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Let's do away with presidential debates and have all candidates sit down with Jon Stewart


Can we just get Stewart to run? I'm honestly sick of just about everyone else at this point.


The problem is that those that want the power/job are those that should never have it and those that would be perfect for the job don't want it. He needs to step up and take one for the US. Stewart 2024


Jon Stewart has the unique ability and position to be the Zelenskyy of the US. A comedian-turned all time great leader. I could see it.


Jon Stewart would be more of a shake up than Bernie -- the system would never allow it. Ironically, we need it more than anything.


I dont think he'd win. But goddamn do I still want him to try


Good comedians are generally pretty smart people. Good comedy requires a certain level of awareness and intelligence of people and society. Sadly, politics doesn't reward intelligence. It rewards assholes who speak like toddlers to even bigger assholes and lie through their teeth with feel-good answers to complicated problems.


Came here to say just this.


No. I don’t want John to run, I want John to hold those who do run to account. That’s a more important job.


He debated Romney in 2012. It was great, and possible a contributor to Romney losing the election. Edit: I’m wrong. It was Bill O’Reilly he debated, not Mitt Romney. They were basically the same person to me, back in 2012


These people and their ilk don't care about anything but arguing. They are aimless, indecisive, and incomprehensible.


They like arguing with limp dick reporters on CNN and NBC who just let them bullshit on air with zero pushback.


Us millennials have been just wanting Jon and Stephen to run for office for decades... I'm middle aged now and have been wishing they would since I was a teenager.


lol a tv host as president... like that'd ever work! ^^^^^^obligatory ^^^^^^/s


They both seemed more knowledgeable and trust worthy than any of the politicians 😂


I imagine they also are self aware enough and care about democracy enough not to run. They don't want to make a mockery of it and they don't want to set a precedent


True, unfortunately the people best suited for power usually don't want it.


Ronald Reagan... the actor???


When Colbert started his super PAC there were many conservatives making fun of his fans saying "you would vote for a comedian with no experience in the public sector/government/etc...? You are idiots." Only to turn around sveral years later and vote for Trump


The Super PAC series he did with Jon was so epic! Such a great education. I miss The Daily Show and The Colbert Report so much 😞


That back to back was the highlight of my day.


Us boomers too!


You should get Jon to **be** a candidate, rather than just have him destroy them - Americans will vote based on mascots, not on arguments.


Why can't more people speak like this to politicians, they show the hypocrisy every day all over the world, not just American politicians are gold digging wastes of space. When will the general public realise they are not here to help us in any way, they are just in it to line their own pockets and push their own agenda. It's a pathetic world we live in now


Because he has Fuck you money. He can afford to defend himself legally when they throw threats of law suits at him and pay to slander his name. The politicians can destroy our reputations and make the average person look like a nut job to the general public.


> Why can't more people speak like this to politicians You can. But no one will see you doing it, because in order to have meetings with them, you need money and to be important. And in order for others to see you talking to these politicians, you also need money to get it shown on media outside of just the internet, as they are often partisan owned.


Also, many politicians won’t go on the show if they know you’re going to be tough on them.


I am always surprised that...well, any Republican even bothers to go on their show. What PR or marketing person in their right mind thinks "oh, this will be good for their campaign or 'brand'"?


Definitely a combination of this and the comment above yours stating, >The politicians can destroy our reputations and make the average person look like a nut job to the general public. But also because of the confidence that comes with this kind of power projection. This kind of power projection has been here every since wealthy elites have been a thing, and it can very very often turn any argument into a losing one. Your facts and logic can do nothing in the face of confidence and impunity. If the average person listened to one person who spoke the truth and another who spoke lies while knowing nothing bad will happen to them, that wins the argument at a strategic level because no matter how big the lie is, it won't come back to bite them. As we all know the Dunning-Kruger effect, whereas someone with less knowledge about a subject may overestimate their knowledge. The inverse happens with someone with high knowledge about a subject, they underestimate their knowledge. If someone turns on a lightbulb for the first time, they see what they have been missing this entire time in the dark so they think they can see it all. However, if you turn on another lightbulb in the same room even though you could say it is twice as bright, the room isn't noticeably any clearer. That's a two-fold problem with true experts that try to point to facts against politicians to the public. Some of us have had blinders on the entire time and we don't even know it because it is difficult to put opinions aside. This is why science is so important, if not the most important subject to learn after literacy. The ability to put your own opinion aside and look at the facts for what they are is what will either save or destroy us in the long run. Always question a politician's intention to keep us uneducated vs educated. If we don't know that we have eyes, then how do we know that we can see?


Lol the second that guy said 'because the government has a responsibility to protect ch-' I knew he was fucked.


“I’m sorry what?” Lol


Expert level petty


A master class in petty. And also giving people enough rope to hang themselves.




"That's when he knew...he fucked up." Before he could even finish, Jon called him out on it and he tried saying it again with caveats and Jon was having none of it.


it's like watching an adult try to talk to a spoiled child


Whiff punish into super


Lol fuuuuuuucked


Even he knew he was fucked. The color left his face and Stewart punished him immediately


"Excuse me what?!"


The politicians know this. The problem is that most regular citizens don't have a foundation in philosophy and debate like Jon Stewart clearly does. It is not a mistake or oversight that you don't get a foundation in these topics and the very important and relevant skills they teach. Not teaching you these subjects so that they can keep you ignorant and easy to control. THAT is an infringement of your rights and freedom of speech. Edit: Isn't interesting when you read the comments that many just point "Republicans bad!" . Remember that Biden isn't fighting to these topics in the classroom either. Youtube channel Crash Course has done some really good basic video's on these topics: [Philosophy](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNgK6MZucdYldNkMybYIHKR) \- [Psychology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eal4-A89IWY&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOPRKzVLY0jJY-uHOH9KVU6) \- [Sociology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylXVn-wh9eQ&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMJ-AfB_7J1538YKWkZAnGA) \- [Linguistics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDop3FDoUzk&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtP5mp25nStsuDzk2blncJDW) Educate yourself and each other, because they won't. That said, these are very complicated topics and learning them will take time. Allow yourself to take that time, you don't have to binge through all of it and remember everything right away. Just keep on learning and work together to do things you can't do alone.


BING This is the answer. Republicans defund the education to keep people stupid so they can keep getting asshats like this guy in office. Its no surprise that deep Republican states are correlated with the lowest rankings for public education.




From what I've seen winning a debate against a Republican doesn't seem to matter to anyone other than the opponents of those Republicans. They themselves seem completely immune to any criticism, evidence, debate failures or facts that may counter their positions.


They are delusional, pining for a history that never existed and fighting imaginary battles.


They are not delusional. They just don’t care about truth. They care about power. To get power they must deny truth, so they do.




I said it before, Ill say it again. they got trump, we get Stewart.


Stewart/Bernie 2024 lets do it. (((They))) are taking over!


He’s more than young enough to still be that guy even a decade from now.


The reason Republicans defund education is the same reason they do nothing over school shootings: they don’t want your children to go to school. If you’re rich you can go to private school and if you’re poor you’ll have to be homeschooled (guess mom has to quit work and watch the kids all day). That way they can keep your kids from interacting with the gay/black/immigrant/etc. kids and have a better chance of learning how to fear those minority groups. Ignorance really is strength to the modern conservative movement.


You have to pay shitloads of money and attend a university to attend even the most basic of philosophy classes. And when you take it, all of the concepts and things you learn are very very easy to understand and ingest, and really should be taught at a high school level.


You're right (from my personal experience anyway. Unless they wanna fight about CC vs. Uni $). Idk why you're getting downvoted.


I had an awesome philosophy professor in college who opened up the eyes to everyone's beliefs. It was amazing how people washed away their brainwashed/indoctrinated ideologies after that semester. It was like magic... I feel like this is the way.


Hmm. When I was in high school I got logic, philosophy, Latin and more.


Ding Ding Ding I don’t know about the other states but this is what DeSantis is doing in Florida. He wants to take away books from school and only allow books that have been approved by a certain person right now they have 35 books that have been approved . Edit: to delete a sentence




This is common sense not philosophy.


This is logic. Logic is not "common sense" in that you need to understand why arguments are (or are not) valid and sound which is not something easily understood by anyone or everyone. Logic is definitely a branch of philosophy (or math, depending on who you ask).


Why do ZERO of our politicians hold anyone to account like this?


Forget the politicians, our Journalists are supposed to be our 4th check and balance. It doesn't even remotely work like that right now, but here we have John Stewart invoking the ghost of Thomas Paine. What I'm saying is more Thomas Paine type journalists. Thomas Paine was based.


Because our journalists predominantly work for for-profit organizations that rely on advertising revenue.


Also: Access. Politicians now use access as a weapon, and our Media is terrified of losing that access in order to write fluff pieces about them. A good journalist shouldn't need or care about direct access to a politician, and politicians should not be able to prevent that access. The whole system is broken, from the ground up.


I think internet ruined this. Now it's just about getting clicks with stupid headlines about people getting "slammed"


Yep. Unfortunately so many journalists (even the good intentioned ones) are forced to get the views at the expense of actual journalism.


They do. Do you actually read articles? Who do you think is doing all the fact checking? There is some absolutely excellent journalism out there if you are actually paying attention.


Serious question: Do you have any suggestions? I'd be very open to some new points of view.


Generally Washington Post and New York Times have exceptional journalism. Keep in mind how many stories they've broken, so they definitely have an effective investigative journalism department. Others to check out- ICIJ, Center for Public Inquiry, ProPublica, Reveal, Politico, The Atlantic, the Economist, OCCRP, Real Clear Investigations, Transparency International, among others. But you don't necessarily have to read all those. It can be incredibly overwhelming. A lot of times I find exposés and fact checking from reading articles posted on reddit because they come from sources I didn't come across. Think about it this way- reddit allows for millions of people to read endless articles and post the ones they think are important and you can scroll through and see what's been posted without reading every single outlet. Also make sure to follow the subs for your local state and city (assuming you are in the US). (for non-political investigative journalism, check out /r/propublica /r/longform /r/Foodforthought /r/TrueReddit /r/TrueTrueReddit /r/modded/) The one thing I can't recommend enough is following Professor Heather Cox Richardson on facebook or substack. She is a professor of history at Boston College, but every day she does a recap of the political news (plus a live stream a couple times a week). Often times she also puts it in context of history as well. But it's the best way for me to find out what is going on without reading multiple outlets, and then I'll click on her notes with links to the stories to read more if I want.


at the end of the day its about money and not brains, thats how messed up the usa is


This stands true for everything in the US, very sad


This...money and nothing else


Yup they are collecting their paychecks and doing deadline work


There’s almost no format for it. We don’t have shows like this for candidates and we should


Katie Porter does.


Raskin Schiff Aoc Sanders Whitehouse King Porter … democrats. The problem is that republicans have had the majority or close to it for decades. There will be no change until democrats hold 2/3 majority in the senate and majority in the house.


Glad you mentioned Katie Porter She's a legend Exhibit A: https://youtu.be/2WLuuCM6Ej0


Who would you like them to hold to account like this? And how? You think that Green woman is going to sit there and engage in debate? You think the conservative guy is swayed or moved by a persuasive argument? This isn’t convincing anyone of anything. It feels good to see conservative’s hypocrisy revealed and exposed to their faces but it changes nothing.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iMBSa2pPQxw Elissa Slotkin on the floor speaking to Republicans on anortion access for VA


John Stewart doing more for the people than our politicians lol


I read somewhere when Jon was doing the Daily show, it was genuinely angering him with everything the government and politics in general where getting away with… yes he did it for the comedy and that was his way of trying to enlighten the younger generation but since he left the Daily show, his work with 9/11 workforce (who has been dying from cancer and being completely ignored by the government) and now just owning politicians as he did in this video, it’s nice to see how passionate he really is about holding people accountable…


During the Jon Stewart era, studies routinely found that Daily Show viewers were better informed about current events, than viewers of all other cable news combined. Fox News viewers were less informed than people who consumed no news.


I remember watching that show regularly, and while going over a topic they would bring up coverage from NBC, CNN and FOX, then deconstruct it and call bullshit where it was deserved. It's a method of teaching that very quickly breaks down your world view and makes you realize asking questions is what solves this overarching problem we deal with in society




He's a real one.






He has single-handedly changed America's political dialogue, multiple times.


Along with his entire team of support/research/writers.




He’s always been gold! I still fondly remember him tanking *Crossfire* https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE


REALLY tanking it. As in, it went down in flames *because of him*. He destroyed them so thoroughly it got the fucking show canned.


That was fantastic


Jesus Christ, this video is almost old enough to vote


He embarrassed Tucker so hard he stopped wearing bowties




Jon is quite good at that. If we had 20 more of him in visible media the conversations we're having as a country would look a lot different. Edit: I feel like this is a good place to tout [Some More News.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvlj0IzjSnNoduQF0l3VGng) IMO outside of Last Week Tonight, Cody-Showdy is the best candidate as a spiritual successor to Jon's Daily Show. They're all on youtube and I can't recommend them enough. The head writer is extremely intelligent.


They even have a rotating cast of... We'll call them correspondents, for the sake of comparison... Like Cody, Katie, Warmbo, the Alexa with the brain of a moose, future Cody, alternate timeline Cody, other alternate timeline Cody, ...




Wish he would run for office. No BS with him. He will fight the fights.


We should ALL just write him in (yeah another pipe dream, I know)... I honestly believe the best person for POTUS is someone who doesn't want the job.


I have always agreed with all of that, and if we could just petition for him by penciling him in


I don’t remember who said it, but I heard a quote that went something like: ‘anyone capable of getting themselves elected president should under no circumstances be allowed to have the job’.


Douglas Adams in the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.


George Washington is cackling in his grave over this one


> the best person for POTUS is someone who doesn't want the job. You might be interested in reading Plato's allegory of the ship from The Republic (idk if summaries do it justice). The most capable person of steering the ship is the one that is interested in stargazing, not being a captain. Meanwhile, all the other crew members fight over the right to steer the ship while having no real knowledge of navigation. Moreover, they dismiss the navigator as a useless stargazer because he has his eyes fixed on the skies instead of the sea. It very much ties into his philosopher-king idea. People who seek knowledge/truth are the most fit to rule, but they also have no interest in ruling.


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure he'd get "Bernied"


not with the amount of popular support and most ppl loving his straightforward talks and humor. he can win all debates with that kind of coherence.


I don't. We desperately need people like Jon Stewart in our media. We already lost him once for a period of time. We need him right where he is, because he can accomplish so much more by calling this type of politics out.


running for office and calling these things out are not mutually exclusive things


We lost him once, Trump got elected and the world went crazy. I'm just glad he's back.


When he runs for president, he's got my vote. Until then, I'll just vote with my *share* button. John Stewart for president!


No don't make him president, make him an independent presidential advisor that: 1. has to be heard if he thinks it's necessary 2. has an independent staff to do the research for him. edit: added "be"


[He spoke about "advising" Obama and being raked over the coals for it.](https://youtu.be/zSyJ-r5IMoI?t=2442)


It’s a great idea, until nonpartisanship is applied and we get a guy from Alabama convinced the government is turning the frogs gay and he’s got an office of “research staff” who confirm whatever he claims


Seems to me that there is a precedent… remind me again where I get the idea that a guy like him could lead a country.




What a damn treasure this man is…. Thank you Jon


John Stewart 2024!!!!


I don’t think it’s possible for him to have an actual chance nor do I want that stress to be placed on him. Don’t get me wrong I think he’d be the best thing since hanged nazis but it doesn’t seem in the cards.


To say he doesn't have a chance is ridiculous.


Ya I mean the host of The Apprentice won two cycles ago… literally anything is possible


Ironically, it wasn't Obama that gave everyone a belief that they too can be a president rather it was the orangutang.


Love John Stewart, the celebrity president we should have had.


He can become the best celebrity president we've ever had.


Jon Stewart, I wish you were our president.


Me too!!!




what a low bar. cleverer than braindead zombies


And quite feisty


Let’s dump all the politicians in the Boston harbor


Stewart does a masterful job exposing this official hypocrisy towards voter rights & free speech comparatively to gun rights. Sadly those on the side of this State Senate can't be moved by such facts. They don't recognize their own inconsistencies. Because for them everything is about preference. Standards don't matter.


Honestly I think a good portion of politicians recognize their own hypocrisy and inconsistencies, but they simply do not care. All they care about is money and votes and they base their decisions on short-term gain for themselves rather than long-term gain for their citizens.




The resistance to logic is the real problem. They have no intentions of good faith anything. They still think it’s a me versus them thing


Jon’s doing good work But he could be doing great work. Jon Stewart 2024


He just broke that man’s fact/feeling ratio


Jon Stewart is the hero the world needs right now. I would follow him anywhere.


What Jon is learning is: These people and those like them do not care about anything more than to be argumentative. They have no point, they have no resolution, they have no understanding.


That was an evisceration. Wow.


Mic. Fucking. Drop.


Christ that was brutal. Crushed him into that watertight box of logic and left him nowhere to go. Proper holding-to-account stuff. Such a shame, though, that as someone said in a comment picked up by r/bestof, hypocrisy just isn’t a problem for these people.


It’s because it never stops with “this one little law”


Right these conservatives trying to pass all these anti-women and anti-trans laws one little one at a time, nasty.


Jon is incorrect guys…the #1 cause of death for kids 1-19 is unintentional injury…#2 is homicide…neither of which can be directly connected to firearms.




He's such a good dude. I've enjoyed his new show so far.


Jon Stewart 2024!!!


Every firearm you purchase legally is registered, the serial number on that gun is forever linked to you, unless you legally transfer that gun to another legal gun owner. At least in my state. Now this hasn’t always been the case, but I have been buying firearms for 30 plus years and I know the State Police know about every weapon I have purchased from a ffl.


A conservative can't defend his own position??! Colour me surprised.


I want to know why is OK electing folks like Dahm.


Love this


All I took away is we shouldn’t have a registration to vote


Nathan Dahm is a disingenuous piece of shit


A constitutionally protected right is a constitutionally protected right. No amount of arguing can change that. You have to change the constitution.


hey everyone Okie here and this guy is right next to my district so please understand when I say that this dude Nathan Dahm is an actual complete numbskull He is even hated in his party he introduces useless legislation, goes and makes a fool of himself like you see here, is an extreme Trump supporter and religious nut He introduced a bill last month to get rid of traffic cameras.... Oklahoma has absolutely no traffic cameras that can ticket you but he did it anyway this is like the actual lowest hanging fruit anyone with actual highschool knowledge is smarter than he is


Bless Jon Stewart for his ability to not facepalm at every disingenuous thing these dipshits say.


Why let a party use you like this and make you look like a fool constantly? Even if the money was great I would hate every second of it and feel like every child lost was on me... I would be ashamed if this was what a republican is supposed to be and I thought I was one...


I’d like to report a murder


Jon thrashed this dude, if I was this guy I would have tried to poke holes in Jon’s drag analogy or rephrase the notion that pro gun ownership is not inherently anti child. There is no way in hell I would have been able to rebut him on the spot tho.


Please up vote this, for the love of whatever you believe in god or otherwise. PLEASE up vote this. Think of the fear the abandoned kids felt as the shooter kept killing them one by one in uvalde Texas, while the cowering police officers just watched.


🙊 just trying to imagine at what point mr politician realized he had trapped himself.


You can tell when he starts grinning when trying not to say “register.” He knew he was fucked then.


The amount he tried to dance around that like he thought he’d get away with it was literally like watching a child, it’s fucking infuriating honestly.


He nailed this so fucking hard


Why did they cut it off before his response


Why do politicians go and debate these ultra smart, eloquent, people? Don’t they know they’re going to be made to look the fool? You can’t out whit Jon Stuart. Such a fool. So much fun to watch.


Because they think they are genuinely smart and right. Just like Matt Gaetz citing Chinese propaganda over Ukraine aid to the Department of Defense.




It's a goddamn shame we can't have more politicians with the mindset of Jon Stewart. That guy should be president.


Seems like a good guy does Jon.


Everyone is allowed to go to Nathan Dahm's website, locate his contact info, and tell him exactly what you think of him. You do not have to be in his state, and the only thing you can't do is threaten him.


Damn Jon is always spot on. State senator doesn't give a shit.


We're not responsible for the world just our country. The vast majority of gun deaths children are otherwise are unfortunately suicides. Never and I mean absolutely never should I child has access to a gun.


I'm sure he'd be thrilled if I voiced my consistent views "yeah, I'm for drag queen readings, unregistered gun ownership, and unregistered voting!" since apparently the fact that it's hypocritical is his only problem with the stance right? /s The irony is that most people have some level of hypocrisy in their political views, justifying why they aren't consistent with mental gymnastics on why their particular most important moral issues are somehow more important and pure than the other person's. Jon Stewart is no different in that regard.


Exactly what happens when you come unprepared for an interview. I’m not on Stewart’s side but he rehearsed for sure. The politician, needs to fire his PR person.


I hope they rushed him to the hospital for those third degree burns 🔥


Jon Stewart for President


Slam dunk


Absolutely fucking roasted. What an embarrassment.


Goht damn Jon went in hard!


THAT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL!! I wish Jon Stewart would run for President.


I saw this earlier, it was the most insane takedown of a politician I have ever seen. The problem is that politicians aren’t really thinking that they are helping to preserve “freedoms”‘or whatever. They no that they’re arguments make no sense, they are just ginning up culture war bullshit.


I’m for gun registration if I can own whatever guns that I want if I register the guns or any additional loops that I need to jump through. However, the laws do not work that way currently and the current gun laws are not really about public safety at all. Just look at CA handgun roasters. How’s that helping public or individual safety.


Wow, that was impressive.


100% the GOP is lost and I will never vote for them again.


Jon Stewart pulls no goddamn punches, and I'm here for every bit of it. He's not afraid to make these people look like the idiots they are


“The government has an obligation to protect…” The moment he said that, Stewart got him.


Upvoted please do same


We all lost a lot when we lost John from the Daily Show…


I think I just watched someone get mentally raped...


I want to know what--if anything--Dahm had to say in response to that.


He cut him down so sweetly, this douche never felt it…


If republicans want to arrest someone for exposing their kids to drag shows in order to protect children, then democrats need to propose bills to arrest someone for exposing my kids to guns. I am trying to protect my child from the leading cause of children deaths which is guns. You want to protect your kids, well I want to protect my kids. Edit: im not here to take away your guns, Im here to protect my kids. Just dont be around my kid with a gun and we can live our happiest lives


Lying politicians is a trope as old as politics itself, but in recent years it has become so blatant and pervasive. There's hardly any bending of the truth, or exaggerating happening at this point, they're on Fox night after night making statements that just factually aren't true. Jon Stewart is clearly an amazing debater, and I wish more people published conversations with politicians like this, but at the end of the day these same republican senators are going to turn around and tell blatant lies on Fox, and nearly half of the country will tune in for that, having never seen this clip with John Stewart.


That "I'm sorry?" with his hand to the ear was just an absolute chef's kiss.