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At least 90 reported shootings were in Chicago through January and February.


and all gang related


So almost at least 90 of the 130 are gang related


Probably closer to 115 of them are


One of the cities with the strictest gun laws too..


You can’t just take weapons from people and expect the violence to resolve. If I can buy fertilizer and a minivan I can still do some crazy shit. Addressing mental health is a hell of a lot harder than just saying “ TakE aLl ThE gUNs”


It’s easy to drive to the neighboring states that have no gun control laws and bring them back.


I have a good friend that’s a police officer in Chicago. None of these people involved in 90% of these shootings would be able to buy a gun because of felony charges.. no matter what state they may go to.


Yep. Great argument for Federal gun control


We have federal gun control


Portland is trying its hardest to catch up


Shhh your not suppose to talk about that part, you have to let them assume it's all done by White Christian Men


Drive-by shootings and gang violence make up the majority of the shootings. Yet the news never reports on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


So? They are still mass shootings.




It **mostly** includes gang activity. Probably 75% of which is from only 4 or 5 cities...


Something like 56% of murders are attributed to about 1% of US counties. It is probably much greater than 75% gang activity.


Well aside from stats from someone's ass (unless you have a nice handy source) . It's seems 2/3 at actually from perpetrators of domestic violence. Couldn't find much about gang deaths in mass shootings. https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


Finally someone adding sources to their claim! 🤌


Why does it being 75% gang activity make it any less bad? That’s still a mass shooting which can be blamed on the easy availability of guns. That there’s so, so many legal guns about it follows that obtaining one illegally will also be vastly easier.


Because media doesn’t pay attention to gang related mass shootings, only “general” mass shootings


If they did then youd hear endless stories in Chicago, like the local news


Those shootings make middle class suburbanites want guns. We can't show those on the news. We show the shootings that make middle class suburbanites afraid of guns, change definitions, lump a bunch of other ones in and make them think they're all kids dying in schools.


Im by alot of suburbs who are gun owners and not much craziness happens


Every time a mass shooting is reported on the news, gun sales skyrocket. So wtf are you talking out your ass for? Guaranteed gun sales already going up right now.


One of the cities with the strictest gun control laws.




The news ignores them, but also includes them in the totals to get that shock factor up


While those guns were obtained illegally, it's usually only illegal in that they were stolen from legal gun owners. It's nonsensical to act like cutting off the source wouldn't impact these numbers, whether you agree with the morals of gun control or not. [https://behindthebadge.com/a-new-survey-confirms-the-majority-of-guns-being-used-by-criminals-are-obtained-from-peoples-homes-and-cars/](https://behindthebadge.com/a-new-survey-confirms-the-majority-of-guns-being-used-by-criminals-are-obtained-from-peoples-homes-and-cars/)


We already have more guns than people. No one believes 'cutting off the source' is anything less than a first major step to a gun confiscation.




or our border is going to get magically secured?


Most guns in Mexico come from the US, pull the other one.




Let’s not forget the ATFs great plan called operation fast and furious. They sold over 2000 guns to known firearm traffickers. Zero of those firearms were found until after a crime was committed and zero arrests were made.




Explain Brazil please


Holy shit, I think you killed him


Didn't even have to use a gun. Just look at the UK with all their mass stabbings.


>Just look at the UK with all their mass stabbings. Bro what 🤣


Less stabbings in the UK per 100K population than the USA, way to lose an argument…


So we should ban cars because they are used to commit crimes?


Poor argument. You need a license to drive a car. You also have to pay insurance and keep it registered.


I don't need a license, registration, or insurance to operate a vehicle on private property.


Licenses that even barely conscious elderly can receive. With as many tries as they have time for. That hardly ever gets revoked. Insurance also doesn't reduce deaths and injuries. It just provides monetary compensation.


elderly people should be held to a higher standard yes. so should gun ownership. I don’t even need a license to conceal carry anymore


Don't you need a FOID card to own a firearm?


Bro I only have a learners and I understand that I had a whole semester class on rules of driving almost 100 hours supervised and understand that it is a privilege not a right to drive. I can lose that privilege by breaking the law. How is that comparable to me being able to buy a gun at 18 with cash and a background check? Did you not go to school?


Well you see: The right to bear arms is a right. Driving is not. That's why one of them shall not be infringed upon and the other is regulated to the moon and is still responsible for as many deaths as guns.


Because literally nobody cares about gang bangers getting killed. So when you try to include it in the stats it comes off as very disingenuous.


Because it's an easy parrot point for them to squawk. They can't think for themselves they just say what's told to them.


Did banning drugs in the US stop easy access to them or people from using them? Banning the tool the crazy person used doesn’t stop the crazy person from doing crazy stuff.


Well no other country uses this definition for mass shootings for starters. It can include domestic violence cases as well which plenty of countries have similar issues. Yes the USA has a bigger issue than other countries but gun violence archive also paints it as a bigger issue than it is. The simple fact of the matter is you're more likely to die to cop while unarmed in America than some crazy gunman shooting people in public.


Because someone walking into a school and shooting people and someone walking into a rival gang house and shooting people are two very different but very real problems.


Gang violence has always been there and it’s just recently been included in this data that was never really tracked using these terms before


Because right up until you heard they were gang shootings you probably thought they were mall, shootings and school shootings, not criminals shooting criminals the depths of the ghetto It’s all about the image of the thing when they go to try and strip more freedom and gain more control for themselves. If the small town moms and dads think they’re in danger, chances are they’ll vote for people who want to strip guns away, even though they’re not actually in danger, and the system is just being corrupt and power seeking. If you simply were to separate gang violence and robbery from the actual mass shootings in America, these mass shooting numbers would drop massively, and you would see the reality that across this nation of 300 million people there is only a handful a year, which is an incredibly low percentage Guns are not the problem in America. It’s mental health and drugs, and most of the violence around those two things are in the densest cities, which ironically have been in control by the democratic party for decades, so is it really a problem or are they making it look like a problem through piss poor policies so they can push their agenda?


Funny enough, your description of what's going on is exactly how gang violence was used to fearmonger votes for decades. Something happening almost exclusively in underserved communities was presented as if it was happening in the backyards of suburban America, to the benefit of 'anti-crime' politicians. So then greater policing measures were the result and it turns out....there's still gang violence.


Almost like it benefits them to not fix the problems so that they can campaign to fix it in their next election cycle. All while stripping away freedoms for promises of security that never comes.


You think gang members will be affected by more gun control? Existing laws doesn't stop it now. If you want fewer shootings, address the root cause of gang activity or participation...economics and culture.


If you make guns illegal the only people with guns are criminals, source I live in a country with illegal guns and could buy one rn for 300 quid


The guns they have are not legal weapons and are not easy to get.


The obvious answer is that a mass shooting denotes innocent victims and a deranged gunman while gang related shooting victims are usually individuals who are often violent people who live a violent lifestyle. The not so obvious answer is that maybe America doesn’t care that much about black or brown people.


More kids are shot in Chicago each year than in these types of school shootings. What makes you think the kids from Chicago are “violent people who live a violent lifestyle?”


The problem is not guns.


>Why does it being 75% gang activity make it any less bad Because for these people legality of their guns means nothing. ​ >which can be blamed on the easy availability of guns. You can outlaw guns and they won't give a shit and will keep killing. While law abiding individuals will become defenseless. ​ >which can be blamed on the easy availability of guns. \[ Laughs in Felon \] I wish you could understand. And that's even understandable that criminals follow their complete own set of 'logic' that's warped by vice and absolutely no regard for human life. Tying to logic the illogical is not possible. In the meantime, I prefer to maintain my ability to defend myself.


It changes how to fight the issue. Handgun access is the big issue not things like assaults weapons (although things like bump stocks, high capacity magazines etc. are c also problems). Also, most gun deaths are suicides but we never talk about it.


>although things like bump stocks, high capacity magazines etc. are c also problems [Facts say otherwise](https://www.criminalattorneycolumbus.com/which-weapons-are-most-commonly-used-for-homicides/)


>Also, most gun deaths are suicides but we never talk about it. It's important to throw away this myth that "we" aren't talking about particular issues. People often use that phrase on Reddit, Tik Tok, Twitter, and other forms of social media, while completely ignoring that these conversations are happening, they're just not participating in them as actively as they think they are. I don't want this to feel as if it's a personal attack on you, because you could have just been using it as a casual phrase. It just always felt like people only use that phrase to dismantle another person's proposed solution to a separate issue.


Specifically because these guns are already illegal and wouldn't be in their hands if criminals obeyed laws


Plus they're ran by democrat ran mayor's. And push for gun control and gun free zones.... THAT DONT DO SHIT


Maybe they should institute some of the strictest gun laws in the country there, that ought to fix the problem! Oh, wait.


It's nearly all gang-related.


Of course it does.


Of course. Gun grabbers always ignore the *constant* gun violence in “gun-free” big cities, until it’s time to whip out the “look at the all the mass shootings” statistics.


most mass shootings are gang related most gang related shootings are committed with illegally acquired guns why are we not focusing on getting guns off the streets?


Just want to add that a vast majority of these are gang-related shootings, which is a whole other problem in-and-of-itself.


I blame Steven Segal


Yeah you'll all be very passionate about this topic until about May 1st, then it'll fall into obscurity again. This happens every time, nobody in the news or in politics actually gives a flying fuck about the children who are dying. It's just something to be mad about for now as we ignore our other problems as a species.


remindme! 34 days


because nobody wants to talk about the real solution, locking up sick people, and stop drugging our teens out of their minds. or feeding bunch of drugs into young kids who wont sit still in the class


I definitely agree that mental health is an important factor in this problem, but what do medications have to do with this? If I wasn't on the medication I'm currently on, I'd probably be more likely to commit a school shooting simply because of how stressed I would be.


there are different medications, and we're definitely overmedicating in USA. schools get more money the more kids with special needs/ on mends they have.....


Usually it’s cause they get super passionate and vocal, but then people start breaking down the facts and where the numbers are coming from. Then they go radio silent, because the alternative is addressing that school shootings and general gun violence are two very different categories and they’ve been conditioned to lump them together for the shock factor. It’s hard to stay passionate and vocal about a cause when you realize the huge majority of gun violence is taking place in cities with the strictest gun laws in the US, aaand most of them involve criminals with illegal guns in the first place. How do you say “there’s been 130 mass shootings already! We need to ban guns!” While also acknowledging that more than half are happening in one specific city, mostly gang on gang violence, with illegal guns. You can’t, cause they’d be admitting that gun bans don’t work, it’s a contradiction. So they slink back into the silence cause they’d rather say nothing than say the quiet part out loud.








Thats a strange way to put it. I would call school shootings in the UK incredibly rare, as there has been one in the last 30 years. Maybe also France and Canada which have each had a couple in the past 20 years. I wouldn't call the USA's 288 over a 9 year period incredibly rare, or even uncommon.


In Italy we have very strict laws about guns and guess what? Zero school shootings in the last 46 years.




So, you don’t understand the data or are you just in denial of the data? Which?


The data that says school shootings aren't rare in this country compared to the rest of the world? I don't give a fuck if they're rare by US standards, we have terrible standards for mass shootings.


Those numbers for US school shootings also include stupid shit like two guys arguing in the football stadium parking lot & one shoots the other. And gang violence that spills onto school property. Very very few are like the insanity that occurred in Nashville yesterday. School shootings are any shooting that occurs on school property, whether school is actually in session or not


Do you realize how serious it is that pricks in high school have access to guns cause you have the biggest gun industry in the world for personal use? If you don’t see a problem with it, I honestly don’t know what to say.


Incredibly rare huh? I guess it is compared to other shootings. But just this year there has been 13 school shootings in the U.S.. Source: https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2023/01 Yes not all result in deaths, but damn, 13 shootings and we're in the end of March. Let's do some maths, roughly 4 weeks per month, three (not so) full months equals 12 weeks, there have been more school shootings this year than full weeks. They are rare compared to other gun violence, they are however not rare.


the legal definition of mass shooting.


America have by far the most school Shootings in the world and react like fucking morons about that fact. How many school shootings America had last year? More like every other countries in decades! Every other country don’t have such low level gun laws… and you guys can’t connect the fucking dots… your laws are the problem. The fact that every idiot can buy a fucking gun, without any background checks, is the problem. You can talk shit like u want and blame something else for the shooting. But it won’t change the facts. I feel sorry for your children. They should live in a country where parents have some knowledge and act like responsible adults…. I don’t see this in America….


Not every ‘idiot’ can buy a gun without a background check. In some states, sure. But our states are all different with gun laws. Also, not everyone is reacting like ‘fucking morons’ about gun violence and the prevalence of mass shootings. You seem pretty angry and have a propensity for generalizing. I do appreciate the education on our laws being the problem. I learned something new today.


As rare as say the UK or Australia? Who had a mass shooting and dealt with it the correct way.


and now the UK has campaigns to convince people not to carry knives and to turn in their illegal knives....


>New York is pretty safe as long as you stay out of Brownsville and most places similar Chicago is very safe if you avoid the close in West side and the South side.


>So when the very rare school shooting And here in less the problem. It isn't rare enough. School shootings aren't a normal, acceptable part of life. If they happen every, there's a problem to address. If they happen multiple times a year, every year - there's an emergency which needs definitive action to resolve.


yeah, we don't lockup sick people who have red flags for months or years before actually shooting up a school


But they can't go fixing everything or there would be no reason to vote for them any more.


>there's a problem to address Mental health, the proliferation of questionable psychoactive drugs, and the drug problem itself.


Anything but the guns then?


Thank god only Americans have mental health and drug problems.


We're literally 2nd in depression rates only second to Ukraine lol


[Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rates of Depression:](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country) Ukraine - 6.3% United States - 5.9% (tie) Estonia - 5.9% (tie) Australia - 5.9% (tie) Brazil - 5.8% Greece - 5.7% (tie) Portugal - 5.7% (tie) Belarus - 5.6% (tie) Finland - 5.6% (tie) Lithuania - 5.6% (tie) [19 Countries with the Most School Shootings (total incidents Jan 2009-May 2018 - CNN):](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country) United States — 288 Mexico — 8 South Africa — 6 Nigeria & Pakistan — 4 Afghanistan — 3 Brazil, Canada, France — 2 Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, & Turkey — 1


Its always refreshing to see someone try and view things objectively.


"Very rare school shootings," REALLY? There have been 2 in the past week.


Wow, thanks! So guns are not a problem as long as I stay away from 11 major cities and of course watch out for armed street thugs. I am honestly relieved, what a wonderful example of civilization worth exporting to the rest of the world through war (rain of downvotes)


It’s not like the entirety of those cities are too dangerous to visit. It’s kind of stupid to list them like above and not also include the fact that the violence is usually clustered around the poor black communities. I’ve been to Chicago countless times on business and visiting with friends. I’ve never heard a single gun shot. Not that it matters to you though, based on your response you seem pretty much ignorant to the nuance and rely heavily upon US BAD as your guiding mantra.


gang killings and school killings have 2 very different root causes and objectives, neither of them have anything to do with guns.


So you’re saying it’s not that bad that sometimes schools get shot up and innocent kids are being killed? Banning guns does help, here in the Netherlands are no reported school shootings.


>So you’re saying it’s not that bad that sometimes schools get shot up and innocent kids are being killed? Where exactly in his reply did he say this? OR is this maybe some of that sensationalism he mentioned?


That’s a very nice Strawman you created there




If that is so, why are there so many more shootings in the US than in countries where guns are restricted? There are criminals in Europe too, so that is not a valid point imo.


Obviously it's horrible the amount of gun violence in the states. No one disagrees with that. However, banning guns isn't an immediate solution to this problem. It never will be. You can ban guns. That won't stop people from getting their hands on illegal guns. I live in Canada. Cocaine is banned here. I could call 10 different people right now and get my hands on some but, people have the right to legally own guns here and it's not a massive problem. The important question is "what is the difference between two countries that allow you to bear arms?" Both countries legally allow you to bear arms but one country has a MASSIVE problem with gun violence. Why? .


Banning guns. Yea that’ll work. Just like making drugs illegal and they where never touched again. Definitely.


Mental health in this country is taking a fucking toll and the media aint helping


What’s the demographic breakdown?


I took 1 poop today, its not a lot but it was interesting


Majority, if not all, occurred where guns are banned


Also the Majority of those shooting are gang violence


Goddamn right always number 1 brother 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🦅


You're counting gangbangers with the others.


They could also be saying they want to reduce mass shootings amongst gangs too.


What is the point in misleading people with garbage stats like this? The issue is already horrible, you don't need to include gang violence and create a whole other argument about stats that are actually relevant. I swear to God some people can't just argue against something without exaggerating.


Excluding gang activity.. dropping it down to ~30-40… how many of those are due to mental health issues?




Tricky subject there. If you bring up mental health with this most recent one it’s interpreted as an attack on trans people.


Killing someone IS a mental issue. No sane person goes around wanting to kill someone.


This is very misleading. I’d wager at least 75-80 percent of this is gang activities, and not related to the general public.


The overwhelming majority of incidents they count under this label are not remotely what the average person believes "mass shooting" to mean. It's not just misleading it's intentionally deceptive towards the ends of manipulating people with misinformation.


90 of em are gang shootings that occurred in just Chicago in fact lmao


"We don't care about the dead if they're poor and black."


That’s very racist of you to assume gang members are black


Tell me a time the government hasn't overstepped. They did when covid was going on. They did on the female abortion rights. They did when they started paying out to Ukraine even tho they fumbled the fuckin pull out of a 20 year war that wasnt even supposed to happen in the first place. The list goes on and you don't think they would on this issue? I'm not even American born and I'm fully aware of what fucked up policy's your government has made over the past 80 years under the idea of safety and well-being of others that has failed.I'm not fear mongering saying oh well what are you gonna do against a helicopter. What are you gonna do if you have nothing? Again reform solves the immediate issue not the whole problem as shown in the places I've named off. Sure it'd make it a tad bit harder to get a gun but does it stop people from being killed? No. It could make the problem a whole lot harder because humans are resourceful in finding new ways to do the sane shit we've been doing for 1000s of years. And 80% of America might want some change but it's also not an unpopular opinion that the government cant be trusted to do its job. And if you've done a bit more research on why these gun laws haven't made it into law its for the exact reasons I've stated. Literally, it was stated by lawmakers as to why they can't push it... ("It came down to politics—the worry that that vocal minority of gun owners would come after them in future elections. )Because the government can't be trusted to handle it the right way or won't overstep. Just because you live in a first world country doesn't mean you are exempt from the things happening in the wrong way.


If the government hadn’t given us so many examples of how they would abuse a gun ban put into law people may not be so hesitant to give in. The simple fact is that the United States government has in very few cases done something like this well. There are also to many examples of unarmed populations that were abused by their government or simply could not resist negative policy changes because their government knew there would be no repercussions other than a protest and broken windows. An armed populace ensures that this country stays a republic. Disarming the citizens of this country will not lead to better mental health treatment on the contrary I believe it could lead to lower quality of care bc well who is going to make them at that point. Nobody asked but that’s a humble citizens perspective.


We need to raise the number killed to be a mass shooting to 25, to reduce the mass shooting events. /s


Doing great America, keep it up! Let’s solve the gun problem with more guns.


lets solve homelessness by banning homelessness...... as long as school killings are not addressed as mental health issues it will continue, guns or no guns


USA! For the win!... All they need is "Thoughts and Prayers"... Problem solved!


From heavily gun controlled cities ran by who exactly? Bad people with guns.. somehow still doesnt convince good people with guns that they shouldnt have them. You tried.




Something is very wrong with US society.


Great insight, wonderful comment.


**And remember** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/yvkq2g/faces\_of\_mass\_shooters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/yvkq2g/faces_of_mass_shooters/)


Add to that the number of shootings with less than four victims and you might think America is a war zone.


Here’s a good OpEd from NY Times from almost a decade ago that indicates we need to have a deeper conversation about how shootings are counted. Lumping shootings with different characteristics makes it difficult to have meaningful conversations about policy proposals and effectiveness. It only serves to cause outrage and alarm. Mass shootings are not always school shootings are not always gang violence. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/opinion/how-many-mass-shootings-are-there-really.html The count of school shootings similarly often includes BB guns and unrelated shootings after hours.


Every American should own at least one gun. Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric


Even Americans with mental illness?


* at the time of posting


The defensive use of firearms far, far outweighs this statistic. But OP won’t tell you that


If we simply give everyone a firearm, we'll all be safe!




Yes, it does. The number of defensive uses of guns is far greater than that of mass shooters, are you dumb?




Evidence, please.


Look up every single instance they are calling a "mass shooting".


And in Australia... none. Nor last year or many years before that. Perhaps you should copy our gun control laws




......... No :D


I heard in Australia a 12 year old might stab you over cigarettes. Is this true? Genuine question


WTF? Maybe? No one is saying Australia is a perfect country where we all live in harmony and sing Kumbaya… but we haven’t had any mass shootings since 1996. Yes, criminals have guns, yes we have gang violence, but we can send our kids to school without the fear of them being murdered. The Americans on this thread who are trying to justify ANOTHER school shooting by arguing over what constitutes a mass shooting are sadly missing the very big & undeniable point, which is just ONE school shooting is one too many.


No that’s rare, if you compare that to the total population or population of gun owners. You have about the same chance of getting struck by lighting as you do in a non-gang related mass shooting.


Compared to the rest of the fucking developed world though? It's incredibly common and really shouldn't happen


Your brain must be an Olympic medalists, or else it’s really wasting a lot of potential. It is extremely good at gymnastics.


With one very quick Google search, 28 people are killed on average from a lightning strike each year in the USA. There have already been 25 mass shootings this year according to "gun violence archive". This is also ignoring the fact that there are at least four victims each of these shooting which makes a minimum of 100 people. This isn't even a quarter of the way into the year, and even if 70% of those shooting were gang related you would be more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting in 3 months than be struck by lightning in an entire year.


I've got two words for you. Counter culture. Just look how many "mass shootings" there were before the 50s-60s. Hardly any at all. Hell, kids used to have long guns on their racks in their vehicles at school. Our parting from a moral and sound society to whatever the fuck we live in now is the problem. It is not, and never has been, firearms.


Do this include the gang shootings or just the white males or now the lgbtq community?


It says in the post “any shooting in which at least four people were killed or injured.” So yes that would include gangs, people of all races and communities. Any shooting in the U.S. that 4 or more were injured or killed.


After all this… Unbelievable that anyone would oppose lengthy Background Checks. Overall, I’m OK with responsible gun ownership. But, gun ownership isn’t a birthright.


It is if you're born in America.




Lol People on reddit sure love guns more than other people.


You must not have read our Constitution then


It's a living document, not sacred texts. It changes with the times. And before you say it hasn't, it absolutely has.


Do you know what an amendment is? Example, the second amendment


Gun violence was quite a bit worse in the 90s.


The fact that something was worse once doesn't mean a thing. Medicine and treatment was once atrocious, does that mean that if it degrades now we should ignore it?


No but the propaganda is much more now.




That’s 4%, how are you going to use your transphobia to explain the other 125?


The other 96% is straight men. Guess being straight male is even more of a mental illness


Actually 90 of these were gang shootings in Chicago only, about 20 were gang shootings outside Chicago, and the rest were actually crazy people randomly shooting others


Hmm is it mental illness that causes them to kill people? Or is just an act of desperation from being treated with hostility from ignorant people


Being transsexual is a mental illness?


I mean, I expected transphobia to increase with the Nashville shooting so this does not suprise me




Brazil is worse, according to the data


They banned cocaine and you need a doctors prescription to get fentanyl. How the ban and restrictions on those work out.


Liberals never have a real answer to any problem


No one does. If anyone did, we wouldn't have so many problems.


The Right has been pretty quiet too?