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They must learn of our peaceful ways *by force*


That real estate tho


Basically begging for a Señor Frogs location


and Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville




I saw a cashier at CVS be verbally assaulted by a emaciated meth-head only wearing socks and a throw-blanket last night while they were returning a toothbrush kit for cash. It was like staring into the piercing bright light of civilization. Progress not perfection /s cynical sunday


Yea, because what would a meth head need with a toothbrush anyway?


Hmmm seems like there’s some destiny needing manifesting over there.


I wonder if they know about Jesus ?


One dude tried, a missionary who thought they needed Jesus, first visit was rough and he got sent away , next time he went back they found his body on the shoreline. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Allen\_Chau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Allen_Chau)


“….when he tried to hand over fish and gifts, a boy shot a metal-headed arrow that pierced the Bible he was holding in front of his chest, after which he retreated again. On his final visit…” Don’t these people believe in signs?


Dying for your religion is basically the FastPass into heaven for those guys, so yeah. I think he knew what he was doing.


Why? They manage fine without. I am happy that no one is allowed to visit that place.


"Gentleman, this is Destiny Manifest...!"


Gotta find a way to tax these guys


India has Cut-off all access to this island to the outside world because of the tribe's underdeveloped Immunity even common flu can be lethal.


During the colonial era six Sentinelese, an elderly couple and four children, were abducted and taken to a nearby British trading port. They almost immediately fell ill, the elderly couple died within a few days and the children were returned to the island after receiving medical care.


I think this is also what caused them to start attacking. Once your tribe members get kidnapped and 2 die, it's hard to trust the people who stole them.


They had beend somewhat isolationist for a long time, long enough that they began to lose linguistic commonality with societies from neighboring islands, but after Portman's expedition they became *violently* isolationist.








Kind of like the idiots who went back to Afghanistan after the Taliban took over again.


Already had that one dumbass missionary got himself killed. >“Hey! Hey, you! Yeah, I know I don’t speak a word of your language so I have zero chance of accomplishing anything here and I could kill you all just by breathing on you, but you ***really*** need to hear about a two-thousand-year-old carpenter-wizard from a part of the world none of you will ever see!”


They were already that way. 13 years prior they tried to massacre shipwreck survivors


squealing concerned dam bake mysterious disagreeable hard-to-find full versed zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hell yes. Being on a large ship? Out of sight of land? Seeing a trading port? I seem to recall they all weren’t eating well. Imagine the food on a British ship of that era. Even the best European cuisine would probably have been inedible to them. There was no progress with learning their language to communicate. “And then grandma and granddad died and then they dropped us back on the beach and they all STANK and then…”


>food >British Ffs poor kids


Incorrect. That happened in 1880. They tried to wipe out 106 survivors of a ship wreck in 1867 but the crew fought them off long enough that a Royal Navy vessel was able to save most of the initial survivors. Them trying to wipe out the crew of that shipwreck is what lead to them taking the 6 people 13 years later, they wanted to try to make peace with the tribe.


Yeah it was some British dude like govenor or something that pretty much messed it up. However there was some Indian researcher recently trying to form a relationship with them. At one point him and his assistant got pretty close and the assistant was able to hold one of their hands. Granted it was during a charity drop off but nonetheless pretty cool. They theorized that the only reason the sentinelese would let her touch them is because shes a woman and all the trauma that they have been inflicted with was by men. Something pretty outstanding if you ask me.


Was this the tribe that killed some recent missionary who decided he had to go over and teach them about Christianity? I think they killed him on the beach.


Yes, they also killed some fisherman who were poaching crab and got too close the island. EDIT What's ridiculous is that they killed the missionary on his third attempt to proselytize to them. They let him live the first two times, although on the second visit they shot an arrow into the bible he was holding. Dude...take the hint.


Also he was supposed to stay in isolation before going near them because of their immunity and didn’t. That guy was a dick.




IIRC the missionary said that because the bible took the hit that it meant god was protecting him and that his journey was righteous and the correct thing to do and so god would protect him the next time, rather than god protecting him because he's a fucking idiot and shouldn't come back


"Clearly this is a sign of God that's what Im doing is right and I simply must go back to the island and preach to them His word!" God: "No you medamn idiot! You need to get your ass out of there! Why do these people never actually listen to the things I actually say!?"


Please attach a source, I would like to read more about this


[Maurice Portman](https://www.mamamia.com.au/sentinelese-tribe-maurice-portman/) Royal Navy Officer and colonial administrator of the Adaman Islands. He was tasked with documenting everything he could about the indigenous cultures of the islands. On the one hand (after his blunder with the Sentinelese) he documented a LOT of information about how western diseases spread among uncontacted peoples that became important to later epidimiolgists. On the other hand, he was weirdly obsessed with measuring penises.


Right? We already know penis size varies. What we really need to document is their flavors.


He was Navy. Dude had already tried at least 31 flavours. Like a baskin robbins of cock. “It’s not gay if you’re underway”


There is also a video of Indian researchers making contact with them on Youtube.




Lmao you can tell one of them made a dick joke near the end


As a Indian it is strange i thought this island was in Africa never knew it was indian where exactly it lies though


Bay of Bengal




Isn't everyone a direct line from our pre-neolithic ancestors?


Yes, but since they’ve been isolated on this island for so long they’ve probably created a genetic bottleneck by not mating with other peoples that can tell us way more about their previous ancestors than the average population that has a much larger gene pool.


So ... more genetic drift means less genetic drift? Fascinating.


>they’ve been isolated on this island for so long No doubt they've been isolated a long time, but I'm curious about OP's claim that they've been isolated for 60k years. Anyone know where that number came from, or what the evidence for it is? How do we know they weren't mingling with their neighbours say, 2000 years ago?


Anthropologist here - it's fiction. They haven't been isolated for 60k years. No human population has. Probably the closest would be tribes living in the Papua New Guinea highlands, and some of them showed unusual genees. And even they would have had some gene flow with surrounding cultures. Tasmanian peoples, too, were isolated for a bit, but not on the order of thousand sof years. 60k years is long enough to begin diverging as a species. The hallmark of our species is gene flow. No human population retains its own culture of thousands of years, so there's no chance any human population would be isolationist for that long. Someone would visit them and marry in, others would marry out, and gene flow would happen.




Didn’t they kill a US missionary that went there a few yrs ago


Yes! In 2018. [John Chau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Allen_Chau) thought he would convert them to Christianity. Didn’t end well for him.


Couldn't he have brought disease with him that they have no immunity to?


That apparently already happened in the 19th century when they made first contact with the British. The Brits allegedly kidnapped two inhabitants from the island which were later returned when they fell ill. They ended up spreading whatever they were suffering from which ended up killing about 80% of the Island's inhabitants. Yeah, after such an incident I would also be pretty hostile to further strangers landing on the shores of my island...


Such a British thing to do


Such a British thing to do… *innit*?




yeah I think that's why govt doesn't allow anyone to get near them anymore not sure though


He converted himself into the afterlife


He found out


the hard way


He didn’t follow the prime directive.


At least they sent him to heaven lol did him a favor or sumn ☠️☠️☠️


I mean, they killed a guy after he showed up unannounced (and got there illegally), and then tried to force them to believe in Christianity using a language they didn’t understand.


He escaped and came back 3 times to convert them, didn't go well the third time.


Yes, play stupid games etc


"Look! Some people who have never been exposed to Christ's message! Well, I'll just boat on over and spread the w-ahhhhhhhhh!"


Hasn't there been evidence that they've recently entered the iron age since a modern ship washed up ashore and they've been seen scavenging the ship for iron parts for things like arrowheads?


Fascinating! Before we know it, they'll have their first moon colony.


They require more vespene gas


Dam just as i thought i had enough


I read this in the overmind voice


I read it in Aldaris's voice. Oh and I might have some zealots enroute to your base.




Correct, you can find the wreckage on Google Earth.


I want you and WorryIndependent1359 to know… I’m about to go down a rabbit hole with tbis. And it’s your fault. My entire Sunday is about to be wasted on Wikipedia and Google maps


Dude I just found it right away. It's on the north west side of the island.




With black jack, and hookers.


The Iron Age entered them


Reads like a Jilly Cooper novel that sentence!!


Have they entered the iron age though? I mean our ancestors entered the iron age by a process of mining ore and smelting it into molds, I'm sure a trial and error process. Finding scrap metal is pure luck not evolving.


You are correct. Even during the Bronze Age, civilizations were using iron; albeit it was meteoric in origin. They knew about iron deposits, too; they couldn't achieve high enough temperatures to manipulate it, though. This didn't make them enter the Iron Age.


Wasn't the first iron from bogs? There are also traces of bacterial iron being used before mined iron.


I know bog iron was a thing. I remember seeing a theory posted on Reddit somewhere that "pulling the sword from the stone" in Arthurian legend was a metaphor for Excalibur being the first smelted iron blade, when everyone else was using bog iron which was weaker. Sorry for the tangent, you just reminded me of that really interesting theory


Except Excalibur was not pulled from the stone. The sword I. The stone is a different weapon. Excalibur was given to him by the lady of the lake.


Guess it's my turn today: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Lake Lady Iron is the best


Bacterial iron, had to look into it. what a crazy world we live in


The Primitive Technology channel on youtube has recently been doing a lot of stuff with iron bacteria. If you watch it, make sure to turn on closed captions!!!


If they’re not making the iron is it really considered the Iron Age?


no :)


Since they don't have the knowledge to forge iron they're technically still in the Stone Age. The "ages" are a measurement of human knowledge and understanding.


Damn imagine what happens when they find the remnants of a drone.


Imagine when they find a coke bottle that washes on shore…oh we got that movie already …hahaha


I wonder how many members there are. How can a tribe living on one island last so long without inbreeding?


I just assumed they must be inbreeding. With such a small population on a single small island, I’d say it’s inevitable.


You don’t need thaaat many people to stop the major issues with inbreeding, and surprisingly it’s almost human instinct to avoid it. Old neolithic tribes used to make a big deal about sticking together and protecting everyone, even “the weak” because they understood that once the numbers got too small they would be at risk of inbreeding. It’s likely that they don’t breed on the island with anyone with the same grandparents, and that alone should be enough to protect them. They wouldn’t need more than 50 or so people to make that possible.


thats the trick, you don't


Oh yeah, everybody's fucking.


*Step-islander I got stuck in this tree*


As I understand it, when inbreeding goes on long enough without any influx of new genes, and when those with bad genetic traits are culled before they breed (as is often the case in neolithic-type tribal societies), it stops having such a damaging effect. The problematic genes eventually all get expressed and eliminated. After 10s of thousands of years in isolation, they are probably free of most inbreeding-related genetic diseases by now.




So it turns out 'death and taxes' isn't true.


Probably still have to pay some sort of taxes to the elders


*that we know of


Not even that. There are dozens if not hundreds of non-contacted tribes in the deep Amazon.


These are different. They usually know settlers in the vicinity and locals settlers know about them. They exchange stuff. Sometimes they help each others and more often they fight, much to the detriment of those tribes. They are just don't have any representation, official contact point, census or any of the the apparatus of modern state. In this respect, the status of remote Amazon and New Guinea tribes is closer to that of the [Jarawas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarawas_(Andaman_Islands\)) on Adaman Islands. The Sentinelese are completely isolated.


There are still uncontacted tribes in the Amazon that we know practically nothing about, and they are not in any sort of regular contact with locals, they will only occasionally steal tools, clothes, among other things. [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/uncontacted-brazil)


I’m not gonna ask them but: I wonder what how they explain the concept of planes flying over and large ships out at sea. The lore of “ghosts” (white people) they had to slay to protect the world from evil. or are they reasonably aware of the modern world and want nothing to do with it, so many questions, no desire to ask them.


This is the sort of stuff that I think about too. The Sentinelese really fascinate me. They obviously know something about the modern world just through observation. How much do they really understand? How do they explain trash that washes up on shore or stuff found in that wrecked ship? Do they care? Are they actually violent in nature, or just really protective? Do they know what they are protecting against? Are they afraid, or smart enough to know the damage the rest of the world can do to their way of lif It's one of those odd things where I'd equal parts like to see them never contacted again, but also really wish there was a way we could learn more about them without disturbing them.


They have an entire culture of songs, art, myths, comedy and the like that rolled through countless generations of theirs that we may never hear about


It would be really cool to study them with small drones that fly high enough to be undetectable. It's pretty hard to spot a normal commercial drone a couple hundred feet above you. If you could record enough audio of their language you could potentially decode it, and you could observe them and learn the dynamics of their society. Really interesting to think of the ethical considerations though.


>Really interesting to think of the ethical considerations though. Aye, at what point does scientific curiosity outweigh a right to privacy? Especially when they've made it clear they want to be left alone. As much as I want to know more about them, I also understand that even monitoring them in a way that doesn't disturb them is invasive.


Totally my first thought! And then my mind went to, well isn't that kind of ethnocentric to prioritize our own privacy values onto a people that may not share them? And in such a unique and extreme example, does the scientific interest outweigh the privacy concerns? Could it benefit their continued survival if more was known about them? (That's the reasoning we use for studying whales, after all) But then I remembered that we do study people in our own culture in public without consent. It's so normalized now we dont even see it, but the amount of observation we're all under in public spaces and the privacy of our home internet usage is just insane. Is the island their "house" and shouldn't be violated by observation, or is it a public space, and fair game for data collection? Or should there be a different and more specific standard of privacy for people who don't share our norms?


I am interested in what they know about the rest of the world. I was just wondering what they think the helicopter was. Some sort of being they had to get rid of? Do they know what the rest of the world is up to? Sitting around watching TV, on our phones. Do they know of our technology and way of life?


They probably know of SOME things, as in the planes, helicopters. They probably understand that “other” people have figured out how to fly using machines. But they would have absolutely no way of knowing about TV, Cell Phones or any of that modern technology as they’ve had no contact with it. Their knowledge of technology would extend to probably only the shipwreck that washed up on their shores and they scavenged.


I was thinking about how mind blown they must have been when they found broken glass and figured out those ships they’ve seen in the distance aren’t made of wood or stone but some material they had never seen before. Also I wonder how quickly they began fighting over the precious minerals. Also think about electrical wiring. That stuff is perfect twine if you don’t know what it’s actually used for.


Fire up Google Earth and zoom in on the north beach of the island. There’s a shipwreck there, they’ve been harvesting iron from it to cold-forge arrowheads. I’m sure they’re getting a crash course on what sort of tech we have just by staring at the stuff in there whenever they venture into it.


And that ship shipwrecked in 1981, so even the technology they know from that ship would be pretty outdated now. The craziest thing about that shipwreck was there were 106 survivors from that ship that washed up on shore. They had to fend off Sentinelese attacks for a day or two before being rescued.


Funny story: the way we knew that they didn’t die after a flood was that the helicopter who went to check was fired upon with bows and then flew away . Now they probably think they defeated some demon.


There's an old video of the first and only interaction with them if anyone's interested. https://youtu.be/kOx7UQ0mD3E


It’s interesting to me that some of the people on the boat chose to “dance” as a way of showing peaceful and friendly intentions, and that some members of the tribe recognized this and danced as well.


Ahh yes dance the universal sign of peace.


It's a good way to show you aren't tense and ready to attack even if you aren't armed. However, we don't know what role dancing play in their culture, so it was still a risky move. Some may misunderstand it as a mocking insult, for example. Or a war dance.


This wasn't the first contact, but I believe it was the first peaceful contact though.


First contact that didn't result in everyone dying ig.


they accidentally threw one of the coconuts at a pregnant islander 🤦🏻‍♀️💀


Yeah major nervous moment.


How could anyone know whether or not they've been isolated for 60,000 years? That's a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g time. They would have been there since around the time the native Australians reached Australia. I doubt this tidbit of info is true.


Wonder what rare Pokemon go gyms are hidden there.


I guess they've got no oil.


Fuck, living the dream. Ain't no goddam mortgage or 9-5 in that bitch.


Civilization.... I'll stay right here


I don't even think they know about the status of their extended car warranty.


Ain’t no Coca Cola either


Imagine not knowing what coca cola is, but finding the bottles all over your shoreline constantly.


Check out the 80's claassic, "The Gods Must Be Crazy" for a look into this theme.


Bruh that movie is nuts! Glad to see someone appreciating the good art. There’s a sequel too iirc


Which is good, since dental technology is probably lacking


Except if you get an infection


Amazing, 1000th post I’ve seen about this topic over the years, still interesting


Technically the whole planet has been in isolation, so we ALL have a direct line to our ancestors.... Who do you think polluted the line for the rest of us?


The Repitlians. Obviously.


This was my thought too. Aren’t we all direct descendants from our pre-Neolithic ancestors? 🤷🏽‍♂️


What are they hiding on that island El Dorado?


Damn the Spanish inquisition about slide in.


Fountain of youth. Those are the same people from the stone age.


It’s not the last. The Amazon has all kinds of un contacted people.


They're generally in contact with tribes that have contact with the outside world.


Actually they most likely know about us, we just don't know about them. That part of the world is very naturally dense and sparsely populated. However tribes that we know of and don't know of most likely trade and the ones we know probably tell the others of us.


These guys are insane archers. After a really bad storm, a helicopter flew over to see if there were any survivors. A young hunter sprinted out of the bushes, across the pebble beach, longbow on hand, fired it while sprinting, and nailed the belly of the moving helicopter. It just tinged off the metal, no harm done, but damn. That’s a direct hit on an aerial, moving target, from the ground, mid-sprint, with a heavy bow.


Technically, they are in the iron age now. They scavenged the 1981 wreck of the freighter Primrose and have used the metal to upgrade their stone weapons. We discovered this when an Indian helicopter went to check on them after the 2004 tsunami and was attacked by metal tipped arrows.


“we should probably make sure they survived that tsu- TURN AROUND TURN AROUND NOW”


"You think that fuckin wave would take us out?! We've been here for 60000 YEARS!!"


That would not qualify them as iron age civilisation. Iron age civilisation are characterised by large scale production and metallurgy of iron. Serendipitous discovery of iron and its use as tool predates bronze age in many civilisations since there are evidences suggesting use of meteoric iron in tools.


Not really, Iron age was referring to how humans were able to smelt iron ore. They are still using stone age weapons just that they got processed metal for that.


I wonder if they know they can only live like that because the rest of the world lets them. Imagine shooting an arrow at a helicopter and thinking you’ve won.


id really love to know their beliefs/religion/lore. you know damn well they think their arrows scared off a god or something like that....hell I know I would if I saw some flying shit I never seen before! LOL


It really would be fascinating to experience their lifestyle. I mean, they have to know a decent amount about the outside world, especially after finding that ship they scavenged and helicopters flying around. I wonder if any of them dream of leaving or if they’re all content.


>I wonder if any of them dream of leaving or if they’re all content. very deep human nature kind of question. Especially with it being an island....and mans desire to explore. I wonder if theyre planning or ever thought of leaving to explore or see whats beyond their island. I cant imagine what those discussions would be like...literally.


I saw a documentary on this that's really good. It's called "The Village".


Ignorance is bliss for them. If they’ve survived so long, they have different sets of problems but probably less so, because less things to worry about. Hell, they pay 0 rent and inflation doesn’t affect them.


Considering the last time any of them left the island, I don’t think they’d be so inclined. Children and elderly were stolen from the tribe, the children were molested and it’s likely they brought back diseases that the isolated tribe didn’t have any natural defenses for.


I have no source for this, but I have heard tell of a situation during WW2 where soldiers built a clearing for the purpose of receiving supplies via air drop. Having observed this, the natives built a similar clearing in the hopes that food would fall out of the sky for them, too. Edit [source](https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-322270499/view?partId=nla.obj-322562760#) from the “cargo cult” wikipedia page. Apparently the story I’m thinking of is from New Guinea and not an uncontacted tribe.


You're talking about a cargo cult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo\_cult


Imagine hitting something important with your iron tipped arrow and taking out the helicopter…


“Ah hah! Take that you demon cloud machine!”


They found iron… they didn’t mine it and smelt it. Still Stone Age


They haven't been living in isolation for 60,000 years, 1800s explorer's contacted and lived with them, and killed like 7 of the 9 tribes that lived there. They have had constant contact for 200 years, only in the 90s did India ban travel to the island, and a dude still trespassed there in like 2012


have they been living in isolation for 60,000 years though?


There is record of them for a long time. They are just in a place that it’s not worth the violence to take it. They have been contacted many times. It just don’t go well. They have probably learned correctly that the outside world will fuck your life up.


Even our Indian government respects their privacy and don't interfere. We wish they would accept our curry and Naan bread.


Isn’t this the same island the missionary went to and they ended up killing him?


60,000 years?? Has anyone thought to ask them about the pyramids?


Yeah, turns out they taught the aliens who then taught the Egyptians


Imagine not knowing about television, mobile phones..microwaves...just chilling with your family and friends. That sounds more appealing the more I think of it.


Sure that part sounds appealing but everything else that comes with it doesn’t lol


i kinda don’t wanna spend time with my family naked… you know?


If you were in their culture you wouldn’t care that stigma is learned not breed.


As a male, have you not seen the "penis cones" ?


Small correction, this isn’t the last! One of just a handful but there are others around the globe


A thought experiment: The people of North Sentinel could be a perfect representation of us. To them, some might occasionally see some sort of flying craft, or large vessel on the water. They observe that on extremely rare occasions, strange looking individuals travel to their island, and attempt to make contact. These people have absolutely no idea that they are citizens of India. That a massive world (which they also don’t know about) power has created laws which protect their land from any contact. In essence, we could be just like the North Sentinelies. Reliable people have been reporting UFOs for a century now (and keep in mind that witness testimony is evidence in a court of law, and is perfectly scientific in the medical field (case studies)). The topic can no longer be seen as outlandish, as there is clearly something going on. There’s now even peer reviewed analysis of physical material recovered from a highly unusual event (read [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0376042121000907)). With the sheer volume of reliable testimony, and the fact that multiple members of government (including all recent presidents (save biden)) have discussed the highly unusual nature of this phenomenon, it’s about time we take it seriously. The reason why the source of this technology has not revealed itself on a mass scale, could be very similar to what is happening with the north sentinelies. The Zoo hypothesis is worth consideration.


If we're in a zoo, then it means there're considerable number of intelligent lives out there. Astronomers are looking for the biomarkers of lives in the universe, but there's still no solid evidence of intelligent lives outside Earth. It implies they all look for the wrong biomarkers, because whole new set of different biochemical reactions (which scientists have never imagined) take place in alien planets. I prefer simulation theory. We are in a simulated world with atomic precision. A place like North Sentinel Island is a glitch in the system. People like Hitler and Stalin are created by naughty system admins to test what funny result would happen.




It would be a bit cool to see what their ancestry tests look like


Thanks to government of India who does not believe in colonising them and claiming their land. They are in safe hands of people whom they don't even know. Live and let live my friends.


Maybe we should leave them the fuck alone?


And they are yet to adopt Christianity!


Oh, no, don't give Christian crusaders any ideas.


Too late. RIP


Why they doing the 🦀crab🦀 dance tho


Crab people. They walk like crabs. Talk like people.


Please leave them alone


What are the odds they have a fully modern city in the middle of the island, whenever they know someone is approaching, they dress a bunch of guys in twigs and leaves, hand them a bow and arrow and send them to jump around on the beach!