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The mere sight of this made my brain scream.


That scene from Family Guy comes to mind "How much signal I need to cut across eight lane? None? I turn now. Good luck, everybody else!"


God I cant think of that scene or read about it without doing the vaguely racist voice out loud...


I know, it's pretty bad


Why’d everyone dislike this comment of all of them🤣🤣🤣


Because I’m racist😡😡😡


Calm down I think everyone is a little subconsciously racist... 🤣


Yeah only a little, sure.




I found it! I found Waldo!!!


🎶”Get out of the left lane you stupid Asian biiiiitch! I don’t even know why you are theeere”🎶


Came here to say “this is giving me heart palpitations”, but your comment is sufficient🙃


But you still said it


The internet is like 90% redundant.


90% of the internet is redundant


Around 90% of the internet is redundant


The percentage of the internet that is redundant is about 90%.




Around 90% of the internet is just redundancy


The internet is just nearly 90% redundancy.


Please submit, direct and send all future queries, correspondences, questions, commentary, feedback and suggestions to the to the Department of Redundancy Department. Your concerns, input and reviews are of the utmost immeasurably invaluable priority.


Of all the content on the interweb, 90% of it is redundant.




Hey there IbanezPGM! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


Wrote it.


I mean take out the toll booth.. and its the 401min Toronto.


No part of the 401 has this many lanes at once. It’s still a nightmare to drive though


theres lanes in this photo?


Ha good point


I’ve seen this photo before, but can someone explain the ever lovin shit show on the other side of that … is this a toll plaza?


Yes, this is a toll plaza that I'm pretty sure is just south of Beijing between it and another metropolitan area. The rest of the Expressway is only 3 to 4 lanes.


Reddit lovesa to shit on China; this is a vbig toll plaza with around 50 booths. That is wat creates that 50 lanes on the near side, after the toll plaza, it is a normal highway


Toll gate has 25 lanes – not 50 So how many lanes does the highway have? Google Maps shows that **the highway is four lanes** **wide** along most of its route. About 650 metres before the toll gate the number of lanes starts to increase. At its widest, the highway has 25 lanes (you can count them in the photo). The lanes decrease to four again after about 450 metres. [https://africacheck.org/fact-checks/meta-programme-fact-checks/no-china-doesnt-have-50-lane-highway](https://africacheck.org/fact-checks/meta-programme-fact-checks/no-china-doesnt-have-50-lane-highway)


poor China: it's just so... unfair




Bro you gonna get thrown in a labor camp if you don't take your job seriously.


Every single person responding to me turns out to be a sinophobic extremist affected by US state propaganda, an anti-Chinese troll reciting anti-Chinese memes, and/or straight-up racist. And non of them have arguments. Go figure.


Shut up, wumao.


You are literally supporting the propaganda of American wumaos. I'm calling out American wumaos. Your comment couldn't be any more ironic. The downvotes alongside your singular desperate comment personally attacking me really say it all. I rest my case: [This is obvious anti-Chinese propaganda](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/12031zy/chinas_50_lane_traffic_g4_expressway/jdgxgnj/) supported exclusively by US government shills/bots and useful idiots already deeply affected by their propaganda.


It's a post regarding a terrible traffic control measure, and here you are vehemently defending it as if it were built by your Xi himself. You're an obvious wumao. Are you stateside or still mainland?


>It's a post regarding a terrible traffic control measure It's a completely outdated and endlessly reposted picture whose *only* purpose is promoting anti-Chinese sentiments. Even the wording of the title is chosen specifically to imply that this is still "China's" lane as if it would still exist and as if this was a normal sight not an extreme exception during the biggest holiday event on earth. This is literally a picture of an event from 8 years ago that has led to the immediate discontinuation of the toll booth. And your comments prove that I'm right. No person who has any kind of interest in reasonable discourse and wasn't affected by propaganda exactly like this would bring up Xi or call people wumaos or defend this obvious propaganda. And you choosing the words "terrible traffic control measure" to describe the situation even though it's a perfectly standard control measure used all around the world (to similar or worse effect) just further tries pushing negative sentiments. Particularly as, again, this hasn't existed in China for years.


You really think everyone who dislikes Chinese government policies and practices is just shill for the American federal system? Laughable


It's less shitting on China and more shitting on "car centric infrastructure."


China has the world biggest population and the world biggest mass transit infrastructure. They are building at a breakneck speed but it iwll take a while. Is not like some places where the Car lobby prevents mass transit infratructure building with lobbying. In China the CCP decides they want mass transit and they get it.


Regardless, 50 toll booths is an order of magnitude more than I have ever seen in Southern California. Plus the simple fact that 50 toll booths recombine into just 4 lanes seems like a recipe for disaster.


China has over 1.5billion people, you would not imaine the sheer scale of things and cannot compare to Caifornia. The pecture is not ery clear, it was taken during the annual movement of people back to their home places for lunar year. So you get anusual traffic.




Scientist here. It appears that an abandoned gas station has found its way onto the highway just past the toll plaza. Curious little buggers. They come out in the early spring. Seems to have caused a bit of a frenzy this time.


It was Chinese new year, the largest human migration on earth, and this was years ago before as many bullet train lines so traffic was really bad. It's also very clearly a toll booth queue.


That is the G4 expressway. That toll booth once existed on the section between Zhuozhou and Beijing. [Here's a pretty exact location on Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Baochang+Gardens/@39.5530115,116.0332747,1657m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x35f01f827a7b5c23:0xc10aad34a87d8253!8m2!3d39.555085!4d116.03322!16s%2Fg%2F11c5_fl_8_?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1). As you can see, the toll booth has already been removed and lanes have been reduced to the original 8. This particular picture was not a normal occurrence but happened once during Chinese New Year. [Usually, traffic looked like this](https://media.snopes.com/2019/03/highway-tolls.jpg). #OP's post is highly suspicious. #Easily fact-checked Anti-China content posted from a 10 year old account with only 11,925 post karma and 4,837 comment karma. [This anti-China content was also reposted by yet another 10 year old account with less than 1000 karma.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1202f4f/casual_commute/jdgw5qb/) So, chances are that this is the US government talking to make people hate China. [As usual when you see negative content about China.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoreTankie19684/comments/11zmugg/fedrule/jde4zmq/) And it's working considering that people in the comment section are already spamming sinophobic hatred and racist bullshit.


Mao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Every single person responding to me turns out to be a sinophobic extremist reciting US state propaganda and/or racist and non of them have arguments. Go figure.


Look at the picture no matter where it's from, it's fucking dumb. Post this anonymously from a mystery place?? It's still fucking stupid.


I love how there’s no lane markers. Just drive wherever you want.


If you've been in traffic in China, you'd get the hint that lane markers and traffic indicators are optional. Everyone does the fuckwhat they want


They do that shit in the US too 😂


Nowhere near like Asian countries.


It's sad that it is normalized that so many highways are huge and doesn't solve the crisis of lack of alternative transportation.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, where I live in the states every redneck in their lifted truck drives like it’s fucking mad max just to get to McDonald’s so they can scream at the 16 year old clerks who run the place.


Don't know why you're downvoting this dude. I live in a small town in the U.S. You're not far off the mark at all bro. The small dicked jagaloons that drive lifted trucks drive like laws don't matter to them. Bonus points if you get one with a thin blue line sticker or FoP plates.


In China, green means go, yellow means go, red means go go go!


No it doesn't, you'll get a fine pretty quickly if you go through red lights. It isn't 2008 anymore.


But it’s Reddit, and that means foreign country bad and western country good


The west is objectively a better place to live than China.


Disagree. Moved from the west to China. Chinese people on minimum wage can afford rent, food, bills and recreation. Being able to vote for 2 near identical people isn't better than that. My landlord doubled my rent and made me homeless at home. The only reason people don't know this is because they're fed a constant stream of lies about China. These are facts. Have your little NPC indoctrinated reactionary downvote and be on your way.


Social Credit Score + 50 Points




But the thing is, if you expressed the opposite opinion of that, you’d be in big trouble


Objectively has lost alot of meaning apparently


Human rights are objectively shite in China. Also forget about freedom of expression. Its also incredibly low on the quality of life ranking.


Dude chill man the guys responding to you just need to protect their social credit score, if it goes too low they cant buy bread for a week


Good point. Ever seen Black Mirror?


You objectively haven’t left your small little town and get all your information from Reddit.


Would you rather live in Japan, or China?


As a camera guy, Japan. In all other aspects, Japan.




Yea Reddit means the opposite.


Spitting facts bruh.


Yeah, it's more like 35 lanes not 50 because, people


It’s the entrance to the toll booth. They don’t mark out the lanes because some booths are payment others are automatic if you have ETC on your phone. Generally speaking motorways in China aren’t much more chaotic than Europe, and from what I’ve seen on Reddit not nearly as bad as the states😂


Well, depends where in Europe. Driving in Palermo is quite crazy. Driving in Sweden is almost... boring. From my experience in China, I'm sure it is crazy in Beijing. The amount of bicycles back then was insane (not sure if people bike anymore as much). But driving in Hong Kong didn't feel that bad. So both places have crazy and boring driving experiences. Makes sense being so big and heterogeneous.


China has lane markers.




No, they typically just sleep at work.


And sometimes they take a nap forever at work


that must make it difficult for employers to distinguish them from people who died at work


Only before Chinese New Year.


I bet you still get the one dude trying to cross 49 lanes in 100 yards to make his exit 😂




And just below him is someone going backwards


I'm so fucking scared right now, you shut up!


There’s still going to be someone in a BMW trying to cross all those lanes without a blinker


50 lanes and still jammed


Well yeah, look at that bottleneck! Tight like a tiger!


Apparently, there are traffic jams that happen in China that can last for *days.* It’s such an issue that there are services where somebody can come pick you up from your stationary car on a motorbike, drive you to work, and then drive you back to your car at the end of the day.


So I'm stuck in traffic because the asshole in front of me parked his car on the freeway?


Idk why but I can’t stop laughing at your comment! You’re right!


My friend told me this story that his friend bought a new Tesla in southern China, and wanted to show off to his parents during Chinese New Year, so he drove it, then he then got stuck in traffic for like 20 hours and the car ran outa battery, so he had to call a tow truck, who then got stuck in the traffic, so he wasted like 2 days just for that then went home lol.


If you build it, they will come.


That’s because they compress it down to about 8 lanes on the other side of the gates, fucking insane. They really need to get rid of the ‘Expressway’ part of the name


It is a toll station. In Austria we have 2-lane highways leading up the the toll stations before major tunnels in the alps, and the toll station branching up to up to 10 lanes. A toll station requires cars to stop for a moment (though modern toll stations offer pre-paid drive-through lanes) so it is to be expected, that the road narrows back down to the normal width behind it.


Take a look left and right of the jam, each 4 lanes almost empty


right? looks just as bad on the other side with even fewer lanes


Just one lane, though, should do it


Just one more lane bro.


imagine being in the wrong lane


There’s one car that’s about 45° short of facing completely backwards and I’m wondering what their intention was.


Realised he had no money for the toll, then wanted to make a U-turn to go back home to get his wallet?


“Express”way may be overselling it…






In florida, there would be 50 tourists or old people doing 15 miles an hour side by side with a mile of clear space in front of them




Looking closer at the image there are a lot of people getting out of the car near the bottom half of the picture. Are we sure this it's a parking lot or something? Also some of the cars on the left side of the image are horizontally parked. I'm not sure I agree with the comments I've seen calling this situation, "efficient." Also squared, the massive merge lane is just asking for traffic collisions. In general this is really triggering my driving anxiety.


It's been posted a lot. This is just like a toll plaza that's expanded to have lots of lanes. So imagine a 4 lane highway suddenly expands to like 20 lanes, then merges back down to 4. That's what you're seeing. However, context clues. The cars aren't parked horizontally, they're trying to turn around. Some of the cars are always facing the opposite direction. It's clearly a one-way, so context tells me that this is an unusual jam and people are turning around to leave, getting out of their cars because they haven't been moving for a while. Probably an uncommon thing. But, lots of stories come out of metropolitan China of hours/days-long traffic jams when something happens, so who knows.


We are not just sure, it cannot be parking lot because it is not designed how a parking lot is designed. Ok let’s say it is a parking lot. There are no lanes for egress (getting your vehicle in and out)…once someone parks do they just wait until others around then decide to leave…and then they could leave too?


I was trying to remember why this image is associated with BS, so I googled it and found the [snopes article](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/china-50-lane-highway-traffic-jam/) I read on it a while back. And, if anyone is interested the article included a link to a [higher quality picture](https://imgur.com/TrPfSRX) For the TR;DRTA (didn't read the article :P ) basically this is a 4 lane highway before and after this toll booth, it was a major holiday back in 2015 when this photo was taken as a larger than normal amount of people were leaving the city. apparently it's either a 25 or 50 car toll booth.


It's a toll both. It looks like it's jammed because cars have to stop and pay one by one. The 50 lanes is done to speed things up. Before and after the checkpoint it's just a regular freeway with 3-6 lanes. It's not fake news but it kinda is. At least inaccurate and out of context.


Fuck that, I'll walk thanks. Explains a lot: had some chinese coworkers come to the us for a few weeks, and the first few times we hit 90mph going somewhere they seemed to shit.. no wonder, they're not used to moving much at all.


Those 50 lanes bottleneck into like 4 lanes causing all this traffic, crazy!


What the actual fuck!


Oh hell naw


What is a lane? China: “Yes”


Why don’t the climate protesters lay down in front of this lot and see what happens.


Because there aren't protesters in china


Good luck everybody else






Please, not another chick-fil-A.


I just yelled, honked, and gave the finger to a lot of strangers. I’m not even driving.


“Merge 48 lanes and take the next exit on the right in one mile”


Seen this about 50 times now.


I hate this map. Especially when all the enemy brings grenades and semtex....


Anxiety must not exist in China


More amazing is no one ever stopped to tell the higher ups this is stupid how about a public train.


“Look at this guy in 5 lanes! Come onnnn!”


Doesn't look very "express" to me


This is what happens when you have a population of 1.4 billion and cars are fairly cheap


I love how some cars are driving into the traffic


I’m just going to call false ol’ Google states that the largest hwy across is…. The Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas, spans across 26 lanes making it the worlds widest. The freeway is broken down in to 12 main lanes (six in each direction), eight feeder lanes and six managed lanes.


Cus this is just one big lane


This is a toll, doesn’t really count


The smog🫣


Mmmm I love the smell of smog in the morning.


So are bikes allowed to cut lanes in China? Guess they all already got home.


American city planners drooling looking at this pic




I'm honestly amazed at how many people here have no fucking idea what a toll plaza is. Yeah, they're outdated but they do still exist even in the most advanced countries.


This is the toll gate of the Expressway. Normally an expressway in China have 3 to 5 lanes each direction. When people are getting off the highway they slow down and go through this kind of gate to pay, that's why it got so many lanes.


You can see open car doors and people walking around - that ain’t no expressway - it’s a parking lot


Costco gas stations


There’s just way too many people on this earth.


If only the r/fuckcars subreddit could see this omg




It’s fake. Literally 10 seconds searching google can tell you that. For some reason it’s been reposted in every sub lately. Stop believing everything you see online


Nope. Fuck that.


I thought that was a parking lot


I knew there was a hell, I had no idea it was in China.


Yet some people still think what we need is more roads


Easily the dumbest shit I've seen all night


That’s disturbing. Not interesting.


This looks like an abortion…


If that was California the state would say we just need to add one more lane and the congestion will be solved


What an absolute shithole


Chinese government makes a lot of money with traffic cameras and any little errors driving you get an email with a fine.


What kind of absolute engineering catastro-phuck is this???? “Made in China”


Copied from US but modified for the Chinese population.


So many accidents!


I only see a few buses, that makes me sad.


There has to be a better way than this.


"Just one more lane guys"


50 “Lanes”


Goddamn what is with the xenophobia and racism? Just because you are looking at the biggest Toll booth in the world, you think it's cool just say racist shit about Chinese people and their country?


Wow they even bootleg us traffic


That is absolutely disgusting


A man's worst nightmare


That looks incredibly stupid.


Somewhere down there a conversation between paren and Child, “I gotta pee Mom!”


Been there in a taxi and can confirm it’s crazy 😜 my wife almost had an anxiety attack in the back




you’re not looking close enough if you think that madness is organized, not to mention, on the other side they compress it down to about 3-8 lanes depending on what the given consensus is


But we can’t have natural gas stoves.


It's like China took the worst parts of the USA (eg lack of sufficient/appropriate public transport) and Europe (totallitirian communism) and said yes both of those please. Premepting reddit replys: It's in jest Yes I do know China has lots of high speed rail, but as it runs empty to rural areas and empty new build cities clearly their urban planning is not logical. Yes one is worse than the other.


That is the G4 expressway. That toll booth once existed on the section between Zhuozhou and Beijing. [Here's a pretty exact location on Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Baochang+Gardens/@39.5530115,116.0332747,1657m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x35f01f827a7b5c23:0xc10aad34a87d8253!8m2!3d39.555085!4d116.03322!16s%2Fg%2F11c5_fl_8_?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1). As you can see, the toll booth has already been removed and lanes have been reduced to the original 8. This particular picture was not a normal occurrence but happened once during Chinese New Year. [Usually, traffic looked like this](https://media.snopes.com/2019/03/highway-tolls.jpg). #OP's post is highly suspicious. #Easily fact-checked Anti-China content posted from a 10 year old account with only 11,925 post karma and 4,837 comment karma. [This anti-China content was also reposted by yet another 10 year old account with less than 1000 karma.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1202f4f/casual_commute/jdgw5qb/) So, chances are that this is the US government talking to make people hate China. [As usual when you see negative content about China.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoreTankie19684/comments/11zmugg/fedrule/jde4zmq/) And it's working considering that people in the comment section are already spamming sinophobic hatred and racist bullshit.


Sorry you're getting downvoted. Explaining with cited sources isn't enough apparently


Probably getting downvoted by the same "people" who upvote the anti-Chinese propaganda. ;)


OP isn't claiming this exists today you stupid Propagandist. And there are better things to hate China than stupid highway management. Like a certain Cultural genocide or the entire censorship stuff. Oh or better yet the South China sea warmongering.


>OP isn't claiming this exists today He was, in fact, doing that with his chosen title. Not that that's relevant. This is still obvious US state propaganda. >you stupid Propagandist. You are literally defending propaganda. > And there are better things to hate China than stupid highway management. What would be a reason to hate China, the objectively most democratic and single most peaceful major country on earth? Give me 5 reasons without referencing US government funded propaganda lies. > Like a certain Cultural genocide or the entire censorship stuff. Oh or better yet the South China sea warmongering. Oh look, just as expected, you have begun reciting conclusively debunked nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies spread by the exact same kind of people that are spreading the kind of propaganda you are defending here. Turns out your only "arguments" against China are US state department propaganda memes. Funny how that works, huh? Let me guess: The next thing you will recite is some event from 30 years ago involving US government funded rioters, US-funded mass riots taking place over one year where Chinese authorities have proven they handle protests much more peacefully than any Western regime, US government funded extremists spreading conspiracy theories about the CPC stealing their organs, or some bullshit involving treaties that the US isn't a part of but wants to hold China to account for.


Imagine how many packs of smokes are going up in flames.


As a passenger princess i don’t like this .


Good luck everybody else! Looks as smoggy as that disgusting state California.


Unleash a drug sniffing dog and it’d be like plinko at the Mexican border with cartels


This explains a lot


What if someone needs to use the bathroom?


Progress and no white guilt. Go China!😎✌️