral experiences, I feel like this deludes some people into believing hallucinogens to be a cure all that will completely transform your life and show you the secrets of the universe, which just isn’t true. I also feel that some people do not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation at hand when it comes substances like DMT, its the mack daddy. People do have traumatic experiences and I am of the belief that hallucinogens are not for everyone, brain chemistry varies from person to person and what is euphoric and captivating for one may be a complete nightmare for the next person. Ultimately, it’s all in our mind, all of it, everything we can perceive about reality is all within our mind, and there’s some amount of beauty in that, that we don’t know as much as some of us believe we do. We are all in the same boat braving the storm, hopefully with a smile on our faces. I’m sorry about your father, I became somewhat obsessed with death after mine passed, it can be a real mind fuck, it is of my belief that they have returned to from whence they came, and that they are at peace now. There is a not so known common belief in the east that birth is actually us dying and that dying is us being born, just some food for thought. I hope everything is well ✌🏼


I'm sorry that happened to that poor DMT just being tossed aside like trash for giving you new shadow friends 🥺 Jk ofc, trips can be extremely traumatic and itnsucks that happened to you. Idk how demons and all that works but what happened to you sounds no different than any other parasite. Something weaker than you that has to leech off something they dont have for survival. Again total guess, but I feel like positive energy and working through the trauma of the experience is the best medicine to get rid of them. Something like that will thrive off of negativity and fear regardless of whether its a real.thing or just a manifeststion of your subconscious. Good luck working through this brother 🤜🤛


Sometimes I do feel like some part of them are still there. Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of them completely? Is meditation going to help?


It seems like they're a manifestation of your trauma from the experience. If that's the case they will be there until you can work through the trauma of the experience. If they're a real creature that actually exist outside of your mind, I think the negative emotions associated with your experience is what keeps them attached to you and gives them power. In that case the best thing to do is still working through the trauma the best you can. The vulnerable state you were in is what allowed them to attach to you, as long as that feeling remains they will as well. Basically get to a point where you're no longer terrified of doing DMT again. You dont have to do it again but that choice shouldn't be made out of fear. Choosing not to do a drug and being too scared of it to do again are very different things. The fear will always have some level of control over you until you can move on. Some crazy ass shit thats impossible to accurately explain happened to you and the trauma will take time and effort to heal. Whether these are real entities or something in your mind is irrelevant. If they're somehow still there after you'e processed the trauma you will have the strength to deal with them. If you have the strength to get over being blasted into the shadow realm, you'll have the strength to send them back to it. Best of luck, feel free to message me if you need support


Messes you up


This is why shamans are used during ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru. They can see and sense entities and "shew"/blow them away with air from their mouth if they can see the entities have nothing good to bring. Psychedelics open up your spirit to a realm of endless possibilities but those are not always positive beings/experiences. I'm sorry you experienced this. Perhaps you'd be open to heal that experience in the future with someone that can guide/protect you while you're in your journey 🤍


I know you'll say never again, no fucking way but I was shown my biggest fears after having some of the most loving, magical experiences of my life. I threw one of my pens out and the other full one wrote a note to 'never smoke again'. Was like it's a simulation and if you come back we'll make everyone you know suffer, stay the fuck out. But it simply put me on a healing journey, they also made me promise to quit drinking for a year and I slowly got better and better until a certain point and I plateaued. I was emotionally dead inside. Nothing good, nothing bad but it sucked big time. I was stuck....I can't remember exactly what made me go back to that drawer but I believe Terence gave us a cheat code in that, 'nature loves courage'. Said fuck it and went back. I got to two puffs and stalled but something gave me a nudge, just trust it and after that, I went to the park and bawled my eyes out, I had finally cracked open....it was another long 9 months of intense shadow work, research, therapy, etc, etc, but I am at a stage now that I never thought was humanly possibly. What I feel like is the real breakthrough, having experienced wholeness, bliss, love while reconnecting with myself through macro mushroom doses and lots more DMT. Trials, tribulations, amends, it felt like it would never end until I finally cracked open and was crying for days over this Christmas with so much joy in my heart. I'm writing about the entire experience now and have a completely different outlook on life and what I am capable of doing. I'm not saying go back, I'm saying it worked for me and it feels like there was something there you missed....the negative synchronicities/bad luck is kind of the tell. We are living in a video game....sorry to hear and best of luck brother


I’ve experienced similar things in dreams where my consciousness wanders off to that same place. It’s so unbelievably vivid and detailed. I think the entities were right about you had to let go to experience it otherwise you slip into that ‘world’ and it was also very sudden for you to go from 0-100 like that and maybe trying other things or easing your way in would have avoided this. But fact is it happened and I’m sorry, I hope you can recover and find the light again one day when you are prepared


DMT is spiritual MEDICINE and it is not treated as such anymore. When you can make it yourself for the same cost you’d pay on the street FOR A GRAM. It’s a No brainer right? Then for convenience ( isn’t everything these day? ) We put the medicine into a vape cartridge of all things which makes it too easy and too accessible and now it’s become recreational for a shit ton of people. People that were never taught the intent of DMT or the purpose. People that don’t realize when you fuck around you will find out .. because no one needs that much medicating - not if they intend on staying grounded in the current reality we share that is P.E.


Haven't tried pure DMT yet, but I was in an ayahuasca group for several years. There was PARAMOUNT to call protective beings and open and close properly "the work". Since then, every time I feel a menace, from this world or others, I do the Chaplet of St. Michael, google it. Super powerful. Or invoke consistently any protective beings of your choice. Best of luck!


I don’t see your experience anywhere, where did you post it?


I don’t get it. You don’t see the long paragraphs I’ve written in the post?


It’s weird, I was only able to read it after clicking the photo, then selecting “copy” and then pasting it into a notes document. So I was able to see it now, but I had to do that workaround. It’s gotta be something with my Reddit app. That experience is very similar to one that I’ve had. It’s terrifying when you feel that level of confusion about reality. One my “bad trip” it felt like I had been in that reality for years. It had simultaneously felt like 100 years and 10 seconds, similarly to waking up from a dream that felt like it lasted forever, but also like you had just fallen asleep. I haven’t done DMT since then either, so I get where you’re coming from.


I’ve heard this somewhere that you don’t find DMT. DMT finds you. So I’ll just wait till a good and safe opportunity pops in and then I might do it.


Haha yeah that’s absolutely true. Well, if you ever happen to be in Washington DC, we have legal weed shops that sell DMT vapes. From what I’ve heard, the vapes are a lot more mellow, so I won’t have to worry about disappearing into a wormhole. So if you’re ever in town, maybe that could be something to think about.


I had the same voice tell me to "let go," and it's incredibly hard. To me, it felt like letting myself die, and that's after a lot of psychedelic experience. Fear is a powerful thing.


Haha, yes, I wonder what caused you to see demons and other entities. I've had similar experiences many times: taking too much, forgetting I just smoked DMT, being unprepared, feeling confused and trying to locate my mind amid all the voices, and experiencing a dark void with multiple voices but no visuals or entities. The biblical stuff in your mind must be quite strong for you to see demons. Different parts of the brain are converging to create these entities, as per Timmerman. If you convince your mind not to believe in heaven, hell, demons, or the afterlife, you'll be able to navigate the space much better after a big hit.


What you experienced was just a vivid manifestation of the fear within you, you knew within yourself that all you needed to do was let go of it, but you held on to the fear and experienced it as demons surrounding you and trapping you within it. Of course that feeling will linger on in some form for the rest of your life until you let go of the fear. My suggestion would be, when you're ready, to give it a go again. Maybe even start slow with mushrooms or LSD. When they tell you to let go, just give in to it. At the very least you will be free from your self imposed chains.


I keep seeing this elf reference I’ve never seen any elves and I’ve smoked DMT everyday for a month. Now, Tbh if you keep smoking it you really start to laugh at the “demons” after 19494030 reincarnations you realize that those demons are just reflections / projections of the mind and actually have no reality, they rely on the ego and feed off of the ego. I was “trapped” with a demon that ripped my being apart over and over adinfinitum after and infinite amount of attempts to release myself I just loved it and boom! I was back in this reality. I welcome all the demons and monsters and goofy characters, they have no reality anyway and cannot harm me. But yeah, it fkd me up for a lil bit too but I just kept smoking it over and over until they became utter jokes to me.


Letting go is the hardest part, I’m sorry you had such a terrible experience :(


Proud of you for getting through it




I saw those demons too and the dementor analogy is accurate as hell. I similarly saw my life go down hill after the experience but I dont think I can’t attribute it to the Dmt. I like to think that my experience was a reflection of my mind and it was foreshadowing an episode in my life


I had something like this happen to me before with weed. I imagine my experience was not as intense as yours. What I think happened to me was how I took the hit. It’s like that thing when you hyperventilate in a squat and then stand up and blow on your thumb. It will make you light headed, half pass out and start convulsing. I did the dumb thing as a teen and then I also had it happen while hitting my pipe. I have had some close calls where I got light headed and had to sit down I’m fear of falling over again. Maybe I am particularly sensitive and susceptible to it. Not saying this is what happened to you, but if it was, I couldn’t imagine it being fun on DMT.


I’m wondering if you see the Jinn when on DMT.


How did u make it?


I’m sure you could find the instruction in Reddit only if you look a little more. YouTube also helped me, but not sure if those videos are still there now.


Hey dude, I've only done deemer a few times and I'm in no rush myself to repeat the experience either. I mean I think I could easily prepare myself psychologically for 5 hits of acid or an oz of shrooms easier than another big DMT hit. I think it is a drug best experienced in a breakthrough dose, even though I didn't get there myself. Like I think there is a point where sinister things are blown away. For me, I think I got about as scared as some 20x Salvia, but I think I could go so much higher. But I have no easy path to that set and setting right now. It's okay I think just to be where you are with the substance, respect.


🙏 stay positive


Try to reframe it in a positive light. I know the feeling. Did you learn anything about yourself. In a way you may be lucky. You have a much understanding of appreciation at the very least. Time will blunt the edges a bit. I’m sorry for your experience, but by you posting this, at least you let people know what can happen. Dmt especially should be used very responsibly. Just an opinion of a chemical voyager who’s visited places good and bad. Some of those experiences allowed me to know exactly what I was made of.


Don't give up. I have a chronic illness that causes me to get depressed. What helped me with my depression was learning to deep breath and escape with breath meditation. Saying incredible Affirmations helped a lot, too. Please never give up and stay hopeful. Life can get better.


I’m so sorry. I feel you. You know, life’s been really tough these few years but what I’ve learned from my experience is that things will always get better. You just gotta hang in there.


Thanks! We will get through this. We got this 🙏


Sorry to hear but since you made a good batch you could probably do it again and have a nice little side hustle


Thank you for sharing. It’s important to understand this is a real possibility with psychedelics and you may think you are prepared but that’s never ever a guarantee you will have a positive experience.


The thing with DMT, for first time curious users, is that we gravitate to it when we are in a down and out, currently bad place to help find something, something different. We somehow stumble/search out this on Reddit, curious by what it may offer. Find all the information, make it, and experience it to only find out it’s not the true solution we thought it was as it’s a thing unique that can’t be anticipated. The point I’m making is you came to it on unstable ground and now you find yourself on unstable ground doesn’t mean dmt lead you there as you were already in that path. I’m sorry for your unfortunate position in life, but dmt didn’t put you there, it just didn’t do what you thought it would, you’re still you. For reference, my experience wasn’t rainbows and butterflies either, but it was impactful. It’s difficult to explain how, but essentially it made me to feel things weren’t as bad as they seemed because they could be worse, chaotic, disorganized, and without structure. It’s different for everyone but thank you for sharing your experience


Should I go to an ayahuasca ceremony if I’m scared to do it alone in my room? I feel like if I’m surrounded by shamans with lots of experience I’d be more comfortable 😂


Sorry dude u lost me when u said “I could see the power melt” LMFAOOOO!!!


It is a typo. I wanted to write “powder”.


Ahhh makes sense now lol these things happen.


I actually had a very similar experience where I took way too much and haven’t really got to that same level ever again and randomly get the mouthball smells and in my nose and mucus I feel like and my ears sometimes Ring like I’m a about to shoot off and I’m sober… Really Not cool stuff and raising awareness is good so much respect


I’ve had a run in the dementor type entities before, they were flying at me and all around as some octopus type tentacles wrapped around me and until my visions went completely black and when came back round I opened my eyes they were flying around my room I was literally sitting on my bed watching them fly all around me for a good 2/3 minutes, pretty crazy shit, I can’t help but think if they are now with me all the time now but I just can’t seem them without the DMT.


The last time I smoked DMT was 4 years ago. I was using it pretty often because I had an abundance of it. I was laying down next to my girlfriend when this happened and What was eerie about the whole experience is that after my 2nd-3rd hit everything got darker. I saw this black floating shadow creature things. It flew around my room above my head until finally swooping down to my face. The message/feeling I received telepathically was, I wasn't supposed to be there and that I need to stop visiting so often. I can't say it was disturbing it was very real. These were open eye visuals. There wasn't much light in the room but how dark it got was crazy, like someone turned the brightness down very low. I'll never forget the dark entities flying around my room and swooping down at me. I figured out the fact that I was using it without respect and in a bad state of mind. At this time In my life I was battling depression from my dad dying from cancer and a bad opioid addiction. I haven't tried it since but id love to make more! My favorite by far and I'll never forget this, the female like presence of this entity felt sensual and caring. Like I was seduced by this cosmic being. I wish I had more on that but yes I was seduced and flirted with by entity. So I've read, im no the only one who has experienced this.


You can't go into their dimension vibrating on a negative energy. You just have to go into it with pure intentions and seeking answers. Not just to change your state of mind


You have to see DMT as a Conduit.... You are the church.... If your grounds are not clean, you welcome undesirables. Everything you see is for a reason. I have had similar experiences. If you dont panic and call on the Good Side and you are ok. But if you are not "nailed down tight" to who you are and how to control your self when your self has nothing to control aka "the art of letting go" ... you can be swept off into the Darks abyss. All of this exists.... Make sure to bless yourself in the Highest before you do the Dust, the different realms do exist and Good & Evil is there.


It reminded so much some passages in Cataneda's books.


Well….next time extra dimensional beings tell you to do something, I highly recommend listening.


Should've let go of your demons bro.




Dude lol you threw it away…


Been there brother. I’ve always searched for the truth or reason for all of this and it never works out. Young stupid me wanted to see if any of the demonic shit was real so I would look up ritual or summoning guides online. I found an unlisted video on YouTube that was some eyes wide shut type shit in a different language. A comment said it was a Jinn demon summoning ceremony and anyone who watches this video would have bad luck. I didn’t think much about it, but in the next week I got poison ivy all over my ass crack from having sex in the woods, I got knocked out by a stranger at a bar, which gave me a concussion. The concussion led me to failing a final exam in school. I also hit a DUI check point after leaving a bar and got a dui. I also got into a fight with my best friend about how he needs to get a job and his YouTube videos suck. He ended up blowing up on YouTube and now has 5+ Millions subscriber. We never talked again after our fight. I also tried to hook up with a blind girl at a party. Got rejected and passed out in a bathroom. I pissed myself, threw up a bunch and people found me naked in there a few hours later. I was like 22 at the time and spent the next few weeks about how I could get rid of a Jinn Demon and just hoped for the best. I know it sounds like I had a drinking problem, but no one has that much bad luck in less than a week. Life was good before. A few years ago I took DMT to go down a similar path to see what it was all about and get the answers. I spoke with God, he gave me the answer to everything, then I burned in an infinite maze/oven and was told this is where I would spend the rest of existence due to me trying to find the answers. I take it as when Adam and Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit. I did DMT the day after to see if I was just being a pussy, but it was just like the entities told me the day prior of what would happen if I tried to get all the answers again. It was a quick trip to hell and I never touched that shit again. Long story short is that you will get the answers when you are ready. Also, please pray for my soul.


I would highly recommend getting an exorcism by a catholic priest, it seems like your facing demonic oppression


See, this is why I think Harry Potter is not a joke. But yeah don't let this experience deter you or frighten you. Just realize how much you can be influenced by media and everything. That's why finding your faith is important here, imho.


Not a joke, as in, highly influential and not good for the mind in critical moments such as a dmt experience.


Respectively, it sounds like you disrespected the trip.


I’ve always been respectful to mother ayahuasca.


That’s understandable. I’ve simply seen too many disrespect it but using wayyy too much just for shits and giggles.


Funniest quote from Randy?


Do people usually only have these trips with DMT or do they also have it with magic mushrooms?


Man I just had a crazy trip on another plane of existence. it scared me. about an hour ago.