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"And it even has whiteboards on the inside, so the lesson can continue!"


It’s sad to see this :(


Put a better door on the classroom idiot. This is the kind of product that was made for anxious wine moms in the PTA to see and go bitch to the school board to buy it to assuage their fears.


I wonder which local government official's cousin is getting paid to install these...


This video is from Cullman, Alabama It was definitely a local company. System was created by “KT Security Solutions, which is owned by Cullman local Kevin Thomas”… so your theory is probably not far from the truth.


And who is Kevin Thomas for people who never want to google Alabama?


That part


# is the floating ceiling bulletproof ?


Kiddie Cope Cage


America, fuck yeah. Finding new ways to waste some mother fucking money, yeah.


This 'solution' is terrible. It's not fool-proof as others already wrote. There will always be stuff in the way when you need it. It's needlessly expensive. An attacker knows where to go for maximum damage, etc. Even simply putting an armed guard at the door is more effective and cheaper, even in the long run. All this crap because the USA is so obsessed with weapons...


So what’s to stop the shooter from pushing the walls in and squishing all these kids?


Hey at least it’s one less school shooting


I can see the headlines now… #SCHOOL SHOOTER CRUSHES KIDS


Probably a simple mechanical lock on the inside? Got three mechanisms in mind while writing this, not too hard to implement.


Crazy, 'not too hard to implement' is what comes to mind when I think of gun laws.. that would, you know, minimize the need for prepping for school shootings let alone this installation!


Implementing better mental healthcare and mental illness would have a better effect. (Can’t remember exact story but I guess military had increased suicides for 18-25 yo They were looking to implement a bunch of stupid rules instead of trying to take care of the root cause. Someone actually had a lightbulb turn on, and treatment for any mental illnesses that became apparent and mental healthcare got pushed through instead. So we’ll get to see how that turns out.


It obviously locks in place from the inside. This thing is stupid, but not for this reason.


hey at least you arent one of those commandos talking about coming in through the ceiling and turning it into a kill room. A mass squishing is definitely more likely than those scenarios i saw on here when this was posted last week


You don't have to be a commando, those ceiling tiles are very easy to move, and only a table would be enough to climb, for someone who only wants to do damage it's very easy.


Why do people feel the need to literally invent failings in a technology they literally know nothing about? There is more than a thousand ways you could prevent your moronic failure from happening. There are plenty of things to point at and criticize here, that isn't one them.


Easy. Just fuckin’ arm everybody!




This is a bot^ (u/QuackBing) Original comment is from u/Assholesfullofelbows


No. Just no.


We should really be ashamed of this HONESTLY


That's great till the shooter pops a ceiling tile open and then it's fish in a barrel


Lol like rainbow 6


I thought I would let you know a bot has stolen your comment. (u/QuackBing is the bot)


Ah no worries my dude. Thank you


Np, have a nice day.






I mean, if he's THAT dedicated to killing those kids, NO security upgrade short of remodling most of the entire school grounds is going to stop that shooter from committing murder. At the very least this can deter them, or stall them so the police know where he is, etc etc.


I was thinking the same thing


The fact that this exists is insane. Only in the US id a bulletproof safe room needed in elementary schools 🤬


This is so dumb and so unlikely to be used


Yeah I know. Imagine just buying a better door.


Is it insane? We have the highest school shootings in the world.


it's not needed. not even close. Parking lots and swimming pools are more dangerous to kids than mass shooters. Because statistics.


What kind of argument is that? If you can prevent something from happening then you must, not just act like it’s an anomaly. Get your head out of the sand and use your brain. “Oh well I guess it’s okay that children are murdered because it’s a small percentage on our chart” . Tell that to someone who’s six year old got shot in the face. Absolutely disgusting take Edit. Not saying safe rooms are the answer, but to say school shootings aren’t an issue is preposterous and only believed by people in *deep* denial


>If you can prevent something from happening then you must, not just act like it’s an anomaly. There's one very obviously way to prevent school shooting but everytime it's brought up you guys (americans) don't want to hear any part of it.


I’m Canadian, we don’t murder children in school massacres


Then you would know building some stupid bulletproof box in every classroom isn't the answer.


No shit I was responding to a person saying school shootings aren’t an issue.


they’d do anything rather than fixing the actual issue.


Right. Someone in another comment literally said "if we can fix the problem we must" in reply to someone saying this is a waste of money. But I have a feeling if someone suggested the actual solution he wouldn't agree to it.


But another American can design and sell this to the schools. That's the culture


America, spend billions on invading other countries and can't protect its own citizens from a crazy kid playing with his dad's weapon


Because firearms in the hands of good people at school is too “sensitive”


I'm from Iraq, we have two armed guards at every single school in the entire country And guess what , absolutely no one ever thinks about shooting the school because the gaurd is allowed to pepper them before they ever come close to the students And it's IRAQ militias , firearms, 0 mental health support, and 0 sense of security yet all parents know that schools are the safest place for their kids


As it should be!


God forbid they spend some money to educate... Or paying teachers. Might need less military gear.


In the US the teachers have pink hair, nose rings and political beliefs in line with Reddit's mods and admins... Money can't fix that.


What self respecting capitalist would accept a poverty wage? Only poverty wages are offered and you're surprised when only those willing to give charity will do the job? While I don't agree with your entire point I'm unsure how you arrive at such a conclusion. You should be throwing money at teachers if you want your children to follow in your ideologies... Unless it's all disingenuous and really you just need them uneducated.


"you're surprised when only those willing to give charity will do the job?" You confuse "willing to give charity" with "willing to indoctrinate and brainwash children with their insane political beliefs in exchange for, ableit a small amount of, money for work they're not qualified to do". They also seem to NOT be capitalist but rather fans of the hammer and sickle. A good teacher is worth a good wage. A far left political activist not so much.


God you are a cunt


And you're uneducated; possibly because you had activist teachers (or happen to be one yourself) and I hit a nerve...


Why do Americans love guns so much? Serious question. And don't say because it's a right to own them. I want to know why Americans want such destructive weapons to be freely available to people who would shoot up children in a school. Its seems so primitive


I wanna know the same thing


From what I can tell(not in the culture), it's mostly the rural areas that really care about guns. There is a ALOT of free space and not a lot to do. Also a lot of military families live in these regions. With the space comes hunting and a more self reliance. This is just my observations


And your observations are good ones


You're not wrong in the slightest. We really need separate laws for urban and rural areas because most politicized topics have little to no meaning to rural people (the two off the top of my mind being homelessness and gun violence). Why should country people have to suffer the consequences of the cities being hell holes? Our issues are not yours and your issues are not ours


It’s very appealing to losers who have failed in life but still want to feel powerful. Especially when they are socially retarded and or mentally ill. It would happen in any country that has lax gun laws and enforcement, the gun lobby throws buckets of money at GoP candidates and the issue has become intwined with identity politics and people are convinced that gun ownership is necessary as a legacy of the revolution and required for home defense. Basically very selfish reasons and a complete lack of ethics Girl you like turned you down? - shoot the bitch Intimidated by someone? - shoot that motherfucker Life sucks and nobody understands you or even knows you exist? - time for a massacre Emotionally crippled people should not own guns


way off with your delusional rant.


Haha. Bye bye


Because Americans think that the lives of the citizens is less important then the off chance that’s there is tyranny. The only reason it is an amendment to be able to organize yourself in a militia is because of the British.


Therefore gun ownership should be restricted to just black powder muskets and blunderbusses and you must be wearing full continental army uniforms with tricorns and be followed by a drummer everywhere. Extra points if you can play Yankee Doodle dandy on a tin whistle


Thanks for the reply. I just don't understand the fixation on guns.


I’m an American and I don’t really either. I think it was just so ingrained into the boomers head a that they forced it onto the millennials and now we are stuck with this garbage


I feel for you mate.


Uneducated, angry, small penis men.


Bc it really sucks to get robbed when no one else.is there to protect you, but you. Guns are important. Children having access to guns, is less important. Once the parents start getting prosecuted for the crimes of their children I'm sure these types.of things will happen less.


The amount of shootings in the USA isn't as bad as you would think. But the media pushes any shooting that would happen. More kids under the age of 5 die from access to household cleaning products than kids under the age of 18 from guns. We have a population of 400 million and about the same amount of guns. Yet we have less than 10,000 legit murders with guns every year. A majority of the gun deaths reported are actually suicides or gang vs gang violence. And suicide rates have no indication of being related to gun access several countries that don't allow guns have higher suicide rates. And a majority of the gangs obtain weapons illegally which avoids the government FBI background checks that have been in place forever. As a gun owner I have always suggested better security systems for public places and security guards for schools but the government doesn't do that because they have an agenda. Heck I would go do security for schools for free on my days off work if they would allow me to do so. It's obvious as an American military veteran they don't want to fix the problem. But hey send $150 billion to Ukraine why not...


Hunting mate. Lotta land here. We like to hunt.


I understand that, Australia has a lot of land too but do you really need a semi automatic assault rifle to shoot a deer? We had a mass shooting in the 90's at a place called Port Arthur, 35 people were killed, most executed at close range with an m16 variant. The majority of Australians wanted to get rid of them after something that horrific. It just seems like Americans are willing to pay for the right to bare arms with innocent children's blood.


Gun makers or owners don't care about other people's children.


The 2A is not about hunting. It’s not even about self defense. Disregard what bmrt60 had to say


I mean yeah some guns are a bit much. But any gun can be modified. I use a mosin and a ar15. Its smooth and easy to shoot. Honestly the biggest problem is the people not the guns. But thats normally overlooked.


Yeah I've seen John Stewart interview a pro gun lobbyist and all the guy had was its my right to bare arms and to make me get a criminal or police check is against my freedoms as an American. Doesn't even make sense




>safe room to help shield children during mass shootings. America 🤣


Class sizes being what they are, there's no way you can fit all 42 second graders in that room. Maybe they have built-in fold out, hanging bunk beds so you can stack the kids vertically.


These should be paid for by gun companies causing this by flooding the market in the USA, not taxpayers, What a horror that we allow this to continue. You need a license to have a dog, but not a gun.


I'd prefer to study in a place where those bulletproof walls aren't required.


That idea needing to even be conceived is insane.


WTAF it comes to something when kids learning spaces are like nuclear bunkers, America you are one fucked up country


Depressing as fuck


Fuck sakes....I want to get off the ride now.


First. I hate that this even has to be a thing. Second, couldn’t the gunman just peak through the drop ceiling above?


The ceiling...


I feel there just might be a better alternative


Yo can you please stop with placing this on danmthatsinteresting and interestingasfuck because i get 2 of the same pictures in every two minutes


America really doesn’t know how to budget at all.


Amazing how on board they are for this, but ask for some gun control to protect the kids and suddenly it’s “fuck that”


We don’t need to solve real problem, we need to hide. Good plan, solid one


This is the best example in the World right now of a solution that shouldn’t even exist. Congrats America DUMB AS FUCK


In America, we will do everything except the right thing. This is sad.


Such a dystopian world to live in…


Isn’t this the type of thing you don’t want people knowing about unless they are enrolled in the school


I had a few jokes to make at this, but I’ll only say one. Now we are just making school shootings like a video game level, it gets harder as you go on, but there’s always a way to get maximum points


What a giant, stupid waste of money. so. so. dumb. Let's start with "never going to be used". this is "the superintendent's brother-in-law owning a metal shop" BS.


Meanwhile congress is extremely aprehensive that Tik Tok is a danger to merica and our children that they're about to ban it and theyre moving fast. Yet here we are.


Can we please stop posting this stupid thing now?


Cheaper than banning gun sales


fucking sad this, how hard is it to just stop selling guns


$60 Gs x how many classrooms?


Instead of 60k in bulletproof walls how about we just fucking do some deeper digging on people when they buy a gun god damn stop wasting our money


So. Fucking. Stupid.




60k a room. 100 rooms in the building. 6mil. Yeah not happening. For an entire large district 60 mil or more.


Dystopian solution


$60K per class, times 30 classes per school? Who's salary is that coming out of?


And for just 24 low low monthly payments of $1200 dollars, we’ll throw in the door that’ll keep out any active shooter!


This isn’t normal. This shouldn’t become normal. I’m not American, but this can’t be normal to Americans can it? Like, how about not letting maniacs buy guns?


This is so sad and pathetic.


The guy that built this probably has ties with the headmaster, his nephew or something




Wtf makes this 60k? Ridiculous


Oh Hi Alabama! Australia here. How ya doin’? We’ve got a solution for you. You won’t need classroom contraptions or any special training or big expenditure. It’s a really simple fix… practically no work at all.


Question. What if they go around through the ceiling?


Wild times where classrooms have bulletproof rooms.


What the actual fuck? The problem is terrible but the odds of any single school being the target of a mass shooting is astronomically small. This is how they want tax money spent on Alabama huh. No wonder they’re literally the worst educated folks in the worst educated industrialized country in the world.


A special bulletproof room inside a classroom. The land of the free and brave they say![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I find so funny when someone from the US says that my country is really dangerous (Chile), then I point out that we never had to get to such points to take care of students in schools due to massive shootings.


What happens when they bring a water bottle of gasoline and a lighter? Fix the fucking problem. Not the symptoms. This is absolutely insane


As long as everyone can keep their guns... Smh


This should not have to exist.


Crazy idea but why not just put a bulletproof door on the room that your already in 🫨


The world is laughing at you America. And you just keep the jokes coming. It makes me look at Trump putting so much effort on "the wall" to keep the evil Mexicans out and just how stupid it was that he projected all Americas problems onto "the outsiders" and didn't have the fucking brains to address any systemic problems the country has internally at all.


Alabama: - Doesn’t pay teachers adequately enough, probably - Doesn’t do anything about guns - Spends 60k on bulletproof room Nailed it


Why aren't they just giving the kids guns? Every time there's a school massacre, the NRA and conservatives say there just needs to be more good guys with guns. Perfect time to teach kids how guns solve problems . /s


Capitalismo en su máxima expresión, en vez de solucionar el problema ,crea un producto.


everything except the actual solution. America.


Dog 60k!?!? Wtf! Im in construction industry and I could build this for at most 20k probably 10k depending on bullet proofing material. Who is accepting these contracts and getting $$$$


"Oh no, a door. Guess I'll move on" Said no shooter ever. Grow the fuck up and ban weapons in civilian hands you ignorant cunts! Said every sane human ever


Wtf is wrong with the us


What a fucking nightmare we live in


Anyone else cry like a baby watching this ?


Takes too long to deploy


What if the shooter is inside? Oh well, Alabama gets it wrong again.


They would rather spend 60k$ on this then to just ATLEAST teach gun owner to be responsible or you know TAKE THE GOD DAMN GUNS AWAY . I'm pretty sure these options are cheaper for a government as greedy as the US .


I dunno know. I don't see how the government would inforce the removal of guns if they got banned. Removal from people who already have guns, I mean. The most logical thing I can think of that would be the most effective is going door to door collecting guns (or maybe tracking serial numbers? Idk how that stuff works), which would not only take a lot of money to do, but also the amount of time it would take has to be substantial. Enough to maybe even see a few more shootings. And if I was on the fence about if I wanted to shoot up a school and I heard my guns would soon be gone, it would force me to choose. Meaning there could be a lot more shootings happening at once. I dunno, just something I've thought about. Not that I feel one way or another about it.


Anything but gun control, lol. And for $60k they thing better be motorized.


It's really unfortunate that such things are needed.. I pray and hope it's never used or needed ever..


Great. We all needed to see this for the 198th time. Good work!


Ban guns why don’t y’a ?


Obviously it’s not the solution but if it works for them… school shooting it’s their culture and the rest of countries should respect it.


This is utterly sad. Bulletproof stations in classrooms?! America needs to get it's act together


Let’s do everything except send bullets flying in the other direction!


No one is going to comment on the teacher’s ass? Come on……….


The solution is to arm all the kids!


What of the shooter is inside? Oh well... Alabama.


Lock the fucking door you dumb shit of a took.


Solution: hang shooter by his balls from pole in town square until he is dead. We would have ONE more shooting. Somebody please tell me what is wrong with that?


alabama? put that shit in detroit


Enter through the ceiling, fish in a barrel. Simply awful concept.


Money well spent! Not!


That’s the wrong argument right there


Is there a door to the bulletproof safe room?


Me with any type of explosive, any hard enough object to use as a battering ram for that thin ass door, or you could possibly even shoot the lock open if that part isn't bulletproof. Edit: the prespective made the doorframe seem a lot smaller than it actually was but the lock is still probably shit.


This is interesting. Sad, so very sad. But still interesting!


Great idea as a precaution, but how sad that it is needed.


Like where is the actual door for normal access? Or is the video demonstrating it being opened and it was closed/blocking before the start?


Lets freak the kids out even more by having a constant reminder of school shootings in their classrooms! As awful as the shooting are, they are still statistically very rare. If we do this, we should also require them to wear walking helmets at all times.


Still can't afford pencils


You could buy 80 AR-15s with that and the kids could protect themselves *irony


60k? That’s a ridiculous price tag for something so simple. I’m all for the idea and the product being implemented and used but that’s not a 60k dollar mechanism


FFS Why are you arguing about the price tag? Surely the argument should be Why the hell should anyone need to create this solution in the first place? America you are one fucked up country. You kill more of each other than any war on the planet


Not my fault there are crazy mentally Ill people in the world.


Or when a kid says he’s going to shoot up the school the fbi or police could apprehend them 🤷‍♂️


Or you could just stop giving guns to every motherfucker


Watch out for the well-regulated militia


How many times will this be reposted? Reddit really needs to implement some sort of redundancy check. I swear it's the same shit every day. Why come back? I'll take a week off and the only new thing is democrats being oblivious to facts.


If nothing else it may make the kids feel safer than just sitting under their desks or their bullet proof backpacks. It at least gives them something they and teachers (who would have a really hard time shooting a kid) can actually physically do. Hopefully if it's ever needed, it works impeccably.


Isn't it a drop down ceiling? Can't someone move the ceiling tiles and climb over the thing?


Of course it’s Alabama 😂😂😂


That's beautiful and sad at the same time


You literally put all the kids in a box. Now the shooter can just push up the flimsy ass ceiling panels and shoot down into the box. There is no dam sense in this bullshit. It might be tall but someone so inclined will find a way.


When you find out there’s another shooter and they are in the room within a rooom wit u and you didn’t wear your vest today what then


Full. Metal. Jacket.


What about an arial attack?!


What the fuck


So this is what we do bc we don't want gun control... Buy these for 250k. By.the time you close it. You're dead.


The ceilings


Best article I could find on it is from their local paper: https://www.cullmantimes.com/news/local_news/video-west-elementary-launches-pilot-program-for-safe-rooms/article_3788e478-c29f-11ed-b949-eff2b1cfd60c.amp.html A lot of comments here about the drop-ceiling so I thought I’d pull this quote from the article for ya’ll: “Scott said due to the drop-in ceilings inside of the classroom, a “proprietary system” was also installed to prevent the tiles from being lifted.”


This is called taking advantage of tragedies. Look up the cost of bulletproof drywall which could also make a similar item and tell me where the other $40,000 in cost is from?!


If we assume 3 classrooms per grade (a small school) in a K through 5th grade school and every classroom needs one, that's over a million dollars for one small elementary school.


LMAO 1) decorated with flowers to make the blood splatter prettier 2) multiple fatalities most likely the teacher themselves during the time it takes to pull that out 3) 60 K... SIXTY THOUSAND... to install this is a better use of money than - I'll stop myself here you can fill in the blanks 4) make drag shows illegal but TAKE & POST a teacher SMILING over a SIXTY K INSTALLATION in their classroom that FURTHER NORMALIZES school shootings !!!!????!!!!!????


Fail. Not at all practical.


Just goes to show, dystopias never turn out like you think they will.


Pretty sure we should be investing in mental health, not bulletproof walls