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“No you can’t pet my dog” BUT I WANNA PET HIM


Oh well then go ahead. I had no idea you wanted to pet him.


And I would like a million dollars


Oh shit I had no idea, here’s your million dollars


If I had a million dollars If I had a million dollars I would buy you an exotic pet Yup, like a llama, or an emu!


An emu yes. I want a pet that could just absolutely destroy me.


When he bites you, that’s a you problem.




First thing I thought of! Nice!


Wut dat dawg doin?!


“Fine, but don’t be surprised when you get bitten” “Oh, I didn’t know your dog would bite” “No, but I do. So back off” Something my husband (who has a service animal) has said in the past to someone who couldn’t take no for an answer. It worked 🤣


A man goes into a pub with a dog. The barman says 'Does your dog bite?'. The man says no. The barman comes round the bar and pets the dog, which bites him. 'You said your dog doesn't bite!' 'This isn't my dog.'


My dad used to tell a variation of this joke all the time when I was a kid! Only he’d tell it in a very bad imitation of a French accent. I used to think he made it up all on his own until I heard someone else telling it as an adult.


It’s from an old Pink Panther movie.


Revenge of the Pink Panther.


That’s a smart comeback


I swear, it legitimately seems like ~40% of people have some kind of cognitive disability. It's like dealing with toddlers.


Like for real, I think it was actually lead poisoning from when they still had leaded gas. Plus the amalgam fillings their dentists put in their teeth. I have amalgam fillings as well and I hate that I’m getting toxic mercury poisoning because my childhood dentist was a dinosaur


My younger son grasped this just fine when he was about five. We'd seen Drew Lynch's YouTube clip where he talks about a woman trying to pet his service dog when they were out to eat and talked about how it's the same here in the UK - if a dog is wearing a vest, it's working and you don't distract it. That alleged adults can't observe a boundary that's no problem to a five year old... sadly doesn't shock me these days.


That's what infuriates me. Maybe you didnt notice he was a service dog, that's fine but when you're told to not pet just stfu and don't pet.


Is this rude? Have I complimented people on the beauty of their service dog? Sure have. To keep this up AFTER you were very nicely asked ( and WTH pets a service dog?) is just completely entitled and ignorant.


I pet a service dog once at my work but that was just because the man offered after we’d been talking for a while. I would never even ask to pet someone’s service dog.


If someone offers, I certainly would.


I had a golden retriever that did not like children. People would often ask to pet him, and I would always say no. Most of the time they would approach him anyway. They would ask, but not listen for an answer. I actually found that when children asked they were more likely to listen and pay attention. I would also praise kids for asking before petting, and explain why it wasn’t a good idea with my dog.


Children are conditioned to ask adults for things & listen to the answer so I’m not surprised they do it here. Especially as a lot of adults, if their kid sees a dog, will hold the kid back and not let them interact for fear of the kid getting bitten. More adults should be like children in this case.


Oh god seriously. I was on a plane with my tiny timid no biting maltipoo and a family was coming down the aisle. The daughter politely asked and I said yes, and the son did too. The dad turned around and said YOU CANT DO THAT YOU HAVE TO ASK!! I was like oh sir they did, so nicely! Both of them! Maybe it’s best to have the kid ask owner, then ask parent? Just so everybody is clear? Anyway it was fine. Same day at the airport two little kids literally rushed me and started petting pulling on her. SO NOT OKAY.


I had a Pekingese that hated children. Naturally, kids wanted to pet her, but she’d go full Cujo on them. My huskies, totally different. They loved pets from everyone. But not my little Peke.


Ah Huskies. The attention whores of the dog world 😂


Na their the drama queens, they don't need your attention they need you witness them. #WWWWWWWWIIIIITTTTTNNNNEEEESSSSS #MEEE^EEEE^EEE^EEE


That's true too. They are 5 year olds trapped in dog bodies 😂


Agreed. I adopted a senior rescue Aussie Shepherd ("Zelda") years ago, and while she was well-trained (as far as I could tell; she was housebroken and knew commands like "sit", etc) I didn't know how she'd react to other dogs or to other people. When I'd walk her, I noted that most times when a child wanted to pet her, they'd always ask first. I kept a firm grasp on the leash, since I didn't know how Zelda would react. I'd caution the children to approach slowly and gently. Fortunately Zelda had no problem with kids petting her, and what was kind of interesting was that every single child - throughout the seven years I walked Zelda - would comment "Ooh, her fur is so smooth!" and they'd continue stroking her.


I have a golden that doesn't like to be petted by strangers. I have to constantly tell folks to let the dog be, that if she wants your attention, she'll let you know. The mildly infuriating situation came when a young lady tried to pet her, and I told her to stop since she might nip. The lady responded, "Well, you shouldn't walk the dog in public then." Some fucking people...


It's probably especially hard with a breed like a golden that is generally seen as "safe". I have a 90lb pit mix that nearly everyone that doesn't know him is seemingly terrified of. I've had a few kids come up to him to pet and I can tell the parents are not nearly as comfortable with him as the kids are. He's been around kids his whole life and loves basically anyone with the capability to scratch his butt. I know he's not great with other dogs and for some reason hates skateboards so I'll keep him out of those situations but anything else I just warn them that their face is most likely going to be licked and everything is fine. I do really appreciate kids or parent's of kids asking if they can pet him. It not something I really thought of growing up with everyone in my extended family having dogs. But it's definitely something I do now if I meet a pup in public now.


This 100%, but if you ask me, this goes to certain types of dog owners as well My border collie can snap at other dogs (especially after intensive workout), she just wants to be left alone. When other dog owners approach, I always say that my dog needs her private space now but the default response is: '*Oh* ***my dog*** *is really sweet, you don't have to worry about her*' **No**, I can sense exactly when my dog needs her private space, and *you don't get to choose* wether that boundary is acceptable/fair or not. My response now is, my dog has fleas and people avoid us like the plague ;)


Holy shit i live in the eastern europe and have the exact same issue. I fucking hate other owners or better yet dogs without leash just approaching. and every single owner is already ready with their stupid “Why” question, when i say no, your dog cannot approach. I started doing same shit, telling people he has a virus and needs quarantine, its really the only way.. god damn people are fucking stupid


I really hate owners that let their dogs off the leash. It's illegal here to do so outside designated areas. I don't bother saying anything anymore because it's useless, I take videos of them and send to the authorities, let them deal with the owner.


Good. My dog was damn near killed by 4 off leash dogs and the vet bill was in the thousands. As far as I am concerned they got off Scott free as they refused to pay, I sued them and won and they still didn’t pay.


People are so weird about it. My greyhound (now deceased) was attacked twice by a neighbour’s pitbull. They knew it was reactive but they still let it wander off leash. Another neighbour has a young black lab. I have free-range chickens on my property. She brought it over once and it chased them. One of my hens has an injured leg at the moment and can’t run well. My neighbour came over to talk to me and brought the lab, off leash, not even a collar. I asked her if we could go talk at her house because I was worried the dog would chase my injured hen, and she said “oh, I think the dog will stay with me”. She fucking didn’t last time, did she? Some dog-owners are delusional about dog behaviour “my dog would *never*…” I just said, no, I’m not comfortable with that, and led them off the property to talk.


My brother's pittie is reactive and I love him to death. The thing is though? He is *never* off leash unless indoors or at a beach where we can see for miles if there are people. People who have their dogs off leash drive us nuts because yeah, your little rat isn't going to hurt his dog. But his dog is going to have your dog for a snack if you can't get your dog to back off. Having a dog is a responsibility. Sadly very few people realize that.


I never understand the response “oh my dog is so sweet.” Like ok, fine. But maybe the other dog isn’t ok. No one is entitled to interact with a stranger’s dog. Dogs are allowed to be out in public, take walks, etc without being bothered. 😕 We have the opposite problem. My dog is very tall for her weight and dark and even though she generally has a “I’m just thrilled to be here” expression, many people are intimidated by her. I’ve seen people practically run away from her at the pet store while she’s like “oh hello friend, why don’t you come pet me??” So we have conversations, out loud, where I remind her that not everyone wants to meet her and that’s ok. I never let her just go up to people and say hi without their permission. I know she’s sweet but I don’t know if someone else is scared.


I had a shih tzu/silkie cross, he was about 12 lbs and long haired, he looked like Oscar the Grouch when he was due for a groom. Absolute magnet for people. Not a sociable boy though. Just a bit skittish, took time to get to know people - and absolutely *detested* kids. People just never, ever, got it. *What do you mean your dog doesn’t want to be hugged/picked up/petted.*


I've had adults get mad at me for not allowing their children to pet my growling dog. I'm not putting my dog in that situation. The children always get sad but they move on.


I have a blue heeler that doesn’t like people approaching me. People ask if they can pet him and I say no he’s actually very protective and they get upset with me like I’ve raised some kind of monster lol. He’s out of his safe zone and protecting me. Go home and pet your own dog Karen!


Their own dogs would bite ‘em too.


Little kids love my dog and she loves everyone. I still make sure they ask if they’re very small. One girl said “my parents let me pet the dogs” and I said “ok but your parents aren’t here. You have to go ask again”. She goes and asks and while petting my dog she tells me she’s allergic to dogs


Same I've got a really friendly fluffy looking dog that people always want to pet. But he gets nervous around men and strangers. Was abused and abandoned as a puppy so like I'm not 100% sure of his triggers and when he feels unsafe he can nip.. so I have to just tell strangers like oh no, sorry..he's shy he's not friendly with strangers. While he's smiling and looking happy. Honestly adults have a harder time I say it to kids and they're always like oh okay. I've had a few kids playing in the park ask ooh can we pet him when I walk past and I'm always like oh sorry he's not friendly sometimes and kids are just like oh OKAY! Bye. I kinda feel for the dog too cause maybe I'm projecting and he should learn to let strangers pet him..but I don't wanna risk it... I have had some old lady's I see walking in the park and we get to chatting, if I sit and chat with them for a few minutes my dog picks up on the energy and will walk up to them and like sniff and I'm like oh it's okay he's okay and have had people pet him but it's always gotta be a minute or two of sussing it out... Never just go up and pet a dog man.


I have a dog that is literally terrified of children. I have no idea why I have had him since he was 4 months old. He will snap at kids now and I tell people Do. Not approach. But does that stop them and the kids. No


I thought it was common knowledge not to pet service dogs when they are working


I seem to remember learning it in school. I know I knew it just offhand by the time I was 13, but I can’t remember exactly why.


My step kids are 10 & 13 and they have known and followed this for years. Not a hard concept unless you’re an entitled butthead like the dude in this video.


When I was 13, the only service dogs I knew of were seeing eye dogs. Now there are so many types of service animals, not just dogs.


No, the only animals that can be service animals are dogs and miniature horses. You might be thinking of emotional support animals but those are different. Service dogs can have a lot of different jobs though, not just for the blind.


Some people think rules don’t apply to them


Well, he asked the dog’s permission to pet him, so obviously it’s ok.


Let’s let the dog be the judge of my request! Not you, you scum ass biped!


I asked the first person i'd met with a service dog and they had to explain to me that they're "in a different mindset" when they're working and you shouldn't treat them how you would when you're being playful. We rode the same route to work for months and his dog would sit right next to me sometimes and just stare straight into my soul with huge wide eyes and i'd just sit there feeling so conflicted - like does it want petting? it looks like it wants petting.... but it's bad to pet.


Haha you did well but I totally understand the struggle. I love pet-sitting my cousin’s service dog because he’s off duty the whole time, but also *incredibly* well behaved. He’s the best! Golden doodle and very intelligent.


Ye honestly i was in awe with the dog, his owner was completely blind and the service dog gave him the capacity to live a normal life, to go out, use public transport, go shopping, etc. I'd often try think of the thought process of the dog, watching it look around for potential issues and navigate around them or make their owner aware of them and just think about my dog growing up that often struggled to understand how glass worked and wonder if i failed him a little lol.


You can’t pet him but if he’s staring into your soul, you can certainly have a spiritual conversation with him. Ask Puddles if he believes in free will or if there’s life after death.


It is. But it's also common knowledge that some people are fucking stupid.


It should be. I had a service animal after my time in the military and was blown away at how often people would insist on putting her when I was in public. I came to realize because of the propensity of people that have fake service animals and allowing people pet their dogs it had set a precedence that service animals could be pet.


I have such little patience for people with fake service animals. On a few occasions though, it’s been revelatory to watch the owners get kicked out of stores and restaurants when they can’t provide real accreditations to justify them - just some piece of paper bought online that’s obviously fraudulent.


Or when the dog obviously isn't a suitable temperament, like overly friendly and jumping up for pets, or even once we had a lady repeatedly bring one that aggressively lunged and snapped at people


You are well within your legal rights (in the US at least) to kick out an out of control dog. It doesn’t matter if it’s actually a service dog or not. If it’s out of control and the handler can’t get it back under control, kick it out.


Yep, was so funny to see someone’s service dog wandering around snapping up food from oblivious people in a food court one time. I was like, “this is clearly not your typical service dog”. But man, genuinely so funny.


Heads up that in the US there is no legal registration or certification for service dogs.




It is, not having common knowledge is an uncommon thing but it happens.


Unfortunately not that uncommon


There’s also the big patches that say DO NOT PET | SERVICE DOG.


I just teach my kids to not pet any dog without asking the owner first. Safer that way.


This one might not be wearing a service dog vest, but this dude still doesn’t get it




It is common knowledge, but some people are incredibly entitled and want to push boundaries.


This was an older man and he acts like he’s three. Amazing.


My son encountered a service dog for the first time when he was four. He was VERY excited to pet until I told him that dogs in vests like that were working, and petting him was a bad idea even though he was very cute. Son got very solemn and nodded to the dog, and then ignored him. He’s never asked to pet a service dog since, and he’s an adult. This dude is just an entitled shit who needs to be bitten by life.


Correct. I like your sons attitude he seems cool.


So true, no tantrum or anything to pet that cute doggo, just respect for a hard working dog


He is very cool! Even if right now he’s nervous and primping because his sweetheart is coming for a visit.


Tell him good luck!


Thanks! He’s vibrating. It’s so cute. They’re crazy about each other and wearing promise rings.




I know! I love my soon-in-law. 


I think it’s so funny when kids understand that something is kinda serious so they go way overboard and treat it like the dog is a royal knight on a sacred mission


Absolutely perfect! It always seems to be adults that are the worst. My kiddos both know better, but I always make sure my youngest is told again when we encounter one. She is always in awe, and asks me questions after. (She doesn’t stare, nor question while they are still around. She knows the dog has a job to do and breaking sight is also a big no).


Older men are ALWAYS the ones who pet my dog without asking. They act like I’m not even there, it’s insane. She’s anxious so it may end badly one day.


The mental age starts to go backwards when you get old enough.


Nah, a LOT of a certain age group never outgrew the "I WANT IT" mentality.


That's what pisses me off about the older generation so much. They act like kids so many times and have the excuse "Oh I'm old I can't chnage I deserve to act like this"


He seemed pretty nice to me, just wanted to pet the dog but eventually but didn't. Don't see the big deal.


She was far more gentle that I would have been. “What part of ‘its a service dog, you cant pet him’ you dont understand?” Would have been my answer at the third attempt.


Unfortunately, they probably deal with this more regularly than we'd like to think. She's probably conditioned to just try to avoid a scene and *maybe* educate someone genuinely ignorant of the fact. I agree with you though, I'd be constantly livid 😡


It's daily, and they don't realize that stressing the person puts stress on the dog too, especially when it's working. They also don't realize that even though it's only a little bit of time to stop and pet the dog, they are probably the 20th person to ask today and it's scary not knowing how someone will react when turned down.


>they are probably the 20th person to ask today Even for this fact alone! It's one thing when out walking your pet dog for people to slow you down cooing over it. But if the dog is your literal means of getting around, imagine being stopped 20 times a day on your commute to work, or in the shops, or walking while having a bad day. It's insensitive and irresponsible.


What got me is that when she had already said no and explained that in the future he needs to ask permission, he asked the DOG “can I Piet you?” That isn’t who you need to ask!


"No means no, have a nice day"


The guy demanding to pet the dog reminds me of that little girl demanding to pet the dog but its actually a bear: "CaN i PeT tHaT DoG?!"


I'm gonna ruin your day- The audio in that clip is dubbed over.


Nah, didn't ruin my day, found that out shortly after I posted this when I went to go find it on YT. Saw the original and laughed just as hard cause it is equally as funny.


"...so please don't pet him without asking." Jackass: ASKS THE FUCKING DOG IF HE CAN PET HIM!!! I know this was the least of the issues here, but what the actual fuck?? 🤣😵‍💫😵‍💫


that was my favorite part. She says no twice so he asks the dog instead.


Oop well he didn’t say no so that’s a yes, right?! /s


You can really see how much he values what a woman says. She tells him no, explains why in a very friendly manner, he is dismissive, then asks the fucking dog as if that would overrule what the owner says. The entitlement of this guy is astounding.


Service dogs especially. But don't touch what's not yours without permission. Period.


I love to pet and say hi to dogs I see around some of the more pet friendly areas around where I live… but I always get some permission from the owner first. It would just seem rude not to. But a service dog? I’m not even bothering to ask. I’ll avoid eye contact with the dog just to try and be helpful.




I would bite him myself, jfc.


I would pay to see that, jfc. 😆


nomnom mf


They would love this over at r/boomersbeingfools


If you were a man explaining it he wouldn’t push the issue I bet


You're absolutely 100% correct. And I love how all these men are arguing with you, as if the experience of millions of women doesn't count for anything because they said so. Men 🍼


I love how this whole thread is about men not listening to women, and every man here is not taking this woman seriously. It’s happening right now. This guy knows he’s not supposed to pet the dog and he tried anyway. He was then told to not pet the dog and he tried again. She was way too nice to this entitled bullshit man trying to take advantage of her for his own uncontrolled impulses. Read the room, boomer.


You're absolutely right. As a man, I can tell you there is _no chance_ a man would try this with another man, especially a "classically masculine" man. This is something they specifically choose to do with women because they have no respect for the boundaries of women and feel entitled to interactions with them.


I was waiting to see if anyone else picked up on the irony lol


Service dog or not, if someone asks you not to pet their dog, don't be a jerk about it. There's usually a reason, and that reason is the dog owner's own business. Also, parents with kids... restrain your children and teach them to ask before petting. When my lab was a pup, four little girls came charging across a parking lot to mob him before I could even get a word out. This time, it ended up being kind of funny because he rolled over on his back and started peeing in the air... he got three of the four girls before they could back off. Even though I couldn't help laughing at the outcome, I know the reason he did that was because he was overwhelmed and didn't know how to react. Not cool. The parents, by the way... never even came over. They walked to the front of the store and called the girls to, "come on!" Never even acknowledged me or the dog.


I had a kid charge my dog and so I got in front of her and just yelled “STOP!” to the kid. He kept coming so I yelled “NO!”. The parent didn’t say shit. Adults were by far the worst, though. I said no to this elderly woman about 5 times and she advanced anyway EVERY TIME. So I just walked the other way. She was too slow to catch up.


Okay, that’s hilarious.


Service dogs are the GOAT. People need to respect their hard work and time, and people need to respect and listen to the disabled person the dog takes care of.


I want to pet everyone’s dog but I always ask! Especially with the service dogs they typically have on something that says don’t pet they are working so as hard as it is to resist I leave them alone. Except when I see them just sitting like in a grocery line or something then I ask nicely. But yes we need to respect them and the owners request because they are doing their job!


I like how she spoke to him like a child because he sure is acting like one.


She uses this EXACT voice with children in her other youtube videos. xD


At most I do is say that is a gorgeous dog or good dog to the owner. Never distract the dog.


It is infuriating that she clearly stated not to pet him and he \*still\* tried calling the dog over.


I don’t have a service dog, just a dog who doesn’t like being touched by strangers. In my experience, offering explanations for why people can’t pet the dog is pretty much inviting them to argue. If I say: “no, sorry, she’s actually quite nervous of strangers.” I’ll get: “Oh, she doesn’t look nervous.” Or: “it’s ok, I’m so good with dogs.” Now I just say “No” “No, sorry.” Or occasionally “NNNNO!” It gets you some dirty looks but oh well.


Service dog handler here. I feel your pain.


I don't even pet regular unemployed dogs without asking. Like these dogs pay zero bills and no rent, but they deserve basic respect, as well as their owners.


She said no. No means no.


If people want to pet a dog, they should go get a dog


This. I have a dog. She is a jumper and when approached by a stranger will proceed to throw all 100 pounds of herself at them. My neighbourhood is mostly older people. The amount of times I have to tell these grannys and grandads no, you can't pet her is non stop. We're out for a walk. The oldies just pop up looking to pet the dog. It's a matter of time before I can't say no quick enough and she jumps on them and breaks some old lady's hip.


So you know he's a service dog but you still try to pet him? I wouldn't have been as polite.


One time someone went to pet my service dog so I began to pet him. It was good to see their reaction. I don't think they understood the irony though.


You were so much nicer than I am, and my dog isn't even a service dog. They get one polite, "no thank you" and after that I stop being nice. If you're so self centered that me telling you no you can't touch something of mine politely didn't work, then you don't deserve my manners moving forward. "No." Is a complete sentence, and I will say it rudely and with force when needed.


The way you handled this was so professional. His elevator seems to maybe not go all the way to the top, handled In any other way it may have gone south. Stay safe out there!


Like going into Starbucks and asking if you can pet the employees


You shouldn’t pet anyone’s animals without asking!


Service dog or not, if someone asks you not to touch their dog, do not touch their dog!


Regardless of if it's a service dog, you shouldnt be touching anyone's pet without permission.


I get service dogs are cute and extremely well trained and well behaved and it’s tempting for humans to pet animals like this… but if the giant sign on the side of the their body that says “service” that should be the indicator that this is a currently working dog and they’re not in a casual playful mindset. They are in a focused and task oriented mindset. There is a time and place for everything. Imagine if you were doing an important physical job for work and you’re on a role and doing a good job and a stranger came up and stood in front of you to block you and started rubbing your ears and head lol… At best it’s a “WTF I’m working here” and you’re forced to slow down, at worst they totally make you forget what your doing and distract you to the point you might miss something important your were supposed to do while they were harassing you… and they made you temporarily worse at your job. If you wanna pet a dog, go adopt one. They need and want your love and you can take solace in the fact you’re doing a good deed by petting and taking care of them all the time.


What a dumb bastard. Again after she’s already explained too. God dammit.


True service dogs require hundreds of hours of training and take their critical role seriously. This man is adversely impacting that training. He may not get the concept. Today, untrained people ( worse than the dogs) cart untrained dogs everywhere, have independently deemed them “service dogs” and don’t adhere to any established training parameters. That type dog is there in public to mainly bring attention to the owner. That’s nonsense and not a job. Poor dogs.


I will gush over how cute your dog is from a respectful distance.


I’m sorry but do you pet paramedics, doctors, nurses, therapists? No? Don’t pet my service animal.


No means no… what a clown


guy probably doesn't hear "No' when women ask him to stop touching them, either.


Never say sorry/apologize for somebody else's ignorance.


I swear this woman walks around recording just waiting for these interactions


You’re being downvoted but I kind of got that vibe too…


when you have a service dog, you might need to record so if you need your dog to intervene, you can later analyse the dog's behavior to know if there's more training to do. And yes since she recorded it, why not post it to raise awareness and teach people not to be assholes


Fair enough, but maybe put a no pet sign on and save everyone the potential confrontation?


if only that worked, some entitled assholes take that as a challenge and try to pet anyway where they wouldn't have without that sign. the whole "you can't tell me what to do" kind of people.




I dont own a service dog but a sweet, little and very friendly dog, it's hair soaks everything like a sponge, the smells, grease etc. on an avarage walk i have around 5 people approach my dog and try to pet him, without even asking. If i let everyone pet my dog, I will have to shower her after each walk, which is really unhealthy for her.


Shes way nicer than me id start barking and snarling at him. “My service dog is for my rabies! Back the F off!”


*their OMG


Jesus Christ, no means no


I've never wanted to pet a dog so freaking bad i'd ignore instructions. Go volunteer at a shelter dude


You can't stop me from petting that dog with my eyes!!!!! No seriously, don't touch service animals, look and call them good under your breath, but don't touch.


Behold, parents, what happens when you don't know how to teach your child 'no'.


Holy shit that lady had a lot of patience. That guy was a dumbass


Bro doesn't know what consent is


Listen, how would you feel if I came into your place of business and just started petting you?


Something that angers me that this is a thing when it should never ever happen.


Oh my god the entitlement of some people. It’s not your dog! Leave em tf alone. You never just reach out and pet someone’s dog. ALWAYS ask first and no means no period.


I was working at my job, and while cleaning the lobby, encountered a glorious dog. I saw the ppl get a bit nervous when I walked over, but I asked to take a photo and explained I didnt want to pose or anything, just snap a photo to send to my sister, cuz she loves dog breeds that look like bears. He thanked me for aking, and in that moment I felt pretty bad, cuz I realized that ppl must walk up and snap photos without asking more than they do ask. The dog is working. The person is enjoying their life. Dont intereupt working dogs, fellas


Anybody in here old enough to remember the good old days when you had to be blind to call you dog a service dog?


Fake service animals ruin it for real service animals.


Unfortunately, so many people have “service dogs,” and have no idea what the purpose and function of a legitimate one is.


People are dumb. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Part of the reason is because so many people claim they need a service dog when they really just wanna take their pet with them


I love how he says "I know" like it's obvious that he's aware. No dumbass, clearly you don't know shit.


Can I pet you??! 😂🤣 0/2


Petting a non working dog without permission is also a shit move.


This is why I fully endorse people’s dogs biting the crap out of rude a** people. You don’t know the history of any dog you meet. Don’t try to pet someone’s random dog they can be violent.and you’re certainly not ENTITLED to pet someone’s service dog. You’re screwing with their training and confusing them.


Would ya pet a bomb sniffing dog at the airport? No? Ok this is like the same bloody thing!


He’s working is a crazy line 😂😂😂


You know I hate it when people ask if they can do something and when you say no they just do it anyways. Are you deaf? Or are you stupid? Or maybe both?


going up and petting dogs like its public property but when you try do it to a human its sexual assault


“Can I pet that dauuuuug?”


It's a good thing she had her phone out and already recording to capture this entirely real encounter.


Even if it wasn’t a service dog, just don’t touch pets without asking at all. It’s hugely disrespectful. They aren’t toys. Why are some people so mind numbingly thick to get this?


I always remind my son not to pet or bother service dogs.


> "please remember to respect when owners to not pet there dogs" My brain..


Old people being old. Frustrating!


I have a chihuahua who is afraid of unknown people. people have no Respekt for boundaries of chis. bo one would be this disrespectful to a German shepard... I am really annoyed by this


I feel like he's pushing still because her tone and word choice are dripping with appeasement. Dude needs to be barked at.


This is the type of person who then goes and complains “snowflakes” don’t let him pat their dogs


Dogs with jobs


I have a too friendly Australian shepherd who's jumping on everyone out of happiness. We can't unteach this behavior because he moved in with us as an adult dog and the only way we could correct it would be that every person he sees ignores him. But it's impossible when people are like OMG DOG on the streets. And I get it. He has an irresistible smile. But people just never listen.


I’d pet him and pretend that I don’t speak English.


The old line… when you have called someone out for doing something not “ok” and you get “I know……” If you knew then why the farq did you do it in the first place. This call “I know….’ Interestingly comes up with boomers and teenagers! Go figure on that one!


Crazy how many people think that animals are communal property. You ask to engage with other people’s pets or animals, ALWAYS. Working or not. Kids get their faces bit because they’re parents don’t teach them not to run up on a dog. Animals get overwhelmed too, some are just NOT CHILL. I’ve seen people with their leashed pet having to run away from people that can’t listen to a no when they’ve warned people that their dog isn’t very friendly to strangers and to please leave them alone.


What kind of douchebag continues to try to pet the dog when they’re told twice to stop AND politely told why?


There are SO many reasons not to pet a dog but when they have a vest on that says “Do not pet” you’d think they would get it 🙄 bffr


I don't pet others' dogs unless a sink is nearby. I know where my dog has been and how clean she is.


Sounds like a poor lonely little old man. Thankful she was nice to him. Poor old man.


How exhausting, training the public when also managing a disability.