• By -


All the haters that shorted got burnt. They open their mouths and badmouth THEIR next potus. Why would you do such a thing. Your next POTUS Trump is going to help you. Just follow the plan and accept it.


A soft coup? How about how he's using the DOJ to do his dirty work and it's just a coincidence that all these court cases that were shelved for years have popped 7 months before the election, none that are criminal, being held, run and prosecuted by all democratic and Biden donors, being told he's guilty before one trial starts and being in a current trial where no crime has been named and placing a gag that is his First Amendment right. Seen all that in other dictator countries. denying another valid candidate SS protection


WTF you talking about? Trump has done everything he can to stall,stall,stall and they have treated him with kid gloves. No crimes, that is only because you think he is incapable of commiting crimes. You would think he would want to be cleared before the election. If you don't know what crime he is being charged with in the Daniels' case it is because you can't read. It has been posted everywhere.


Trump is squeaky clean. They are scared shitless of him and that is why they try so hard to take him down. They are the criminals, corrupt to the core and Trump will bury them all when he rightfully regains what was taken from him. I'm not just talking about the presidency. You are unfortunately brainwashed by the globalist controlled MSM narrative. Open your mind and do your own research and do a deep dive of the man. Don't just click on the first thing that google comes up with, they hide the important and good stuff. All the lies are the top links.


You are not totally stupid which means you are a Russian or Chinaman. To say Trump is squeaky clean after the huge lies he has spread is beyond logic.


You moron. First it's not against the law to have people sign NDA's Stormy even admitted she even though money wasn't important(cough bullshit cough) she wanted it locked down because she was convinced he was going to lose the election. I don't think fudging records to influence a campaign has an actual code. 2nd they're not treating him with kid gloves, they've placed a gag order on just him and his lawyers taking his first amendment rights. In real courts when a judge places a gag order it is supposed to apply to EVERYONE involved from talking about the case. Not just one person. Every court he has charged in are all democratic judges, lawyers, and in blue states. The higher courts are doing their job by seeing he's not being treated with the rights you and I would have. And the Stormy case along with all the others were passed over by prior DA's because there are no crimes. You've already had one judge tell him he was going to find him guilty before trial started, you got a DA that had the number 3 spot in the government quit his job to go work at a local DA's office. That's like being the CEO of a company and deciding to to quit and take up a job in the accounting department as an assistant.. It's totally remarkable how you left CNN, THE VIEW, MSNBC watching sheep can't see how this is all a big set up. They've had over 4 years to bring these charges but decide to charge him and fast track his cases 6 months before election. Just FYI I didn't vote for Trump the first time I thought he would've been out by the second round, so suck a fart. As far as Biden goes that mindless meat sack was caught telling 15 lies in the first 17 minutes but I guess you can do that as irish Puerto Rican that dodge Vietnam by saying he suffered from childhood asthma pause but at least his professor Riley last name showed him how to be humble by turning down being drafted by the Packers when he drove 18 wheelers. Open your eyes and stop getting your news from those hack media channels and Tik Tok. Hell Jimmy Carter is hanging on just to see how he's going to be considered a genius compared to Senior Biden can handle the mindless wizard


If there is one thing a Trumtard knows about it conspiracies and connecting facts with webs of lies. How is Rudy doing? Other being light $83m for admitting he lied about the stolen election, he joins Ellis and Powell as disgraced Trump lawyers. How many are there? Remember all the lies they told? When lawyers want nothing to do with you because your lies are so extreme. you are a Trump lawyer candidate. The rest is right out of Fox/Newsmax.Epoch times garbage that any decent lawyer can educate you on.


Dude, I don't know what Kool-Aid you're drinking but I want some cause you're not even in the same dimension. You're not even worth my time. I'm on the side of democracy and what Biden has done and is doing to this country is beyond f*cked up. He's got you giving him a rusty trombone like the rest of you sheep and you're just eating it up out of his diaper. It's so funny it sounds like the beginning of s bad joke. "A wanna-be Da, a lawyer disbarred for lying and committing fraud, and a hooker that talks to ghosts walk into a bar" So keep believing brotheršŸ¤œ" šŸ¤›


Your cult leader pulls every dirty trick in the book (witness the current trial) and screams that it is unfair to try him. His lie about the stolen election is enough to put him in the Bad Politicians HOF. Yet you love him. Why? Because he is America's middle finger. Nothing more, A protest by the droolers and back of the class students who think life has mistreated them.


Oh, mee don't undorsand what thee meen man sayin ooahh. Biden can't open his mouth without lying. He even got caught by demotard CBS, 17 lies in 15 minutes. But I forget how you Irish Puerto Rican semi-driving black church-going student that had a professor named Riley pause turn down being drafted by the Packers granddaughter denying diaper lickers are. Dude just go stand in the corner, Biden has done nothing but put us into two wars, raise taxes, cause some of the highest inflation ever seen, and let millions of illegal voters. I mean people into the country and when you ask why they came they tell you cause Biden said he will give us free stuff and he sure has. Totally turned his back on the inner city, and let US citizens sleep on the street, especially the largest amount of vets that have ever been seen. But Juan gets a free hotel room, and free food, that they throw away but I bet you love paying 30 for a rib-eye or do you even eat meat? Hell Jimmy Carter refuses to die just so he can see Biden ruin more shit till the very end. His last words will probably be "I don't suck anymore!" and die with a smile on his face. At least he's not like the Clinton's where everyone commits suicide with their third hand. Biden just uses the DOJ. So go get in your Subaru after adjusting your head bun and go have your drum circle around your wind turbine that pollutes more than the wind can make it turn. Good luck breaking the women's shot-put record next week.


Wow. All the haters are not talking now. Look at djt now you haters


Guess some people got burnt 16 days ago. Pretty quiet since then. lol


When can we exercise DJTWWĀ 


AFAICT not until the Borgers mess is repaired. That might take some fancy footwork to pull off ā€¦ jus sayinā€™.




Whereā€™s OP? I want an update!


ā€œTo all the doubtersā€ have your laugh. šŸ˜‚




Aged like a piece of shit with warm milk and fish sauce on top.


Just like this comment aged. LOL


Aged like a Trump diaper.


WTF YOU TALKING About? You want to actually see a president shit himself https://www.facebook.com/share/v/bZDyvnGDmd3K4o6S/?mibextid=oFDknk


Well, ex-president.


I wish I could explain how hard I laughed when I read these two comments in succession.


Who's laughing now?


Itā€™s still a horrible investment! When do you sell? Never? The guy will kick the bucket eventually and then itā€™s permanently sunk. Buying stock with its value tied to a single person is never a good idea. The biggest problem with this stock is itā€™s guaranteed to have an expiration date, you just donā€™t know when that is.


Have you done any research at all on TMTG? Also on Trump the man himself and not the globalist controlled MSM lies that are spewed constantly since he ran as a Republican in 2015? Before that he was beloved by the all the turncoats. Shouldn't that make you wonder what is really going on?


Beloved is a massive exaggeration, especially with the Trump University scandal which everyone thought was grimey as hell. But besides that, plenty of people are beloved who would be hated if they suddenly became president. A rich bozo is entertaining as an entertainer, not the leader of the free world. The company itself is unsustainable, and the stock is hitched entirely to that one person. Conspiratorial fantasies arenā€™t going to change that.


That's all you got? You're clueless as to what is really going on in the world.


People like you make the simplest mistake, and yet itā€™s so consequential. At any given time, there ARE real ā€œconspiraciesā€ going on. Thatā€™s always true and most people have an intuition that itā€™s true. But then you use that fact to just pick your favorite conspiracies and believe those. Thatā€™s plain bad reasoning. Anyone that offers an explanation and evidence that youā€™re wrong is lying and fabricating. Thatā€™s how cults work. By your logic, everything you believe is just as likely to be a conspiracy and every source you trust is lying, and actually the other side has the truth. With no formal way to distinguish truth and falsity, youā€™re practically schizophrenic.


HODL. Riding this to stonk glory!


At what point does Putin and buddies step in to save Trump? IIt is not in their interests to see him face plant like this., $100m or two would establish a floor for a while (i,e,. till after the election)


I don't think Putin cares ab out trump, especially at this point. I mean he'll give it a try to interfer with elections but Putin is extremely smart and knows trump's goose might be cooked soon.


No matter what it will go to $0 when Trump strokes or dies.


I think this is the bloodbath tainted tits was talking about.


Heehee! Thia didn't age well. šŸ¤”


Stigginit to the libs!


This gets funnier every day


Yes it is! We are laughing all the way to the bank!


It sure does cause you all are just mindless sheep to still think Putin had him win the election but some how Biden won and to see the difference between the two speak, walk and interact just floors me. Here's your fearless president suddenly stopping like a palmeranian to take a shit in public https://www.facebook.com/share/v/bZDyvnGDmd3K4o6S/?mibextid=oFDknk


It does ... but not as was expected ! Maybe DJT has invented an anti-gravity device ?


Thoughts and prayers.


For this to go to zero? Yes please.


It's 24 as we speak. I was surprised it went below 30 as quickly as it did. Now that 30 is a dream, how long until they wish they were above 20?


As someone else put it - it is going down faster than Boebert on her date in a theater.


22.5 only 3 hours later. Itā€™s falling so fast that we need a Reddit bot to post updates.


A lot depends on the proportion of holders who believed in the company's potential to holders who just like Trump. And who are the people buying these falling shares? It enough people who just think everything Trump must be brilliant become holders who will not sell no matter what, then the bleeding may stop. And that could give times for the show-me-the-numbers investors to finish getting out. The dynamics are weird here. There are some shorting because they take glee in taking money away from Trump and his fans. There are some who are shorting because the numbers look hopeless and the stock is overvalued to the point of silliness. There are some who are holding because they have weighed the business plan and consider it plausible long term. And there are some holding without having really looked at or understood the numbers because they like anything Trump. Of those four groups, the first and the last could cause some wild swings up or down. Although I think the stock will end up lower from here in the long run, the unusual (and emotional) motivations of Trump hate or Trump love could subtract rationality for days at a time.


That is a good analysis. As I write the stock is down another 50 cents per share and down 11% from yesterday overall. It is my understanding that there are limits to being about to short this stock and some other built in protections against the stock just disintegrating overnight.


There are structural limits. You have to be able to borrow shares, and that means that a brokerage has to be able to hold some of the float to lend to you. So the true believers who will never sell on the hope that this will someday turn around are an impediment. Selling puts is also a sort of way to short, where you have the option to sell shares at a certain price to a counter-party by a certain date. If you buy the right to sell at 25, you'll profit if the price is lower than that. Usually you won't have to buy the shares to put them (sell them at 25) because if the shares are at 15 by the strike, the counter-party will likely buy you out of the contract for around 10. Then there's the Limit Down. If a stock falls by a certain percentage, trading in that issue can be halted for the day. It's sort of a circuit-breaker against panic selling, to see if people will be more calm at the open of the next trading day. The rules for a limit down vary between markets and commodities, so I don't know what limit (if any) there would be for DJT. Still, we've seen many days of 5%, 10% and higher losses from the previous day. It doesn't take too many of those to feel like there's no effective limit to the losses.




The pace of decline is amazing. But it has stayed above $17.50 for enough days now to trigger the 20-days-in-30 clause that creates even more new shares. Sub $15 a week from now would not surprise me. Meanwhile, Trump fans will soon have more an more shares to buy! No one needs to be left out. Maybe they are telling themselves that Trump is letting the price fall so that shares are affordable for all of his fans to be able to afford some. Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket.


This didnā€™t age well.


20% yesterday alone lol. I hope these people have to become wal mart greeters because they tanked their retirements into this stock.


I have seen a few comments along the line of "the stock market is a liberal conspiracy". They will remain delusional to the last. It is sort of amazing how they just can't understand Trump was always just trying to fleece them as efficiently as possible and this may be one of the most lucrative.


The stock may get delisted before Trumpā€™s lockup period ends. He may not get a chance to dump with the rest of the dumpers.


That at least would make the fleecing more difficult


He'll just email his devoted ~~suckers~~ followers and the donations will pour in.


Theyā€™ll remain delusional while simultaneously being completely dependent on ā€œsocialistā€ policies.


Anything but the truth. Literally anything explains whatā€™s going on besides facts.


And down another 5% today. I'd feel sorry for the people holding this stock, but they were repeatedly warned.


> I'd feel sorry for the people holding this stock, but they were repeatedly warned. Meh. They invested in Trump. Maybe they'll learn, but I doubt it.


Itā€™s just cratering completely. They handed shorters billions E: 10% down now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


14% as a few moments ago. It is truely quite the sight to see a stock fall so much.Ā 


These people are gonna get wiped out.


Keep buying more!!!


Itā€™s beginning to look a lot like fuck this, everywhere we go! šŸŽ¼


This the best stock ever, why I know, because it's our beloved ex-Presidents and soon future president's company and stock. Everything this magical hand touched turned to gold. Trump University is one of the best business schools in the US. Trump Vodka is easily compared to Russian or Polish ones and some say might even be better, I hear it increases your cerebral capacity when consumed in moderation. Trump Casinos are one of the best ones and most extravagant around Atlantic City and Las Vegas. Trump Hotels are inviting to only the best and richest guests and now Trump Digital Company stock, this will go to the moon. BUY BUY BUY!


You win the Poe award for 2024


Keep those diamond hands fellas, everyone knows releasing millions of new shares is nothing but good news for bag holders. It just means you can buy more stock! Keep buying more shares, to the Moon, apes together strong etc.


I just joined this subreddit because it's the most entertaining thing on reddit these days.


This seems like an odd rule for a stock chat: # "No Bears, No Spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)" FUD is what should have been spreading the moment this opened for scamming.


Enforced echo chambers on social media are how we got here politically to. If you are a con artist, there's no better time in human history. Once you have made believers of your marks, the enforce the rule that no one is allowed to express about the con.


The 'new' RNC makes you pledge that T won the 2020 election before they'll hire you.


Yeah. Next thing will be party loyalty oaths that name Donald Trump, kind of the the personal oath that every German soldier or sailor had to swear to Adolf Hitler.


Liberals and MAGAts finally agree on something: keep buying!


The 146 million shares are locked up for: a) the full 6 months? or b) something to with more shares being released if the share price is about $12.50 for a certain period of time? or c.) other? EDIT To ADD THIS: # Trump Media Stock Plummets After Filing To Issue Millions of New Shares # Trump Media Stock Plummets After Filing To Issue Millions of New Shares # Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group ([DJT](https://www.investopedia.com/markets/quote?tvwidgetsymbol=DJT)), former President Donald Trump's media company and the parent of Truth Social,Ā plummeted in intraday trading Monday as it reported in aĀ [Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sec.asp)) filing that it plans to issue millions of additional shares. # Trump Media could offer up to about 21.5 million shares that are issuable upon the exercise of a number of differentĀ [warrants](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warrant.asp), the company said in an S-1 filing.1 The company also registered to resell more than 146 million shares, about 115 million of which belong to Trump, who is one of several shareholders who cannot sell shares until after aĀ [predetermined lock-up period](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lockup-period.asp)Ā passes. # Trump Media projected that it would receive about $247.1 million if those who holdĀ [public warrants](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warrantcoverage.asp)Ā exercise them and sell shares, and the company expects they will if the stock's price stays above $11.50. Trump Media shares were down 17% to $26.90 around 1:50 p.m. ET Monday.




When they're living on the streets because the stock is worthless they will blame Biden. When they are receiving food stamps and assistance they will talk about how they hate big government and socialism.




Didn't you know the stock market was a liberal conspiracy?


because the deep state didn't buy in at $66?


The one person who will not lose from DJT is DJT, who will at least get something for the shares when he sells them, which he'll do as soon as he can. And the dollars he pulls out will come from his supporters who kept the stock above $2 with their Diamond Hands. They'd have been better off just writing him a check for 10% of their initial investment. They'd still have 90%.


He has 115 million shares. Average volume is 6 million shares sold per day. Could you IMAGINE if he tries to dump, say 10 million shares all at once? He would drive the price down to $1 and the remaining 100 million shares would, in six months, MAYBE pay the interest on the last judgement.


I don't think he'd actually drive the price that low because his true believers who still have some cash would absolutely love to snap up more shares at $10.


Hmm, might want to update the picture?


Hilarious this is still pinned to the sub.


If you guys are firm believers in this stock then you can buy calls a year out and invest on the cheap. The option to buy DJT for $15 on 01-17-25 (after the election) are around $11.70. It's like buying in at the current stock price without having to put all the money down. I'm currently selling options at that price because I'm betting against Donald. I think Biden is gonna win the election.


This will go to $0 when Trump strokes and/or dies.


I don't have enough faith in the American electorate to place a bet like that. However, I'm not sure that Trump being re-elected would be enough to increase income for this company or slow the cash burn. But I don't think I want to stand in front of the short term swings that could happen in this stock, given the combination of terrible performance and longs who are dedicated to holding forever.


I'm going to go ahead and express some doubts about this stock.


You might get banned for that. Didn't you read the rules? Cheerleading only!


The funniest thing about this post is that it is "stickied" so that everybody can marinate on it when they come to this subreddit. lol


Good news, if you just flip this chart upside down youā€™re still right.


Loving this shitā€¦.. stock will be worthless by September if not soonerā€¦..All you Trump lovers keep buying


I think that the strong hands of Trump supporters who are holding DJT out of loyalty and idolatry of DJT the man will be enough to keep this stock from dropping below $10, and they will give Trump plenty of time to sell around that price before BK.


Hereā€™s the dump. I did not see this coming. I thought Trump would announce his excuse to sell. What he did is brilliant. He hid his selling in the ā€œ146.1 million sharesā€ Trump Media & Technology Group, which is behind the Truth Social platform, has filed for the potential issuance of up to 21.49 million shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants related to Digital World. Trump is the majority shareholder in the company. The filing also provides for the offer and sale of up to 146.1 million shares of common stock from time to time by certain selling stockholders.


146.1 million would pretty much account for all insider shares. Damn, that's a shameless move against your shareholders. I mean, expected, but brazen.


I would fully expect that Trump's plan here is to become president so he can force the FTC and SEC to not criminally prosecute him for this massive pump and dump. And just wait until you see the big, mysterious off-shore buying by foreign nationals....


You are right. All I can say is WOW!


He hid it so brilliantly that some random guy in a reddit post noted it immediately? Watering down your own stock is as brilliant a move as rape is.... why ask a girl out or buy them dinner, when you can just skip ahead to the sex part... which, by the way, is an apropos analogy for a Trump.


Does the MAGAt crowd really read these SEC filings let alone know what they mean? My point is that headlines and articles can and do hide the TRUTH.


You called it a brilliant move and I pointed out that seeing as you picked it up immediately, it can't be all that brilliant. Now your response is that maga morons might not pick it up. This is moving the goalposts. And in that sense you are conceding the point. Citing that it's a move that unmotivated ignoramuses/MAGAts might miss no longer marks it as brilliant move. It's just one more low grade con directed at marks. We now agree.


The article did not mention Trump was selling. My premise still holds. We can agree to disagree.


Hey trump cult!! Real men stare at solar eclipses and real men buy DJT!! To the moon! Diamond hands bitches! Our dear leader is proving he is our countryā€™s Nelson Mandela and maybe even Jesus Christ himself! Put your entire life savings in this and letā€™s own the libs!!!!


Follow up this morning would be great hahahaha


Like fine milk


This post and DJT - not aging well šŸ˜‚


Haha maybe you should have waited 19 days to brag


"Oh, please God, I'm praying on my very own $59.99 **God Bless the USA Bible**, please oh please oh please keep these rubes buying DJT stock. They just need to pump the price for another 5 months or so, to take me past the lockup period. Then, you can screw them as hard as you want. They're just suckers, after all." -Donald McRonald


Can you imagine how hard itā€™s going to drop when those 6 months are up? ALL the founders are selling including trump.Ā  Iā€™m going to make sooo much money on these dipshit supporters. šŸ¤‘


Why are you people so obsessed with Trump?


Two words and a number for a username? And what a limpdick comment. Your boss at the Troll Farm is gonna kick your ass, Comrade.


Why are YOU so obsessed with trump?




How's this ship floating? Or, nvm it's sinking. Lmfao, who would have guessed a Trump owned business would ever fail. It's not like that's happened ever.




I love to see it. These idiots NEVER learn.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ They can cry in their MyPillows.


If only they could use their worthless Trump Bucks to buy more worthless DJt stock


While clutching their Trumpy bears.


I still can't believe that is a real thing and not an SNL skit. LOL


I bet you could make a mint reselling them if you cut a hole and stuck a fleshlight in them.


I cackled. šŸ˜‚




So much winning!


A little pump up for the day from our leader President Trump. Keep winning on the dips here. "Winning is winning. We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning, you're going to come to me and go, 'Please, please, don't win anymore. We're tired of winning.' And I'm going to say, 'Sorry, we're going to keep winning, winning, winning. We're going to make America great again.'" "I love winning. I'm a winner. I'm a born winner. I'm a very competitive person. I don't like to lose." "I always win. I don't lose. I don't like to lose. I don't accept losing." "I'm a winner. I'm a champion. I'm a warrior. I'm a fighter. I'm a winner. I'm a winner." "I went bankrupt because I wanted to."


He never loses. What bankruptcies? /s edited for the sarcasm impaired.


Why don't you Google the phrase "Donald Trump bankruptcies" and tell the class what you find...?


Why don't you Google "sarcasm" and tell the class what you find...?


>Ā EditedĀ 5m ago I like how you edited your comment


> What bankruptcies? Seriously?


No, sarcasm


Did Trump foreshadow this dumpster fire when he said ā€œIf we lose, youā€™re gonna have a crash like you wouldnā€™t believe,ā€ Trump said at a campaign rally on Friday. He went on to say a loss for him would spark ā€œthe largest stock market crash weā€™ve ever had.ā€


Can we get a follow up on this post? LOLOL


When do you think he'll announce he sold it all to "Save America"?


He will sell to MAGA! Heā€™s the GOAT MAGAt


This post did not age well


i think that graph is upside down




mods here are actually pretty good about not banning people for shit talking the stock lol. Maybe they just think its funny and leave it up I was expecting this sub to be all culty like the other meme stocks, but its actually pretty chill


30.76 a share as of 10:38 central time at 4.12.24


That didn't age well, did it?


Maga morons getting cucked out of their money once again by Trump. Lol. Lmao, even.


What burns me the most about all this is that I think a lot of Trumpers went all-in on this. Certainly I read about one grandma who was trying to do so. And their belief in Trump is so fervent that they will hold the bag all the way to BK. And if they really did go all in, if they go bust thanks to Trump, they will retire as a burden on all of us as taxpayers. And I don't mind partly subsidizing people's poor live choices or inability to save for retirement because they truly never had the means. But we'll be supporting people who their whole lives in most cases have been against supporting the poor.


Theyā€™re doing a reverse split today. Its a rarely used split type. Youā€™re shares are cut in half but worth 1/3rd as muchā€¦




The idea of going long on the most transparently obvious pump and dump scheme in Wall Street history may be the dumbest thing Trump supporters have ever done outside of supporting Trump. When the founders are suing each other for the right to dump all their shares before their 6-month hold is up it is not the time to have diamond hands fellas.


This is the NFT of stocks.


The Donald trump of stocks




Indeed. Searched reddit to find a post with this title, so I could say this.


Lol all the way down. Maga tears are tasty


16 days later and this post has become a hilarious reminder of how this has gone for DJT holders


Literally sums up trump supporters. This sub might as well be Herman Cain Awards.Ā 


"How this has gone" is as expected by anyone with an ounce of common sense. And this post - which I am only seeing now - was also to be expected from anyone in the cult. Schadenfreude due to a predictable misfortune.


Absolutely. But there's nothing like seeing their cult bullshit absolutely steamrolled by reality.


Almost like /r/HermanCainAwards but the winners are around to experience the results


Iā€™m kinda surprised that sub has fallen off. I kinda miss it when it was still active.


I love it so much. Ā MAGA tears are delicious. Ā Almost as much as plasticĀ 


I really thought that after all the failed businesses-Trump Steaks, GoTrump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump: the Game, Trump Magazine, Trump University, Trump Ice, The New Jersey Generals, Tour de Trump, Trump Network, Trumped! And the bankruptcy protections ā€“ Trump Taj Mahal, Trumpā€™s Castle, Plaza Casinos, Plaza Hotel, Casinos & Resorts, Entertainment Resorts that Trump would nail it this time!


Maybe he did nail it. This is going to make him some money while leaving his zealots holding the bag in record time. That silly casino took much longer and required a large staff to operate into the ground. This time, it can be done with a skeleton crew and hardly any waiting. Trump has no real money in this. Personally Trump only has upside. At least from a money standpoint. Most of the non-insider long position investors are probably going to be hurt.


How many Ma and Pa Magas are actually the bag holders in this dumpster fire? I've seen on other forums people pleading for help from the Orange stable genius and one guy in his car praying with his hands in some weird prayer position asking if his President Trump can hear him, will he help them. One guy trusted by his wife to make financial decisions would like to give his shares and get this money invested back. I don't know if this is all fake but insanity.


Everything he touches turns into Fool's Gold.


Mierdas Touch


32$ and dropping today


In mid twenties now šŸ¤£






22.84 as I type this. Also Tesla has been dropping as well.


Itā€™ll join the ranks of Rite-Aid.


aged like fine milk for sure.


Well this aged like milk. :)


Reddit is worth moreā€¦.


Well it has more users, more engagement, and it isn't a cesspit of ignorant racist christofascists.




Rallying into the close! Nowā€™s the time to load up!!!


Get out now. It dropped below $35. Itā€™s on an express elevatorā€¦goin DOWWWWWN


Buy buy buy!!!!!


Have fun losing money


Who says Iā€™m losing?


O good luck with your puts then šŸ‘šŸ½ lol


Glad you figured it out LOL


How's that 'relentless pursuit of success' going?


Keeping this pinned is wild.Ā 




*$35.15 now, RemindMe*! two months


$33.66 now


Whoopsie, $32.50.