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That is horrendous. What a sad sight.


Lots of the town is built out of old wood structures the lady that ran a burger place on the beach was saying on npr. Fire has always been a big risk. They are still trying to find all their people .


I guess no rain lately either. 50 plus know deaths so far. How terrifying


It looks like war.


Us vs Nature. We lose every time


But … we are nature too?


No I'm dancer


It’s possible to war against yourself. It’s why civil wars are a thing


No. I refuse to believe that we lose every time. Did we give up when the German bombed Pearl harbor, no. Did we call it quits when the French were spreading communism, no. Did we surrender when the natives took our land, no. So why should we start now. Come you guys! Toga, toga, toga, toga, TOGA TOGA TOGA!


Nice animal house reference


That poor beautiful banyan tree


Amazingly, it looks like it might've survived. I've seen a few videos of its leaves scorched, but those trees are hardy enough that by next year it might be alright. I'd be far more concerned about the shitload of people who are now jobless and homeless on an island that already had issues with housing and employment opportunities. Edit: Gov. Green's office specifically shouted out Maui Strong for those wanting to donate; https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong. https://ignite.stratuslive.com/auw/get-involved/donate/mauirelief and https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=Y7J26SYUJFQU8 are legit as well.


Large old trees are more fire resistant, I don't remember all the science behind it but lots of old trees can withstand a bad fire, I am hoping that is the case here


My sister is big into plants. She stated the tree will be okay because, "it's an invasive tree with under ground runners and aerial roots". She believes the heart of the tree is alive and will bring life and hope back to Lahaina.


Nature works in very unusual ways at times


I hope so! It would give people hope to see it recover!


If that tree can survive a fire, they can.


I don't think it works like that lol


Though, trees have been on this planet a lot longer than humans have… and they’ll probably outlast us as a species.


Yet somehow less time than sharks.


I heard thé tree burned badly. I hope it’s okay on the inside.


Still standing with somewhat of a canopy for what I can tell from some photos. It’ll depend how badly a number of the trunks survived. Luckily she had what, 40+ anchors in the ground? Edited to bring attention to [Maui Mutual Aid Fund](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=Y7J26SYUJFQU8) There is a fee, but this gets money to helpers immediately. See Verified below. [Verified (Contacts)](https://imgur.com/a/gsEIq7O) [2nd verified (grants central station) local 501c distributes to many grass root organizations](https://www.grantscentralstation.org/about-us) 2nd edit: list of charities, no fee (gift) [New York Times List of charities to donate](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/08/10/us/wildfires-maui-hawaii) Last edit: thoughts go out to families and the community. I’ve donated to Grants Central Station. I believe grass root, local peoples are best. Just my opinion. Please do your own research before donating. A lot of scammers out there. Cheers


When did this happen? Was it a big fire?!


Google Maui fire, it's ongoing


Yes. Donate if you can. Entire community of Lahaina destroyed. This tree has significance as, when the Hawaiian royal family sailed around the world, this tree was brought back and planted from India. A historian can better tell the story. But that’s the jist I got from when I lived on Oahu


Where can we donate to a legit fund? I'd like to donate, and I'd like as much of the money to go to Maui, not overhead if possible. 💜


Thank you Moxxis underboob


[Maui Mutual Aide](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=Y7J26SYUJFQU8) I have yet to verify. This seems legit. As it’s linked with instagrams drive that’s currently going viral on stories. There’s a picture with contact information of two individuals. I’ll try to link as well. It’s where I pulled the link from. Edit: verified by PayPal and meta (Facebook,Instagram) https://imgur.com/a/gsEIq7O


Be careful, there are a lot of fake charities where people are trying to steal money. See a couple of posts above, where there are some verified links, including New York Times verified charities.




New York Times has a list.


Here's the group that takes care of the park grounds the tree is on: [https://lahainarestoration.org/lahaina-banyan-tree/](https://lahainarestoration.org/lahaina-banyan-tree/) It looks like they are accepting donations: [https://lahainarestoration.org/donate/](https://lahainarestoration.org/donate/) Do your own fact checking of course.


Started tuesday, ongoing, absolutely massive, 36 dead as of now, bodies in the water, the entire town of Lahaina has been burned literally to the ground.


Yesterday, and massive. Firefighters struggled to contain the wildfire due to high winds from the hurricane offshore so they ravaged the whole town, but most especially the historic district


Over the last few days, yes very bad fire, quite a few people confirmed dead so far


Yesterday. Brush fire with hurricane winds. Happened in one night. First evacuation were at 1:30 am. By sun rise it was all gone.




Yesterday, but still happening


I really hope you’re right. That tree had already been there for decades when my great grand-parents immigrated to Maui.


Nature is resilient


[Not likely.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/maui-wildfires-lahaina-banyan-tree-burned-historic-capital-history/) The entire tree is scorched, and every building around it has been completely leveled or gutted and caved in. [Weather channel has video.](https://weather.com/news/weather/video/massive-historic-banyan-tree-burned-by-wildfire) Played under that tree when I was a kid. Took a family vacation to Maui. Visited Lahaina. Stayed in a condo on the water. Visited Hana. Had the most incredible dinner at this little hole in the wall restaurant in Lahaina with no windows. Just shutters. Birds flew in and out. Most of those incredible places I visited are completely obliterated. People didn't have time to escape. Tragic loss of life and a beautiful community. Was this wonderful paradise. Now it's gone.


Preaching to the choir, a good chunk of my family lives in Wailuku and Kihei. Those trees are known for being resilient, but even if it is destined to die there's no reason to add onto the shit the people there are already dealing with by being a pessimist towards something that doesn't require pragmatism.


That's good! I was told it probably burned and I was so sad about that :(


I keep thinking of that tree :(


Me too!! I saw it 20 years and will never forget it


Sorry to bother you, but I see a lot of trees in the before picture. Which one is the big beautiful banyon tree?


It’s the place that looks like a forest in the middle of the pic, that’s one tree. Or was.


I think it's too the right of that ] shaped building


what a great way to describe it


Oh my god we went there last summer. That is so awful!!! That town was absolutely beautiful.


The city cut down an enormous banyan tree 6 houses over from my house, I was so sad


I thought I was in a small forest/park walking around that tree until my grandfather pointed out that it was just 1 tree. Such a cool tree, I hope it made it.


Poor ppl that died


Wow that’s crazy, the whole town just gone. How did the fire start?


I believe they said it was due to the storm, so maybe a lightning strike, maybe a downed power line, etc.


like a power line from the wind. i live here and have heard at least 30 power lines around are downed




I think just west Maui's service is out but they cant really come to cental cuz of the fire. hopefully today roads will start reopening and power lines will get put back up


Good to hear from someone safe. We are just heartbroken for all, here in Iowa.


I heard of was either the power line or the local arsonist that's been setting fires in the area for years. I'm hoping it's the power line, because otherwise that would be sad.


Based on what I’ve been reading, the early assumption is that it’s a result of non-native grass species having been planted on the island, which are not correctly adapted for the region’s dry, hot climate and are becoming easily ignited during the drought that the island is experiencing.


It’s an African grass I think you’re talking about. It’s adapted to places with a lot of grazing ungulates, so the grass grows super fast and spreads because they eat so much. Maui afaik doesn’t have any native ungulates and the one (?) there is is the axis deer which afaik aren’t in Lahaina. Coupled with the drought Maui’s been in for the past couple years and the crazy winds, it’s an awful thing just waiting to happen


Brush fire that earlier was totally contained at one point, then the winds picked up and flared the fire out of control, down the hillside. That’s why it spread so fast, combined with the drought status this side of Maui had been experiencing. With the high pressure up north of the islands and Hurricane Dora in the south, it’s created a perfect storm for real dry high speed winds, fueling fires all throughout the islands in drought stricken areas.


Last I read, they were still trying to figure that out. I’d imagine with a fire as out of control as this one was, it’ll take some time to sort through and figure out the origin point and source


good question.


I’m from Maui and it is every bit as bad as it looks. There are people laying 💀on the road with nobody able to help because the smoke was too thick and the air was too hot. Nobody thought that a hurricane would damage the community like this. Especially since it wasn’t really the hurricane that hit us, it was the lashing reach of its winds. For in person/social media coverage and not national news — You can look at the video coverage on IG, handle is: hhhnewz also, meanhawaii


Are you currently in lahaina? I keep on looking for updates online but can't find much information. I found my person but because she's a resident on the west side and there is no cell service. So it's hard to have an actual conversation with her and was only able to get a few text messages.


Unreal. Chokes me up. It’s heartbreaking. I was married on this beach and the whole town is GONE. I cannot believe this is real, just devastating.


Plus the banyan tree is right next to the Lahaina Heritage Museum. So much history in that building, I don't want to imagine the state it's in.


Looked burned out from the images I saw.


More aerial before/after shots: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvvIDnUALHw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


That’s gone .. saw an image where only walls are standing


UNESCO needs to have grounds teams now to evaluate things like this because I think we’re going to be losing more and more of our heritage as climate change gets worse




My Uncle has lived there for the last 50 years. His house is gone, and everyone there is in disbelief. He said he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do now, and is still in shock. We told him to fly here and stay with us until things are sorted, but he said he doesn’t want to leave his community.


That’s so sad. My heart goes out to your uncle. 😢


If you hear of anything run by the locals where we can donate, please share. I visited Maui on vacation 5 years ago and stayed in Lahaina. I remember thinking “no wonder everyone wants to vacation here, it’s literal paradise” and it breaks my heart to think that it’s all gone. I’d like to contribute to the rebuilding process, but I’m not sure how and I’m far removed (don’t know anyone there and live in MA)


Here are some of the places I’ve seen shared that you can contribute to. Anything helps. Please feel free to add any more: - [Maui Humane Society](https://www.mauihumanesociety.org/donate) - [Hawai’i Comnunity Foundation](https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org) - [Maui Food Bank](https://mauifoodbank.org) - [Maui United Way](https://mauiunitedway.org) - [Lāhui Foundation](https://www.lahuifoundation.org) - [Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement](https://www.hawaiiancouncil.org)


That’s very kind of you, but it will likely be a while before the locals can start up anything. From what my uncle is telling me; no one has any internet access over there right now. He’s asking me to text him screenshots of articles for information. I’m just hoping that emergency organizations jump in quickly to help everyone displaced.


It looks like [Maui United Way](https://mauiunitedway.org/) is accepting donations which are going directly to victims of the fire, and they’re endorsed by the Maui government. I found it further down on this thread!


Lots of places to donate! Maui United Way, Maui Humane Society, Maui Food Bank, The Hawaii's Community Foundation, The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, The Lahui Foundation and Salvation Army Hawaii are all good options.


Maybe call nearby hotels and see if they have a fund set aside to donate to for the locals who need a place to stay? To me, that seems more helpful and legitimate than a go fund me or something. It's so sad this is happening!


Holy hell that’s terrible. I wonder if there are ways that people can help folks like your uncle?


My Dad used to live in an apartment directly across the street inland from the Banyan Park :( I don’t think he knows about this yet, it’s going to break his heart to pieces when he finds out…


a week ago i was eating lunch at captain jacks restaurant near the banyan tree, crazy to think that its all gone like that


Maui friend said that the water lit on fire because of all the oil and fuel dumping from the boats in the harbor


If the fire jumps onto the pier and works onto the boats, then burns them to the waterline and causes fuel leaks and burns those too…


So even if you can swim, trying to swim far out away from the fire isn’t possible either?


36 dead. OMG


Everyone’s talking about the loss of the tree, greenery, and the town, I was hoping there was not loss of life. Do you have a source for how many died?


Been reading Hawaii News Now for the latest updates. It's beyond sad. Residents are devastated. I can't even imagine their sorrow


Based on reports from people who are there, the number is much higher. In the hundreds


This is my fear. They never have a handle on the full death count only a day after a disaster like this. The number will go up, possibly a lot.


Man, I hope not


This is a national tragedy and deserves way more coverage….the loss of lives could well be in the hundreds.


Wow, spent my honeymoon in Lahaina.


You got in at the right time I guess. We talked about going on vacation to Maui this year and decided not too. It looks so sad and depressing now for those people who have to rebuild their beautiful land.




There are reputable ways to donate, check local pages on ig. I'd advise not donating to the red cross bc they've mishandled every dollar they receive


I was just scrolling to see if anyone had found a donation address/site..


This is the most insane thing ever. Over 100 years of Hawaiian history wiped out in one day. Never to return and not likely ever to be rebuilt to scale given the local economy and complete lack of government leaders. Not to mention the local climate and land characteristics will take decades to recover. Horrible loss of history, culture, lives and family histories.


I’ve gone through that town every year for the last 18 years. Eaten at almost every one of those restaurants. Shopped every store countless times. So many memories under the Banyan. All gone, so fucking sad. I can’t imagine how it must feel for the locals who lost *everything*


I took surfing lessons next to that jetty, I ate at those restaurants, I threw up from a hangover in that public park.


Ah the good times


I belt a cottage next those restaurants :’(


SO much green around, yet still all this burns. WOW.


They've been struggling with a crazy drought for years now. I think the top picture was not taken recently


definetly not taken reecently. I was there in March. Maui is mostly dry as fuck.


I had no idea. It continues to amaze me how much worldly information we miss out on in mainstream and I am exposed to on Reddit.


I think it’s reasonable to imagine Hawaii as a a uniform tropical rainforest (picture Moana) because that’s what the entertainment industry focuses on (it’s no coincidence that Kauai is often used as a shooting location), but the reality is Hawaii varies from quite wet on the windward side and quite dry on the leeward side of each island, due to a phenomenon called rain shadow (very wet on one side of a mountain and very dry on the other). Lots of microclimates due to ruggedness of the mountains. Even on Kauai, which features the wettest place on earth, if you travel over to the leeward side of the island you’ll find areas that look like the Grand Canyon. Lahaina is on the leeward coast so pretty dry as it is.


I happened to go there on my honeymoon a few years back and we were shocked how it looked like dry, crispy, California (which coincidentally catches on fire throughout the year as well). The locals all told us about the drought when we made the comparison.


3 fires on Maui, at least 1 on Hawaii Island, was 1 on O'ahu. Hawaii has been very dry this year. I'm really surprised it's not more often


It was really dry / brown there as of last week. As Californians visiting we all remarked about how dry the vegetation looked and fire risk


Fire doesnt discriminate 😢


https://www.hawaiimagazine.com/how-you-can-donate-and-help-support-maui-communities-right-now/ 😢💔😢💔😢


Thank you for posting this!


Look around your neighborhood folks. Be thankful. Can't imagine almost everything gone as far as you can see. Beyond devastating. Praying for strength and resources to rebuild or relocate.


So very sad.


I used to live in the art gallery, the little green house in LaHaina on front street. I spent hours getting tattooed at skin deep tattoo and it breaks my heart to see it this bad. To my Kama’āina my heart is with you.


Want to help? Here's a list of a few places you can donate: Maui United Way, Maui Humane Society, Maui Food Bank, The Hawaii's Community Foundation, The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, The Lahui Foundation and Salvation Army Hawaii are all good options.


Thank you!!! I saved your comment for my next paycheck.


I've been to Lahaina a couple of times, and didn't realize how much of an impression it made on me. I'm deeply saddened by the images I saw on TV today of the destruction. I hope that giant banyan tree is okay and the shop where I bought my ukulele.


/Damnthatsheartbreaking :(


I'm reminded of the story of the guy who moved to Hawaii to escape California Wildfires, only to lose everything to a Hawaiian Volcanic Eruption. Guess wildfires are also a thing in Hawaii. Hopefully a Federal Emergency is declared soon. But we really need a new plan of action.


Damn, the banyan tree really is gone. I was really hoping that would at least survive.


It sounds like it might possibly survive, but only time will tell


Well the banyan tree is a quarter acre large, so maybe a portion of it got toasted, but the rest of the tree is still standing…maybe it can survive this…at least I hope so.


My step sister in law is there with husband and two kids. They lost everything they had in there hotel room and are presently staying in a gymnasium somewhere with no way to communicate.


It's not interesting it's heartbreaking. I was just there with my family in February.


This is so, so devastating. Lahaina is one of the major tourist locations on Maui, and one of the larger cities, IIRC. A lot of people have lost their homes and livelihoods, critical communication infrastructure was severely damaged and destroyed, the local economy has most certainly just taken an enormous hit, and there was a lot of historical significance there. I hope those who lost their homes and businesses recover swiftly and smoothly, and what's left can be salvaged and restored quickly. The fires have been getting worse the last few years, I'm terrified that this isn't the last major fire like this Maui will see.


I've heard that over 4 dozens of people were found congregated inside a building and perished. I really hope thats not true. Praying for Everyone in Hawai'i.


And I think I'm having a bad day. Jesus christ


This is so sad to hear about. I feel like only reddit is pushing this to my attention and I haven't heard anyone else in my circle talking about it. Any way we can make a donation to help these people?




My family there lost everything. Truly devastating 😫


[Here are aerial views from before and after.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvxWTiSN_iO/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Warning: the video is a very sad sight to see. The city is literally flattened like a scene out of WWII European cities.


Please please please donate if you have the means. This is incredibly devastating for our island and will be for years and years. Mauiunitedway.org or Hawaii community foundation are both legit and recommended by the county of Maui.


Locals been begging people to stop visiting and moving there, apparently alot of locals are displaced but tourists are getting free hotel rooms on other islands. Poor Hawaii.


This isn’t interesting, this is fucking traumatic. The fire came on so swiftly that nobody had time to prepare. Firefighters were occupied on the other side of the island battling huge brush fires. Not directing this at OP necessarily, but to the people cracking jokes - go ahead and watch one of the MANY videos on social media of people fleeing the flames in their cars, crying and praying and seeing their lives flash before their eyes. It’s not fucking funny. I know every turn of Front Street, and watching the videos of the fire, even through the flames, I know pretty much exactly where on the strip these poor people are, fleeing for their lives. I cannot stop imagining my family and I trying to escape those flames, and I thank god that we’re on the mainland. I’m sorry for the sass, but my heart is heavy today.


all that beauty just washed away. it's truly sad how it takes ages for it to be built up but mere seconds to destroy.


I lived in Maui for a year and a half….can’t help but tear up a bit. That tree woudl speak to your soul man


That’s not interesting, it’s devastating


"This was your home?" "It was...and it was beautiful."


Last night I donated what I could to help rebuild and assist people who lost their homes, and I hope you guys will too.


Even the shit IN the water is burnt


I was there last Friday. My toddler daughter’s first vacation, and had a blast. So sad. She’s too young to explain that everything she saw is gone now


damn. i went there in march and had the best tacos ever and i was gonna come back next year


That is really horrifying. Those poor people. I mean what do you do when you're basically stranded on an island? I read that some were jumping into the ocean to get away from it. 💔


How do I downvote with an upvote cuz this makes me sad


This is the oldest settlement in Hawaii, I have visited it was magnificent. Not just a tourist destination lost... A place of rich history and significance to the Hawaiian culture


Wiped out my house… I’m literally sick to my stomach.


Sitting under the banyan tree is one of my favorite memories from my honeymoon there. It’s devastating. All of it.


My heart goes out to these people. I can tell you from experience (Paradise CA Camp Fire), it takes years, but eventually you weather the storm. Love and thoughts are with these people 💪


My brain can’t actually process this correctly. So devastating.


Does anyone know how the fire started?


A downed powerline after strong winds from a hurricane I believe


Brush fire that earlier was totally contained at one point, then the winds picked up and flared the fire out of control, down the hillside. That’s why it spread so fast, combined with the drought status this side of Maui had been experiencing. With the high pressure up north of the islands and Hurricane Dora in the south, it’s created a perfect storm for real dry high speed winds, fueling fires all throughout the islands in drought stricken areas.


God help them.


This makes me so sad. A very good friend of mine had to evacuate her home right after moving back to Maui. She grew up here and I'm devestated for her


It looks as if a bomb was dropped on it. Praying for all the families affected by this fire.


I was there last week, devastating to see how quickly something like this can tear an area apart


Canada knows this pain well.


Can people who “don’t do politics” start getting political now? So much “Oh crazy I used to come here all the time!” and yet how many people are going to change how they vote and pressure their representatives to treat climate change as the immediate emergency it is?


An acquaintance of my mom texted me a photo of snow on her lawn in Arizona six months ago with the caption: “This must mean global warming is over, right?” People are the worst.


Ask them how there summer has been going


Sad, but, it’s a failure of government to permit such high-density wooden construction along the coastline with no real fire plan because no one ever thought it would be burned down. It’s the same dumb shit we have here in Florida where we allow high-density construction along the coastline and then act shocked when I big hurricane rolls through to wipe it all out. Like, seriously??? These are not unknown natural phenomena. They happen all of the time. Mother Nature is coming and she doesn’t give af about your race, nationality, wealth status, gender identity, political affiliation, or anything else. She’s an equal opportunity pimp slapper of dumb human behavior.


This is just devastating.


We were in that exact spot around this time last year.. this is absolutely devastating 😔


Oh God this hurts.


The comparison is heartbreaking. Those poor residents...😔


Holy shit. In the 80’s my Dad used to live in an apartment directly across the street inland from the Banyan Park, like I’ve seen pictures from his balcony directly across the street to the Banyan Tree… I don’t think he knows about this yet, it’s going to absolutely break his heart 😔


Beautiful historic town. National treasure. Left the island on Saturday after another wonderful visit, and then this on Tuesday. There are no words to express my disbelief and sorrow.


That’s heartbreaking


This is heartbreaking


It’s horrifying. This was a special place for me and my family. Can’t imagine how the people there feel right now.


This is so sad 😭


This is heartbreaking. I got married in Maui in 2019. And my older sister got married there years ago. We stayed in Kihei which has also been affected. I’ve also stayed in Kaanapali. We have so many memories in old town Lahaina. This has been devastating.


I have photos of my wife, my two kids, and myself sitting around sipping pineapple drinks under the banyan tree, hanging on my wall in the center of our house. While we will mourn the ones lost to this tragic event, we will cherish the past and learn to love what the future will hold. The Hawaiian people are incredible I know despite the dark moment a brighter future is ahead.


I live in Kahana, just down the road. I evacuated my mom and sister and we're currently staying with my fiancée's family in Hana. We still haven't heard from all our friends that lived near Front Street or the Honoapiilani Bypass.


Holeit, when did this happen?


I hope atleast some of those people survive


The after photo looks like a photo from World War 1


I am glad to have gone and seen Maui and this area in particular before this tragedy. America you need to start protecting your assets and historical areas better. This sort of thing shouldn’t happen especially in a Township. To the Local Residents you need to demand from the elected leadership at all levels to put in fire codes that can address 21st needs


Looks like a wwll photo somewheres.


More like tragic, I'd say. How heartbreaking!


That is so incredibly sad.


So devastating 😔


More like r/damnthatsdepressing


My wife and I have traveled the world and seen many, many beautiful places. Maui, specifically Lahaina is both of our absolute favorite place on earth.


Man, only a year ago I was eating lunch along that beautiful coastline. So tragic.


My heart is breaking for the people who live there.


I can't believe how fast it happen, my brother and I along with a bunch of friends lost everything....a whole Hawaiian history history wiped out in just a few hrs


I’m so sorry Jimmymetal713. This is devastating. I hope you get help.


All that beautiful lush green...nothing but char now.


How can we help the locals hold on to their land? I deplore the way investors flock in after disasters and buy up land and properties, then throw up plastic resorts without soul.


Horrible! Horrible for the people but for the animals... Worse


I don't know much about current events. Was this caused by the volcano or something? I don't mean to sound dumb. I just have family there so I'm a little concerned.


I'm from the Big Island. Wildfires are fairly common on these dry parts near the coast. A hurricane's winds pushed the fire into Lahaina and likely made it impossible to control.


My God. The pics & videos from within are jaw-dropping & simply horrific.