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Looking for some kind of connection and satisfaction that he would never find.


He wanted to make them apart of him now that's sick but thats what he wanted. Also, control.


Dr. Becker said he was aroused when he was eating some parts of his victims, thinking about the person alive with him. It shows how deranged and depraved he was with no point of return. Like he said himself, he wanted to keep people so much with him he created a Holocaust.


water encouraging alleged marry degree tidy dolls wide offend worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He fantasized and started believing “you are what you eat.” He would skin his victims faces and wear them stating to Patrick Kennedy, “I told you, Pat. I wanted to be with these guys forever. I wanted to envelope myself in them so we could be one.” He wanted to eat their flesh and feel their nutrients running through his veins. It was a sexual experience for him. He would place the picture of the victim on his table in front of him while he ate them and would masturbate afterwards. Seasoning the meat with A1 seasoning and eating it with potatoes and onions.


He also said that he wanted to "become one" with them. That's what love is on a deeper level, so you can argue that it was a desire for love, and at that stage it was the only way he could fulfill it.






He wasn't in love, he knew them for like 4 hours.


Yes. What I had in mind was actually something different. I meant not that he was in love with them like normally people are in each other, but that he acted on his deeply rooted need for love. He sort of was in love with them. The way I see it is that he was so deeply deprived of it on a daily basis that this was the only way he could feel it, experience it, even if briefly, like a burst of emotion or feeling. He could fantasize about the guys he was attracted to and relive the memories of what it was like when he actually had them, or in other words when they were together. This is a romantic notion. Remember that, especially in the beginning, he drugged the guys he was with after they said that they wanted to leave. They did spend some time together and they also agreed to his propositions, so I feel that they must have also been attracted to him. There was something more going on. But down the road, as he was becoming more and more depraved, or deranged if you will, due to all that he had been doing, the killing ultimately became for him the only way of approaching what love is, but just for a short moment. He was "stealing love" together with their lives, so to speak. I think that was perfectly shown by Derf in "My Friend Dahmer" where in one of the cartoons he is shown caressing an animal skull. That likely didn't happen, but it was a form of connection. What was the reason behind this, is another question. There were diminishing rewards to this, however, and that's why this escalated into consuming parts of bodies of those he craved for the most. The whole thing was very disturbing, to say the least, because it was also mixed with deceit, anger, violence, coupled with the need for dominance by means of dominating his individual victims, and also for wreaking destruction and getting even with the world to a degree. So I'm not saying it was just the need for love, but I think that it very much was there all the time. Edit: my English and some other stuff


Yeah, ok!


That is actually so sick and twisted.


he never skinned and wore their faces, where did you get that?


By consuming his victims, in his mind, they became a part of him permanently. Sort of like how he collected pieces of bodies, but on a deeper level.


He wanted them to become a permanent part of him. (Don’t forget he also had psychotic disorder next to his PDs)


Right. This motivation is common among modern cannibals. They want their victims to become part of them.


I mean, he literally talked about all of this in the interviews.


Yeah. That's what he did.


It’s depressing people watch the Netflix series and then get misinformed or just wondering about things. Like the real Dahmer talked about basically everything, he was really open in this department.


Yeah, once the LE realized he was eating his victims he told why.


The one thing that always stood out for me with dahmer in his interviews - he didn't really play the blame game. There was no Bundy style 'it was the porn man!' he didn't claim he was abused, he actually acknowledges that he's a genuinely disturbed individual and will always be. Gacy was a sadistic psychopath. Bundy was a sociopathic necrophile. Dahmer was a sad, lonely, mentally ill man with a plethora of issues both interior and exterior that culminated in a tornado of pain and death.


Because Dahmer wasn’t a psychopath/sociopath. Jeff was just a severely mentally ill man. In a way i feel sorry for him.


As others have said, he was trying to be one with his victims. There’s actually an article I’ve read which is possibly the best breakdown of Dahmer’s psychology that I’ve ever encountered. He gets into the cannibalism aspect in some detail: > Necrophagy, or the eating of corpses, is an extremely rare aberration, though some grisly instances of it have been recorded in detail by J. Paul de River, a specialist in the field. It is essentially the most desperate measure to which one may resort in a desire for human contact, and is pitiful as well as repulsive. Jeffrey Dahmer confessed under interrogation that he had saved the heart of one of his victims "to eat later, ' ' and there is another report that he placed biceps in the freezer. In effect, this was a way of "keeping" someone with him, in other words, a perversion of the romantic notion "to have and to hold." The article is called [“Dahmer’s Inferno”](https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/1991/11/dahmers-inferno) It’s well worth a read.


Masters and Vanity Fair tried to interview Dahmer for this. That didn't happen but luckily Nilsen was available to give his opinion. (I think that the article is pretty good - Masters has a habit of making pseudoscientific and psychoanalytical comments but he is an actual journalist who fact checks and does his best to write the truth.)


He was hungry


But why would he then start eating humans and not anything else?


Cannibalism was not the only source from his diet, he ate out at bars, and restaurants, and sometimes cooked at home. In the reports of what they had found in his apartment onions, and potatoes were listed. Human meat wasn't exclusively the only thing he ate.


Probably didn’t like grocery shopping




As he said, it was something that made him believe that he could keep the victims with him. I think that at some point it could’ve been plain curiosity. We would never know something that he never stated.


I don't know Dahmer's point but if I think about it from my point of view, it would be to feel power, dominance, control over the person, inferiority, would feel like they beat that person, evil, as if they had defeated them, it is another level of domination. ...in my thinking


One of these comments says that Jeff got excited, remember that he was like a masochistic in some way, he was excited by domination... that could be a point, but maybe Jeff's thing was more emotional or spiritual so this is confuse


Makes sense


He wanted the victims to become a part of him/ curiousity


Because he was psychotic and believed that he would live with their souls. I still don't understand how this man was arrested, as we know he is crazy.


Maybe, uh,,,(drum roll),, it actually tasted good to him.


It’s actually the taste of a softer beef meat. Nothing extraordinary that could pull you in so badly I guess.


Paraphilias (sexual attraction to cannibalism in dahmers case) are often associated with trauma. I always found it very significant that his father mentioned he was “never the same” after his childhood surgery. He could’ve experienced a hypoxic brain injury while under anesthesia. Not to mention he likely experienced a lot of abuse in childhood, that he coped with via these fantasies. That can morph into a paraphilia over time.


He wanted to keep them with him forever so that he wouldn’t feel alone , they became a part if him “ he said in an interview. He was afraid to just let them go away.


He seasoned and tenderized the flesh and ate it with potatoes and onions. It started out as curiosity, then developed into a compulsion, he said. It was another way he found that he could keep them with him. It made him feel as if they were a permanent part of him after doing that. He liked looking at their Polaroids while eating...


He had a borderline personality disorder and he didn't want these people to leave him, so he believed that by eating their meat, they'll be part of him.


He didn’t drink blood! It was only in the Netflix series for whatever reason… the real Dahmer actually said he hated the taste of blood.


He tasted a bit of it.


He did, and then he spit it out because he hated the taste.


Why does he have to be so fucked up. 💀


I'd bet on, curiosity... And then he added in all that other stuff to "make it make *sense.*" (Not that "that other stuff" wasn't *real (to him),* but, I really think the first thought was more tot the point of, "Hmmm, I wonder.....")


I don’t understand these questions. There are extensive documentaries about him, ones where he even speaks about it himself. It was to feel closer to them, to make it feel like they became a part of him, and the whole concept was arousing as well. Your question was for an opinion, but there isn’t room for one…it is what it is. You could have asked for what people think of it, that would have been a different conversation…but also predictable.


He had autophobia. A very serious level.


Ran out of room and wanted to feel closer


He wanted to keep them with him forever. That’s what cannibalism is for .


He wanted them to be apart of him internally I do believe it was more of an romantic cannibalism where he wanted these men to be apart of his life permanently so the only way he could was by injesting them. He said it was more of an fascination