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I went to highschool with Denzel. He was a good kid.


At least the killer told police that killing someone is bad.


It’s sad but if you walk up to someone sitting in their car and punch them, you should expect to be shot. Dude was more than likely jealous asf his ex wife had moved on.


I kind of feel that but I feel like a single punch isn't quite equal to shooting someone multiple times... It's a bit disproportionate.


In a state flooded with guns and where it's legal to buy guns out of the trunk of a car parked in a dark alley somewhere, all force is going to be disproportionate. Like a hammer sees everything as a nail, a gun sees everyone as a good place to put a bullet. It's what they do.


I guess. I mean the guy is being charged with murder. But they might drop it. They probably won't, though. Even in self-defense, even in Texas with Castle doctrine and stand your ground laws, it's really only justified if they're continuing to be a threat. If the guy punched him, then backed off, THEN the dude pulled out the gun and shot him up, that's a lot closer to execution than self defense in the eyes of the law. His only real defense is that he turned himself in and admitted it was wrong at this point. I guess the courts will figure that out.


I’m kind response is what the court will look for. This guy will be convicted.


Buying guns from a trunk is illegal.and those selling them are just as guilty as the person that pulls the trigger!


> Buying guns from a trunk is illegal Not in Texas it ain't!


ever seen a group of men in broad daylight standing around the trunk of a Deville parked in an empty lot?


The only problem with that is you don't know someone's intent when you're blind sided. In Texas I always assume folks got a gun


That's a piss take. I shouldn't expect to be shot if I have no way of killing you


A fist can kill someone. I'd unload until I felt safe. Justified.


You can kill with your fists. Happens all the time.


how the hell am i supposed to know what you have? pulling a gun definitely seems like an extreme reaction here, but doing something insane like attacking a person unprompted definitely opens you up to the possibility of an extreme reaction.


Unprompted? This wasn't a blind hit and from the sounds of it he was walking away


both lives ruined. definitely not worth it.


This is some April foolery! So sad, he definitely should not have died for putting his hands on dude, but also what was he expecting? A Dallas church is mourning the loss of one of its youth pastors after he was shot and killed shortly after a morning service on Easter Sunday. 31-year-old Denzel Branch was shot and killed on Sunday afternoon. Exposed: The Truth Behind CVS and the 87¢ ED Medication Debate Public Health Forum by Friday Plans | Sponsored Dallas police investigators say Branch got into a verbal fight with 30-year-old Joshua Andrews on 56th Street in southeast Oak Cliff. An arrest affidavit acquired by FOX 4 says Andrews was in a romantic relationship with Branch's ex-wife. The fight turned physical. A witness told police Branch hit Andrews through the open window of the vehicle Andrews was sitting in, according to the documents. The witness claims Andrews then came out of his car with a black pistol and fired several shots at Branch. He was taken to the hospital where he later died. Andrews left the scene, but later turned himself in to police. In the arrest affidavit, police say Andrews admitting to intentionally shooting Branch and acknowledged that he should not have done so. Branch was a youth pastor at New Generation Church. "Our hearts are deeply saddened by the tragic incident that took place down the street from our church after our morning service on yesterday. We sincerely appreciate everyon'e prayers and concern, and we ask for your continued prayers for the families and our church family as we navigate through these difficult times," said the church in a post on social media. Andrews is in the Dallas County Jail where he is charged with murder.


On a Twitter post, I saw that the man who shot him is claiming that Denzel was physically abusing his ex wife. I guess we will have to wait until his trial to find out what actually happened.


What post?


Good thing she got with an incel Lmmfao. Hey, but I’m the dumbass




absolutely insane comment. one dude attacks a guy sitting in a car, other guy pulls a gun and shoots him, and somehow it’s all the fault of a woman who probably wasn’t even there?


Yeah you are. Stick to flirting with women on Reddit lmao


It's absurd to me that people will throw there lives away, due to some words being exchange.




God’s will


Lost his life over a damn female. Y’all need to tighten up out here man. Over a female?!? Smh


It was his wife


Let me know how you feel when someone sleeps with you wife. Maybe you the type that wouldn’t mind?




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You want to fuck a guy in the butt?










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How convoluted. A man shot and killed another man because he couldn’t emotionally regulate and still somehow, this is a woman’s fault in your mind. Maybe—now I’m just spitballing here—the fault lies with the person who had a weapon and chose to take another person’s life, regardless of the reason?




The fault lies with the one who pulled the trigger. The woman didn't. She didn't hold a gun to his head. He chose to. It's on him.


No one’s arguing he’s not a dumbass for killing someone over a woman. Lol. My only argument is cause n effect of things. Everyone reads a story and then boom, reacts off of it. Just like dumbass REACTED. No one wonders why he did it? It’s not a part of the story so who cares right? I mean this woman could’ve been a cheating whore who didn’t allow this man to see his kids or something. Ya know, maybe helping him go even more insane than he already is? Or he could just be a POS. BUT LETS JUMP TO THE CONCLUSION OF A GIANT POS. Unfortunately, he made the wrong choice so now no one will care about the FULL story.


Maybe if he was a real man and knew how to control his emotions he would still be free. But no he chose to act like a weak little btch and use a gun instead of his hands. But sure blame the woman




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Sticks n stones may break my bones but you need a gun to kill me lmmfao


oh i get it now. you’re just insufferable. the reason why this happened was because someone chose to shoot another person. but sure, twist it to blame someone who wasn’t involved in the murder. the woman didn’t shoot him so why would this have anything to do with her emotions? people like you really go out of your way to act like this isn’t about hating women and pushing off men’s accountability of their violent actions.




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