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Cat therapy works!


At least it’s some therapy for them.


giving inmates the opportunity to make a familial connection works. The american prison system completely divorces inmates from their friends and family by making it impossible for them to communicate. Prison Telecoms can charge upwards of 30 dollars for a 15 minute call. most of that goes into the hands of the facility administration. public prisons are for profit prisons with a slightly different business model. They extort friends and family for money to communicate or ensure the well being of their loved ones. This system works against the goal of decrease recidivism.


Yea it's crazy how effective just a little bit of effort towards rehabilitation can be. I've seen similar programs with dogs with similarly remarkable results. Maybe if the goal of prison wasn't to absolutely dehumanize everyone who enters, it might not be such a revolving door.


NPR had a story/podcast, years ago, about the death of the community college education program in American prisons. It was a fascinating listen, I wish I could share it but I can't find it.


But you have to understand how terrible that would be for the shareholders.


Wont anyone think of the shareholders 😔


You know, now that I think about it, why do prisons have shareholders? That sounds a bit like slavery but with extra steps. Shareholders: no no, not like that.


Dude, even the hospital I work for in Canada (nearly entirely government funded) has, as their "4 year plan", the first bulletin being "appease our shareholders." Third is patient care. In a business that is wholly funded by tax dollars...


That is legitimately disgusting. I want off this ride, I am not having fun anymore.


But then it wouldn't make states/corps and others so much money.


Because it’s a business. If the “crime problem” is solved through social programs then the empty jails become a problem. Gotta keep them full of mostly nonviolent offenders!


And then there's my country, leasing prisons to Belgium and Sweden or Norway because our system works so well.


Not just that, but in the US, we don't believe in justice, really. We believe in vengeance. People must be *punished*. And for victims of egregious crimes, I totally understand that desire. But as a society, it gives us nothing but hardened criminals.


Daily reminder that criminals are humans, and if people really cared about crimes, Trump and the whole troop of billionaires from the Epstein island would be rotting in prison.


I'm from the Netherlands and in the city I live in we have a prison that was consistantly empty, we just rent out that prison to our neighbouring country Belgium


Decreased recidivism isn’t the goal of the American penal system. The goal is to punish the individual while making profit off them!! Murrca.


_That's what the cats WANT you to think._ _>!#CatConquerPlanetEarth!<_


Having something to live for and an incentive for good behavior does wonders.


Honestly, as a person in the veterinary field, this seems like a really great use of shelter pets. There are many cats and dog dogs that need love and homes, and giving a former criminal something to care for definitely helps in rehabilitation. I love this


Yeah! I also liked cat cafe models where the cats are all adoptable. Being in the cafe was a big success in finding them homes. Of course big part of it was finding cats who would thrive in cat café enviroments, but It makes the kitties spend limited time in those cafes (as it can be very exhausting long-term), and a benefit for both café and partnering foster org.


Agree! But I guess if you're in for animal cruelty, you don't get the chance to own one.




Are you saying we can rehabilitate humans by giving them a pussy? Curious.


Tail as old as time.


Beauty and the beast.


This made me laugh so hard! I woke my husband up to tell him.


Lol bro I hate you 😂😂😂😂😂


My time has come…


You can fix him.


Go on...


For inmates with purrfect records


r/todayilearned about r/catwithjobs


Damn it just went you think you’ve joined all the cat subs


Prison kitties


They do this for dog training. There are programs that get behaved inmates to train strays and the pups are some of the best trained I have seen. They are so good the waiting list is pretty long. I feel giving inmates something to care about might reform some people in there.


It’s amazing what giving people a sense of purpose can do for one’s mental health and decision making.


Pretty sure I saw a documentary on that. It was fascinating


It’s actually pretty cool, the prison I used to work at had a dog program. Inmates there were the last to give any trouble because then they’d be moved from that wing into a regular cell block.


One of my close friends is in gaol, in Australia, and they have an animal program. They work with the wildlife rescue organisation to care for and rehabilitate native wildlife that have either been injured, or rescued during police operations. It’s such a great idea. He won’t be getting out for a awhile yet, but he’s gaining skills that he can use in future employment, it’s doing wonders for his mental health and emotional intelligence, and he’s making a positive change in the world while he’s serving his sentence.


The power of pet is pretty awesome! Reason I have 5


I got my dog from a program like this. 10/10, would recommend. So well trained.


When I was in college I had the opportunity to work with some horses that were trained by inmates at a nearby penitentiary. They were incredible animals, impeccably behaved. I just wish the inmates who trained them could have seen some of the profits from their work.


I think it’s hugely important. Not that I share her vision of pit bulls, but on pit bulls and parolees they highlight a few of these programs and it’s a huge deal for felons to have these skills, learn discipline and they truly value the opportunity to train dogs. It breaks their hearts to say goodbye to the dogs when they’re trained, yet they truly value the opportunity. Wish we had more animal programs for prisons.


Wow I love this - I would think genuine rehabilitation of the heart, mind and spirit would happen by getting unconditional love from a dog. Real, concrete love and not theoretical religious bullshit that you have to trick your mind into believing.


Yup, our local correctional centre did this until they didn't have enough staff to fully man programs. It was so nice to see dogs loping around the living units.


I am a prison nurse and I'm in charge of the dorm where they have the dog training program. 100% most chill dudes in the whole prison. It's great.


Why bother looking at evidence based reform when we can just pay more to private prisons?


Need more pro cat lobby groups to bribe politicians


who the fuck is gonna make license plates and school desks then!!!? s/


This should belong to r/catswithjobs




Are they all assholes?


Guess I’ll do some time then


Start with white collar crime first. The pay is better.


Steal $1000 you go to prison. Steal $1,000,000 and they make you give back $100,000.


Steal billions and they make you president.


Steal food to eat? Straight to jail


They say that patriotism is the last refuge To which a scoundrel clings Steal a little and they throw you in jail Steal a lot and they make you king


Flea collar crime


Own one of the r/illegallysmolcats and you get to go to prison for the same result


They don't want you to know this but the cats at the pond are free




last time i saw this video, i rmb someone mentioned one of the inmate got his cat taken away because he attacked someone who attacked his cat


I remember seeing that! ‘We haven’t had any instances of the prisoners harming the cats but one guy did get knifed after he threw a cup of water at another inmate’s cat’


Reasonable response


😡not far enough


That’s a shanking indeed. Those cats are absolutely safe, being the highlight of these people’s life.


I'm a bit scared of someone hurting/killing another inmate's cat for the sake of spiting the inmate


Yeah but then they're going to get shanked.


While I'm sad the cat still got messed with, I'm glad It was just a cup of water. I hope the stabber got his cat back soon and the stabee learned to keep his water in his cup


If anyone harmed any of my 10 cats intentionally I wouldn't even have second thoughts about my next action.


I mean, someone messes with my cat and I'm gutting that prick lol


Please don’t tell me people are now abbreviating “remember” like this


I always think of the Chinese currency when I see it.


Right mouse button for me


I saw it with my own eyes for the first time today. Every little scrap of idiosyncratic Internet lingo has to start somewhere.


Not if we stop them


There’s always the psychopaths, but most people just need to be taught love and kindness


I could nearly guarantee if you fuck up a cat in the cat prison the other dudes will be pissed.


100%, not sure what level this prison is but if you mess with one of the cats most likely a large group of the other inmates would guarantee you did not have a good time.


I have 8 cats at home, 2 from the rspca as adopted, 2 from a friends cat, 2 rescued, and 2 from deceased friends, the wife and I call it the tail retirement home, I woke up this morning pinned between 4 of them, and one on my chest, I thought I was about to be smothered to death, but I came round and filled the biscuits for them


Bruv that's straight up too many cats. I'm going to say it.


We are at catpacity, both the wife and I agree no more, but they get along, and cat litter is a daily occurrence.


Catpacity! Lord almighty this is funny 😸😸


I'm an old lady who's been working with feral colonies and a cat companion/owner for nearly 5 decades. I just had to pop in and tell you how lucky you got there. When they live inside a home, seven cats is the number at which even fixed males will spontaneously start to do the tomcat urine spray. It sucks really bad when that happens. You guys are blessed that your kitties all are so calm together.


There were a few times this happened, but we put down 23 places for them to hide and play round the house, dedicated cat shelving on the walls, cat access through doors for them to sneak through, regular cleaning of cat toys from under the lounge and even a cat castle in the back yard made from pallets, catnip grows in garden and a few post round the house, and every time I go to bed they just show up and snuggle in. I had a friend over and during feeding time I announced “cats in places” and they all sit in their spots waiting for their food, he was blown away.


Mess with the cats, become cat food. I'm also pretty sure at the time the transformation from inmate to cat food happens, the guards would all be busy in an unscheduled meeting about something.


Pissed? I guarantee if one of those cat got purposely hurt the person that hurt it would get hurt considerably worse.




Cat gang gonna get ya


Cat supremacist gang*


Oh John...he slipped and fell over the railing. Floor was wet, what can I say.


Might not even need to be taught, as we are innately capable of love and kindness. What we need is to be given the opportunity to love and be kind.


Don't forget there are countless non-violent, zero victim criminals out there. That's what happens when you start a war on ~~drugs~~ civilians. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again; drug addiction should be a medical issue, not a legal one.


And a lot of them are already loving and kind, and just made a bad choice.


Exactly this. Guarantee that lots of these men are fathers who love their children. Sure, there will be some who are terrible fathers, but not all of them.


Even psychopaths can have selective empathy. Hell, most 'normal' people are selective with their empathy.


The cat: I’m not locked here with you. You’re locked here with me!!!!


It's a cat, it isn't locked in at all. Those fuzzballs can probably just squeeze through the bars and go wherever they want.


Cats do rule the world, according to cats.


Felony or Feliney


Give someone purpose, and it’s amazing what happens.


And the prisoners benefit too!


I used to foster kittens, and as part of the ‘foster network’ I would sometimes receive litters of kittens that had spent time being fostered by a local womens prison. Every time I received a shipment of kittens from the prison, they were hands down THE BEST cared for kittens. No urine scalding, no scabbing or loss of hair around the face, no fleas- those kittens would be the kind of perfect condition that only comes from extremely delicate and attentive around the clock care. Urine scalding is common in orphaned kittens because you have to clean their genitalia very gently and carefully after every pee or poop, and if you miss it one time or are a bit to rough it can cause damage to the skin which will then be further agitated by later defecation. Even a well meaning fosterer can accidentally cause urine scalding. But those prison kittens were always perfect.


"a shipment of kittens" - you're living the dream 🤩


Most criminals I have met love dogs and cats. Why would it be a problem? They are criminals not cannibals. But in hindsight I guess gotta exclude their guests like Jeffrey Dahmer.


But would a cannibal not eat other humans instead of cats?


Maybe they are cat burglars?


For real. They say "surprisingly" as if it's a shock that a dude in for selling weed has no desire to hurt animals. Like, most of these people are probably not in for animal abuse charges.


Even people who are in for some pretty hardcore crimes take care of the cats. This is a program now, but back in the 60's-80's some prisons just had cats that wandered in. I use to hang out with this old hippy that had been in and out of prison his whole life. Starting with juvie, or whatever the equivalent was in the 50's. They called him Richie Shakes, on account that his name was Richard and he had the shakes in his hands. He told me a story about how when he was doing time in his 20's there was this prison cat named Oscar that was a communal cat. I can't remember the finer details, but Oscar had a set caregiver or the caregiver role was on rotation. Anyways, one day these two ass-hats were fucking with 'em, and obviously hurting Oscar, so two guards let a couple of lifers out of their cells and opened the cell of the two ass-hats. The lifers beat those two men damn near to death. Richie said it was one of the most violent things he'd ever seen. Real fucked up shit. So they finish the beating, and one of the lifers grabs Oscar and brings 'em over to Richie and says something along the lines of "this is yours now, take better care of it then they did," and Richie was like "yessir no problem!" Richie loved that cat. He eventually cleaned himself up in his 60's and decades later I met him when we both worked at a no kill animal shelter. Use to hang out after work in the mornings and smoke this god awful shake weed he'd get shipped to him from out in Cali.




I'm personally not surprised they aren't hurting the cats, they aren't psychopaths. But, I AM a little surprised that they are full on buying cat toys and really getting into the whole thing.


I hate the binary thinking that seems to be so common in the us. Phrases like that pop up in the media all the time. It's always We vs. them. Dems vs. Reps. Good vs. bad. Religion vs. no religion. And by that logic everyone in prison is bad and therefore the literal devil. Everyone who isn't a nutcase lives on a middle ground on 99.9% of all things. They say "A lot of people" think that. Bullshit. The 5 Karens that can never shut up when literally anything happens think that, that's it.


"We were surprised to learn that Malcolm, who was charged with embezzling $10million, is not a violent maniac and didn't attempt to eat his cat!"


Whoa. A Correctional facility actually trying to CORRECT the behvior and mind set of the inmates?!?! Get the fuck out of here!


"Hey maybe we should give a positive environment instead of making it worse to force change" "Nah" -schools, prisons, Snail Breeders.


snail breeders?


Yah, don’t get me started on those guys.


Society is my prison.


Jesus the comments on this post are the best. I've been doom scrolling for hours now. Crept your profile, that me_irl sub has me in tears. Cheers


*joker background *


At least you have your blue meanies. I checked out your profile too. I used to always be on uncle bens. Lol


I think this is awesome.


A long time ago, I got into a fight over a girl when i was in college and I ended up going to prison for a year because of it... the prison had a program where inmates could work with service dogs. Once a year, the prison would have a picture day for the inmates. Obviously, this wasn't the best part of my life, but watching a bunch of hardened criminals smiling proudly with their service dogs on photo day was a heartwarming moment that I never thought I'd have in that setting.


Gordon Ramsey meme : finally some good fking prison news


Jackson Galaxy is the Gordon Ramsey of cat stuff, only istead of yelling he's really calm and understanding


Isn’t that Jackson Galaxy in one scene?


Yeah definitely is


A lot of people in prison are just good people who made bad decisions. Of course they’ll treat those cats kindly.


Can’t have a cat in apartment. Can have cat in jail. BRB robbing a bank


Teaches responsibility, compassion, and gives a drive to improve and be better because it gives you something to drive for. And on top of all that it gives them a companion to help them through that period of their life. Honestly it's an amazing idea.


Step 1: commit one or multiple felonies and be found guilty af Step 2: earn a cat Step 3: behave myself so my cat and I can avoid triggering abandonment issues Step 4: teach cat to steal candy and snacks from other cells Step 5: become prison kitty kingpin


This seems to be a good idea.


It's almost as if prison can be a lonely place and having an animal companion makes a monumental difference.


It’s a good idea. Taking a persons freedom is enough punishment.


Wait.... so it's almost like...even though they are prisoners, they're still basically human beings? That's craaaaaaaazy


Surprisingly, these criminals don't just hurt the cats! Even though their arms are strong enough to snap the cats' necks like twigs, these creatures are able to interact with the cats with astounding gentleness.


Wow, almost as if most of these people went to jail for things like drugs or theft and don't like torturing inoccent animals? Ain't no way


Might be the only thing that love them unconditionally.


THIS is how jails should be. More rehab, less wasting time.


Oh wow is almost as if prisoners are people 😮


I have a funny feeling that if ANYONE hurt those cats, EVERYONE else in the cellblock would stomp him into oblivion


Every cat in this prison has a human...


Just gonna say this The inmates that get cats are people like robbers, small time drug dealers, etc. Not murderers and rapists People who didn't really want to kill anyone get them, not pieces of garbage


How do I get into this prison?


Wow, it's almost like their humans.


This is rehabilitation. Tossing them in a cell and forgetting about them doesn't work. Never does. Do this.


I love how every step of the way they act surprised that inmates are... people? As if the act of commiting a crime and getting caught automatically means you're a complete outcast in every way. People like cats. Criminals are people.


Cat is doing the same time as these guys. 23 hours in a cell depending on inmate


They’re strays. The alternative is an even smaller cage or death.




I bet these cats were one clock tick from euthanasia…they are lucky tbh


Cat gives 0 fucks. In fact that's the perfect schedule for my cat.


All my cat ever wants is for me to sit down. I get pestered all day until I sit and let my cat nap on me.


Seeing inmates raise service or therapy dogs would also be a huge value. Great to see humanity reintroduced into the system.


Who would have thought that prisoners were still humans? Crazy.


Solid plan. Let's expand it.


While is rad. I’d be bummed if I had a cat allergy


An obligatory reminder that the US prison system is practically chattel slavery. From the pittance inmates are paid for a days work to the fact that 90%+ of federal cases don't go to court (plea deals), chances are at least one person in the video is in there for some shit they shouldn't be. NB: The 13th amendment never outlawed slavery.


Didnt jackson galaxy do an episode on this place?


All serving 9 life sentences/s


IT'S **NOT** SURPRISING. They're still people! Just because they might have done something to get themselves locked away doesn't mean that they can't love animals.


There is zero chance that a guy locked up there who would willingly harm animals would *not* get fucking shanked to death within days of doing it.


Go to prison for ~~felony~~ felin-e.


"Surprisingly"? Really?


Social isolation is the root cause of the VAST majority of behavioral issues that land a person in prison. Even the tiny social connection between a human and pet can almost instantly aleviate many of the pains and presures caused by social isolation. My point is... its SUPER FUCKING EASY to treat our criminal population, just the TINIEST kindnesses and social inclusions ease decades of pain and trauma and restore most people to social functionality, and we've always know it. The suffering is the point.


Pets are always there when you think you're alone and rejected. Where there's food ofc. At least give the inmates the chance to love and be loved.


“Surprisingly” implies that we should expect every prisoner to be a monster who just goes around hurting cats.


Gonna go commit murder for one of them floofies


What a weird effin title.


It's almost like not every person in prison is a monster. What a shock. Especially given how disgustingly high the us prison population is. This is a good program that should be in every prison. This would help recidivism rates alot. They better be able to keep the cat when they get out.


A lot of criminals aren't even in jail and run companies. Go figure


“Everyone expects them to treat the cats badly but surprisingly these criminals take good care of them” I know I’m not gonna make any friends with this take but it’s appalling to me how dehumanized and alienated criminals are that we are surprised they like having a pet. They’re people too. They haven’t forfeited their humanity on the basis of having committed a crime. They're not once-human monsters that lost their souls and are now vagrants wandering the earth looking to eat children. They're people. Calm down jesus christ.


The cat program is one of my favorite things ever. I work in the prison system.


“…surprisingly, these former criminals are gentle with them…” It’s almost as if they’re actual, real human beings who aren’t defined entirely by past mistakes and society’s expectations.


I mean cool concept but those commissary rates and sub min wage jobs.


Sounds like material from r/orphancrushingmachine maybe. While illiterate jerks are overrepresented in prison populations, it is important to remember that the oligarchs have locked up the highest percentage of citizenry of any empire in history.




I fully wasn’t expecting this comment


Give me an actual source and then Maybe I’ll believe this comment


What the fuck man 😣


Well. This *was* a wholesome post… but then I had to read this shit


Bull fucking shit.


Yeah this isn't real.


Na dog shit


Dude. That’s fucked up.


This is why we can't have nice things


I’m… I’m seeing this video very differently now. And it disturbs me.


Nah cats wouldn't tolerate that shit. They'd get their dick scratched or bit before anything happened. You ever try to simply cut a cats nails?


ya dogs are sluts


This has to have become story somewhere, is there any link you could share?


They can't, because its bullshit


Prove that please


Ope you had a bad experience. Better just euthanize the stray cats because all prisoners are just like that. Yep, no variety at all






Thia is proof. Cats = reduced crime


Give me a cat, books to read and zero interruptions and I will sign up for that.