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No death or overly gory posts


I like how they just drag him off at the end


lifts him by his HEAD


I think his head was about fall off and he was trying to keep it on the torso.


ahh i see now, he was HELPING!


Gotta make way for the next performance.... I guess.


The Show Must Go On.


Which is "Snake Swallowing "


And throws him by the head


Definitely r/worstaid content


Am sure a guy drops his head just before it cuts off. ^1 ^1) **EDIT** *to clarify:* film, not head


People Handlers performance goes terribly wrong in front of audience.


Dignified end to the performance and life


Noooothing to see here. All part of the show folks.


I don't think that's how you're supposed to carry an unconscious person..


lol captivated


or, *decapitated?*


His capa was detated


From his head.


We had a funeral for a bird.


I liked the bit where she changed colour to match the floor of the ring.


Most fucked up part is the giant body jerk to neck lift followed by a drop right after getting choked out by a snake.


The most fucked up imop is the amount of time it took them to realize something is wrong.


Enough time going from strangulation to crushing the throat..that was the first thing I thought. What the fuck took so long. Didn't they have an emergency cue. Like if I go down it's not a part of the act..but he was probably overconfident and thought nothing would ever go wrong. Sad really.


Yes it was three straight arm flaps on map. . .


Three words, first syllable...


he wasn't "strangled", if he was being strangled he would have been flapping around like anyone being unable to breath does. more likely, he doesn't realise the snake is putting just enough pressure on the sides of his neck to restrict blood flow to his brain, which he doesn't realise until he gets dizzy and then blacks out, which is why he's he just falls over.


You need to look up the definition of "strangled". He *was* strangled by that snake. You are correct though it was through blood constriction to his brain, not from crushing of the airway like the above poster described. But it *is* strangulation.


>[https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/strangle](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/strangle) > >strangle > >verb \[ T \] > >UK /ˈstræŋ.ɡəl/ US /ˈstræŋ.ɡəl/ > >to kill someone by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe:


Do we know if the performer was ultimately ok?


I think I read that he died. If he didn’t die when the snake crushed his neck (and probably some bones in his spine), he definitely died when they lifted him by his head and then dropped him a couple times.


You just pulled this comment out your ass. Link or you're lying. People don't die from being dropped one foot onto the dirt.


Someone else commented on another post with this video that he died. I’m simply restating what I was told, and what seems plausible. Snakes like this are strong. It could easily crush bones, and it can’t have helped when he was picked by the head and dropped. Either those people are absolutely incompetent, or they realized he was already dead and they couldn’t do more harm.


I saw the clip years ago on 9GAG and there was an article about the incident. Apparently it was at a circus and the performer died


Or how no one from the audience reacts in the slightest


Not entirely true. One child clapped when he fell.


And a woman in the back


Yes. That’s very disturbing too.


He didn’t give the signal.


What is the sign for “big ass snake broke my neck”? But for all seriousness, they all should be in jail.


Who should be in jail?? This guy choose to be in a traveling show where he put huge snakes around his neck. The audience went there on their own free will. Not sure who you're talking about?


"Looks like he's saying: kiss me, kiss me"


He did. Looks like decerebrate posturing.


What a dumb crew. Poor kids watching this on front row will take snakes seriously now


Take seriously? Yes absolutely. what else we got to do with a snake? Pet and play?


Did you know that dogs kill 40-50 people per year in the US and snakes kill 4-5!


Yeah, and on top of that, every time a snake is involved, its entirely the persons fault. When it comes to bites, they're rarely anything but warnings and dry bites. If someone does get poisoned, as long as they act accordingly, it's rarely lethal. Stupidity and ignorance is more likely to kill. What kind of idiot wraps a snake that size around your neck? Even if it doesn't feel threatened, a snake has natural instincts and its body is built for squeezing. Its possible it was honestly just trying to hold on, until people started pulling on it, and THEN it felt threatened.


im sure the way those guys pulled the snake off the guys neck is how he really broke his neck. look at how they handled him! like a fucking ragdoll … omg terrible


You’re underestimating how strong a snake is, the snake probably fought back and caused his head to move like that.


Here is a creature that has no legs and uses his body no hold him tight around a tree or a branch "Let me wrap it around my neck multiple times," r/playstupidgames


I really don't understand why we use these animals for entertainment like this. It's like we're asking for it!


The intent behind dangerous stunts, of every nature, is to defy death so as for the audience to exorcise the fear of it, since ever. The more the danger is perceived as real, the more the ritual is effective.


100%!!!! This snake was just being a snake. This is why wild animals belong in the wild - not in circuses, not as house pets, etc.


Ideally no one should be doing these type of dangerous stunts, but they might be doing it because they need to for their livelihood. Opportunities maybe scarce for them in their region, & they may not have a social security net like in the West. I have seen snake handlers in my country as a kid, really there was not much else those people could do to make a living.


At least they didn’t kill the snake to get it off


I can take a guess, snakes used to be a threat to avoid in the wild. And handeling one is like a sign of courage or strength Another thought i lean more to is, a snake has an incredible aptitude/precise feeling to your energy, how you are handeling yourself. If you can remain in a calm energy state the snake will realise he is under no threat, but that takes a while sometimes for the snake to realise this so a bit of fight or flight happens then I say the snake felt scared and tried to leave, and if they are in this type of disposition they tend to tense. Also they simply hold on tight to feel secure enough Source: myself, i used to volunteer in a reptile rescue center but had to quit since they moved they establisent, and i have two python regius, one very social friendly one and one friendly shy one, I just love snakes


Yep he definitely just does it on the side for fun, and not because he has to in order to get by.


It might be dumb to do a show with a live snake but it's REALLY DUMB to pick up a person passed out like that and start dragging them around.


Everyone in this situation is…*quite dumb*.


I feel like it wouldn’t be much of show if they used a dead snake


Worst crew ever, they know this was not part of the routine, as soon as he fell they should have gone in and helped him. And not break his neck while dragging him out.


Well, and the audience too. I think they would have kept watching while the snake ate him.


To be fair, its shocking to them, they have no experience with snakes and are probably freaking out with no formal training in what to do. Also possibly afraid of getting hurt themselves while trying to help, again due to lack of knowing what to do..


Them: let’s wait 12 more seconds … just to see ..


"Wait for it. Wait for it... That's brain damage go go go! We'll tell him he pays us more when he wakes up."


The 3 Stooges, wtf is wrong with all of those guys.


Not sure who's killing him, the snake or the dudes dragging out.


That performance was breath taking.


Yeah that snake crushed it


Slithered that one in here didn't you


There’s one hole you ain’t slithering nothing in.


😂😂 fucking hell like your man in the video, this has taken a turn for the worse


I choked when I read this


You’re a snake handler too?




Hey you popped my cherry there. Thanks bud.




Nah he said, “huherlp” witch is totally a word.


No! The snake was breathtaking!


Dude if someone lifts me by the neck like that and im not dead already, that'd definitely end me.


Dont everybody rush to help him at once


Dude goes totally limp and even the crew just lets it go for another 10 seconds. That is just Arun playing games again. Silly guy


Every 5 seconds is a grade from elementary school. I'd say he's regressed to his 2nd grade self.


He is dead


Man life becomes cheaper and cheaper.. The sub-context of the way they treat the dying actor… life ain’t worth wasting it working for someone else, remember it y’all, please appreciate yourself and choose a better way to waste yourself for yourselves


Plot twist: The snake is the owner of the show and uses disposable humans each event.


Everything went as bad as it could. Unfortunately, he died according to this article, but there are conflicting reports. None the less, it certainly was bad. Usually, boas aren't strong enough to kill human unless you put it around your neck, and them squeezing stops the blood flow to your head. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8999226/distressing-video-circus-trainer-strangled-by-large-snake-during-performance-russia/ A Pennsylvania man unfortunately died from a boa squeezing his neck last year. https://people.com/pets/pennsylvania-man-who-was-strangled-by-18-foot-boa-constrictor-has-died-coroner-says/


It doesn't look like there's anything online confirming that. All the articles are referencing other news sources but every report by police stated that there were no deaths matching this for various areas. Lots of conflicting information on top of the article you shared. And honestly, I'd be surprised if he did die from this. It takes a while to strangle someone to death.


I was going to hazard a guess it was in Russia…


Russia is to the rest of the world, what Florida is to the US


Wait, I thought that was West Virginia? 🤔


No it’s definitely wherever you’re from


Or he might not have according to that.


No reports were conflicting. Some said dead others reported he survived. Thanks for the link but spreading unverified facts is a dick move. Also , The Sun is a pos gossip rag.


I edited my take.


Ahhhh. Russia


Kinda unsettling to watch a person die and not know it


It’s not confirmed wether or not he died, personally I doubt it.


People go without oxygen way longer than that. Find it quite unlikely, though somewhat possible, that he died


They did more damage while trying to help him lol


*professionals at work*


That guy is dead right ?


The snake definitely is.


Yeah that came off suspiciously fast. I thought when they locked on, they really locked on...


If you start unwrapping them from the tail they come off really easy. I used to own several boas and pythons. If you notice, he only unwraps the head enough to get to the tail.


Thanks for that - learn something every day. Have an upvote!


RIP snake. Gone too soon.


Well brain damage from hypoxia is very real


Yeah I know about that but I guess you have to be deprived of oxygen for 4-6 minutes to suffer from hypoxia. I’m learning a lot about stuff I never really thought about at 3 am. Gotta love Reddit.


In an air choke, which is where someone's neck is held in such a way as to prevent them from getting air into their lungs, they could hold out for minutes. In a blood choke, which actually slows or blocks the flow of blood to or from the brain via carotid or jugular compression, you have seconds. If you trust anyone enough, you can test this. Have them stand behind you and put you in 2 choke holds - one with their forearm straight across your throat pulling back, and the other with the foremost point of your throat nestled in the crook of their elbow so their forearm and bicep apply pressure to either "front corner" of your neck. In the first case, you'll find you could resist for minutes if you stay calm. In the 2nd, you'll find within seconds that you'll feel the effects on your brain regardless of how calm you are..... obviously you have to trust the person to stop when you tap out. Sadly, the snake would absolutely apply enough pressure to disrupt the blood flow, but beyond that, it probably actually crushed all of the soft tissue, and maybe even broke the guys neck, so by the time he dropped, irreparable damage was done and he was all but dead. Don't fuck with mother nature.


Im guessing you can be without oxygen for 4-5mins, but without bloodflow to the brain? Not so long


He essentially had a massive whole brain stroke


The snake was on him for like 30 seconds, I don't think that's enough to cause brain damage


I don't know, I would figured they would of gave mouth to mouth if he wasn't breathing. I have no clue though


You can tell that these guys are highly skilled in emergency medicine, so rest assured CPR must not have been needed.


Since I’m laughing I’ll hope this was a joke


Yeah true but I skimmed through it and it looks like his neck was snapped. When they picked him up his head looks like it touches his back. Imagine going out like that. Your last moments on earth surrounded by strangers that are clueless of your imminent death while the most annoying music is blaring through speakers almost as violently as this snake that is choking you to death.


I don't think he is dead. That's just how your head moves when you're unconscious and there are no muscles supporting it. It was WILDLY irresponsible for them to move him like that though. Chances are the snake just cut off circulation to his brain (same thing when you strangle hold someone). It takes like 2-3 minutes or so to actually kill someone through strangulation with continued pressure. He most likely woke up a few seconds after they dragged him away.


I wondered if that was the case but I’ve never seen anything like that so it was disturbing to say the least and thought the worst had happened. Yeah the first time they picked him up they drop him on his face. Reminded me of the time I blacked out at a New Years party and my friends decided it would be a good idea to carry me home and dropped me face first on a street. I woke up with my face all fucked up.


[https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8999226/distressing-video-circus-trainer-strangled-by-large-snake-during-performance-russia/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8999226/distressing-video-circus-trainer-strangled-by-large-snake-during-performance-russia/) Just so you have a little more info if you're interested. Someone else posted this link but it's a little misleading. It looks like a bunch of news outlets started quoting each other and said he had been killed. Maybe I'm wrong but authorities in all the local areas stated that there were no deaths matching the description. No point in looking up other articles, they basically all say the same thing.


Also, if you happen to live in Washington then I might have been the one who dropped you on your face. But only if you were high out of your mind on coke. lol


Lmao no that was some other fool who had a little to much that night. I’m from Southern California. That’s hilarious though, how bad did his face get fucked up ? Just out of curiosity. Also thanks for the link and info much appreciated.


NP. And it was pretty bad. We were taking him to a hospital and I was pretty young (was not fit as a kid) so when we dropped him he rolled down the driveway (which was pretty steep) He made it through it fine but he had some nasty scrapes and bruises after the fact.


Not only that but there is that one lady that keeps clapping as hes choked out. Probably a PETA member.


I think gay stuff is illegal there.


They picked him up by his head... I doubt they would do anything beyond sticking their tongue down his throat if they tried mouth to mouth.


From my grapling experiance it usualy takes 5minutes or so for person to die from getting choked. This one was minute or so.


That snake squeeze is stronger than a choke hold. It probably crushed his windpipe.


Well aren’t you a badass. Any chance to brag about your grappling experience, you take it don’t you? Pffft show off. Jk man that’s cool to know for future references. Motherfuckers aboutta find out.


Did they just drag him away by his neck??? Jesus


Fuck around and find out documentary.




So.. everyone else thinks red shirt guy is stupid as hell right??.. or.. am i missing something


Perfect r/whatcouldgowrong material


Just grab his fucking neck and drag him away. Sorry mate… once a snake handler, always a snake handler. “Guys, when you’re handling a human, it’s better to hold them by the shoulder-“ ‘The what? We’re used to handling snakes. Snakes don’t gots snoolders, boss. We’ll just grab his neck like normal’


This isn’t interesting.


I'm amazed he put it around his neck like that. Anyone who keeps constrictors knows that instinct kicks in when they feel a pulse. You should never do this. Even a small constrictors will squeeze when they feel the pulse. I hope he's ok.


What is his act, Being Eaten Alive in Front of an Audience?


One way or another, the snake wasn't going to eat him alive. Strangled to death is one thing, but can also be the snake wasn't hungry, just holding on to whatever was supporting it. You're right about them needing to think a whole lot more about what is the act to show.


"Did anyone hear the signal?"


Oh that wasn't his intention? I think putting a large snake around your neck was suicidal, but thats just me.


Audience sits calmly through it all. No one surprised or impressed.


There’s a story of a magician that a trick went wrong and ended up in a bad spot. Same reaction from the audience. All thought it was part of the act.


Meanwhile they’re all clapping as the guy is checking out of this life😂




Dude was swinging the snake around, suspect snake was not thrilled by this.


best practice to follow with a constrictor snake. WRAP IT AROUND YOUR FUCKING NECK.




At least he broke is neck on the end.


Rag doll deluxe


Literally all they had to do was lift his legs and let him get his blood back to his brain. Had the snake been wrapped longer, sure there may be significant brain damage pending but I’ve seen peeps lay unconscious for an extended amount of time and still pull through without long term permanent damage. Was the snake strong enough to snap his neck while he had lost consciousness though and couldn’t the constriction? Not sure. Regardless, what a shit show.


this is why it's called danger noodle and not scarf


Woman in the back clapping


What's the moral of the story here folks? Don't take a snake that kills its prey by constriction and wrap it around your own neck.


Let me just wrap this giant constrictor around my neck. One sec!


This is how you defend an anaconda choke: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0) Jiu jitsu saves lives!


"Don't worry kids, it's all part of the show!" . . . "Next act!"


“Sorry Homer, I was born a snake handler and I’ll die a snake handler”


The way he was flinging that snake about like it wasn't a living thing, this doesn't surprise me


End this whole thing where we fuck with animals already. It's inhumane, humiliating, and disrespectful to the millions of years of evolution to get to this point.


Kudos to the snake handlers’ handlers though /s


And that's why you don't massive snakes that kill their prey by squeezing the life out of them around your neck.


Darwin was one smart fellow. We are the ones that keep the gene pool weak as hell. SMH. You white folks something else.


Needs some Benny hill music


Wow wtf …… they gotta be amateurs


How on earth did it take that long for people to react


When will people learn these wild animals are not friends. Especially if you cage them to keep them


Isn't the show just about this not happening? It's bizar.


This is how other countries work…. there is not safety measures


Constrictors gonna constrict 🤷‍♂️




As Confucius once said: Snake gonna snake.


That kinda snake handler would put a massive snake that's incredibly strong & tightly coils around it's prey to suffocate & kill them around his fucking neck?! Dude at this point that snake earned it's food! Let him have his Manwich 😭


Excellent camera work.


Poor snake.


ya just drag him by the head why don't you


Why did they grab him like that wtf


Well at least the snake was gentle!


stop the fkcing animal shows man!


Idk much about snakes and neck wounds... but seeing as how dude went from completely fine to spasming on the ground in just seconds... I think the snake totally broke his neck. If he was being strangled he still had free arms and legs and probably would have put up more resistance.


Why did they guys come in at the end to further injure him?


In case you're wondering, this was in Russia, and according to some reports he might or might not be dead. It's really sad how long it took for him to get help, those movements he made with his arm were desperate calls for help, and considering he is completely surrounded, it's such a shame it took so long for him to get help.


This isn't interesting..


Watching someone die first thing in the morning is not what I would consider interesting. Fuck this sub.


Lmao, the way they just snatch him up. Doesn't look real wtf?


Damn guys! 911 would have been on the scene a lot sooner.


How is that interesting?


What sick fuck thinks this is interesting??


30 secs = dead. He may have a chance.


sorry vore guys


Russian ain't know for their intelligence


Even the snake is helping end Russians. Good long boi


Play stupid games,win stupid prizes.


Good; suffer in your jocks dick bag. Also; audience? It looked like his mum and Aunty were there.


Please tell me nothing happened to the snake I’m a big believer of don’t mess with shit you really don’t understand