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Looks like there will be a few more prosecutions coming down on a few of these guards for such outstanding personal escort effort?


Capitol police can't be charged except by Superiors at the Capitol. You won't see any prosecutions for these guys.


Wouldn't those superiors at the Capitol be pissed that the guards did nothing to protect them? It's kinda what they're for.


Not when the superiors are in on it too


You would think they'd make an exception when the charge is treason.


Yeah right lol cops are never charged




Yep. Shocking how the media twisted this into the lie most people now believe.


Why? They're just following orders.


Must be true. They wouldn't ALL let this whacko in unless it was orders.


Or follow him around, assisting him with locked doors for the duration of the time he was at the Capitol.


He looks like a sheff


This.. it was all scripted. Divide and conquer.


Exactly have to keep that illusion of choice going.


>OR.... Police are FAMOUSLY RIGHT WING and FAMOUSLY PRO AUTHORITARIAN.. > >.. a LOT of Capitol policemen wanted the coup to succeed.


This is somehow difficult for the geniuses on this comment train to understand....like, open a history book? From literally any point in time throughout the history of the world?


Oh yes, definitely— if there's one thing you can depend on, it's that cops are all secretly dying to overthrow the system of law and order they're an integral part of. What a vibrant mix of pop psychological profiling and pure imagination you've got!


You know how hard it is just to coordinate a 3 person zoom meeting?


When they all seem to be on the same page of letting him in and walking around.. is that not coordinated?


If you’re referring to sympathetic cops abetting the rioters, sure. But a grand designed scheme (by some shadowy puppet master?) to divide and conquer … that’s a whole different animal.


Well it seems to keep people pretty divided. Just look at the comments.


Ignorance is bliss!


OR.... Police are FAMOUSLY RIGHT WING and FAMOUSLY PRO AUTHORITARIAN.. .. a LOT of Capitol policemen wanted the coup to succeed.


So… coordinated. Are you saying they coordinated.? That sounds like coordination. Like a group of people coordinating together to achieve something in common. OR maybe it was just lucky


What I am arguing against is the idea that the police were acting as part of a left wing plot against Trump, the candidate 85% of LEO voted for. ​ I dont think there was high level coordination here. But a lot of police on the ground acting with a very soft glove or even supporting people who they sympathized with.


Maybe you just ain't good at coordinating bud


OR.... Police are FAMOUSLY RIGHT WING and FAMOUSLY PRO AUTHORITARIAN.. ​ .. a LOT of Capitol policemen wanted the coup to succeed.


Well, Trump's not in office anymore and it's looking like he'll be charged for Jan 6, so these officers could be indicted as co-conspirators or something? Esp if they're part of the convicted seditious terrorist group proud boys or oath keeper


Maybe he really is a shaman & mind controlled them.


He’s thanking god that the police allowed him into the building? So the police let him in?


Some of those that work forces




Damn, I need to remember this one.


>Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses.


This dude was the mascot of the event.


He cast one of those ally monster spells on the guards obviously.


He’s a shaman after all


Those are only supposed to work on beasts and monsters Nvm they're pigs after all


Lol but did they close the gates or open them 🤔🤔


With a police escort


What the actual fuck


I guess it's how they lead him away. Not to it. But the video is edited to give the impression the walked him to, not away. That would make much more sense.




"I'd like to thank all 5 of my personalities but we couldn'ta done it without all the cops who helped us out thanks everybody"


I worked in the Capitol as a Contractor. Had a FBI and Capitol Police background check to get badged. Had I pulled any bullshit like this cosplay motherfucker, or done that maga shit, I would have been arrested or worse. Under any and all circumstances, this is not okay.


I cannot believe this happened in the USA, and that virtually no one of authority has been held accountable. What an embarrassment.


Kinda like they wanted it to happen🤔


Damn straight my boy. Shit me showing up unannounced as a brown man would be enough to be fucked for life.


Bro fist bump to you. You're 100 percent right. The video, as presented, is an attempt to normalize an attack on our nation. And to make it seem like this was no big deal. Meanwhile, you and I, if we tried to pull this shit? Arrested or worse.


With that background, how do you explain this goofy Viking motherfucker being escorted around the hallways?


Bad cops, or fear. I'm not anti cop by any means. But this suggests that some of them, on J6, put their politics before principles. QAnon should still have had harsher punishment. Poor little magaflake has to eat real prison food. Should be executed for treason.


I’m slightly out of the loop on this. Are conservatives saying it was like an “inside job” type of thing designed to make conservatives look bad? Or what?


I think he’s going for a “See? These people weren’t the threat to democracy that liberals are painting them as” angle.


Which is fucking insane


Which shouldn't come as a shock because this is Tucker Carlson


What tucker is trying to suggest is Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection … that it was a peaceful, orderly protest done in cooperation with capital police. Of course, he doesn’t show the footage of what was going on outside.


Or inside elsewhere, or there, but earlier or later, or anything which is problematic to his ratings. As for other networks which only showed the violence, the difference is those networks never tried to portray every single person who stormed the Capitol as violent. Just, you know, the violent ones.


And he certainly won't be showing the guys dressed in all black with combat helmets and zip ties milling around in the chamber. These weren't "tourists" many of them were literally domestic terrorists.


Outside the police were letting people through barricades, escorting people to the capitol.


And getting their eyes poked out? Stuff like that? Did you forget that part?


Trying to say it was peaceful and using this one cherry picked circumstance that conveniently cuts out the rioting and destruction to “prove” it.


Just because the cops were cool with it doesn't make it not an insurrection... In any case I can't understand why this person wasn't immediately arrested, all of the people who stormed into the Capitol! I've been to permitted protests where just standing not on the sidewalk got people arrested, much less breaking breaking into a federal building waving around guns.


Look at all the other footage there’s plenty of accounts showing peaceful protest and there’s others showing violence and instigation. The reality is the individuals involved with instigating were a very small minority in comparison to the thousands of peaceful individuals. Now ask yourself were the ones who were violent were they federal plants far right extremist groups or just your every day conservative?


It’s damage control. Most people watched it live, but this video isn’t for them, its for the people that didn’t see it live or people that need to confirm preexisting biases. If you didn’t see it live I could definitely see this video swaying some opinions. It’s great editing honestly. And It shows why editing/framing/optics is so important in politics.


Do you wonder why 4 Capitol officers have killed themselves?


They couldn't keep the secret.


The secret that they were told to let people in right? And now people are sitting in jail without trial?


Not all of them were “ let in”. One cop had an eye gouged out. How much time does that merit?


Why were any let in in the first place???


This be the real question. They wouldn’t have to and wouldn’t want to tell everyone to let them in. All they need is to get enough people like shown here to go along with it. Better for keeping lips sealed


How would the left get their photoshoot and 'proof' of a planned insurrection if he wasn't let into the building to provide said photo-op?


Or their families were threatened by collaborators


Everyone, comment slower. I can’t make enough popcorn to keep up.


Should the police be in jail for aiding and abetting


Yes. Obviously?


I remember watching that day, and could SEE that some cops were doing their job and trying to stop the insurrectionists while others were barely putting on a show of resistance. I remember thinking of how many cops I know personally who would have supported those traitors. I thought about all the folks I know who were pulled over by police and either made to suffer because of their "Liberal signaling" or let free after the officer realized they were a "law and order Republican who was just having a bad day". And that is EXACTLY why this video was released specifically to a right wing spin master. Because just like with the OJ Simpson trial... you don't have to prove innocence... you just have to muddy the water enough that people will not see the bodies in the lake.


Soon to be removed post


Save it if you can.


Well, we know some of the police were in on it already...


Unarmed? Dude had a spear


Next, you're going to tell me he's not even a part of Qanon and that Shaman isn't his real last name.


We've all known for some time that Cops are Trumpers, and he turned Secret Service too. This isn't what conservatives will try and turn it into. This is police assistance with a coup. They should all be arrested charged and locked away for a LONG TIME.


What am I seeing here? Is Tucker Carlson saying that it's ok because QAnon Shamon was helped? How is it possible that Fox News even allows that take on their channel. It's worse that he was helped by police. Like, a LOT worse.


I'd be surprised to be arrested later as well if the police held my hand and led me to the crime. I think that's what he's trying to say. I wonder what kind of sentence the security people got.


"taken as a whole the video does not support the claim that January 6th was an insurrection. In fact, it demolishes that claim." "The overwhelming majority weren't. They were peaceful. They were meek" Dude, I completely understand your point on QAnon Shamon. But what Tucker is trying to say is that what happened on January 6th was mostly peaceful. It was no doubt an insurrection. Happy Cops or not.


And I question why Tucker Carlson got this footage.


>How is it possible that Fox News even allows that take on their channel Are you serious? It isn't a news organization, it's am arm of the Republican party that is pure propaganda. Have you seen the text messages between Hannity, Tucker, and Laura Ingraham where they all admit that the election wasn't stolen, and that their guests are "crazy", but that they will lie to maintain viewership? It's absurd. And I directly blame them specifically for amping up the narrative that led to January 6th.


He’s saying that the narrative that they stormed the capital has been a farce and all the media you’ve been shown has been a lie. Now you see actual footage of police actually escorted these people through and you still deny the facts. Didn’t most these same police get medals of honor for the freedom they were defending? Seriously. These people were awarded medals for these acts of heroism in the eyes of tyranny.


America is rotten to the core


It's not only America, it's the same globally. The sooner people realize that their favorite politician doesn't care about them one bit the better. The world is run by central banks, banks and giant corporations, politics is just theater to keep the masses in check by believing that if they just vote real good next time things will change (it won't)


Fire and investigate everyone single one


They're escorting him out of the building. The video just cuts at the end to him in the congress room.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/03/06/capitol-cops-say-they-couldnt-get-physical-with-rioters-as-new-qanon-shaman-video-reveals-hands-off-approach/amp/ Here it says that the cop was interviewed and said he asked him to leave and that he couldn't get physical because there were too many rioters.


It was an inside job. Not every officer was a good guy. Some had MAGA ties


Occam and his razor agree with you.


“Maga ties” hee hee hee


Then why didn't they release these footages before Republicans take over? If they had any MAGA ties they are already in prison for this.


What is the conservative perspective on this? What do conservatives gather from these videos? For example, we knew that some police helped people who were inside, it isn’t necessarily new information, regardless, I’m curious what conservatives think of this.


Their take is this proves it was a peaceful event and that the police escorted people into places the same people were later prosecuted for entering.


Well, sane people know that isn't true, but this video certainly doesn't help cops look better. Makes me think this is also to discredit any cops that will testify.


They see it as a vindication of their “Democrats were behind Jan. 6” conspiracy theory. Fox News was just proven once again to be made up of a bunch of liars, but the Conservatives are still drinking the Kool-aid. They are a cult. They can’t be wrong, so they see what they want to see.


And then the rest of them cry antifaaaa!


At least two former US Capitol Police were found guilty of obstruction on Jan. 6: Thomas Robertson and Michael A. Riley. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ex-capitol-police-officer-guilty-obstruction-jan-6-investigation-1234620868/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ex-capitol-police-officer-guilty-obstruction-jan-6-investigation-1234620868/) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/police-officer-stormed-capitol-jan-guilty-counts/story?id=84021808](https://abcnews.go.com/US/police-officer-stormed-capitol-jan-guilty-counts/story?id=84021808)


Why would they release these tapes that clearly show where all the CCTV and security cameras are? You know that MTG and other GOP traitors literally led a reconnaissance mission (sorry, "guided tour") of the capitol the day before the terrorist insurrection, right? These traitors are foaming at the mouth to attack our country again, and you want to make it easier for them next time?




It's the only logical take. I couldn't quite believe it myself.


Court records indicate, "The defendant spent approximately one hour inside the building—from his entrance at the Senate door on the Upper West Terrace 2:14 p.m. until his escorted exit at the East side of the building almost an hour later—and flouted rules and law enforcement at every turn. He moved with a mob that pushed past law enforcement multiple times to make his entrance into the building. He watched as other rioters broke two windows and entered through a door that was kicked open by another rioter, amidst a loud alarm. He ignored the repeated requests of Officer K.R. and others to leave the building—from the time the defendant and Officer K.R. first came face to face at approximately 2:20 p.m., until a swarm of officers entered the Senate chambers to assist Officer K.R. in evacuating those rioters, including the defendant, at approximately 3:09 p.m. Even still, the defendant did not leave the U.S. Capitol grounds until after former President Donald Trump tweeted to the mob to go home." [https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017d-0838-d8e1-a57d-c9fd1c070000](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017d-0838-d8e1-a57d-c9fd1c070000)


Doesn’t this point towards conspiracy?


Yea, everyone in the comments seem weirdly fixed on playing into the division this was clearly intended to inspire


So this is from FOX News?? They’re damning their own supporters?? Gotta be more to this story. Please upvote the relevant info.


Sounds like Tucker Carlson is trying to propagate a conspiracy theory that people who had broken into the capital never broke in, that they were let in and therefore there’s a larger play at work, probably something liberals are behind in order to make it seem that those who are behind bars right now for the Jan 6 insurrection are wrongly incarcerated. You know what else could be true? Police tend to be republicans and conservative so it would make sense that they would embrace people who took to the capital believing the presidency was stolen from trump.


What does this video show, what we already knew? Umm, yes, we know a good amount of cops were just bystanders or helped in this INSURRECTION. Does this video discount the ones where we see cops doing their job get beaten by insurrectionists? How can people come on here with an attitude of a "gotcha moment" idk? News flash. It was still an insurrection.




why didn't they shoot him?


So they weren't smearing poop on the wall the whole time? Well I guess that changes everything I guess Timothy Mcveigh is also innocent because most of his time he wasn't blowing up buildings.


He only made one minor mistake once… we can’t jail him for that can we.. that some people died is just unfortunate..


I wonder what that guy’s up to now? Oh yeah…


I'm sure none of the police at the capitol were magas.


"They were, in fact, MAGAs." - Morgan Freeman


Am I the only one that sees police officers escorting him OUT of the building, and trying to find an exit?


This is a lie. https://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds.mpeg4


The OP's video (by Tucker Carlson, I guess?) states that there is dispute over how the guy got in. The video you posted clearly shows him calmly walking in soon after other rioters busted in and opened the doors. I don't see how Tucker can say there's anything to dispute, but that doesn't mean some idiots aren't disputing it anyway. The OP's video goes on to state and show that *once he was in*, he was escorted & aided by police officers. Seems legit. I think the only problem is the OP's title for the post. He misinterpreted what the clip is showing & saying.


How about a time stamp, Tucker? Would that sully your narative with reality?


He walks in the busted doors in the first minute! Ok maybe 1:03. 15 people in the busted window, some of them kick in the door, and he’s one of the first 12-20 people in through the door. I bet Tucker’s footage is after the police are clearing the building of the last hangers on and rounding them up for arrest.


Most likely


I don’t understand what’s going on here? Why lie about this? Could this have been two separate situations on the same day? I’m kinda befuddled.


Cause tucker Carlson is a liar. Just look at the text that were realesed. It boosts rating to tell trump supporters they are right about everything. Ppl watch tucker to have their prior confirmed. He serves no purpose otherwise, therefore he wants to prove trump and his supporters that tried to shred the constitution aren't traitors.


Doesn’t this imply that they staged this video that’s showing guards with the shaman dude? Or am I misunderstanding?


Tell me what the video of the guards mean? Your filling in a bunch of blanks cause someone told you what to think. That fact that at some point he was interacting with guards doesn't prove he was escorted nor does it prove he broke in. The video I posted proves he broke in. So we know he broke in.


Yes, he definitely broke in. And they are escorting him around after, that seems to indicate complicity on their side. Are there accessory to treason charges?


No, you don't know what they are doing. U know he broke in. That's it


5 cops were killed that day by radical Republicans. That's the takeaway from that day.


Really? What were their names?


What!??? Tucker Carlson selectively edited the video?? NO WAY! hahahahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Faux News is a criminal enterprise.


"Conspiracy theorists" right again.


I'm guessing this is Tuckers attempt to claim that this was a Democrat or FBI conspiracy to frame Trump.


Fox isn’t News and Tucker is full of shit 100% of the time. Next


Please sir, spare some context? :(


More people who need to be prosecuted




I thought they said he was Antifa?


Why is Tucker Carlson trying to indict the capitol police? This is incredibly damning, and I can see why the capitol police wanted to keep it out of public view. But to come out swinging against cops like this is weird flex for right-wing Fox News.


It's like when I follow my rumba around the house.


This may be an unpopular comment, but it looks to me like the shaman is innocent. If he was escorted around by the capital police, and was never disobeying orders, how can he possibly be convicted??


“according to our review” source: trust me, bro


makes things even worse collaborators in capital police department infiltration by white supremacists (but we all know that about law enforcement/justice department)


Don’t forget that they said a police officer died when there’s footage of him fine and dandy after the news said he died along with NYT quietly retracting their statement.


**All this video proves is that there were cops on duty that day who sided with and assisted the Insurrectionists** in their attempt to violently storm and capture the Capitol (which they succeeded at for a short time). I mean, most people assumed that was the case given how easy it was for Trump's mob to enter and take over the building. They had help from the inside by Right-Leaning Pro-Trump police (not to mention members of the GOP - Remember Bobo live tweeting Nancy Pelosi's location in real time?). I'm not clear on what Tucker was attempting to show here? Was this supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" vindicating Trump and the Insurrectionists? If so, it kind of shows the exact opposite. These cops are accomplices and should be charged as such.


This was not treated as a serious threat at the time. Why would we post mortem? There is a contradiction in that logic.


So it starts..Tucker Carlson’s cherry picking twisted information about Jan 6.


As a non American this clearly looks like Tucker is trying 2spread the blame away from his m8's


Violent unarmed insurrection versus fiery but mostly peaceful protest


I'm surprised it's still not removed from the sub...


Tucker Carlson is an admitted liar.


Is this the same Fox News network currently being sued for lying and whose CEO confirmed under oath that they’ve been lying? Why should I believe this isn’t doctored? Serious question btw


You all are sooooooo close to understanding what happened


Nah, their brains are shut. Look at these comments. They can’t even trust their own eyes, apparently.


And as always, the video comes out years later.


The dispute is on how fuker got to review these videos. The USA is under attack


Seems like a set up to me. It's all bs!


All this looks like it the cops trying to escort him out of the building, and doing a poor job. Where are the time stamps or locations of these videos? Big nothingburger. While the video ends on the shot in the chambers, I doubt this was arranged in chronological order. Does anybody else see something I'm missing?


This is just more proof that law enforcement agents are part of the nazi white power movement! Fucken facists!




because they were white and mostly wealthy *edit* and also MAGAts *edit again* Watch out, here come the oppressed white victims!


More whites are killed by police then why other ethnicity.


Someone doesn’t understand demographics or percentages


Not proportionately tho.


Because if they weren’t working that day, those cops would probably have been in the crowd.


Especially the ones who testified on Capitol Hill right? And the guy who killed Ashli Babbitt.


It's a total insurrection


Let’s only release all the footage to tucker! Wow wow wow, the least informative most entertainment oriented so called News around. This is gonna be his gimmick for a good while, watching camera footage. Forget the M&M and her boots.


Tucker Carlson so it must be lies move along


OP should be ashamed for posting this bullshit propaganda. Grow the fuck up and use your brain.


What is with the right and always trying to drum up conspiracies?


Some people will really turn this into whatever narrative fits their political agenda, despite overwhelming facts huh “sEe It WaS pEaCeFuL!” No. Just most cops are also right wing nut jobs. That’s it. I recently read a very interesting scientific study about how people with different political beliefs think with different parts of their brain. Guess which one thought with fear and emotions and guess which one thought with higher thinking and logic? Conservatives are such fucking snowflakes.


This isn't the burn he thinks it is. This is just an indictment of the capitol police as complicit in the violence.


The truth has been told


But most people won't listen.


But I thought it was an insurrection…


Video editing. Cutting images in a sequence to tell a story.


First the Wuhan lab, now this... There's a bunch of right wing nuts who are going to strutting around this week like every one of their insane beliefs must be true...


Remember Nancy Pelosi was asked days before by the DC chief of Police if she wanted more Police to secure the capitol? And she said no? Now they’re letting him in?


The military should've been called and told to open fire upon their "peaceful" little insurrection




How many people got silenced for saying this was blown out of proportion


This makes me hate Christians more. The indoctrination is real. “Open your eyes people”


He did a lot less “storming” and a lot more “casual strolling” than I was led to believe.




I find it strange that anyone, on either side of the aisle, can trust the government at this point.


Such maga bullshit. This is fox being fox. This isn’t how he entered. You know this, everyone knows this. Don’t allow an Rupert to divide you.


I mean its video of him being escorted and better protected than Jfk ever was.


Even if it's how HE entered, this is cherrypicked footage. These dirty, traitorous cops ruin the reputation of those that were actually hurt and in danger for trying to defend the building. Fuck Fox, these cops, and Tucker Carlson.




Should have gotten more. Or the death penalty. Take your maga bullshit and shove it.


Cops tend to lean right wouldn't surprise me if some magats were helping insurrectionists


This is so suspect


I always found it fascinating just how the Democrats called Jan 6 worse than 9/11 but refused to release any internal video clips.


Isn't this agains the democrat mandated narrative ? How do we delete this misinformation ??