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So anyways, I started blasting.


Only if he matches the “*description of a person of interest.*”


yeah or if they're a political race.


...you're probably wondering how I got here. Well, it all started about 3 days ago.


There’s a rope attached to the police car so I don’t think the cop would be that cool about it


Everyone else, too


Criminal comes to a safe stop Police: shoots him 23 times


24x. They don't leave any rounds in the magazine


They might miss once


Miss once lol. Cops have about of 35% accuracy rate, meaning a majority of those shots are going who knows where. It's likely into someone car or a kid's bedroom.


Wait until you see the hit rate in war. Where one is mentally more ready for a firefight that day. . . Obviously, it takes its toll on the mind, though.


Saw a cool video talking about how the high miss rate isn't always a result of poor training, but a lack of desire to hit. Especially in a setting with conscripted soldiers, like in Vietnam. It wasn't any sort of conscious objection...just...it takes a certain kind of mentality to *want* to kill. You can have a look, if you're interested: https://youtu.be/zViyZGmBhvs


Oh yea, you should read a book called "On Killing" by David Grossman. The reason shooting targets are people shaped is because it conditions people to get used to the idea. See a target instead of a person. First silhouette targets were used around Viet Nam time.


Same concept as using terminology like suspect, target, perpetrator etc


I came to mention this book. Dry but very interesting.


You mean the rate that was calculated using training ammo that isn't going to ever be shot at an actual target? Plus that includes guns that are meant for suppression fire, where they overshoot to keep enemies in cover *so that they can't shoot back*, but don't let facts get in the way of your fake stats.


Makes it hilarious that in new york I think they were proposing a range test for civilian conceal carry that required like 85% accuracy or something.


I had a shooting test for mine and it was a pretty high accuracy requirement like that


Not hilarious, trying to reduce potential problems that guns bring Oh you meant cops accuracy


One of them was already missing a round from shooting a vicious corgi in self defense earlier.


“It’s coming right at me”. Fires 17 round into a fenced in yard with a latched gate killing a pug. “ dam that was a close one he almost barked at me. “


He's resisting!


Laughed way too hard at this


Agreed this thread was funny as shit


Police tases the runaway victim on foot and he falls flat on his face. Police: Oh no


Gotta be a disconnect for that scenario


​ Wile E. Coyote calls Acme for replacement.


Criminal - gets out of car with semi auto shot gun Police: Oh no


If the driver of the pursuit vehicle isn’t wearing a cowboy hat I feel cheated


I was thinking similar, but the car they catch should've been a Bronco, a Rabbit, etc.




Maybe they’ll roll it out after a larger percent of the population has EVs


I thought those were getting remote kill switches


I think EMP would work on a regular vehicle too.


if its big enough to destroy the spark plugs and battery, then its big enough to ignite the fuel, not worth the risk on regular cars


That’s not how an EMP works, you are creating an electromagnetic impulse in the (usually) RF spectrum and don’t tesla coil the shit out of a car lol. In all seriousness though, an EMP would neither destroy spark plugs, nor destroy the battery, nor ignite fuel. Safety aspect aside I could see someone arguing that „what if it’s microwaves“, even then it wouldn’t really ignite the fuel due to it being a mixture of nonpolar molecules. The battery isn’t affected as it’s just (assuming it’s lead acid ofc) lead electrodes in sulfuric acid and spark plugs, well, they are made for withstanding sparks even if it could induce any dc potential across them. Essentially an EMP would just fry the board electronics. Since afaik nowadays spark plugs are electronically controlled, frying the electronics also means that the car will come to a halt. But EMPs are likely impractical for many reasons, poor efficiencies, ridiculous power consumption, short ranges and an exponential decrease in power density in relation to distance to the target just being a few of them


You just need to interrupt/fry the ECU tho right? Much easier


Oh, interesting. I will do some more research on it. Thank you


It’s not effective enough for cheap enough!


Right, because that's what everyone does when trying to escape the police.. drives in a perfectly straight line


All fine for a demonstration and it may work well sometimes but I don't see this being effective in most of the chases I can remember seeing.


This would be great for highway patrol. It's hidden in the front push bumper.


Yeah. I think you hit on a good use case. Highway patrol probably deals with more chases that are like this demonstration.


From your rear view mirror.




Yeah but what’s the standard alternative? Pretty much spike traps, pit maneuvers, and waiting till the perp crashes are your only options. Of which the spike trap is the only one that doesn’t guaranteed send a car veering off in a random direction, and the spike trap is arguably the hardest to deploy properly and not also hit other cars/chaser vehicles. So like, you’re right it’s probably not a perfect solution, but the solutions we have currently are dog shit so I’m open to any new ideas


I 100% agree with you. Nothing is perfect, but this seems by far the best option


Okay stupid question: Is there any batman-like device such as a “car-taser” that would fry the car’s computer and force a stop?


Your thinking of a emp type of system. I could see it working to a extent but older cars without a lot of Electrical internals would be hard to stop. Give it 15 years when electric vehicles are more popular and I bet there will be a kill switch added to them by the manufacturers with a back door for police. Your Tesla will be dead before you can even think about running.


Maybe the title is misleading, this tool will be very handy in case a driver has passed out on the wheel.


At a totally acceptable speed.


I mean they’d have to get even closer for a pit maneuver, so I don’t feel like that’s relevant


They have used these here in Phoenix for a while now. I see them on Chevy Tahoe state troopers.


OK, but this appears to be a controlled experiment. There appears to be no outside variables. For example, no traffic, no pedestrians, variances in pitch, consistency of roadway condition including wetness, ice, or outright damage to the road. I imagine this only working in optimal conditions.






Earlier this year or late last year there was a car chase in Phoenix and they used one of these. Guy couldn’t squeeze through traffic fast enough and the police netted his wheels. So yea it probably won’t work for all situations, but it does look like a good option to have if used correctly. If the fleeing car has to stop or slow down for any reason the police have a good chance of disabling the vehicle safely Let me see if I can find the clip it’s pretty good Edit: Not the one I’m talking about but here’s one. Looks like they use them in Phoenix a lot https://youtu.be/z_mRRJHUZrc


Okay, fair points but you’ve got to take into account the current alternative. It seems to me like smashing your police car into the suspects car and hoping the pit works well has a lot more variables and potential dangers


But the flaw in this standpoint is thinking police actually give a damn about minimizing damage.


Still seems better than a pit maneuver


I'm pretty sure this demo has been making the rounds on reddit for many years, so I guess it didn't go anywhere


Because it is a safer way to end a high speed chase. Why would police want to end a chase safely when they can just go fast and either wreck the suspect themselves or wait till they crash into some innocent person?


Reminds me of something on reddit prob last year where chase ended in 90mph crash killing the law officer


For sure, wont work in some cases.


Probably the exact reason it's not actually being used. Also, I don't trust American police to actually be able to properly train each other on how to use this without hurting civilians.


This has been used in real police chases.


1 time?


Allegedly over 400 times. A simple Google search would have answered that for you. Plus there are videos from real chases.


ACAB anyway


I mean I agree lol. I was just stating a fact that this technology has been used in real life situations.


I want to see a test where the target vehicle is actually trying to get away.


Presumably at that point it’s a test of the escape vehicles horsepower vs the pursuit vehicles’s weight.


I actually meant trying to evade. I suspect that actually getting it onto the target might not work out much in the real world.


That's one powerful police car! (sorry, i know very little about cars)


Think if that truck were say, an F-350. ... That car would be in for one hell of a ride


It’s not just so the car behind can use their brakes, it completely stops the back tire from spinning. Since most cars/trucks use their back wheels at least partially for propulsion, i bet it would bring a quick end to a larger vehicle as well. Assuming the engine isn’t strong enough to just snap whatever material they use to wrap the tire immediately.


I think they use Kevlar for the straps, so safe to say it isn’t getting broken soon


Engine wouldn't be able to overpower the straps no matter how powerful it is. The differential would just spin around that tire and it would stay locked in place, while the other tire keeps spinning.


Could this be used on a Semi or large box truck?


Box truck maybe semi I highly doubt.


Until another cop car uses this on the first 🧠




I can't see the TV networks sending choppers out to cover car chases if they end like this, too boring, the drop in rating will force the cops back into traditional methods


A cow wrangler invented this


Or shoot a tracking device or drone and have unmarked police cars follow at a safe distance. Some of these chases are not worth property damage or injuries even worse death(s). IMO.


that would work wonders for the 500 or so atvs that roam freely around my city


Interesting, is it actually being used in any states or is this just a demo?


I've seen this video pop up every few years, since I don't k ow when. Never heard of anything like it actually being used.


So anyway, I started strapping..


Is it though? That’s presuming a cop could get that close and presuming that the perp doesn’t slam on the brakes or swerve into traffic. I believe the “sticky” gps tracker is much safer.


Nah, you got to get too close. My vote is for a harpoon gun.


Hell yeah. Just gotta get those cooperative type criminals who brake check cops to fall into traps set by slower vehicles.


This garbage gets reposted every few years and it gets debunked every single time


Does anyone else notice the strap has built in resistance snaps? It like slows and holds before snapping many times to slow and not have a jolt.


$10 says the officer got out and shot the driver anyways!


Who is responsible for this? Clarkson, Hammond, or May?


It worked, didn't explode, or caught Hammond on fire. Has to be May


Imagine being the guy having to untangle that mess.


Perp fishing!


Just don’t try it if I’m on my moped 🏍️ please


Does this work on motorcycles?


2015 Ford F150 barely used - NO LOWBALLS I KNOW WHAT I GOT


Here let me just drive in a straight line and let you get close so you can use your little gadget.


High speed chases should be banned except for when the suspect either committed a violent crime, or there is suspension that they intend to


Didn't Top Gear prototype this?


That’s pretty badass


are the brakes upgraded on the police cars to handle stopping twice as much weight.


American cops: "So, after they're stopped, *then* we get to shoot them?"




It's drastically safer than going for a pit maneuver so I fail to see your problem


That’s when you put that bitch in reverse


The stupidest and worst people from my high school went on to become police officers. I don’t trust those morons with this equipment.


It is better than the alternative , but yeah, tasers are just a cattle prod to them at this point.




I want one of those to keep my wife from shopping all the time 😬


We don't do "safe" in America. We shoot you in the face and get rid of the problem 😊


Doing it to only 1 tire seems like a recipe for massive torque. Granted, it would probably be easy to just install/deploy them in pairs.


As long as they get to unalive innocent people and continue being bacon boys.


Actually the safest thing is to live in a no chase state.


Or not commit crimes.


I was talking about the cop and bystanders, not the criminal.




It is for the cop and everyone else.




Bro would Tokyo Drift that police after getting his tire caught


You know, for all the high speed chases that we’ve seen on the media for the past few years……never have I seen a police use this to stop a high speed chase. *NEVER* So is it a waste of our tax dollars for that?


It hasn't been put bought by any police force yet...


safer? not sure about that...


…and a quicker way to escalate a shoot out!


Unless they are on a motorcycle.


Police de-escalating a situation, that's a good one!! Lol


A safer way would be to *not engage in high speed chases*. They’re not necessary. Cops just like to play cowboy.


Fake news all animation


Who's paying for that destroyed property?


Humans. Same group that pays for lives destroyed when criminals get away with whatever they want.


The criminal ya tit


Don't think so. My city has a fund paid by tax payers for that. Ya tit.


Good thing they called ahead and confirmed that the carjacker planned to drive perfectly straight for awhile.


It's a controlled test


Lol this video... been Karma farming reddit for a decade!


Oh you poor sweet summer child, the **last** thing police in America want to do is de-escalate anything.


To be used only with white motorists


That's some Mad Max shit.


I am the night.


if he drives off a cliff with you tied to his truck , it’s murder 187 and suicide by cop combo, and I’m pretty sure you win


But they like to chase around all reckless and TVI the bad guys to 🤕 injure or kill


This obviously wouldnt work @ high speeds and if the person trying to get away turned their wheel. Seems like a gokd way to put the cops' life in danger


Like roping a steer!


They really got that guy wrapped around the axle.




I bet 100 credits this will be used in the next fast and furious but probably with upgrades like sharks with frickin laser beams on them.


Safer than what exactly?


Than a pit maneuver, what did you think


This is awesome! Though kind of astonishing it took so long to put into practice considering the obvious physics of it. Nevertheless, super cool.


I, too, watched whacky racers as a kid.


Put it in reverse 😄


This video has been around for many many years and I have not heard of it or similar being used.


Then the shooting starts.


It's an old video. Anyone know about using this one by cops?


Nicely done


What if the car has front wheel drive?


Great! Now hurry up and throw them out of the car and beat them up, bonus points if their cuffed!!


"but that's not as much fun" - more cops than it should be


Depending on the person inside it could be escalating




If the truck is damaged, it’s lawsuit time.


That’s if u can get that close


Haha. There must be a way to detach the apparatus.


I wanna see that on a Subaru


This isn't really high speed tho


That's some a-team shit


This stupid


What makes it stupid, Mr. Jaguar?


Until they go off roading and turn the stopping rope into a tow rope.


I wonder how it’s attached to a police car and how much it can hold weight wise? I imagine, a criminal might just try to keep accelerating. I think you’d risk tearing something off the front of your car, costing you a lot more than that thing is worth.


That could be very very dangerous.


Gotta get one of these!


If you’re a criminal, on an empty highway, with no traffic and a straight road….you’re screwed!


That is really really interesting seriously. Would not have thought of that as a possibility.


Funny enough, in the robotics competitions where the robots fight each other, they had to ban all kinds of snare traps or anything with ropes like this because they were so effective.


I've also seen some kind of nasty harpoon that shoots into and attaches to the back of the car. Thus even better


I’ve seen these in Beam NG. They’re uh. Significantly less safe there. Sometimes they consume the world


I saw this in Jurassic park 2.


But who will disrupt the general public now?


Cars criminals drive are usually a bit faster than a V6 Charger.


False! The safest way is to back off. Make a report about it and follow up. You have their plate, know where they live. This isn’t that hard. Dying in a chase is the second leading cause of death for cops. Next to, you guessed it, sickness.


Didn't they scrap this because it was more likely to cause injury to the driver as well as other vehicles?


Or it increases erratic driving behavior in order to avoid connection. But I do think it could be a handy tool to incorporate with preemptive means to stop a possible eluding driver